994 resultados para Ce
La(1-x)Ce(x)NiO(3) perovskites have been prepared, characterized by XRD. TPR and surface area and tested as catalysts for CO-PROx, with a feed of 2.5% CO, 5% O(2), 33% H(2) and N(2) to 100%. The samples exhibited an XRD pattern typical of the perovskite, with traces of NiO in the LaNiO(3) and La(0.95)Ce(0.05)NiO(3) samples, with some La(2)NiO(4) in the La(0.90)Ce(0.10)NiO(3) sample. All samples were active, but the perovskites with cerium showed good catalytic activity, demonstrating the promoter effect of cerium. The highest conversion of CO and H(2) was obtained with La(0.95)Ce(0.05)NiO(3), probably due to a synergy between Ni and Ce that enhanced O(2) mobility. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Catalyst precursors composed of Ni/Mg/Al oxides with added La and Ce were tested in ethanol steam reforming (ESR) reactions. La and Ce were added by anion-exchange. The oxides were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) analysis. The catalyst precursors consist of a mixture of oxides, with the nickel in the form of NiO strongly interacting with the support Mg/Al. The XPS analysis showed a lanthanum-support interaction, but no interaction of Ce species with the support. The reaction data obtained with the active catalysts showed that the addition of Ce and La resulted in better H(2) production at 550 degrees C. The CeNi catalyst provided the higher ethanol conversion, with lower acetaldehyde production, possibly clue to a favoring of water adsorption on the weakly interacting clusters of CeO(2) on the surface. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The performance of La(2-x)M(x)CuO(4) perovskites (where M = Ce, Ca or Sr) as catalysts for the water-gas shift reaction was investigated at 290 degrees C and 360 degrees C. The catalysts were characterized by EDS, XRD, N(2) adsorption-desorption, XPS and XANES. The XRD results showed that all the perovskites exhibited a single phase (the presence of perovskite structure), suggesting the incorporation of metals in the perovskite structure. The XPS and XANES results showed the presence of Cu(2+) on the surface. The perovskites that exhibited the best catalytic performance were La(2-x)Ce(x)CuO(4) perovslcites, with CO conversions of 85%-90%. Moreover, these perovskites have higher surface areas and larger amounts of Cu on the surface. And Ce has a higher filled energy level than the other metals, increasing the energy of the valence band of Ce and providing more electrons for the reaction. Besides, the La(1.80)Ca(0.20)CuO(4) perovskite showed a good catalytic performance.
Protein hydrolysates have been used as active principles in cosmetic products conferring different properties to the final formulations, which are mostly controlled by the peptide size and its amino acid sequence. In this work, capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry analyses were carried out in order to investigate such characteristics of protein hydrolysates. Samples of different origins (milk, soy and rice) were obtained from a local company, and were analyzed without a previous preparation step. The background electrolyte (BGE) and sheath liquid compositions were optimized for each sample. The best BGE composition (860 mmol/L formic acid - pH 1.8 - in 70: 30 v/v water/methanol hydro-organic solvent) was chosen based on the overall peak resolution whereas the best sheath liquid was selected based on increased sensitivity and presented different compositions to each sample (10.9-217 mmol/L formic acid in 75: 25-25: 75 v/v water/methanol hydro-organic solvent). Most of the putative peptides in the hydrolysate samples under investigation presented molecular masses of 1000 Da or less. De novo sequencing was carried out for some of the analytes, revealing the hydrophobicity/polarity of the peptides. Hence, the technique has proved to be an advantageous tool for the quality control of industrial protein hydrolysates.
Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Mestrado em Comunicação da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul
Partindo da ideia de que as histórias em quadrinhos, apesar de serem consideradas um gênero híbrido, possuem também uma linguagem autônoma, este trabalho busca investigar por meio de análise de conteúdo uma história em quadrinhos (HQ)autobiográfica dos gêmeos paulistas Fábio Moon e Gabriel Bá, Qu’est-ce que c’est?, publicada pela primeira vez em inglês na coletânea Autobiographix (Dark Horse Books, 2003) e republicada em português no livro Crítica (Devir, 2004). Serão analisados recursos estéticos e narrativos, tentando descobrir também quais são as particularidades de uma HQ autobiográfica. A história narra a saga dos irmãos durante uma viagem a Paris, onde foram visitar museus e colher referências para seu trabalho. No metrô, eles se depararam com uma gangue da periferia.
