958 resultados para Capitalist racionality
A questão ambiental e sua preservação é assunto de interesse global, impulsionado por todos os setores. Com o objetivo principal de mostrar que, mesmo inseridas em uma lógica empresarial, peças publicitárias bem elaboradas podem modificar comportamentos para que se efetive a preservação ambiental, o trabalho apresenta a análise do corpus selecionado por conveniência, a partir de amplo levantamento junto aos diversos formatos de anúncios veiculados na mídia impressa e eletrônica. O levantamento de opiniões, assim como pesquisas do tipo survey, contribuiu com a abordagem analítica que trabalhou com conceitos de comunicação, interação, linguagem, cultura e representações para compreender, a possibilidade da relação da preservação ambiental com a publicidade. O trabalho agregou sugestões apresentadas nas considerações que não se pretendem finais, mas que poderão contribuir para profissionais da atividade publicitária, empresas, governos, e organizações da sociedade civil no tocante à responsabilidade socioambiental de suas comunicações.(AU)
Este trabalho investigativo tem como objetivo a análise da evolução do direito à educação nos textos constitucionais no Brasil republicano, por intermédio de uma pesquisa histórica em fontes documentais. O caminho da mediação jurídico-constitucional foi escolhido, em razão de permitir desvelar a relação entre educação, sociedade e Estado, considerando a possibilidade de apreender as limitações que este impõe a esse tipo de prática social, bem como compreender as condições materiais que efetivamente o Estado instaura de modo a favorecer a fruição do direito à educação. A análise do direito à educação no aparato jurídico-constitucional, a partir do enfoque sociológico, se fez pela abordagem dos conflitos de interesses presentes no momento da elaboração do texto constitucional, mediante a perspectiva teórica e metodológica proposta por Saes (2003a), no que se refere ao estudo das conexões existentes entre prática social e legislação educacional-constitucional. Este estudo foi construído, então, a partir dos seguintes eixos conceituais: educação como uma prática social inerente à existência humana, em sentido amplo, e da educação letrada como uma necessidade imposta pelo modo de organização das relações de produção na sociedade capitalista, segundo o proposto por Saviani (2004); configurada posteriormente como um direito, compreendido como um fenômeno histórico e social necessário ao funcionamento ou reprodução de um determinado tipo de sociedade, especialmente, no que diz respeito ao surgimento histórico da forma sujeito de direito, a constituição da personalidade jurídica, de acordo com o pensamento de Miaille (1994) e a construção da cidadania na ordem capitalista, como resultado das mudanças nas relações de autoridade entre o Estado e os indivíduos, conforme aporte teórico tomado de Bendix (1996), considerando a extensão, o alcance, a profundidade e a precisão da declaração do direito à educação, tomadas como categorias de estudo, variáveis presentes nas constituições adotadas nos Estados burgueses modernos, explicáveis pelos conflitos de interesses que atravessam a vida social
O presente estudo busca identificar em que medida o pertencimento de classe social interfere nos sentidos e perspectivas do jovem brasileiro frente ao futebol espetáculo, bem como compreender os mecanismos sociais que determinam a decisão de os sujeitos investirem na carreira profissional esportiva em detrimento da trajetória escolar longa. Começamos com uma abordagem sociológica, a análise crítica dos processos de difusão, massificação e profissionalização do futebol ocorridas no contexto da sociedade pós-industrial. Enfocamos a conflituosa mutação da modalidade, inicialmente elitizada com fins social-distintivos para esporte de massa ideal de ascensão social da classe popular , além da dependência com a mídia, das razões que levaram a caracterizar-se como produto da indústria cultural, culminando com a transformação do futebol em mercadoria submetida às leis e lógica da sociedade de consumo. Em seguida, entrelaçamos as relações de poder, aliança e concorrência dos agentes sociais que participam do complexo campo das práticas esportivas com os canais com que o público jovem estabelece contato com o esporte espetáculo. Neste aspecto, especial atenção foi dada à mídia, difusora da ideologia de uma sociedade capitalista aberta, que reforça a idéia do esporte como via de ascensão social para indivíduos de baixa renda, na mesma medida em que oculta em seu discurso as reais probabilidades de concretização do sucesso esportivo. