904 resultados para Carmen Facal


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In the Fall 2004, while preparing my dissertation project “Reflections on children,” I realized that whether art songs, operatic arias or scenes, the classical repertory offers a wide variety of masterpieces regarding all aspects of children’s life. My first dissertation recital is called “Journeys” and was performed on December 6th 2004 at 8:00pm in the Tawes Recital Hall. Change is the only inevitable condition in life and as such, it has been thought-provoking to many poets and composers. The narrator in Mahler’s Wayfarer Songs experiences the pain of love for the first time and emerges transformed into an adult. The narrator in Barber’s Knoxville is an adult looking back at his journey in an attempt to understand himself. The mothers in Britten’s Charm of Lullabies each make every effort to accept the changes in their own life after the birth of her baby. Finally, both Brahms’ songs are about risks and losses. “Destinies” is the title of the second dissertation recital as it attempts to capture the dark fate of Mignon and of Rückert/Mahler’s children. It was performed on April 8th 2005 in the Tawes Recital Hall. Mignon’s grief is portrayed through songs full of sadness and hopelessness in mourning of a long lost childhood. Rückert wrote 425 Kindertotenlieder in memory of his children’s deaths over a period of twenty years and Mahler orchestrated five of them. Mahler’s choices deal with light and darkness, symbolizing eternal life and hope versus despair and death, in both the literal and the literary sense. Finally, the third dissertation recital called “Blessings” was performed on May 19th 2005 in the Tawes Recital Hall. It relies on the evocation of moods and scenes created by a variety of composers and poets. Poulenc’s La Courte Paille are brief works in the style of a child’s song with unrelated and unexpected images juxtaposed, creating a sense of inner monologues. John Greer’s House of Tomorrow, Guastavino’s Cradle Songs and the rest of the composers offer wonderful pieces of immense power and expression in their directness and sensitive contour.


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The recognition that early breast cancer is a spectrum of diseases each requiring a specific systemic therapy guided the 13th St Gallen International Breast Cancer Consensus Conference [1]. The meeting assembled 3600 participants from nearly 90 countries worldwide. Educational content has been centred on the primary and multidisciplinary treatment approach of early breast cancer. The meeting culminated on the final day, with the St Gallen Breast Cancer Treatment Consensus, established by 40-50 of the world's most experienced opinion leaders in the field of breast cancer treatment. The major issue that arose during the consensus conference was the increasing gap between what is theoretically feasible in patient risk stratification, in treatment, and in daily practice management. We need to find new paths to access innovations to clinical research and daily practice. To ensure that continued innovation meets the needs of patients, the therapeutic alliance between patients and academic-led research should to be extended to include relevant pharmaceutical companies and drug regulators with a unique effort to bring innovation into clinical practice. We need to bring together major players from the world of breast cancer research to map out a coordinated strategy on an international scale, to address the disease fragmentation, to share financial resources, and to integrate scientific data. The final goal will be to improve access to an affordable, best standard of care for all patients in each country.


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Mergers and acquisitions are words that are usually associated with the modern business world. Such joint efforts toward improvement, however, existed long before our time, in the form of musical partnerships. It was not unusual for composers to share in each other's works, borrowing themes and recreating them to generate new meanings; in the process, new masterpieces were often created. My performance project, Twentieth Century Variations on Borrowed Themes, explores the fruits of such labor. The main objective of this project is to demonstrate how certain composers of the twentieth century have taken famous themes and used them to create variations, imbuing their own creative ideas, musical styles and pianistic challenges. This objective was accomplished by performing three recorded public recitals. These programs consisted of early to late twentieth century pieces that are based on borrowed themes, either in theme and variations form, fantasia form, paraphrase form, or transformal variation form. I have selected the pieces based on their artistic merits and technical challenges, thus allowing me to grow as a pianist and artist. In addition, I wanted to choose some pieces that are rarely performed, as I believe the public delights in hearing unfamiliar gems. The first recital consisted of the music of two legendary pianists: Variations on a Theme of Chopin by Rachmaninoff and Goldberg Variations by BachIBusoni. The second program featured Grand Fantasy on Gershwin's Porgy and Bess by Earl Wild, Sonatina No. 6 (Fantasy on Bizet 's "Carmen") by Busoni, and Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganini, op.43 by Rachmaninoff. Some unusual and seldom-performed pieces, as well as a familiar favorite, were spotlighted in the third recital. The pieces performed on this program were John Rea's Twenty-one Transformal Variations on the "Kindersznen " by Robert Schumann (Las Meninas), Muczynski's Desperate Measures (Paganini Variations), Busoni's Elegie No. 3 (Turandot 's room), and Rhapsodie Espagnole by LisztIBuson. These composers artfully breathed new life into the material borrowed from others, and in the process, the "borrowed" themes became undoubtedly and uniquely their own music.