Cerca de dois terços das maiores áreas metropolitanas mundiais estão nas proximidades dos estuários, portanto são regiões comumente sujeitas à situações de risco impostas pela pressão populacional. Instalações portuárias, efluentes diversos, uso indevido das suas margens, estão entre os riscos potenciais à grande diversidade de seus recursos naturais. A ação das marés, das ondas e o aporte fluvial interagem tornando bastante complexa a caracterização do seu funcionamento. A presente dissertação foca os seguintes aspectos: hidrodinâmica, transporte de sedimentos em suspensão, sedimentologia, morfologia e classificação do ambiente. A hidrodinâmica e o transporte de sedimentos foram estudados em duas etapas de campo em condições de maré de sizígia e de quadratura, cada qual com abrangência de dois ciclos de maré (25 hs). Estas etapas foram realizadas numa estação fixa com medições de: maré, velocidade da corrente, material em suspensão, sólidos totais dissolvidos, salinidade, pH, oxigênio dissolvido e temperatura. As características sedimentológicas foram avaliadas pela coleta de sedimentos de fundo em 24 pontos. Os aspectos morfológicos foram reconhecidos por uma batimetria detalhada e por aerofotografias. Os resultados revelaram a dominância das correntes de maré vazante em sizígia e de enchente em quadratura. O fluxo total de sedimentos por ciclo de maré na sizígia foi de 71 ton. (vazante), enquanto que na quadratura foi de 2,2 ton. (enchente). Os sedimentos de fundo variaram de areia muito grossa a silte. A profundidade máxima foi de 7,4 m (maré alta de sizígia). A comparação das aerofotografias revela a instabilidade morfológica da desembocadura. Relaciona-se este fato à influência variável da deriva litorânea e da descarga hidráulica. Este estuário foi classificado como: de frente de barreira arenosa; de circulação do tipo xvi parcialmente misturada e, por vezes, verticalmente homogênea; de Tipo 2b (quadratura); de tipo intermerdiário 2a e 2b (sizígia); de negativo; de mesomaré e de energia mista.
O presente estudo tem como principal objectivo analisar o desempenho global e por sector de actividade do tecido empresarial da RAM no período 1988-2008 através da análise de dados financeiros. A relevância do estudo baseia-se na reflexão da resposta dada pelo tecido empresarial regional aos desafios que foram surgindo ao longo do período referido, e na análise do espírito empresarial e das linhas estratégicas de actuação que pautaram o tecido empresarial a nível das diferentes actividades na RAM. Para a realização deste estudo quantitativo utilizamos uma amostra de conveniência que contêm dados contabilísticos anuais de 545 empresas do tecido empresarial regional, que participaram na iniciativa anual das 100 Maiores Empresas da RAM ao longo dos 21 anos em estudo e que constituem, eventualmente, a única base de dados de cariz semipúblico da região. Os dados foram obtidos através de recolha exaustiva nas instituições responsáveis pelo tratamento da informação disponibilizada pelas empresas concorrentes (Previsão, ECAM), consolidada por pesquisa em jornais (DN, JM), revistas e dados recolhidos no arquivo regional. Estas fontes constituem-se como um precioso instrumento de recolha de dados financeiros de difícil acesso. No tratamento dos dados foram utilizados métodos de estatística descritiva, taxas de crescimento e números índices de base fixa e aplicado teste de correlação de «Pearson». Obteve-se como principais resultados a evolução anual positiva do indicador Volume de Negócios (7,95%) e Activo Líquido (12,23%), Capital Próprio (11,04%), Cash-Flow (12,40%) e Produtividade (2,51%). Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que houve crescimento empresarial na RAM no período em estudo. As actividades industriais, comerciais e de serviços cresceram a ritmos diferenciados ao longo do período de análise, com predominância para o crescimento do sector terciário, alicerçada nas actividades comerciais e de serviços, que evidenciaram crescimento superiores à actividade industrial.
This piece of work consists in a study case of Crediamigo Comunidade, a product from the portfolio of Crediamigo Program of Banco do Nordeste, that uses the methodology of the Comunitary Banks in the concession of low amount loan to poor communities. The main question consists to understand how the Crediamigo Comunidade is characterized faced to the conflict of emancipatory versus liberal paradigms, that exists in the microcredit area. The main objective will analyze how the mechanisms: social capital, empowerment, formation to credit education and better conditions for economic and social issues promoted in the specific objectives of this product, before the dipute between these paradigms. The method adopted analyzed, in a longitudinal perspective, the three years of the product s existence (jun/2005 to jul 2008). Primary and secondary data made possible to identify qualitatively, emancipatory and non emancipatory attributes in the actions and results of Crediamigo Comunidade. It is concluded that the Crediamigo Comunidade works in a liberal logic of the Crediamigo Program, consequently, his focus is not in the emancipation of the poorest clients. The empowerment is individual and not communitary or Freiriano ; the social capital relations enlarges itself in its bounding and bridging ties, but not in its linkage ties, to have access to politic actors and consequently communitary strengthen. All the formation in the Crediamigo is strictly commercial. These characteristics happen by the liberal paradigm in the Crediamigo management and of all of its products, including the Crediamigo Comunidade
This study aims to understand the changes in the improvement of economic and social conditions of small entrepreneurs who participate in solidarity groups linked to the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) "X" in Fortaleza city, Ceará, through the use of productive-guided microcredit. It is come a research in exploratory and descriptive nature, with a quantitative and qualitative approach. Data were collected from the small entrepreneurs by applying a questionnaire, as well as through structured interviews with group leaders. They were worked on issues relating to income generation, employment generation, housing and health conditions, dietary pattern and leisure activities of small entrepreneurs and their families before and after the union to solidarity groups and use of productive-guided microcredit. The research showed that the use of microcredit has interfered with social and economic life of these small entrepreneurs, generating positive effects