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada em duas escolas do município de São Bernardo do Campo (SP), uma da rede pública estadual e outra da rede particular de ensino. Assim, constituímos dois grupos com alunos de distintas classes sociais, compostos por estudantes do 1º ano do Ensino Médio, sexo masculino, com 15 anos de idade e praticantes de futebol nas aulas de Educação Física. Metodologicamente, fizemos uso da observação participante e de entrevistas como instrumentos para a coleta de dados. Conjugadas aos objetivos do estudo, estruturamos a análise do material colhido em seis categorias, articulando questões sobre o prosseguimento nos estudos e o trabalho, as tendências para a pratica esportiva profissional, as representações sociais em torno do futebol, os usos e costumes no tempo livre e as expectativas da pratica esportiva implicadas pela herança cultural familiar. Como referencial teórico de análise, utilizamos de Pierre Bourdieu os conceitos de campo, habitus, estratégia, capital econômico, social e, principalmente, capital cultural, partindo da hipótese de que o nível cultural dos alunos e seus familiares interferem nos sentidos e formas de apropriação do esporte. Entre outras conclusões, obtivemos como resultado a configuração de uma trajetória esportiva profissional voltada para os alunos de baixa classe social, em oposição à trajetória escolar longa, estrategicamente adotada pelos alunos de classe social alta.(AU)
A partir do estudo de caso de uma unidade pública de ensino, esta pesquisa almejou investigar a existência de mecanismos ideológicos presentes no discurso docente a cerca do fracasso escolar das camadas menos favorecidas, buscando captar algumas das estratégias acionadas pelos professores para se eximir de qualquer responsabilidade que possa recair sobre eles quanto ao baixo rendimento escolar dos alunos. Apoiado na conexão existente entre a valorização do capital cultural e os processo de seleção desempenhado pelo sistema escolar dentro do modelo capitalista e tendo como principais referenciais teóricos os autores Pierre Bourdieu & Jean Claude Passeron e Christian Baudelot & Roger Establet, os quais fazem uma crítica social ao sistema de ensino, pretendeu-se verificar a participação do professor enquanto agente social do sistema escolar, que contribui para a reprodução das relações sociais, buscando analisar como os docentes se reconhecem no sucesso ou fracasso escolar de seus aluno e os mecanismos ideológicos veiculados por eles para ocultar sua contribuição no processo de produção do fracasso escolar, em especial, dos alunos das classes sociais menos favorecidas, que muitas vezes são rotulados e estigmatizados como fracassados ou incapazes, por não conseguirem obter êxito nas atividades escolares.(AU)
Este estudo visa analisar as interferencias do Banco Mundial na Educacao Brasileira a partir do estudo de seis teses (aqui identificadas pelas iniciais A,B,C, D, E e F) de doutorado relativas ao tema, defendidas na Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), sendo quatro delas (A, B, C, e D) voltadas a area de educacao e duas (E e F) a area de Ciencias Sociais e Economia. O estudo das teses parte dos objetivos de cada uma, que podem ser resumidos da seguinte forma: a Tese A - ¡ªA Mundializacao da Educacao: o Projeto Neoliberal de Sociedade e de Educacao no Brasil e na Venezuela. (MELO, 2003) -, sob a orientacao do Prof. Dr. Nilson Joseph Demange, teve como objetivo investigar o processo de mundializacao da educacao como elemento de uma nova fase de internacionalizacao e acumulacao capitalista, conduzida hegemonicamente pelos sujeitos politicos coletivos que assumem o projeto neoliberal de sociabilidade, especialmente o Fundo Monetario Internacional e o Banco Mundial, que buscam ser condutores das reformas estruturais para a America Latina e Caribe; a Tese B . ¡ªO Capital Financeiro e a Educacao no Brasil. (DEITOS, 2005) -, sob a orientacao da Profa. Dra. Maria Elizabete Sampaio Prado Xavier, teve como objetivo definir quais as consequencias da consolidacao do projeto, para a redefinicao das politicas educacionais na America Latina e Caribe; a Tese C . ¡ªGlobalizacao e Descentralizacao: o Processo de Desconstrucao do Sistema Educacional Brasileiro pela Via da Municipalizacao. (ROSAR, 1995) -, sob a orientacao do Prof. Dr. Demerval Saviani, teve como objetivo analisar as reformas educacionais empreendidas no Brasil, no periodo de 1995-2002, particularmente a politica educacional nacional para o ensino medio e profissional, com financiamento externo do Banco Internacional para Reforma e Desenvolvimento (BIRD); a Tese D . ¡ªAs Politicas Educacionais para o Desenvolvimento e o Trabalho Docente. (SOUZA, 1999) ., sob a orientacao da Profa. Dra. Liliana Rolisen Petrilli Segnini, trata da politica educacional para o ensino de 1¨¬ grau, tracada segundo