998 resultados para Chemistry -- Mathematics
Ionic liquid gel materials offer a way to further utilise ionic liquids in technological applications. Combining the controlled and directed assembly of gels, with the diverse applications of ionic liquids, enables the design of a heady combination of functional tailored materials, leading to the development of task specific / functional ionic liquid gels. This review introduces gels and gel classification, focusing on ionic liquid gels and their potential roles in a more sustainable future. Ionic liquid gels provide the ability to build functionality at every level, the solid component, the ionic liquid, and any incorporated active functional agents. This allows materials to be custom designed for a vast assortment of applications. This diverse class of materials has the potential to yield functional materials for green and sustainable chemistry, energy, electronics, medicine, food, cosmetics, and more. The discussion of the development of ionic liquid gel materials for applications in green and sustainable chemistry centres on uses of ionic liquid gels in catalysis and energy.
The provision of mathematics learning support in higher-level institutions on the island of Ireland has developed rapidly in recent times with the number of institutions providing some form of support doubling in the past seven years. The Irish Mathematics Learning Support Network aims to inform all mathematics support practitioners in Ireland on relevant issues. Consequently it was decided that a detailed picture of current provision was necessary. A comprehensive online survey was conducted to amass the necessary data. The ultimate aim of the survey is to benefit all mathematics support practitioners in Ireland, in particular those in third-level institutions who require further support to enhance the mathematical learning experience of their students. The survey reveals that the majority of Irish higher-level institutions provide mathematics learning support to some extent, with 65% doing so through a support centre. Learners of service mathematics are the primary users: first-year science, engineering and business undergraduates, with non-traditional students being a sizeable element. Despite the growing recognition for the need to offer mathematics learning support almost half of the centres are subject to annual review. Further, less than half the support offerings have a dedicated full-time manager, while 60% operate with a staff of five or fewer. The elevation of mathematics support as a viable and worthwhile career in order to attract and retain high quality staff is seen by many respondents as the crucial next phase of development.
The density and composition of stream bed metal deposits are affected by physical, chemical and biological processes. In this paper we investigate the importance of these processes and their relation to algal and non-photosynthetic detrital (NPD) biomass in a set of upland streams in Northern Ireland. Deposit density and Fe, Mn, Al and P concentrations varied with stream pH across sites but not seasonally. No effects of stream bed erosion or photoreduction were detected on deposit densities. Seasonal variation in stream water metal concentrations was correlated with rainfall. NPD biomass was a significant predictor of both spatial and seasonal variation in deposit concentrations. There were strong, non-linear, relations between NPD biomass and deposit metal concentrations, with Fe and Mn becoming relatively more important and algal biomass declining above threshold deposit/NPD densities. The results suggest that NPD biomass influences deposit density and reduces the biomass of photosynthetic autotrophs above a threshold deposit density.
Fossil mesofauna and bacteria recovered from a paleosol in a moraine situated adjacent to the inland ice, Antarctica, and dating to the earliest glacial event in the Antarctic Dry Valleys opens several questions. The most important relates to understanding of the mineralogy and chemistry of the weathered substrate habitat in which Coleoptera apparently thrived at some point in the Early/Middle Miocene and perhaps earlier. Here, Coleoptera remains are only located in one of six horizons in a paleosol formed in moraine deposited during the alpine glacial event (> 15 Ma). A tendency for quartz to decrease upward in the section may be a detrital effect or a product of dissolution in the early stage of profile morphogenesis when climate was presumably milder and the depositing glacier of temperate type. Discontinuous distributions of smectite, laumontite, and hexahydrite may have provided nutrients and water to mesofauna and bacteria during the early stage of biotic colonization of the profile. Because the mesofauna were members of burrowing Coleoptera species, future work should assess the degree to which the organisms occupied other sites in the Dry Valleys in the past. Whereas there is no reasonable expectations of finding Coleoptera/insect remains on Mars, the chemistry and mineralogy of the paleosol is within a life expectancy window for the presence of microorganisms, principally bacteria and fungi. Thus, parameters discussed here within this Antarctic paleosol could provide an analogue to identifying similar fossil or life-bearing weathered regolith on Mars.
In the 21st century, information has become the most valuable resource that is available to modern societies. Thus, great efforts have been made to develop new information processing and storage techniques. Chemistry can offer a wide variety of computing paradigms that are closely related to the natural processes found in living organisms (e.g., in the nervous systems of animals). Moreover, these phenomena cannot be reproduced easily by solely using silicon-based technology. Other great advantages of molecular-scale systems include their simplicity and the diversity of interactions that occur among them. Thus, devices constructed using chemical entities may be programmed to deal with different information carriers (photons, electrons, ions, and molecules), possibly surpassing the capabilities of classic electronic circuits.
