892 resultados para Chiasmolithus bidens
Ocean Drilling Program Leg 135 drilled at two sites on the Tonga Ridge. Calcareous nannofossils recovered at Site 840 on the Tonga Ridge date the sedimentary sequence as late Pleistocene or Holocene (CN15) through late Miocene (CN9) in age. A hiatus occurs in the mid Pliocene. Site 841 in the Tonga Trench yielded a sedimentary sequence with nannofossils from middle Pleistocene Subzone CN14b through the middle or late Eocene Subzones CP14a-CP15b overlying a rhyolitic volcanic basement. Part of the Eocene interval contains the shallow-water nannofossil taxa Braarudosphaera, Micrantholithus, and Pemma. A major unconformity separates lower Oligocene Zone CP 16 from lower middle Miocene Zone CN4 strata.