a visao de seu autor no ambito de projetos federais, com o objetivo de induzir a municipalizacao do ensino, transferindo encargos para o municipio, sem a realizacao de investimentos financeiros satisfatorios nessa instancia; a Tese E . ¡ªEconomia, poder e influencias externa: O Grupo Banco Mundial e as Politicas de Ajustes Estruturais na America Latina, nas Decadas de Oitenta e Noventa. (COELHO, 2002) ., sob a orientacao do Prof. Dr. Sebastiao Carlos Velasco e Cruz, teve como objetivo analisar as relacoes entre o projeto educacional implementado pelo governo estadual, no periodo entre 1995 e 1998 e suas concepcoes de politicas educacionais; a Tese F - ¡ªA Questao Social e os Limites do Projeto Liberal no Brasil. (GIMENES, 2007) ., sob a orientacao do Prof. Dr. Carlos Alonso Barbosa de Oliveira, teve como objetivo analisar a relacao entre a economia, o poder politico e a influencia externa, focalizando o Grupo Banco Mundial e os programas de ajustamento estrutural na America Latina. Por fim este estudo mescla teses brasileiras advindas da area da Educacao e da Economia; foca o banco mundial e sua influencia no Brasil, oferecendo uma visao das conexoes logicas existentes entre elas. Como conclusao deste trabalho, apresentaremos as consideracoes finais de cada uma das teses, bem como as limitacoes e sugestoes para
Measuring Job Openings: Evidence from Swedish Plant Level Data. In modern macroeconomic models “job openings'' are a key component. Thus, when taking these models to the data we need an empirical counterpart to the theoretical concept of job openings. To achieve this, the literature relies on job vacancies measured either in survey or register data. Insofar as this concept captures the concept of job openings well we should see a tight relationship between vacancies and subsequent hires on the micro level. To investigate this, I analyze a new data set of Swedish hires and job vacancies on the plant level covering the period 2001-2012. I find that vacancies contain little power in predicting hires over and above (i) whether the number of vacancies is positive and (ii) plant size. Building on this, I propose an alternative measure of job openings in the economy. This measure (i) better predicts hiring at the plant level and (ii) provides a better fitting aggregate matching function vis-à-vis the traditional vacancy measure. Firm Level Evidence from Two Vacancy Measures. Using firm level survey and register data for both Sweden and Denmark we show systematic mis-measurement in both vacancy measures. While the register-based measure on the aggregate constitutes a quarter of the survey-based measure, the latter is not a super-set of the former. To obtain the full set of unique vacancies in these two databases, the number of survey vacancies should be multiplied by approximately 1.2. Importantly, this adjustment factor varies over time and across firm characteristics. Our findings have implications for both the search-matching literature and policy analysis based on vacancy measures: observed changes in vacancies can be an outcome of changes in mis-measurement, and are not necessarily changes in the actual number of vacancies. Swedish Unemployment Dynamics. We study the contribution of different labor market flows to business cycle variations in unemployment in the context of a dual labor market. To this end, we develop a decomposition method that allows for a distinction between permanent and temporary employment. We also allow for slow convergence to steady state which is characteristic of European labor markets. We apply the method to a new Swedish data set covering the period 1987-2012 and show that the relative contributions of inflows and outflows to/from unemployment are roughly 60/30. The remaining 10\% are due to flows not involving unemployment. Even though temporary contracts only cover 9-11\% of the working age population, variations in flows involving temporary contracts account for 44\% of the variation in unemployment. We also show that the importance of flows involving temporary contracts is likely to be understated if one does not account for non-steady state dynamics. The New Keynesian Transmission Mechanism: A Heterogeneous-Agent Perspective. We argue that a 2-agent version of the standard New Keynesian model---where a ``worker'' receives only labor income and a “capitalist'' only profit income---offers insights about how income inequality affects the monetary transmission mechanism. Under rigid prices, monetary policy affects the distribution of consumption, but it has no effect on output as workers choose not to change their hours worked in response to wage movements. In the corresponding representative-agent model, in contrast, hours do rise after a monetary policy loosening due to a wealth effect on labor supply: profits fall, thus reducing the representative worker's income. If wages are rigid too, however, the monetary transmission mechanism is active and resembles that in the corresponding representative-agent model. Here, workers are not on their labor supply curve and hence respond passively to demand, and profits are procyclical.