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Bacterial outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) are spherical buds of the outer membrane (OM) containing periplasmic lumenal components. OMVs have been demonstrated to play a critical part in the transmission of virulence factors, immunologically active compounds, and bacterial survival, however vesiculation also appears to be a ubiquitous physiological process for Gram-negative bacteria. Despite their characterized biological roles, especially for pathogens, very little is known about their importance for the originating organism as well as regulation and mechanism of production. Only when we have established their biogenesis can we fully uncover their roles in pathogenesis and bacterial physiology. The overall goal of this research was to characterize bacterial mutants which display altered vesiculation phenotypes using genetic and biochemical techniques, and thereby begin to elucidate the mechanism of vesicle production and regulation. One part of this work elucidated a synthetic genetic growth defect for a strain with reduced OMV production (ΔnlpA, inner membrane lipoprotein with a minor role in methionine transport) and envelope stress (ΔdegP, dual function periplasmic chaperone/ protease responsible for managing proteinaceous waste). This research showed that the growth defect of ΔnlpAΔdegP correlated with reduced OMV production with respect to the hyprevesiculator ΔdegP and the accumulation of protein in the periplasm and DegP substrates in the lumen of OMVs. We further demonstrated that OMVs do not solely act as a stress response pathway to rid the periplasm of otherwise damaging misfolded protein but also of accumulated peptidoglycan (PG) fragments and lipopolysaccharide (LPS), elucidating OMVs as a general stress response pathway critical for bacterial well-being. The second part of this work, focused on the role of PG structure, turnover and covalent crosslinks to the OM in vesiculation. We established a direct link between PG degradation and vesiculation: Mutations in the OM lipoprotein nlpI had been previously established as a very strong hypervesiculation phenotype. In the literature NlpI had been associated with another OM lipoprotein, Spr that was recently identified as a PG hydrolase. The data presented here suggest that NlpI acts as a negative regulator of Spr and that the ΔnlpI hypervesiculation phenotype is a result of rampantly degraded PG by Spr. Additionally, we found that changes in PG structure and turnover correlate with altered vesiculation levels, as well as non-canonical D-amino acids, which are secreted by numerous bacteria on the onset of stationary phase, being a natural factor to increase OMV production. Furthermore, we discovered an inverse relationship between the concentration of Lpp-mediated, covalent crosslinks and the level of OMV production under conditions of modulated PG metabolism and structure. In contrast, situations that lead to periplasmic accumulation (protein, PG fragments, and LPS) and consequent hypervesiculation the overall OM-PG crosslink concentration appears to be unchanged. Form this work, we conclude that multiple pathways lead to OMV production: Lpp concentration-dependent and bulk driven, Lpp concentration-independent.


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The repertoire included in this dissertation was presented over the course of three recitals, The Songs of Argentina, The Songs of Brazil, Chile and Venezuela, and The Songs of Perú and Colombia. Each recital was supplemented by written program notes and English translations of the Spanish, Portuguese and Quechua texts. The selections presented in this study was chosen in an effort to pair the works of internationally renowned composers like Argentine composers Alberto Ginastera and Carlos Guastavino, and Brazilian composer Heitor Villa-Lobos, with those of lesser-known composers, including Venezuelan composer Juan Bautista Plaza, Peruvian composers Edgar Valcárcel, Theodoro Valcárcel, and Rosa Mercedes Ayarza de Morales, and Colombian composer Jaime Léon. Each composer represents a milestone in the development of art song composition in South America. All three recitals were recorded and are available on compact discs in the Digital Repository at the University of Maryland (DRUM). This dissertation was completed in May, 2011.


