992 resultados para Catherine, of Genoa, Saint, 1447-1510.


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Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) is a very promising biopolymer. In order to improve its processability and decrease its brittleness, PHB/elastomer blends can be prepared. In the work reported, the effect of the addition of a rubbery phase, i.e. ethylene - propylene-diene terpolymer (EPDM) or poly(vinyl butyral) (PVB), on the properties of PHB was studied. The effects of rubber type and of changing the PHB/elastomer blend processing method on the crystallinity and physical properties of the blends were also investigated. For blends based on PHB, the main role of EPDM is its nucleating effect evidenced by a decrease of crystallization temperature and an increase of crystallinity with increasing EPDM content regardless of the processing route. While EPDM has a weak effect on PHB glass transition temperature, PVB induces a marked decrease of this temperature thank to its plasticizer that swells the PHB amorphous phase. A promising solution to improve the mechanical properties of PHB seems to be the melt-processing of PHB with both plasticizer and EPDM. In fact, the plasticizer is more efficient than the elastomer in decreasing the PHB glass transition temperature and, because of the nucleating effect of EPDM, the decrease of the PHB modulus due to the plasticizer can be counterbalanced. (C) 2010 Society of Chemical Industry


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The sustainability of fast-growing tropical Eucalyptus plantations is of concern in a context of rising fertilizer costs, since large amounts of nutrients are removed with biomass every 6-7 years from highly weathered soils. A better understanding of the dynamics of tree requirements is required to match fertilization regimes to the availability of each nutrient in the soil. The nutrition of Eucalyptus plantations has been intensively investigated and many studies have focused on specific fluxes in the biogeochemical cycles of nutrients. However, studies dealing with complete cycles are scarce for the Tropics. The objective of this paper was to compare these cycles for Eucalyptus plantations in Congo and Brazil, with contrasting climates, soil properties, and management practices. The main features were similar in the two situations. Most nutrient fluxes were driven by crown establishment the two first years after planting and total biomass production thereafter. These forests were characterized by huge nutrient requirements: 155, 10, 52, 55 and 23 kg ha(-1) of N, P, K, Ca and Mg the first year after planting at the Brazilian study site, respectively. High growth rates the first months after planting were essential to take advantage of the large amounts of nutrients released into the soil solutions by organic matter mineralization after harvesting. This study highlighted the predominant role of biological and biochemical cycles over the geochemical cycle of nutrients in tropical Eucalyptus plantations and indicated the prime importance of carefully managing organic matter in these soils. Limited nutrient losses through deep drainage after clear-cutting in the sandy soils of the two study sites showed the remarkable efficiency of Eucalyptus trees in keeping limited nutrient pools within the ecosystem, even after major disturbances. Nutrient input-output budgets suggested that Eucalyptus plantations take advantage of soil fertility inherited from previous land uses and that long-term sustainability will require an increase in the inputs of certain nutrients. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Robust and accurate regional estimates of C storage in soils are currently an important research topic because of ongoing debate about human-induced changes in the terrestrial C cycle. Widely available geoprocessing tools were applied to estimate native soil organic C (SOC) stocks of Rio Grande do Sul state in southern Brazil to a depth of 30 cm from previously sampled soil pedons under undisturbed vegetation. The study used a statewide comprehensive soil survey comprising a small-scale soil map, a climate map, and a soil pedon database. Soil organic C stocks under native vegetation were calculated with two different approaches: the Tier 1 method of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and a refined method based on actual field measurements derived from soil profile data. Highest SOC stocks occurred in Neossolos Quartzarenico hidromorfico (Aquents), Organossolos Tiomorficos (Hemists), Latossolos Brunos (Udox), and Vertissolos Ebanicos (Uderts) soil classes. Before human use of soils, most C was stored in the Latossolos Vermelhos (Udox) and Neossolos Regoliticos (Orthents), which occupy a large area of Rio Grande do Sul. Generally, IPCC default reference SOC stocks compared well with SOC stocks calculated from soil pedons. The total SOC stock of Rio Grande do Sul was estimated at 1510.3 Tg C (5.8 kg C m(-2)) by the IPPC method and 1597.5 +/- 363.9 Tg C (7.4 +/- 1.9 kg C m(-2)) calculated from soil pedons. The SOC digital map and SOC database developed in this study provide crucial background information for state-level contemporary assessment of C stocks and soil C sequestration programs and initiatives.