This paper departs from this point to consider whether and how crisis thinking contributes to practices of affirmative critique and transformative social action in late-capitalist societies. I argue that different deployments of crisis thinking have different ‘affect-effects’ and consequences for ethical and political practice. Some work to mobilize political action through articulating a politics of fear, assuming that people take most responsibility for the future when they fear the alternatives. Other forms of crisis thinking work to heighten critical awareness by disrupting existential certainty, asserting an ‘ethics of ambiguity’ which assumes that the continuous production of uncertain futures is a fundamental part of the human condition (de Beauvoir, 2000). In this paper, I hope to illustrate that the first deployment of crisis thinking can easily justify the closing down of political debate, discouraging radical experimentation and critique for the sake of resolving problems in a timely and decisive way. The second approach to crisis thinking, on the other hand, has greater potential to enable intellectual and political alterity in everyday life—but one that poses considerable challenges for our understandings of and responses to climate change...
This study provides an account and analysis of the development of systems of educational provision In capitalist democracies, especially in connection with the social origin and relative autonony of those systems. Using the case study of Athabasca University, a Canadian distance-education institution in the province of Alberta, the study is a critical work of historical sociology, in which the shifting social role of a system of educational provision during two transitions of a regional political economy is analyzed. Comparative observations are made in reference to other systems of educational provision and organizations, in particular the training department of a large Company based In the same region as the Unversity. The study explores the social origin and relative autonomy of systems of educational provision In relation to educational ideologies, which are themselves associated with social ideologies. Pierre Bourdieu's theoretical construction of "fields of power'' allows for a consideration of power as a relational phenomenon in the study. In other words, power is understood as being exercised in a way that simultaneously takes account of the power of other actors and groups. Fields of power also allow for an analysis of power as it is exercised at various levels of organizations and within society. The study is organized in two phases. First, an account is developed of the historical period in which the Unlversity and the Company were created, but especially the period of establishment for the Unlversity, 1970 - 75. Conclusions are offered concerning the causal associations between the historical antecedents that gave rise to the two organlzations. It is argued that both the University and the Company were established In part to enact the AIberta government's efforts to enhance Its powers within the Canadian federation (a process called province-building), The second phase is concerned with a more recent period of three years, 1993 - 95. By this time, province-building was not as significant a concern for policy-makers, and the organizational responses of the University and the Company reflected this shift. A divergence of practice is observed at the University and the Company, with actors at the Company encouraging the development of collectivist values for employees, while at the University no such overt strategy was followed, The study concludes that a consumerist model of education developed by the University in 1970 - 75 and expanded In 1993 - 95 contributed significantly to the institution's social origin and relative autonomy. The model was used as an Ideology in the earlier period and as a strategy In the later one, serving to forestall the institution's closure during both periods of crisis, though Ieading to ambiguous social outcomes. A consumerist model may on the one hand be progressive in that expanded access to educational opportunities is made possible. On the other hand, the consumerist model will tend increasingly to provide educational services to those social segments that already have access to educational opportunities.
