899 resultados para CINEMA - ASPECTOS SOCIAIS


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Este estudo tem por objetivo identificar os aspectos que podem promover ou limitar o surgimento de arranjos de pagamentos de mobile payment (pagamentos móveis) que possam ser utilizados nas iniciativas de microcrédito no Brasil. O tema microcrédito foi escolhido em função do enorme potencial para a realização de operações de microcrédito no Brasil, bem como pelo aspecto de integração econômico-social que as operações de microcrédito podem proporcionar. A escolha do tema mobile payment ocorreu em função da versatilidade e inovação desta modalidade de pagamento, com potencial para uma grande transformação dos meios de pagamentos no mercado brasileiro. A análise da utilização do mobile payment nas iniciativas de microcrédito surgiu em função das contribuições que tal modalidade de pagamento pode trazer para a realização de operações de microcrédito. O objetivo deste estudo qualitativo é auxiliar na compreensão dos aspectos limitadores e incentivadores para a utilização do mobile payment nas iniciativas de microcrédito, bem como verificar quais contribuições a utilização do mobile payment pode trazer para a realização de operações de microcrédito. Adicionalmente, por meio das informações obtidas junto aos Grupos Sociais Relevantes (GSR) envolvidos nos arranjos de pagamentos, a presente pesquisa pretende ainda identificar as influências destes agentes para a formação e adaptação desses arranjos. As informações para a realização deste estudo foram coletadas principalmente por meio de entrevistas em profundidade com representantes selecionados dos GSR participantes dos arranjos de pagamentos. As entrevistas realizadas foram transcritas e constam no final do trabalho, representando uma fonte importante de informação aos interessados no tema, em função da riqueza de detalhes apresentados. Para a compreensão e interpretação do objeto de estudo, foi utilizado o referencial teórico apresentado por Coase e Williamson (Teoria dos Custos de Transação), Gannamaneni e Ondrus (Multilevel Framework). Com a publicação da Resolução 4.282 do Banco Central do Brasil em novembro de 2013, instituindo o marco regulatório que disciplina a autorização e o funcionamento de arranjos e instituições de pagamento no Brasil, o objeto de análise em questão torna-se ainda mais relevante para a comunidade acadêmica, participantes do mercado de microcrédito e GSR integrantes dos arranjos de mobile payment. Espera-se com isso contribuir para um melhor entendimento das barreiras e facilitadores para a adoção e desenvolvimento dos arranjos de pagamentos de mobile payment, e, principalmente, que esta pesquisa possa contribuir para uma maior interação destes arranjos com as iniciativas de microcrédito.


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Este artigo pretende conectar aspectos gerais das teorias deliberativas de democracia a mecanismos específicos disponíveis aos usuários das redes sociais. Aponta-se quais ferramentas das redes sociais colaboram com a constituição de uma esfera pública e o desenvolvimento de uma democracia deliberativa, especialmente quando incorporadas pela comunicação do Estado. Para tanto, reconstruímos sistematicamente a estrutura teórica da democracia deliberativa e, em seguida, avaliamos ferramentas específicas, ilustrando-as com exemplos nacionais de seu uso. Julgamos que esse tipo de análise é relevante para que se determine no futuro como estruturar a comunicação entre órgãos estatais e sociedade, de maneira a maximizar seu potencial deliberativo.


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Unidade 6. Duração: 20min.