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Specific leaf area (SLA; m(leaf)(2) kg(leaf)(-1)) is a key ecophysiological parameter influencing leaf physiology, photosynthesis, and whole plant carbon gain. Both individual tree-based models and other forest process-based models are generally highly sensitive to this parameter, but information on its temporal or within-stand variability is still scarce. In a 2-4-year-old Eucalyptus plantation in Congo, prone to seasonal drought, the within-stand and seasonal variability in SLA were investigated by means of destructive sampling carried out at 2-month intervals, over a 2-year period. Within-crown vertical gradients of SLA were small. Highly significant relationships were found between tree-average SLA (SLA(t)) and tree size (tree height, H(t), or diameter at breast height, DBH): SLA(t) ranged from about 9 m(2) kg(-1) for dominant trees to about 14-15 m(2) kg(-1) for the smallest trees. The decrease in SLA(t) with increasing tree size was accurately predicted from DBH using power functions. Stand-average SLA varied by about 20% during the year, with lowest values at the end of the 5-month dry season, and highest values about 2-3 months after the onset of the wet season. Variability in leaf water status according to tree size and season is discussed as a possible determinant of both the within-stand and seasonal variations in SM. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Adsorption of Ni(2+), Zn(2+) or Pb(2+) by dry biomass of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis and Chlorella vulgaris was studied as a function of contact time and initial metal concentration. The zero point of charge calculated for these biosorbents (pH(zpc) 4.0 and 3.4, respectively) and additional pH tests suggested the use of pH in the range 5.0-5.5 for the experiments. The equilibrium isotherms were evaluated in terms of maximum sorption capacity and sorption affinity. The pseudo first and second order kinetic models were considered to interpret the experimental data, and the latter best described the adsorption system. Both the Freundlich and Langmuir models were shown to well describe the sorption isotherms, thus suggesting an intermediate mono/multilayer sorption mechanism. Compared to A. platensis (q(e) = 0.354, 0.495 and 0.508 mmol g(-1) for Ni(2+), Pb(2)+ and Zn(2+), respectively), C. vulgaris behaved as a better biosorbent because of higher equilibrium sorption capacity (q(e) = 0.499, 0.634 and 0.664 mmol g(-1), respectively). The removal efficiency decreased with increasing metal concentration, pointing out a passive adsorption process involving the active sites on the surface of the biomasses. The FT-IR spectroscopy evidenced that ions removal occurred mainly by interaction between metal and carboxylate groups present on both the cell walls. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The "Pointe Saint Mathieu" is one of the most westerly continental landmarks of France. The promontory is located at the entrance of the "Goulet de la Rade de Brest", that is the entrance channel of the harbour of Brest in Brittany (France). It marks also the Southern end of the "Chenal du Four" that is the main navigation channel between the islands of Ouessant, Molène and Béniquet, and Brittany. The "Chenal du Four" is reputed for its dangers. The tidal range is greater than 7 m in spring tides, and the mid-tide current may exceed 5 knots. The Saint Mathieu promontory is equipped with a lighthouse and a semaphore. The former is located in the ruins of an old monastery, founded during the 6th century AD by Saint Tanguy. The present ruins are the remnants of buildings from the 11th to 15th centuries. The first lighthouse was installed in 1689, although the monks of the monastery used to maintain a signal light since the 1250s. Completed in 1835, the present "Phare de la Pointe Saint-Mathieu" is 37 m high and it reaches 58.8 m above sea level During World War 2, the Pointe Saint Mathieu was defended by a series of concrete fortifications built by the Germans. Some were based upon some earlier French bunker systems, like the coastal battery at the Rospects which included 4 main gun bunkers (4*150 mm, or 2*150 mm & 2*105 mm), an observation bunker on the Western side close to sea, and several smaller structures. There was also the large Kéringar Blockhaus system, near Lochrist, located about 1 km inland and designed for 4 guns of 280 mm. Its command bunker remains a landmark along the main road. All this area was very-heavily bombed between 1943 and 1944, and particularly during the battle of Brest in August-September 1944 ("L'Enfer de Brest").


