992 resultados para Chile Project


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A capacidade de redistribuição de renda das políticas públicas é fundamental para enfrentar o problema da desigualdade socioeconômica que caracteriza os países da América Latina. Este estudo explica a variação no escopo e nas trajetórias percorridas pelas propostas de reformas tributária e trabalhista durante os governos de centro-esquerda no Chile e no Uruguai, nos anos 2000. Para explicar os diferentes trajetos de reforma, o estudo fornece um quadro analítico que enfatiza a importância do equilíbrio do poder político, condicionado pela estrutura da desigualdade socioeconômica. Quando as elites econômicas têm um poder político e econômico desproporcional e sem contrapeso, os governos de centro-esquerda têm pouca chance de aprovar reformas progressistas que aumentem os impostos sobre as elites econômicas ou expandam os direitos coletivos dos trabalhadores. No entanto, esta assimetria pode ser compensada quando a correlação de forças sociopolíticas inclui atores coletivos organizados que expressam os interesses dos sectores médios e baixos, de modo de contrabalançar o viés favorável às elites. No Chile, onde os recursos de poder estão altamente concentrados, a redistribuição teve um papel marginal na agenda de reformas dos governos da Concertación (2000-2010). As condições de trabalho e os impostos experimentaram apenas alterações marginais. Isto levou ao que neste estudo chama-se de um "sistema distributivo restritivo". No Uruguai, onde a correlação de forças sociopolíticas era mais equilibrada, os governos de centro-esquerda liderados pelo Frente Amplio (2005-2014) promoveram uma agenda de redistribuição ambiciosa, que resultou em um "sistema distributivo amplo". O estudo foi baseado em um extenso trabalho de campo que incluiu a coleta de dados primários em todas as áreas de política pública e em cada país para o período 2000-2013. Fontes de dados primários incluíram entrevistas com informantes qualificados, o levantamento da imprensa e o seguimento do processo parlamentar, juntamente com uma ampla consulta de fontes secundárias. O estudo contribui para a literatura sobre a democracia e a redistribuição na América Latina, visto que especifica as condições em que os governos de esquerda podem estender a capacidade de redistribuição do Estado através da política tributária e da política trabalhista. O trabalho fornece uma compreensão complexa da combinação de variáveis que interagem para gerar diferentes padrões de redistribuição de renda em duas sociedades específicas. Contudo, o marco teórico e metodológico desenvolvido oferece ferramentas de ampla aplicação para o estudo dos processos políticos de redistribuição em sociedades democráticas.


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This is the River Dart Salmon Project Summary of Phase I Report (2002) by the Westcountry Rivers Trust. The report contains sections on the introduction to Dart Salmon, factors affecting salmon numbers, salmon rod catch and salmon electro-fishing data, and a summary and discussion of the next phase. It also contains two tables with time series analysis on fry/parr numbers in representative section of the River Dart and figures with trends in fry/parrs numbers at juveniles electro-fishing sites. The section on salmon rod catch data includes trend analysis, cross-correlation of catches in different rivers and a general conclusion.


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This is the River Dart Salmon Project Summary of Phase II Report (2002) by the Westcountry Rivers Trust. The report contains sections on the project introduction, methods, habitat utilisation (predicted densities) and distribution at Walla Brook, Swincombe and Strane, bio-monitoring of water chemistry and suggested action at local, catchment and research scale. The attached maps show spawing, fry and juveniles habitats in the lower or upper Walla Brook.


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This is the Investigation of rising nitrate concentrations in groundwater in the Eden Valley, Cumbria report produced by the Environment Agency in 2003. This report focuses on groundwater nitrate concentrations in the Eden Valley. Most boreholes in the Eden Valley had nitrate concentrations less than 20 mg/l but a significant number had higher concentrations, some exceeding the EC maximum admissible concentration for drinking water of 50 mg/l. The main objectives of this report were to investigate the causes of rising nitrate concentrations in groundwater in the Permo-Triassic sandstone aquifers of the Eden Valley area and provide sufficient understanding of the groundwater and surface water flow system, including the sources of the nitrate contamination and the processes controlling nitrate movement, so that possible management options for reversing this trend can be considered.


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This is the report on the Leven estuary project: Fisheries Department final report produced by the Environment Agency North West in 1997. This report contains information about Leven estuary, river Leven catchment, river Crake catchment and the Ulverston Discharges. The Leven estuary is characterised by being very shallow, and shares the extremely variable tides and currents that characterize the whole of Morecambe Bay. There was little detailed knowledge of the impact on the Leven estuary, and particularly its fisheries, of the discharges from Ulverston. There has been some concern expressed by the lave netsmen and the general public about the possible harmful effects of the effluents on the biology of the estuary. In the absence of a definite strategy for the protection and management of the estuary was born this project. The project involves water quality monitoring, effluent and estuary toxicity testing, tracking of effluent plumes, and salmonid tagging and tracking. The entire project commenced in June 1995 and was expected to reach a conclusion in March 1997. The information gained from the project was expected to contribute to the creation of a 'mixing zone' for the effluent, and to improve the environmental management of the estuary and protection of its fishery.


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This is the River Leith fluvial audit: Final project report produced by Lancaster University in 1998. Freeze cores extracted from the upper and lower ends of River Leith illustrate that the bed is highly compacted in the downstream reach. Fine material is locally derived from bedrock at depths of only 32 cms into the bed and in one core fine material is 66% of the extracted core. Levels of fines that are believed to be detrimental to fish are put at 20 to 30%. Reduced flow and stream power from water abstraction may lead to a greater infiltration of fine material if gravels are not regularly flushed through with flood flows. Infiltration of fine material can lead to river bed compaction and concretion. A small abstraction may have no effect on the morphology of a river if the reduced discharge is within the normal range of flows experienced. However if the impact on flows is small it is still possible that fine sediment problems will develop progressively and the effects may not be noticed for several years.


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This is the Acid rain project biosurveys of streams in the Wastwater catchment produced by the North West Water Authority in 1985. This report forms part of a series on component biological investigations, identified by location or topic, within the acid rain project. Reporting of the Wastwater catchment data would not have been given priority ordinarily, but it has been brought forward to coincide with J. Robinson's reporting of his investigations of land use and liming in the catchment. This report shows water chemistry results of a violent rainstorms such pH, alkalinity, Mg, Ca and Al. Moreover it shows invertebrate, fish and chemical data for Wastwater catchment sites.


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This is the final presentation from the Moston Brook Evidence and Measures project which ran from September 2012 to March 2013. Moston Brook water body is part of the River Irwell Pilot Catchment and the objective of the project was to devise reliable measures (actions) which were based on existing evidence and that could be implemented in years 2 and 3 by the Environment Agency and its partner to help meet Water Framework Directive (WDF) requirements and community aspirations. The presentation summarises the main suspected causes of WDF failure, the evidence for this, the main causes for failure in the sub-catchments resulting from the evidence found, and identifies measures to carry out, which will address the WDF failures and improve the quality of the water. This presentation can be used to inform others on how to improve the water quality of Moston Brook, and also to support other similar initiatives.


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Implementation of the SDC funded project ‘Improving Employment and Income through Development of Egypt’s Aquaculture Sector’ commenced on 1st December 2011 and will continue until late 2014. This report summarizes the results of the first 10 months until 30th September 2012. The project was based on a value chain analysis carried out by WorldFish in September 2011. The information in the VCA acts as the baseline for the main project parameters. It established that the aquaculture value chain is a significant employer (14 FTE per 100 tonnes of annual production), particularly in rural areas and there was scope to increase employment of youth and women.


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