A diversidade, complexidade e imprevisibilidade que caracterizam a sociedade actual exigem da Escola uma articulação eficaz entre as aprendizagens e a realidade sociocultural dos alunos, de modo a promover a formação de cidadãos instruídos, competentes, críticos e aptos para aprender a aprender ao longo da vida. Neste sentido, é crucial contextualizar e gerir o currículo, adequando-o à multiplicidade e idiossincrasias dos alunos e seus contextos, assegurando-lhes aprendizagens funcionais e de qualidade. A implementação do processo de Reorganização Curricular do Ensino Básico, consubstanciado através da promulgação do Decreto-Lei n.º 6/2001, de 18 de Janeiro, ambiciona(va) melhorar a eficácia de resposta da escola ao seu mandato social, atribuindo a esta a centralidade na reconceptualização do currículo nacional em função dos contextos com que trabalha. Para tal, a auto-implicação, a negociação e a colaboração são pressupostos indispensáveis a um processo de gestão curricular centrado na escola e operacionalizado no contexto das suas diferentes estruturas. Nesta perspectiva, estruturas de gestão curricular intermédia como o conselho de turma e o departamento curricular, assumem particular ênfase na promoção e desenvolvimento de práticas de colaboração docente fulcrais a processos de gestão curricular. Assim, analisar e aprofundar conhecimento sobre condições facilitadoras, bem como factores de dificultação, do desenvolvimento de práticas de colaboração docente no contexto das referidas estruturas, identificadas na sequência da implementação da orientação de política curricular traduzida no referido decreto-lei constituiu o principal objectivo subjacente a este estudo. Procurou-se relacionar esta análise com dimensões de cultura profissional e organizacional, que a literatura e a investigação revistas documentam como factores relevantes na transformação de práticas curriculares. O presente estudo decorreu em dois momentos: o primeiro, no ano lectivo de 2006/2007, assumiu uma natureza predominantemente quantitativa, privilegiando-se como técnica de recolha de dados o inquérito por questionário aplicado 2718 professores que se encontravam a leccionar Ciências da Natureza, Ciências Naturais ou Ciências Físico-Químicas na rede de escolas públicas com 2º e 3º Ciclos da Direcção Regional de Educação do Norte (DREN) e do Centro de Área Educativa (CAE) de Aveiro, o qual foi complementado com a realização de uma entrevista semi-estruturada a seis professores de Ciências Físicas e Naturais; o segundo momento, realizado no ano lectivo de 2007/2008, adoptou uma metodologia de investigação, essencialmente, qualitativa – estudo de caso – desenvolvido numa escola básica com 2º e 3º ciclos com doze professores pertencentes a um conselho de turma e com oito professores de Ciências Físicas e Naturais afectos ao departamento curricular de Matemática e Ciências Experimentais. Este momento caracterizou-se pela: i) realização de dois percursos formativos, um com professores do conselho de turma e outro com os professores de Ciências Físicas e Naturais; ii) observação de reuniões de trabalho em contexto das estruturas supramencionadas; iii) planificação, implementação e avaliação de uma aula em regime de co-docência, abordando uma temática na perspectiva Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade e iv) realização de entrevistas a todos os professores participantes, aos Presidentes do Conselho Executivo e do Conselho Pedagógico e à Coordenadora do Departamento Curricular de Matemática e Ciências Experimentais. O sistema de análise de dados utilizado visou a compreensão das dinâmicas de trabalho docente desenvolvidas no processo de gestão curricular no contexto das estruturas de gestão intermédia em análise. Neste sentido, privilegiaram-se a análise estatística e de conteúdo como técnicas de tratamento dos dados. Os resultados deste estudo apontam para a prevalência de uma cultura docente fortemente individualizada, balcanizada e burocratizada, facto que restringe o desenvolvimento de práticas de gestão curricular e de dinâmicas de trabalho docente sustentadas e adequadas ao contexto e necessidades específicas dos alunos. Sugerem, igualmente, que o desenvolvimento de práticas de colaboração docente não é consequência directa da decisão espontânea e voluntarismo dos professores ou de uma imposição externa não assumida pelos mesmos, mas sim de uma convergência de factores de responsabilização, reconhecimento da utilidade e eficácia da colaboração, e incentivo organizacional que se revelaram pouco significativos no estudo em causa. Por outro lado, indiciam que uma efectiva colaboração docente implica transformações no plano das culturas, que não decorrem dos normativos, e é potenciada por processos de negociação, onde os diferentes actores educativos partilham responsabilidades e uma autonomia cimentada numa visão colectiva e integradora do projecto educativo e curricular da escola. No sentido de contribuir para a consolidação do conhecimento no domínio em estudo, consideramos necessária a realização de outras investigações centradas no mesmo objecto de estudo, mas desenvolvidas em outros contextos escolares.