Notre travail propose de comprendre l`immigration africaine contemporaine du Brésil à travers l'univers des étudiants guinéens participant au Programme Étudiants « Convênio de Graduação » (PEC-G) dans les villes de Fortaleza dans l'Etat Ceará et Natal dans l'Etat de Rio Grande do Norte, en étudiant leurs stratégies de convivialité et d'adaptation. Les étudiants étrangers sélectionnés dans ce programme font leur licence gratuitement dans les Instituts d'Enseignement Supérieur (IES). Pour accéder à ce programme ils doivent répondre à certains critères : montrer qu'ils sont en mesure de payer leurs frais au Brésil, avoir le bac ou un diplôme équivalent et maîtriser la langue portugaise lorsqu'ils sont originaires d'un pays n'appartenant pas à la Communauté de Pays de Langue Portugaise (CPLP). Les étudiants qui participent à des programmes de développement socio-économique contractés entre le Brésil et leurs pays d'origine sont prioritaires. Ces accords les contraignent à rentrer dans leurs pays d'origine et de travailler dans le domaine dans lequel ils ont été diplômés une fois les études terminées. Les étudiants, qui arrivent au Brésil porteurs de leurs identités ethniques guinéennes, entrent en contact avec la société brésilienne et acquièrent ainsi une « identité hybride ». C'est dans ce contexte que ce travail analyse le quotidien des étudiants africaines au Brésil avec un regard porté sur les étudiants de Guinée-Bissau à Fortaleza et à Natal comprendre l'expérience des étudiants qui vivent en terre étrangère. Ainsi, le lieu (Brésil) prend toute sa valeur par rapport au distant (Guinée) autrefois lié par l'histoire coloniale et aujourd'hui lié par des relations internationales ou diplomatiques. Finalement, la construction d'une « nouvelle » identité ethnique, d'une culture guinéenne au Brésil s'opère dans une célébration mobile c'est-à-dire successivement formée et transformée en relation avec les formes à travers lesquelles l'individu est représenté ou interpelé dans les systèmes culturels dans lesquels il est impliqué.
This dissertation is based on the ethnography of a strategic selection of three Tremembé ethnic situations, which are situated in the backlands of Acaraú and Itarema, municipalities located in Ceará State (Northeast Brazil). My main aims are the following. Firstly, I reconstitute the historical and social formation of three localities, called Lagoa dos Negros, Telhas, and Queimadas, related to a particular origin myth which refers to Almofala, an extinct colonial Aldeamento in the seashore, where the Tremembé indians and other native populations were converted and gathered under missionary administration. According to the origin myth, these three localities were set up after a strong drought which happened in 1888 (the so called three eights) when a group of Tremembé families moved to the countryside and established close to the Lagoa dos Negros and, later on, they were segmented into smaller groups which started to live in other areas and places not far from the former location. Notably, I develop an anthropological approach to understand the historical formation of these three localities. Secondly, I analyze some processes of territorialization, which were emerged from the 1980s and had important consequences to these indigenous families throughout the next two decades. This historical dimension is re-appropriated and ressignified in ethnic terms. A third point of my work is the analysis of the construction of territorialities and also the cultural and symbolic dimensions which are formulated by the Tremembé Indians who live in these localities. Therefore, I investigate some cultural traditions and rituals, such as the Torém dance, but I also examine their multiple semantics, which constitute a transversal direction throughout the history understood by the Tremembé of the different social situations I researched. To sum up, there is a process of cultural actualization, which is still going on and presents itself through the ludic sphere as well as their political and religions dimensions, which are usually associated to the ritual presentation of the Torém
This research presents a study investigating the correlation between the environmental-physycal charcateristics of cities and the formation of its micro-climates. The study was conducted in the central area of Fortaleza characterized as a stable and consolidated area, where the city originated and currently faces serious problems in its urban dynamics. The points of measurements were determined by the elaboration and analysis of topography maps, height of buildings, land use, type of surface coating and vegetation, following the methodology of Katzschner (1997). A zoning map was then determined, according to common morphological characteristics of the 12 measurement points, which were based on a set of Romero s (2001) bioclimatic criteria. Air measurements, temperature, humidity, intensity and direction of winds were made in transect form in two different circuits in the study area, with six points of data collection in each area, in three different times: 6:00 am, 1:00pm and 7:00pm, during two periods of the year: August 2008 and March 2009. The results verified the influence of different environmental-physical types in the behavior of the climatic variables that were collected. A verticalização tão condenada em algumas situações se bem equilibrada e controlada pode reduzir as temperaturas do ar através do sombreamento dos espaços urbanos e possibilidade de maior permeabilidade a ventilação natural. The highest average air temperature and lower humidity were recorded at the point I at all times. This situation may have been in result of the high density, poor vegetation and extended paving of the ground. According to the results, it s clear the positive influence vegetation has on easing air temperature. Another indicator observed that areas with a greater variation in building heights tend to present decreased average air temperature. High rise structure, planned in accordance to urban air quality parameters, can reduce air temperatures by the shading of urban spaces and the possibility of greater penetration of natural ventilation