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The prevalence of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (IPD) in Australia is unclear. We estimated the prevalence of IPD, and other forms of parkinsonism, through the study of typical caseloads in general practice. A random sample of general practitioners (GPs) throughout Queensland (401 responses from 528 validated practice addresses) was asked to estimate the numbers of patients with IPD and parkinsonism seen in the preceding year. The estimated prevalence of diagnosed IPD in Queensland was 146 per 100 000 (95% CI = 136–155). A further 51 per 100 000 in the population were suspected by doctors to have IPD without formal diagnosis, whereas another 51 per 100 000 people may have non-idiopathic parkinsonism. Idiopathic Parkinson’s disease was more common in rural than metropolitan areas. Although most GPs were confident in making diagnoses of IPD, the majority had little or no confidence in their ability to treat the disease, especially in its later stages. Support from neurologists was perceived by GPs to be very good in cities, but poor in remote areas.


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There are many changes and challenges facing the mental health care professional working in Australia in the 21st Century. Given the significance of their number and the considerable extent to which care is delivered by them, mental health nurses in particular must be at the forefront of the movement to enhance and improve mental health care. Mental health nurses in Australia must not only keep up with the changes, we should be setting the pace for others across the profession worldwide. The increasingly complex field of mental health nursing demands nurses who are not only equipped to face the challenges but are confident in doing so. Definitive guidelines for practice, clear expectations regarding outcomes and specific means by which to evaluate both practice and outcomes are vital. Strengthening the role and vision of mental health nursing so that there is clarity about both and highlighting core values by which to perform will enable us to become focused on our future and what we can expect to both give to and receive from our chosen profession and how we can, and do, contribute to mental health care. The role of the mental health nurse is undergoing expansion and there are new hurdles to overcome along with the new benefits this brings. To support this, nationally adopted, formalised standards of practice and means by which to measure these, i.e., practice indicators formerly known as clinical indicators, are required. It is important to have national standards and practice indicators because of the variances in the provision of mental health across Australia – different legislation regarding mental health policies and processes, different nursing registration bodies and Nursing Councils, for example – which create additional barriers to cohesion and uniformity. Improvements in the practice of mental health nursing lead to benefits for consumer outcomes as well as the overall quality of mental health care available in Australia. The emphasis on rights-based care, particularly consumer and carer rights, demands evidence-based, up-to-date mental health care delivered by competent, capable professionals. Documented expectations for performance by nurses will provide all involved with yardsticks by which to evaluate outcomes. Flowing on from these benefits are advances in mental health care generally and enhancements to Australia’s reputation and position within the health care arena throughout the world. Currently, the ‘Standards for Practice’ published by the Australian New Zealand College of Mental Health Nurses (ANZCMHN) in 1995 and the practice indicators developed by Skews et al. (2000) provide a less formal guide for mental health nurses working in Australia. While these earlier standards and practice indicators have played some role in supporting mental health nurses they have not been nationally or enthusiastically adopted and there are a multitude of reasons for this. This report reviews the current literature available on practice indicators and standards for practice and describes an evidence-based rationale as to why a review and renewal of these is required and why it is important, not just for mental health nurses but to the field of mental health in general. The term ‘practice indicator’ is used, except where a quotation utilises ‘clinical indicator’, to more accurately reflect the broad spectrum of nursing roles, i.e. not all mental health nursing work involves a clinical role.