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Este estudo investiga a produção cinematográfica no âmbito escolar com a introdução das novas ferramentas (mídias) para a dinamização do aprendizado educacional, com um enfoque na linha de pesquisa de inovação pedagógica e destaca essencialmente o cinema como ferramenta didático-pedagógica, numa perspectiva inovadora no Ensino Médio. Para tanto, traz como principal objetivo analisar a produção cinematográfica dos alunos de uma escola pública no nordeste brasileiro, buscando identificar se esta constitui ou não uma prática pedagógica inovadora. Assim, procura conhecer a experiência da produção cinematográfica da escola e verificar se esse recurso de mídia, da forma como vem sendo utilizado e apropriado pela escola, evidencia traços de inovação pedagógica, identificando limites e possibilidades na utilização desse recurso no favorecimento do protagonismo juvenil e nas atitudes cidadãs de autonomia. O referencial teórico apoiou-se nos escritos de Bergala (2006), Bogdan & Biklen, (1994), Fino (2003, 2007), Freire (1982, 1995), Giddens (1991), Gimeno Sacristán (2007), Kuhn (2009), Lapassade (2005), Perrenoud (2000, 2008, 2010), Sousa & Fino (2001, 2007), Papert (2008) Toffler (2001), dentre outros que trazem discussões acerca da organização escolar, seus modelos e procedimentos quanto à aquisição do conhecimento. A investigação se utiliza de uma abordagem qualitativa de cunho etnográfico, com a realização de uma pesquisa de campo, bem como dos recursos da entrevista e do grupo focal com alunos e professor, observação da dinâmica das práticas pedagógicas dentro e fora da sala de aula e conversas informais. Os resultados apontam que as práticas desenvolvidas pelos atores (professor e alunos) que constroem e desvelam as sutilezas do processo de ensino aprendizagem na escola Charles Chaplin evidenciam traços de inovação pedagógica, nos moldes do currículo da escola fabril, pois buscam implantar e difundir um novo paradigma através de práticas construídas, contribuindo para a transformação das formas de aquisição do conhecimento nos ambientes escolares.


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práticas artificiais, que incluem a experiência midiática, numa negociação/conciliação permanente entre a cultura objetiva (social) e a subjetiva (do indivíduo). A mediação cotidiana e fundamental é a comunicação do real com o imaginário. Para além do ato ou efeito de mediar, de estar entre, as mediações são a articulação entre práticas de comunicação e movimentos sociais; são as modalidades da comunicação dentro das quais se inserem os meios e que estão ligadas ao sensorium dos modos de percepção e da experiência social. O cinema reflete esse quadro como produto de uma experiência coletiva de fascínio mágico, um lugar de participação afetiva. Comporta elementos do jogo não competitivo e também apresenta elementos do sagrado pela alimentação e divulgação de mitos, pela ritualização convertida em periodicidade e pelo extraordinário evocado em êxtase profano.


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The information technology - IT- benefits have been more perceived during the last decades. Both IT and business managers are dealing with subjects like governance, IT-Business alignment, information security and others on their top priorities. Talking about governance, specifically, managers are facing it with a technical approach, that gives emphasis on protection against invasions, antivirus systems, access controls and others technical issues. The IT risk management, commonly, is faced under this approach, that means, has its importance reduced and delegated to IT Departments. On the last two decades, a new IT risk management perspective raised, bringing an holistic view of IT risk to the organization. According to this new perspective, the strategies formulation process should take into account the IT risks. With the growing of IT dependence on most of organizations, the necessity of a better comprehension about the subject becomes more clear. This work shows a study in three public organizations of the Pernambuco State that investigates how those organizations manage their IT risks. Structured interviews were made with IT managers, and later, analyzed and compared with conceptual categories found in the literature. The results shows that the IT risks culture and IT governance are weakly understood and implemented on those organizations, where there are not such an IT risk methodology formally defined, neither executed. In addition, most of practices suggested in the literature were found, even without an alignment with an IT risks management process


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This study searches in approaching diverse pertinent aspects to the immigration process that affects the countries of the European Union especially in Portugal. The works deriving from this research has its objective in: analyzing the risk, work and health in Brazilian immigrants residing in Lisbon, Portugal. As methodological way, we use the instruments: Test of Free Association of Words and half-structuralized interview. For in such a way, they had been processed in software s for analysis between them: SPSS 14,5, Evoc, Trideux and Alceste. The not-boarded results in this study will be worked as clippings and will be sent for posterior publication. Thus, I consider this work enriching, in view of contributing of the same as mechanisms of understanding of being a immigrant and the possibility of the mobilization of the society and the academic environment for a phenomenon growing each time more, especially, the professionals of health, so we can intervine in a more necessary form within the factors that affects this population layer directly


