932 resultados para Cell Lung-cancer


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This article explores the complex and neglected picture of occupational and environmental disease healthcare costs specifically relating to asbestos. Diagnosed mesothelioma cases in Scotland in one calendar year were used to investigate the subject in greater depth. Data from UK sources on asbestos disease types recorded in 2000 and their disease treatment costs were obtained. Acute care economic costs of these diseases are estimated. One hundred and twenty diagnosed, recorded, and treated cases of asbestos-related diseases occurred in 2000 in Scotland. Mesothelioma accounted for 100 cases and directly cost Scottish National Health Service hospitals an estimated 942,038 pounds. The estimated UK figure in 2000 was at least 16,014,646 pounds because official figures for diagnosed and recorded deaths from mesothelioma are running at over 1700 a year with rises predicted for 2010 of 2000 deaths. By 2003, 50,000 people in the UK had died from diagnosed and recorded mesothelioma since records began. Earlier disease treatment costs would have been significantly lower than those in 2000 but, at 2000 prices, cost to the UK was roughly 471,019,000 pounds in acute hospital expenditure. Figures for primary care costs, including caregiver costs, are incomplete or unknown. These disease costs are substantial and have some international generalizability. Treatment patterns and costs vary greatly. Many lung cancer cases due to asbestos exposure occur globally for each mesothelioma case. Hence figures provided in this article are certain to be gross underestimates of the total health service and personal economic costs of asbestos illness and treatment in Scotland.


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Chronic cough is a common and frequently disruptive symptom which can be difficult to treat with currently available medicines. Asthma/eosinophilic airway disease and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease are most commonly associated with chronic cough but it may also trouble patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary fibrosis and lung cancer. Over the last three decades there have been a number of key advances in the clinical approach to cough and a number of international guidelines on the management of cough have been developed. Despite the undoubted benefit of such initiatives, more effective treatments for cough are urgently needed. The precise pathophysiological mechanisms of chronic cough are unknown but central to the process is sensitization (upregulation) of the cough reflex. One well-recognized clinical consequence of this hypersensitive state is bouts of coughing triggered by apparently trivial provocation such as scents and odours and changes in air temperature. The main objective of new treatments for cough would be to identify ways to downregulate this heightened cough reflex but yet preserve its crucial role in protecting the airway. The combined efforts of clinicians, scientists and the pharmaceutical industry offer most hope for such a treatment breakthrough. The aim of this chapter is to provide some rationale for the current treatment recommendations and to offer some reflections on the management of patients with chronic cough.


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The human respiratory tract of individuals with normal lung function maintains a fine-tuned balance, being asymptomatically colonised by the normal microbiota in the upper airways and sterile in the lower tract. This equilibrium may be disrupted by the exposure to insults such as cigarette smoke. In the respiratory tract, the complex and noxious nature of inhaled cigarette smoke alters host-microorganisminteraction dynamics at all anatomical levels, causing infections in many cases. Moreover, continuous exposure to cigarette smoke itself causes deleterious effects on the host that can trigger the development of chronic respiratory diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer. COPD is an irreversible airflow obstruction associated with emphysema, fibrosis, mucus hypersecretion and persistent colonisation of the lower airways by opportunistic pathogens. COPD patients keep a stable (without exacerbation) but progressively worsening condition and suffer periodic exacerbations caused, in most cases, by infections. Although smoking and smoking-associated diseases are associated with a high risk of infection, most therapies aim to reduce inflammatory parameters, but do not necessarily take into account the presence of persistent colonisers. The effect of cigarette smoke on host-pathogen interaction dynamics in the respiratory tract, together with current and novel therapies, is discussed. Copyright©ERS 2012.


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The basic helix-loop-helix protein achaete-scute homolog-1 (ASH1) is involved in lung neuroendocrine (NE) differentiation and tumor promotion in SV40 transgenic mice. Constitutive expression of human ASH-1 (hASH1) in mouse lung results in hyperplasia and remodeling that mimics bronchiolization of alveoli (BOA), a potentially premalignant lesion of human lung carcinomas. We now show that this is due to sustained cellular proliferation in terminal bronchioles and resistance to apoptosis. Throughout the airway epithelium the expression of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 and c-Myb was increased and Akt/mTOR pathway activated. Moreover, the expression of matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) including MMP7 was specifically enhanced at the bronchiolo-alveolar duct junction and BOA suggesting that MMPs play a key role in this microenvironment during remodeling. We also detected MMP7 in 70% of human BOA lesions. Knockdown of hASH1 gene in human lung cancer cells in vitro suppressed growth by increasing apoptosis. We also show that forced expression of hASH1 in immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells decreases apoptosis. We conclude that the impact of hASH1 is not limited to cells with NE phenotype. Rather, constitutive expression of hASH1 in lung epithelium promotes remodeling through multiple pathways that are commonly activated during lung carcinogenesis. The collective results suggest a novel model of BOA formation via hASH1-induced suppression of the apoptotic pathway. Our study yields a promising new preclinical tool for chemoprevention of peripheral lung carcinomas. © 2007 USCAP, Inc All rights reserved.