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During mouse embryogenesis, macrophage-like cells arise first in the yolk sac and are produced subsequently in the liver. The onset of liver hematopoiesis is associated with the transition from primitive to definitive erythrocyte production. This report addresses the hypothesis that a similar transition in phenotype occurs in myelopoiesis. We have used whole mount in situ hybridization to detect macrophage-specific genes expressed during mouse development. The mouse c-fms mRNA, encoding the receptor for macrophage colony-stimulating factor (CSF-1), was expressed on phagocytic cells in the yolk sac and throughout the embryo before the onset of liver hematopoiesis, Similar cells were detected using the mannose receptor, the complement receptor (CR3), or the Microphthalmia transcription factor (MITF) as mRNA markers. By contrast, other markers including the F4/80 antigen, the macrophage scavenger receptor, the S-100 proteins, S100A8 and S100A9, and the secretory product lysozyme appeared later in development and appeared restricted to only a subset of c-fms-positive cells. Two-color immunolabeling on disaggregated cells confirmed that CR3 and c-fms proteins are expressed on the same cells. Among the genes appearing later in development was the macrophage-restricted transcription factor, PU.1, which has been shown to be required for normal adult myelopoiesis. Mice with null mutations in PU.1 had normal numbers of c-fms-positive phagocytes at 11.5dpc. PU.1(-/-) embryonic stem cells were able to give rise to macrophagelike cells after cultivation in vitro. The results support previous evidence that yolk sac-derived fetal phagocytes are functionally distinct from those arising in the liver and develop via a different pathway. (C) 1999 by The American Society of Hematology.


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Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii is a toxic-bloom-forming cyanobacterium that is commonly found in tropical to subtropical climatic regions worldwide, but it is also recognized as a common component of cyanobacterial communities in temperate climates. Genetic profiles of C. raciborskii were examined in 19 cultured isolates originating from geographically diverse regions of Australia and represented by two distinct morphotypes. A 609-bp region of rpoC1, a DNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene, was amplified by PCR from these isolates with cyanobacterium-specific primers. Sequence analysis revealed that all isolates belonged to the same species, including morphotypes with straight or coiled trichomes. Additional rpoC1 gene sequences obtained for a range of cyanobacteria highlighted clustering of C. raciborskii with other heterocyst-producing cyanobacteria (orders Nostocales and Stigonematales). In contrast, randomly amplified polymorphic DNA and short tandemly repeated repetitive sequence profiles revealed a greater level of genetic heterogeneity among C. raciborskii isolates than did rpoC1 gene analysis, and unique band profiles were also found among each of the cyanobacterial genera examined. A PCR test targeting a region of the rpoC1 gene unique to C. raciborskii was developed for the specific identification of C. raciborskii from both purified genomic DNA and environmental samples. The PCR was evaluated with a number of cyanobacterial isolates, but a PCR-positive result was only achieved with C, raciborskii. This method provides an accurate alternative to traditional morphological identification of C. raciborskii.