Although prior studies looked at corporate social disclosures (CSD hereafter) mainly from the managerial perspective there are very few studies which examined CSD from a non-managerial stakeholder perspective. This paper contributes to that limited CSD literature. It does so from a developing country perspective. The main aim of this paper is to examine the views of selected NGOs on current CSD practices in Bangladesh using Gramscian hegemonic analysis. For this purpose, semi-structured interviews were carried out in the selected social and environmental NGOs of both overseas and Bangladesh origin. The results suggest that NGOs viewed the current CSD practice as far from satisfactory. They also argued that it is mainly aimed at maintaining corporate interests of image building. The study suggests that it is not corporations to be blamed alone for production of CSD in the interests of business, it is the capitalist society that consents to such reproduction of CSD.
It is well known that innovation is the engine that drives the growth machine of modern capitalist economies. Therefore, not surprisingly, substantial attention has been devoted by economists to the process behind the production of innovations. Three areas have recently emerged as relevant in the field. These are: the impact of spillovers on productivity; the different forms of R&D cooperation and the role of patents in fostering innovations when these are cumulative. In this paper I summarise the relevant literature in these three areas by discussing where the current literature stands and what are its future developments.
In this article we explore the dual role of global university rankings in the creation of a new, knowledge-identified, transnational capitalist class and in facilitating new forms of social exclusion.We examine how and why the practice of ranking universities has become widely defined by national and international organisations as an important instrument of political and economic policy. We consider how the development of university rankings into a global business combining social research, marketing and public relations, as a tangible policy tool that narrowly redefines the social purposes of higher education itself. Finally, it looks at how the influence of rankings on national funding for teaching and research constrains wider public debate about the meaning of ‘good’ and meaningful education in the UK and other national contexts, particularly by shifting the debate away from democratic publics upward into the elite networked institutions of global capital. We conclude by arguing that, rather than regarding world university rankings as a means to establish criteria of educational value, the practice may be understood as an exclusionary one that furthers the alignment of higher education with neoliberal rationalities at both national and global levels.
A notable feature of the recent commercialisation of biotechnology has been the success of 200 or so new firms, established in America since 1976, in exploiting specialised market niches. A key factor in their formation has been the ready availability of venture capital funding. These firms have been instrumental in establishing America's lead in exploiting biotechnology. It is this example which Britain has attempted to emulate as part of its strategy for developing its own biotechnology capabilities. This thesis investigated some aspects of the relationship between biotechnology and venture capital, concentrating on the determinants of the venture capitalist's investment decision. Following an extensive literature survey, two hypothetical business proposals were used to find what venture capitalists themselves consider to be the key elements of this decision. It was found that venture capitalists invest in people, not products, and businesses, not industries. It was concluded that venture capital-backed small firms should, therefore, be seen as an adjunct to the development of biotechnology in Britain, rather than as a substitute for a co-ordinated, co-operative strategy involving Government, the financial institutions, industry and academia. This is chiefly because the small size of the UK's domestic market means that many potentially important innovations in biotechnology may continue to be lost, since the short term identification of market opportunities for biotechnology products will dictate that they are insupportable in Britain alone. In addition, the data analysis highlighted some interesting methodological issues concerning the investigation of investment decision making. These related especially to shortcomings in the use of scoresheets and questionnaires in research in this area. The conclusion here was that future research should concentrate on the reasons why an individual reaches an investment decision. It is argued that only in this way can the nature of the evaluation procedures employed by venture capitalists be properly understood.