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This dissertation explores the transformation of opera comique (as represented by the opera Carmen) and the impact of verismo style (as represented by the opera La Boheme) upon the development of operetta, American musical theater and the resultant change in vocal style. Late nineteenth-century operetta called for a classically trained soprano voice with a clear vibrato. High tessitura and legato were expected although the quality of the voice was usually lighter in timbre. The dissertation comprises four programs that explore the transformation of vocal and compositional style into the current vocal performance practice of American musical theater. The first two programs are operatic roles and the last two are recital presentations of nineteenth- and twentieth- century operetta and musical theater repertoire. Program one, Carmen, was presented on July 26, 2007 at the Marshall Performing Arts Center in Duluth, MN where I sang the role of Micaela. Program two, La Boheme, was presented on May 24,2008 at Randolph Road Theater in Silver Spring, MD where I sang the role of Musetta. Program three, presented on December 2, 2008 and program four, presented on May 10, 2009 were two recitals featuring operetta and musical theater repertoire. These programs were heard in the Gildenhorn Recital Hall at the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center in College Park, MD. Programs one and two are documented in a digital video format available on digital video disc. Programs three and four are documented in a digital audio format available on compact disc. All programs are accompanied by program notes also available in digital format.


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Opera in America: Music of, by, and for the people is a study of the relationship between American popular culture and opera in the United States. Four performance projects demonstrate the on-going exchange between the operatic community-including its composer, singers, and patrons-and the country's popular entertainment industry with its broad audience base. Numerous examples of artistic cross pollination between lowbrow and highbrow music will illustrate the artistic and social consequences created by this artistic amalgamation. Program #1, By George! By Ira! By Gershwin!, is a retrospective of Gershwin's vocal music representing a blending of popular and serious music in both style and form. The concert includes selections from Porgy and Bess, a work considered by many musicologists as the first American opera. Program #2, Shadowboxer, is a premiere performance of an opera by Frank Proto and John Chenault. For this newly commissioned work, I serve as Assistant Director to Leon Major. Shadowboxer provides a clear example of opera utilizing popular culture both musically and dramatically to tell the true story of American hero and legendary boxer, Joe Louis. Program #3, Just a Song at Twilight, is an original theatrical music piece featuring music, letters, diaries, and journals of the Gilded Age, an era when opera was synonymous with popular entertainment. Special attention is focused on tum-of­ the-century singers who performed in both opera and vaudeville. Program #4 is a presentation of Dominick Argento's Miss Manners on Music and illustrates the strong relationship that can exist between opera and American popular entertainment. Originally conceived as a song cycle, I have staged the work as a one-act opera sung and acted by soprano Carmen Balthrop. This piece is based on the writings of pop icon and newspaper columnist Judith Martin, otherwise known as Miss Manners. All four performances are recorded in audio and video formats.


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SCOPUS: ed.j


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Erm, a member of the PEA3 group within the Ets family of transcription factors, is expressed in murine and human lymphocytes. Here, we show that in the human Molt4 lymphoblastic cell line, the erm gene expression is regulated by the conventional PKC (cPKC) pathway. To better characterize the molecular mechanism by which cPKC regulates Erm transcription in Molt4 cells, we tested proximal promoter deletions of the human gene, and identified a specific cPKC-regulated region between positions -420 and -115 upstream of the first exon.