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Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii is a bloom-forming cyanobacterium found in both tropical and temperate climates which produces cylindrospermopsin, a potent hepatotoxic secondary metabolite. This organism is notorious for its association with a significant human poisoning incident on Palm Island, Australia, which resulted in the hospitalization of 148 people. We have screened 13 C. raciborskii isolates from various regions of Australia and shown that both toxic and nontoxic strains exist within this species. No association was observed between geographical origin and toxin production. Polyketide synthases (PKSs) and peptide synthetases (PSs) are enzymes involved in secondary metabolite biosynthesis in cyanobacteria. Putative PKS and PS genes from C. raciborskii strains AWT205 and CYPO2OB were identified by PCR using degenerate primers based on conserved regions within each gene. Examination of the strain-specific distribution of the PKS and PS genes in C. raciborskii isolates demonstrated a direct link between the presence of these two genes and the ability to produce cylindrospermopsin. Interestingly, the possession of these two genes was also linked. They were also identified in an Anabaena bergii isolate that was demonstrated to produce cylindrospermopsin. Taken together, these data suggest a likely role for these determinants in secondary metabolite and toxin production by C. raciborskii. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Arbuscular mycorrhizae are symbiotic associations among glomalean fungi and plant roots that often lead to enhanced water and nutrient uptake and plant growth. We describe experiments to test whether inoculum potential of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal communities varies spatially within a broadleaf temperate forest, and also whether there is variability in the effectiveness of AM fungal communities in enhancing seedling growth. Inoculum potential of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a temperate broad-leaved forest did not vary significantly among sites. Inoculum potential, measured as the extent to which the roots of red maple seedlings that had been germinated on sterile sand and then transplanted into the forest, were colonized by AM fungi, was similar in floodplain and higher elevation sites. It was as similar under ectomycorrhizal oaks as it was under red maples and other AM tree species. It was also similar among sites with deciduous understory shrubs with arbuscular mycorrhizae (spicebush, Lindera benzoin) and those with evergreen vegetation with ericoid mycorrhizae (mountain laurel, Kalmia latifolia). Where spicebush was the dominant understory shrub, inoculum potential was greater under gaps in the canopy than within the understory. Survivorship of transplanted red maple seedlings varied significantly over sites but was not strongly correlated with measures of inoculum potential. In a greenhouse growth experiment, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities obtained from tree roots from the forest had different effects on plant growth. Seedlings inoculated with roots of red maple had twice the leaf area after 10 wk of growth compared to the AM community obtained from roots of southern red oaks. Thus, although there appears to be little heterogeneity in inoculum potential in the forest, there are differences in the effectiveness of different inocula. These effects have the potential to affect tree species diversity in forests by modifying patterns of seedling recruitment.


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We measure the spectral properties of a representative sub-sample of 187 quasars, drawn from the Parkes Half-Jansky, Flat-radio-spectrum Sample (PHFS). Quasars with a wide range of rest-frame optical/UV continuum slopes are included in the analysis: their colours range over 2 < B-K < 7. We present composite spectra of red and blue sub-samples of the PHFS quasars. and tabulate their emission line properties. The median Hbeta and [0 111] emission line equivalent widths of the red quasar sub-sample are a factor of ten weaker than those of the blue quasar sub-sample. No significant differences are seen between the equivalent width distributions of the C IV, C III] and Mg 11 lines. Both the colours and the emission line equivalent widths of the red quasars can be explained by the addition of a featureless red synchrotron continuum component to an otherwise normal blue quasar spectrum. The red synchrotron component must have a spectrum at least as red as a power-law of the form F-nu proportional to nu(-2.8). The relative strengths of the blue and red components span two orders of magnitude at rest-frame 500 nm. The blue component is weaker relative to the red component in low optical luminosity sources. This suggests that the fraction of accretion energy going into optical emission from the jet is greater in low luminosity quasars. This correlation between colour and luminosity may be of use in cosmological distance scale work. This synchrotron model does not, however, fit similar to10% of the quasars, which have both red colours and high equivalent width emission lines. We hypothesise that these red, strong-lined quasars have intrinsically weak Big Blue Bumps. There is no discontinuity in spectral properties between the BL Lac objects in our sample and the other quasars. BL Lac objects appear to be the red, low equivalent width tail of a continuous distribution. The synchrotron emission component only dominates the spectrum at longer wavelengths, so existing BL Lac surveys will be biased against high redshift objects. This will affect measurements of BL Lac evolution. The blue PHFS quasars have significantly higher equivalent width C IV, Hbeta and [0 111] emission than a matched sample of optically selected QSOs.


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