The present political climate in which the ideals of entrepreneurship and self-help are strongly encouraged has drawn attention to those ethnic minorities noted for their entrepreneurial activity. Since the Chinese appear to be an exemplary case in point, this thesis focusses upon the historical material conditions which have led to the formation of a Chinese 'business* community in Britain, both past and present As such, it rejects the theories of cultural determinism which characterise most studies of the Chinese. For rather than representing the endurance of cultural norms, the existence of the contemporary Chinese 'niche' of ethnically exclusive firms in the catering industry is due to the conjunction of a number of historical processes. The first is the imperialist expansion into China of Britain's capitalist empire during the nineteenth century which established a relationship of dependency upon the interests of British capital by colonial Chinese labour. The second is the post war development of the catering industry and its demand for cheap labour as administered by the British state together with the contemporaneous development of the agricultural economy of colonial Hong Kong. Far from representing a source of material benefit to all, the ethnic Chinese 'niche' in catering is highly exploitative and merely underlines the racial oppression of Chinese in Britain. Attempts to promote business interests within the ethnic community therefore serve merely to entrench the structures of oppression.
This thesis considers the main theoretical positions within the contemporary sociology of nationalism. These can be grouped into two basic types, primordialist theories which assert that nationalism is an inevitable aspect of all human societies, and modernist theories which assert that nationalism and the nation-state first developed within western Europe in recent centuries. With respect to primordialist approaches to nationalism, it is argued that the main common explanation offered is human biological propensity. Consideration is concentrated on the most recent and plausible of such theories, sociobiology. Sociobiological accounts root nationalism and racism in genetic programming which favours close kin, or rather to the redirection of this programming in complex societies, where the social group is not a kin group. It is argued that the stated assumptions of the sociobiologists do not entail the conclusions they draw as to the roots of nationalism, and that in order to arrive at such conclusions further and implausible assumptions have to be made. With respect to modernists, the first group of writers who are considered are those, represented by Carlton Hayes, Hans Kohn and Elie Kedourie, whose main thesis is that the nation-state and nationalism are recent phenomena. Next, the two major attempts to relate nationalism and the nation-state to imperatives specific either to capitalist societies (in the `orthodox' marxist theory elaborated about the turn of the twentieth century) or to the processes of modernisation and industrialisation (the `Weberian' account of Ernest Gellner) are discussed. It is argued that modernist accounts can only be sustained by starting from a definition of nationalism and the nation-state which conflates such phenomena with others which are specific to the modern world. The marxist and Gellner accounts form the necessary starting point for any explanation as to why the nation-state is apparently the sole viable form of polity in the modern world, but their assumption that no pre-modern society was national leaves them without an adequate account of the earliest origins of the nation-state and of nationalism. Finally, a case study from the history of England argues both the achievement of a national state form and the elucidation of crucial components of a nationalist ideology were attained at a period not consistent with any of the versions of the modernist thesis.
In the wake of German unification, initial advertising by many West German companies in the new federal states (the former German Democratic Republic - GDR) proved largely ineffective and many advertisers were forced to change their approach to this new market. The advertising task proved even more complicated for banks, because banking existed only at the most basic level in the former GDR. Furthermore, under the old regime, "capitalist" banks represented the very antithesis of the GDR's founding ideology. This analysis of advertising by West German banks - in particular Dresdner Bank - in the new federal states brings together elements of discourse and communication theory, particularly Relevance Theory [Sperber and Wilson 1986], with the overall objective of designing a model of intercultural advertising communication. A series of simple association tasks based on texts from pre-Wende advertisements was completed by a sample of advertisees (as they are called in the study) in Leipzig. The research shows the lack of relevance between the advertiser's understanding of concepts such as "credit", "bank" etc. and the associations which these concepts have for the sample of advertisees. Further analysis reveals that this lack of relevance occurs because advertisers and advertisees assign differing contexts to these concepts when they communicate through advertising. The study concludes that these different contexts, governed by the contrasting ideological, economic and linguistic environments of the advertisers and advertisees, interfere with the effective communication of the advertising message.