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Las propiedades físicas de los suelos de ambientes subtropicales húmedos fueron tradicionalmente menos estudiadas que los de zonas templadas. Una característica de los primeros es su menor resiliencia frente a un disturbio. Un aspecto poco explorado es qué sucede con los suelos cuando la selva nativa es reemplazada por una plantación forestal o un ciclo forestal por otro. La forestación es una de las principales actividades económicas de la provincia de Misiones, y la preparación de terreno uno de los momentos de mayor impacto al suelo. En esta tesis se evaluaron sobre un suelo Kandiudult tratamientos que incluyeron: a) conservación de residuos (CRes), b) subsolado (Sub), c) con quema de residuos en escollera (Qsub), d) uso de rastra (Rast), e) con quema de residuos en escollera (Qrast), y f) conservación de residuos sin plantación (Reg Nat). Todos estos contrastados con el bosque nativo (NcP). Se halló que al cuarto año de la plantación, el contenido de materia orgánica (MO) fue significativamente mayor donde se conservaron los residuos, con mayor stock de C (55 Mg.ha-1). Sin embargo este aumento de MO no logró equiparar al suelo bajo BNcP. El contenido hídrico retenido en capacidad de campo varió en similar dirección que la MO. La densidad aparente fue una las propiedades físicas más sensibles a los tratamientos, con valores significativamente más bajos hasta 30 cm de profundidad en suelo bajo Sub (1,36 Mg.m-3). El tratamiento bajo Rast presentó los mayores valores de densidad aparente (1,50 Mg.m-3). Los tratamientos afectados por quema tuvieron valores de densidad aparente más bajos que otros tratamientos (1,42 Mg.m-3). De cualquier manera, puede afirmarse que el manejo forestal causó la densificación de la superficie del suelo, comparando con los menores valores de densidad del suelo bajo BNcP (1,17 Mg.m-3). Los valores de compactación relativa calculados en base a la densidad máxima en ensayos Proctor fueron cercanos al 90 por ciento, lo cual indica la alta compactación de los suelos. La inestabilidad estructural del suelo, medida por el cambio de diámetro medio ponderado de agregados (CDMP), no se vio afectada por el reemplazo de la selva por la plantación forestal, ni por el método de preparación del terreno. La tasa de infiltración no mostró diferencias entre tratamientos, pero si reducciones importantes respecto del bosque nativo (1638 cm.h-1). Como conclusión, y dada la falta de impactos físicos severos sobre los suelos bajo plantación forestal, puede recomendarse la conservación de los residuos sobre la superficie como método de preparación, pues es el único que permite realizar secuestro efectivo de CO en los suelos.


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En la llanura pampeana, los últimos años han estado marcados por una constante expansión de la producción, asociada a la difusión de una agricultura de alto rendimiento. La actividad ganadera ha sido relocalizada y relegada a los peores terrenos en función de liberar tierras a la producción de granos. No obstante, resiste, manteniendo los niveles de stock a partir de rediseñar procesos e intensificar algunas etapas productivas. El presente trabajo analiza y evalúa las variaciones en la ganadería vacuna pampeana, a partir de las transformaciones en la agricultura y su impacto en la ocupación de mano de obra y el empleo rural. El estudio se realizó en el partido de Azul, Argentina, representativo de áreas mixtas pampeanas. La metodología empleada contempló una triangulación metodológica mediante la conjunción de análisis de datos de fuentes secundarias, básicamente cuantitativos, con instancias cualitativas, tales como entrevistas a informantes calificados y estudios de caso. Se verificó un proceso de intensificación productiva que si bien ha permitido sostener la actividad en menos superficie, no ha expandido el empleo y en términos cualitativos ha aumentado la presión sobre los trabajadores ya existentes. La mano de obra requerida es permanente en relación a la naturaleza de la actividad, pero no demanda nuevas capacidades y resulta más simple en términos de manejo de procesos. Los engordes concentrados, si bien plantean cierta temporalidad en la cantidad de animales terminados durante el año, prefieren personal permanente con flexibilidad y capacidad de rotación en las labores, antes que transitorios. En relación a las formas familiares, los que persisten, también han transformado sus sistemas productivos, demostrando su capacidad de adaptación. Han diseñado sistemas estables y con buena rentabilidad, pero sin lograr expandir la base laboral, ya sea de origen familiar o asalariada.