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The aim of the present study was to identify the representational elements of workrelated accidents in the health field, as well as investigate their most frequent occurrences at a university hospital, seeking to understand the cognitive, affective and social elements subjacent to the work process involved in health. The analysis focused on 470 middle and senior support staff of this hospital, based on the theoretical-methodological support of the Social Representations Theory. A combination of the following instruments was used for data collection: a free wordassociation test, a questionnaire, an interview and a field journal. Evoc 2000 software was used to identify representational structure. Chi-square and Mann-Whitney tests, at a significance level of 5%, were performed to verify the association between the independent variables and the occurrence of work accidents. In addition, thematic content analysis and lexicographic analysis by ALCESTE software program were used to understand textual content. It was observed that social representations of work-related accidents in the health area are centered in the contamination category, while the categories of prevention and professional unpreparedness are found peripherally. There was a significant association between the existence of multiple employment, the use of personal protective equipment (PPI) during work, job satisfaction and the occurrence of work accidents. The conclusions indicate that perforating-cutting occupational accidents predominated in the hospital and that the representations of the subjects intertwined, with a traditional discourse of work accidents strongly present in Occupational Health. It is therefore suggested that certain subjective aspects related to culture, in terms of controlling work accidents, such as: management, process, organization and the increasing precariousness


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This dissertation establishes some reading, in the field of social sciences, which has pornography and prostitution as subject - having as main reference the diaries of the prostitutes Bruna Sufistinha, Marise and Gabriela. We have accessed some other literary works through Marquee de Sade, Henry Miller, Georges Bataille and Michel Houellebecq, in order to understand some aspects of the pornographic language. We also analyzed other contemporary discourses on the experience of pornography in cinema and on internet. It is a reflection about sexuality and what is considered obscenity. With observations on the literature of Anaïs Nin, Pauline Réage, and Hilda Hilst we tried to understand the feminine poetic point of view so that we can think about pornography and prostitution


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It s in the city spaces, molded from the uses and daily appropriations, that life is woven, as a product of the social relationships from the accumulation of history along with the present day fabric. Within this relationship, the old and the new are elements which make up this tapestry, as a result of the contribution of successive generations. The public square is seen as an example of this relationship, since it consists of a fertile space for opportunities of urban life coexistence. It is within the trace of these considerations that the present study emerges regarding the appropriation and sociability of the Tomé de Sousa Square, located in the city of Salvador, BA, having as its main focus the special relation between the cinema and the public square, as it relates to the space of the exhibition of cinematographic art. The showing of films in public squares makes possible a distinctive means of appropriation which has occurred ever since the beginning of the cinema. Today in Brazil, projects of this nature abound, which aim at presenting the seventh art to a great portion of the population which doesn t have access to conventional movie theater projection rooms. This particular Projeto Cinema na Praça Cinema in the Square Project carried out in Salvador, has become the empirical reference point for such work. This journey reveals the fascination that this great art has woven through time, attracting and charming multitudes. The cinema touches people in a special way, stirring up affectionate feelings, which are reflected in multiple social practices. Regarding this work, what stands out above all are the projections in the squares, initiatives which make it possible for the films to be watched collectively. What was taken into account in order to carry out this work were the reports of those who came regularly to watch the cinema in the Square sessions, those involved with the cinema projects team, and the film makers. To do the work, besides a bibliographical revision, observations were made of participants in the Tomé de Sousa Square, taken from semi-structured interviews with people involved with the film projection projects and those who came regularly to the cinema in the Square sessions. Also investigations were made in newspapers, printed magazines and the internet, from document and iconographic sources. The photographic documentation proved to be an important contribution to the field work. The research therefore develops from the understanding that the social practices are what make possible the uses of and the appropriation of the spaces. Within this perspective the public square emerges as a privileged locus where possibilities flourish for multiple manifestations that social practices can generate