Todos os sistemas aquáticos estão potencialmente expostos a alterações nos parâmetros da água em consequência de fenómenos ambientais tais como deposição ácida, lixiviação de iões dos solos e alterações climáticas. Dado que os parâmetros químicos da água estão geralmente correlacionados, é pertinente estudar os seus efeitos combinados para o biota aquático. Assim, o principal objetivo desta tese é avaliar a importância ecológica da variação simultânea dos principais parâmetros fisico-químicos da água nos parâmetros de história de vida dos crustáceos tanto na ausência como na presença de metais. Foram estudados os seguintes parâmetros: dureza (0.5 - 3.5 mM), alcalinidade (0.3 - 2.3 mM), pH (5.7 - 9.0) e temperatura (13 - 30ºC). A Daphnia magna foi usada como espécie modelo representando os crustáceos aquáticos. A variação simultânea da dureza e alcalinidade afetou significativamente o crescimento, reprodução e crescimento populacional de Daphnia; no entanto, os efeitos da dureza excederam os efeitos da alcalinidade. Pareceu haver interação entre a dureza e alcalinidade na reprodução dos dafnídeos, o que sugere que os efeitos da variação da dureza para Daphnia e provavelmente outros crustáceos poderão depender do nível de alcalinidade. O pH e dureza da água exerceram efeitos combinados para Daphnia, sendo os efeitos do pH mais pronunciados do que os efeitos da dureza. A diminuição do pH reduziu a sobrevivência, crescimento, reprodução, taxa de ingestão e crescimento populacional dos dafnídeos. No entanto, os efeitos do pH baixo foram mais adversos a baixa dureza, o que sugere uma interação entre estes parâmetros. Assim, a diminuição do pH em lagos de água mole pode ser um estressor determinante para os crustáceos sensíveis à acidez, ameaçando a sua sobrevivência e, consequentemente, afetando a estrutura das cadeias alimentares aquáticas. A temperatura e a química da água (dureza e alcalinidade) interagiram entre si nos parâmetros de história de vida de Daphnia; no entanto, os efeitos da temperatura excederam os efeitos da química da água. De um modo geral, temperaturas extremas reduziram o crescimento, reprodução e, consequentemente, o crescimento populacional de Daphnia. Os efeitos do aumento da temperatura foram mais adversos a baixa dureza e alcalinidade, aumentando a preocupação com os efeitos ecológicos do aquecimento global em águas moles. A dureza e alcalinidade da água também desempenharam um papel importante na toxicidade aguda e subletal (inibição da ingestão) dos metais para Daphnia. A diminuição da dureza aumentou a toxicidade aguda do zinco. Por outro lado, a diminuição da alcalinidade aumentou a toxicidade aguda e subletal do cobre, mas reduziu a toxicidade subletal do zinco, tornando evidente o importante papel da alcalinidade na toxicidade subletal dos metais para Daphnia. Globalmente, os parâmetros fisico-químicos da água parecem interagir entre si, afetando os parâmetros de história de vida e o crescimento populacional de Daphnia e também afetam a toxicidade dos metais. Em particular, a baixa dureza agrava os efeitos adversos da diminuição do pH, aumento da temperatura e toxicidade dos metais, o que aumenta a preocupação com os efeitos ecológicos da sua variação simultânea sobre os crustáceos e, portanto, sobre as cadeias alimentares aquáticas.
Tésis de Doctorado en Filosofía, Universidad de Indiana, Bloomington, 2000
Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Química Farmacêutica e Terapêutica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2016
Fabricating Ge and Si integrated structures with nanoscale accuracy is a challenging pursuit essential for novel advances in electronics and photonics. While several scanning probe-based techniques have been proposed, no current technique offers control of nanostructure size, shape, placement, and chemical composition. To this end, atomic force microscope direct write uses a high electric field (> 109 V m-1) to create nanoscale features as fast as 1 cm s-1 by reacting a liquid precursor with a biased AFM tip. In this work, I present the first results on fabricating inorganic nanostructures via AFM direct write. Using diphenylgermane (DPG) and diphenylsilane (DPS), carbon-free germanium and silicon nanostructures (SIMS, x-ray PEEM) are fabricated. For this chemistry, I propose a model that involves electron capture and precursor fragmentation under the high electric field. To verify this model, experimental data and simulations are presented. High field chemistry for DPG and DPS has also been demonstrated for both sequential deposition and the creation of nanoscale heterostuctures, in addition to microscale deposition using a flexible stamp approach. This high field chemistry approach to the deposition of organometallic precursors could offer a low-cost, high throughput alternative for future optical, electronic, and photovoltaic applications.