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Los objetivos de los programas y políticas de desarrollo rural pueden plantearse como la búsqueda de mayor 'bienestar' y diminución de la población en condiciones de pobreza. La situación de los jóvenes es al mismo tiempo parte de estos objetivos e indicador de las consecuencias de las políticas aplicadas. Durante la década de los noventa, se produjeron importantes cambios políticos, económicos y sociales, junto con transformaciones importantes en la agricultura. Esos cambios tuvieron impactos analizados para ámbitos urbanos, pero poco discutidos sobre los jovenes rurales. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar el impacto de las transformaciones mencionadas sobre la situación de los jóvenes rurales, buscando discutir las derivaciones para el diseño de políticas y proyectos de desarrollo rural. Los resultados permiten concluir que la situación de desventaja de los jóvenes rurales se funda en determinaciones estructurales por la menor presencia del Estado que se mantuvo durante los noventa. El tipo de crecimiento agrícola no resultó transferido al conjunto de los jóvenes rurales, persistió la pobreza y se agravaron las condiciones de empleo. Los procesos migratorios hacia Buenos Aires no necesariamente se tradujeron en la incorporación a un mercado de trabajo diferente. Los proyectos de desarrollo en su actual adscripción al enfoque territorial debieran realizar esfuerzos para integrar a los jóvenes rurales a las políticas universales, de manera de asegurar los derechos básicos incluyendo el acceso a la tierra. La provisión de empleos dignos y posibilidades de estudio en los lugares de origen son las únicas garantías de que las migraciones sean opciones libres y voluntarias. Sin embargo, las migraciones de jóvenes rurales hacia las urbes pueden ser inevitables y es necesario capitalizarlos antes de su partida. Las derivaciones para la política pública deben considerarse como generales y rediscutidas a la luz de heterogeneidades de diverso tipo que nuevas investigaciones pueden retomar


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Según estimaciones de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) el mundo duplicará la demanda de alimentos para el año 2050. La mitad de este crecimiento se explica por el aumento de la población mundial, mientras que la restante responde al incremento de los ingresos per cápita en países de bajos recursos (FAO, 2009). En este contexto, la solución viable a futuro es duplicar la productividad de aquellas zonas que todavía conservan algún potencial de expansión. Las grandes superficies de suelos de alta calidad con posibilidades de aumentar su productividad se encuentran en Estados Unidos, Ucrania y la Argentina. Una mayor producción requiere de productos fitosanitarios que representan un beneficio innegable garantizando estabilidad en los rendimientos. Sin embargo, la utilización de estos insumos entraña riesgos tóxicos, ya sea por un manejo inapropiado o por la ocurrencia de accidentes (CASAFE, 2009). El uso de los plaguicidas debe ser responsable a fin de evitar producir efectos adversos inmediatos y de largo plazo en la salud humana y el medio ambiente. Estos efectos pueden aparecer en todo el ciclo de vida del plaguicida, es decir durante la producción, transporte, almacenamiento, aplicación y disposición final. En la realización de su trabajo las personas pueden quedar expuestas a altos niveles de sustancias tóxicas. Actualmente la intoxicación con plaguicidas es un serio problema de salud que afecta a los trabajadores rurales, a la familia rural, y a la población en general. Se sabe que se producen millones de casos de intoxicación aguda por año a nivel mundial. Sin embargo, en nuestro país existe poca información sobre accidentes y se desconoce cuál es la contribución de los plaguicidas al desarrollo de enfermedades crónicas. Los principales riesgos con plaguicidas ligados a la salud humana se relacionan con la aparición de cáncer, defectos de nacimiento, afecciones del sistema nervioso y del funcionamiento del sistema endócrino (Ministerio de Salud, 2007). Para minimizar los efectos negativos, el uso de plaguicidas debe realizarse en el marco del Manejo Integrado de Plagas (MIP). En la selección debe considerarse la peligrosidad de los ingredientes activos, coadyuvantes y acompañantes, su potencial de persistencia y bioacumulación. Los trabajadores que manipulan plaguicidas deben recibir capacitación sobre riesgos, protecciones, y procedimientos de trabajo seguro. En el acopio de granos se combaten diversas plagas, principalmente insectos, ácaros, hongos y roedores. Estos organismos tienen altas tasas de reproducción y su presencia en el ámbito comercial se considera objetable debido a los daños y mermas que producen (López Mérida et al, 2001). En el control químico de estas plagas se utilizan sustancias peligrosas para la salud, por ejemplo fumigantes que actúan como vapores en concentraciones letales para el ser humano e insecticidas de alta toxicidad y gran poder residual capaces de ingresar al organismo por las vías inhalatoria y dérmica. En el presente trabajo se analizan los riesgos laborales en el acopio de granos con particular interés en el uso de plaguicidas de esta actividad. Adicionalmente, se realizó un estudio de caso en la Planta de Semillas de la Estación Experimental INTA Anguil. En este estudio se desarrollaron procedimientos de trabajo seguro (PTS) para el uso deplaguicidas y el trabajo en espacios confinados en dicho establecimiento (Anexos 1-5).


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