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Question. How many deaths were attributable to smoking in 2000 worldwide? Study design. Statistical extrapolation of epidemiological and clinical data. Main results. In the year 2000, about 12% of adults died prematurely from smoking (estimated 4.83 million uncertainty range 3.94-5.93 million). Leading causes of death attributable to smoking were cardiovascular diseases (1.69 million deaths), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (0.97 million deaths) and lung cancer (0.85 million deaths; 71% of lung cancers were smoking related). Smoking related deaths in men were about 3 times more common than women in industrial countries, and about 7 times more common in developing countries. Authors' conclusions. Smoking was a major cause of death worldwide in 2000. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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As the proportion of older people increases, so will chronic disease incidence and the proportion of the population living with disability. Therefore, new approaches to maintain health for as long as possible in this age group are required. Carotenoids are a group of polyphenolic compounds found predominantly in fruit and vegetables that have been proposed to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Such properties may impact on the risk diseases which predominate in older people, and also ageing-related physiological changes. Working out the effect of carotenoid intake versus fruit and vegetable intake is difficult, and the strong correlation between individual carotenoid intakes also complicates any attempt to examine individual carotenoid health effects. Similarly, research to determine whether carotenoids consumed as supplements have similar benefits to increased dietary intake through whole foods, is still required. However, reviewing the recent evidence suggests that carotenoid intake and status are relatively consistently associated with reduced CVD risk, although β-carotene supplementation does not reduce CVD risk and increases lung cancer risk. Increased lycopene intake may reduce prostate cancer progression, with a potential role for carotenoids at other cancer sites. Lutein and zeaxanthin have a plausible role in the maintenance of eye health, whilst an association between carotenoid intake and cognitive and physical health appears possible, although research is limited to date. Given this accruing evidence base to support a specific role for certain carotenoids and ageing, current dietary advice to consume a diet rich in fruit and vegetables would appear prudent, and efforts maintained to encourage increased intake.


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Stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) is now an established therapy in stage I lung cancer with comparable local control rates to surgical resection. Owing to the conformity of treatment dose delivery and with appropriate fractionation considerations, minimal side-effects to surrounding normal tissues are observed in most patients. SBRT is now being used in the treatment of oligometastatic disease, alone or alongside systemic therapy. At present there is a paucity of evidence available showing a clinical benefit, but several international studies are being set-up or have started recruitment. This overview considers the clinical entity of an oligometastatic state, discusses the role of SBRT in the management of oligometastatic disease and discusses potential novel therapy combinations with SBRT.


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A new lupane type triterpenic acid, pulsatillic acid, and two new lupane type triterpenoid glycosides, pulsatilloside A and B, along with the known 23-hydroxybetulinic acid were isolated from the roots of Pulsatilla chinensis. Their structures were characterized as 3-oxo-23-hydroxy-lup-20(29)-en-28-oic acid, 3 beta, 23-dihydroxy-lup-20(29)-en-28-oic acid 3-O-alpha-L-arabinopyranoside and 3 beta, 23-dihydroxy-lup-20(29)-en-28-oic acid 28-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->6)-beta-D-glucopyranoside on the basis of hydrolysis and spectral evidence including two-dimensional relay HOHAHA, one-dimensional multiple relay COSY and ROESY NMR techniques. Pulsatillic acid exhibited cytotoxic activities against P-388, Lewis lung carcinoma and human large-cell lung carcinoma.


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The study assessed accessory minerals and metals in Tanzanian vermiculites with respect to their potential suitability for agricultural applications. Mineral and chemical analyses were involved. Pot experiments were also conducted to assess plant uptake of metals from soil with vermiculites. Fibrous sepiolite and amphiboles were minerals of health concern found in some samples. The sepiolite fibers had aspect ratios similar to those of asbestos minerals, which cause respiratory disorders and lung cancer when inhaled and thus pose a potential health risk to animals and humans. The amphibole fibers were thicker than 10 μm and are unlikely to be inhaled. Chromium (Cr) and nickel (Ni) concentrations in some samples were greater than the limits permitted in agricultural soils, but the elements are not highly plant available and do not inhibit the uptake of essential macronutrients. Heating vermiculites at 400-600° C enhanced extractability of Cr and Ni and should preferably be avoided. © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


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Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Biologia Molecular), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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We present a novel data analysis strategy which combined with subcellular fractionation and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) based proteomics provides a simple and effective workflow for global drug profiling. Five subcellular fractions were obtained by differential centrifugation followed by high resolution LC-MS and complete functional regulation analysis. The methodology combines functional regulation and enrichment analysis into a single visual summary. The workflow enables improved insight into perturbations caused by drugs. We provide a statistical argument to demonstrate that even crude subcellular fractions leads to improved functional characterization. We demonstrate this data analysis strategy on data obtained in a MS-based global drug profiling study. However, this strategy can also be performed on other types of large scale biological data.