Today more than 99% of plastics are petroleum-based because of availability and cost of the raw material. The durability of these disposed plastics contributes to the environmental problems as waste and their persistence in the environment causes deleterious effects on the ecosystem. Environmental pollution awareness and the demand for green technology have drawn considerable attention of both academia and industry into biodegradable polymers. In this regard green chemistry technology has the potential to provide solution to this problematic issue. Laccase bio-grafting has recently been the focus of green chemistry technologies due to the growing environmental concerns, legal restrictions and increasing availability of scientific knowledge. In the last several years, research covering various applications of laccases has been increased rapidly particularly in the field of grafting. In principle, laccase-assisted graft co-polymerization may impart a variety of new functionalities to a polymer. The modified polymers through grafting have a bright future and their development is practically boundless. In present work, novel biodegradable graft copolymers combining the advantages of bacterial cellulose backbone and PHB side chains will be prepared by introducing enzymatic grafting technique. The present research will be a first step in the biopolymer modification. To date no report has been found in literature explaining the enzymatic grafting of PHAs. The technique would also provide an efficient modulation approach to improve the biodegradability and biocompatibility of the graft copolymer. The newly grafted copolymers will exhibit unique functionalities with wider range of potential applications mainly in tissue engineering, biosensors, pharmaceutical industry (drug delivery systems) and bio-plastics.
The move into higher education is a real challenge for students from all educational backgrounds, with the adaptation to a new curriculum and style of learning and teaching posing a daunting task. A series of exercises were planned to boost the impact of the mathematics support for level four students and was focussed around a core module for all students. The intention was to develop greater confidence in tackling mathematical problems in all levels of ability and to provide more structured transition period in the first semester of level 4. Over a two-year period the teaching team for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology provided a series of structured formative tutorials and “interactive” online problems. Video solutions to all formative problems were made available, in order that students were able to engage with the problems at any time and were not disadvantaged if they could not attend. The formative problems were specifically set to dovetail into a practical report in which the mathematical skills developed were specifically assessed. Students overwhelmingly agreed that the structured formative activities had broadened their understanding of the subject and that more such activities would help. Furthermore, it is interesting to note that the package of changes undertaken resulted in a significant increase in the overall module mark over the two years of development.
In Nonlinear Optimization Penalty and Barrier Methods are normally used to solve Constrained Problems. There are several Penalty/Barrier Methods and they are used in several areas from Engineering to Economy, through Biology, Chemistry, Physics among others. In these areas it often appears Optimization Problems in which the involved functions (objective and constraints) are non-smooth and/or their derivatives are not know. In this work some Penalty/Barrier functions are tested and compared, using in the internal process, Derivative-free, namely Direct Search, methods. This work is a part of a bigger project involving the development of an Application Programming Interface, that implements several Optimization Methods, to be used in applications that need to solve constrained and/or unconstrained Nonlinear Optimization Problems. Besides the use of it in applied mathematics research it is also to be used in engineering software packages.
The fast development of distance learning tools such as Open Educational Resources (OER) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC or MOOCs) are indicators of a shift in the way in which digital teaching and learning are understood. MOOC are a new style of online classes that allow any person with web access, anywhere, usually free of charge, to participate through video lectures, computer graded tests and discussion forums. They have been capturing the attention of many higher education institutions around the world. This paper will give us an overview of the “Introduction to Differential Calculus” a MOOC Project, created by an engaged volunteer team of Mathematics lecturers from four schools of the Polytechnic Institute of Oporto (IPP). The MOOC theories and their popularity are presented and complemented by a discussion of some MOOC definitions and their inherent advantages and disadvantages. It will also explore what MOOC mean for Mathematics education. The Project development is revealed by focusing on used MOOC structure, as well as the quite a lot of types of course materials produced. It ends with a presentation of a short discussion about problems and challenges met throughout the development of the project. It is also our goal to contribute for a change in the way teaching and learning Mathematics is seen and practiced nowadays, trying to make education more accessible to as many people as possible and increase our institution (IPP) recognition.