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Soulignant l´importance des transformations du discours politique du cinéma brésilien actuel, cet étude entreprend une analyse de la dimension éthique du cinéma de Walter Salles. Pour cela, nous avons parti de trois films long-métrages du directeur: Terra Estrangeira, Central do Brasil et Abril Despedaçado. Les films sélectionnés constituent les trois diférents chapitres de cette mémoire de maîtrise, qui s´articulent a des diférentes dimensions de l´éthique - l´hospitalité, la réliaison, et le pardon- et se présentent em format essayistique. Au texte, ces dimensions éthiques émergent à partir des récits, surtout des expériences existencielles des protagonistes et de ses singulières rencontres avec l´altérité. Comme tel, dialoguent avec des réflétions d´auteurs comme Edgar Morin, Zigmunt Bauman, Julia Kristeva, Paul Ricoeur et Hannah Arendt. Des diférents régistres de la connaissance -artistique, scientifique, religieuse- s´articulent donc dans le travail, et dialoguent en condition d´égalité. La recherche fait usage de matériels multiples qui incluent, au-delà des films mentionnés, et de ses respectifs scripts, des références à d´autres long-métrages et documentaires du directeur, ainsi que, des makingoffs, entretiens, et interprétations de commentaristes comme Lucia Nagib, Luiz Zanin Oricchio, Ivana Bentes, Pedro Butcher e Jurandir Freire Costa


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The present investigation proposes an approach of light and shadow and their imaginary significations in the images of both German expressionist movie and the American noir movie, whose aesthetic experience is expressed through a contrasting bright/dark photography, loaded with symbolism. The interpretation of the imaginary significations of this imagistic material is based on Gilbert Durand´s imaginary anthropological theories that deal with a myriad of symbols gathered according to their semantic isomorphism and linked to more general structures named as Daily and nightly Image Regime . There come to gravitate, around such regimes, symbols attached to division and purification, ascensional and spectacular, with imaginary significations homological to Light and Good, and symbols associated to night, fall and animalism, isomorphic of Shadow and Evil


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This study has as a goal to establish a relationship between public sidewalk characteristics of Lagoa Nova District (neighborhood), in Natal and the kind of citizens whose constructions and maintenance layouts reflects. It‟s understood here as public sidewalk, specifically, the place reserved for passers-by traffic, located between public lots and vehicles pavements. It‟s a concern to make a brief survey about the occupation of this particular region and a detailed description over physical characteristic of its sidewalks that shows several obstacles for passers-by accessibility, trying to find possible factors that explain the problematic format , once, at the first sight, most of accessibility of passers-by is compromised. It‟ also, searched, local population thoughts regarding occupation notions about this environment, just like as cultural, political and economical aspects that might influence upon snatching these hybrid places located between private and public border line. It‟s confirmed that the nowadays sidewalks‟ shapes is not only citizenship reflection or a lack of it but shows it as an active agent related with the construction of this set of fundamental rights and duties vital for harmonical co-living local citizens


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Homosexuality has been gaining strength in Cinema from the late twentieth century, when there is a dissemination of freedoms around the peripheral or marginal sexualities. Based on this assumption, it was formulated in the dissertation work, an analysis of the relationship between Cinema and Sexuality in order to understand, describe, reflect and analyze possible changes around the performative behaviors of male homosexual from the introduction of them in film production, arising from the mass culture industry. These productions are located in three different decades. In this case, the Cinema has not only the reproductive character of realities, but also a producing agent and consolidating them. The methodology applied was discourse analysis of three film works, namely La Cage aux Folles (1978), In & Out (1997) and Boat Trip (2002). The image, research object of this work, is developed by a mass culture that will produce mass identities which is characterized by crystallization of clichés around the gay world