876 resultados para Burnout (Psychology)
Although positive psychology (PP) was initially conceived as more a shift in perspective (towards the “positive”) than a new field per se, in pragmatic terms, it is arguably beginning to function as a distinct discipline, with people self-identifying as “positive psychologists.” Thus, we contend it is time for the field to start developing a system of professional (e.g., ethical) guidelines to inform the practice of PP. To this end, we outline one such possible system, drawing on guidelines in counselling and psychotherapy. Moreover, we argue for the creation of two tiers of professional identity within PP. Firstly, people with a master’s qualification in PP might label themselves “positive psychology practitioners.” Secondly, we raise the possibility of creating a professional doctorate in PP which would enable graduates to assume the title of “positive psychologist.” We hope that this paper will contribute towards a dialogue within the field around these issues, helping PP to develop further over the years ahead.
El síndrome de burnout está muy presente entre los profesionales de la salud, y en especial, entre los médicos anestesistas. Este síndrome se asocia a una peor autopercepción de la salud, así como a una gran comorbilidad somática y psicológica. Además, lleva consigo la prestación de cuidados de menor calidad, un mayor número de errores médicos y demoras en los procesos de toma de decisiones. El objetivo del presente trabajo es articular una propuesta de intervención sobre el burnout, en función de las distintas manifestaciones clínicas del síndrome. Para ello, han sido presentados de forma sistemática los subtipos de burnout: frenético, sin-desafíos y desgastado. El frenético es un perfil de burnout muy implicado, ambicioso y sobrecargado, por lo que las intervenciones dirigidas a este subtipo habrán de tratar de reducir el malestar generado por la tensión, la fatiga y el agotamiento. El sin-desafíos es un perfil de burnout indiferente, que se aburre en el trabajo y no se desarrolla personalmente, por lo que las intervenciones enfocadas en este subtipo habrán de intentar renovar el interés y reducir el cinismo, mediante el establecimiento de nuevos retos que resulten significativos. El desgastado es un perfil de burnout negligente, con falta de reconocimiento y falta de control sobre los resultados, por lo que las intervenciones enfocadas en este subtipo habrán de hacer frente a los sentimientos de desesperanza y falta de eficacia, haciendo recuperar la confianza perdida. Para finalizar, se propone una hipótesis de trabajo respecto al desarrollo longitudinal del síndrome y de sus manifestaciones clínicas, sobre la cual organizar la propuesta de intervención
El burnout es una respuesta disfuncional al estrés laboral crónico, la cual se presenta en profesionales que tienen trato constante con usuarios de servicios, por ejemplo, médicos, enfermeras y cuidadores. El burnout incide negativamente a nivel fisiológico, personal, familiar y laboral. El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar los efectos de una intervención cognitivo-conductual (ICC) dirigida a cuidadores formales de ancianos para disminuir el burnout. La ICC se implementó y evaluó en 15 cuidadores formales de ancianos institucionalizados, y se integró por los módulos de relajación, reestructuración cognitiva, habilidades sociales, reforzamiento positivo, moldeamiento y modelamiento. Los resultados de la intervención indican disminuciones estadísticamente significativas en los puntajes de la variable burnout y sus dimensiones desgaste físico y psíquico, desilusión por el trabajo y culpa. También, se aprecian incrementos en los puntajes de la variable calidad de vida y sus dimensiones salud física, salud psicológica y relaciones sociales. Adicionalmente, se observa que todos los cuidadores, disminuyeron clínicamente las puntuaciones de burnout, y el 60% de ellos, mejoraron clínicamente las puntuaciones de calidad de vida. Se concluye que la ICC fue eficaz en el manejo del burnout y en la mejora de calidad de vida en cuidadores de ancianos.
El objetivo principal de este trabajo es realizar un estudio preliminar sobre la percepción que tienen los psicólogos del deporte del síndrome de burnout en deportistas. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio utilizando la técnica Delphi en una muestra de 23 expertos en Psicología del Deporte con amplia experiencia en entrenamiento psicológico con deportistas. Se les envió de forma sucesiva tres cuestionarios semiestructurados por correo electrónico sobre el burnout en deportistas, en los que se les preguntaba por diversos aspectos del síndrome como síntomas, consecuencias, relación estrés-burnout, y estrategias o técnicas de intervención psicológicas, elaborándose el segundo y el tercer cuestionario a partir del análisis de la información de las respuestas dadas en los anteriores. Los resultados muestran que la gran mayoría de los expertos plantea el estrés junto con la pérdida de control en la vida del deportista como factores directamente relacionados con el síndrome de burnout, y el 100% considera que el autoconcepto deportivo y extradeportivo es una variable que incide en el burnout. Las consecuencias fisiológicas del burnout en deportistas referidas por los expertos son tensión, fatiga e irritabilidad no acordes con el momento deportivo, dificultad para experimentar emociones positivas como ilusión, expectativas positivas, energía, etc., y tendencia a que desapareciese el entusiasmo en el deporte. Las estrategias de intervención psicológica de elección referidas por los expertos incluyen control emocional, mejora de la autoestima y autoconcepto, establecimiento de objetivos, intervención centrada en necesidades, apoyo social, organización y gestión del tiempo, reestructuración cognitiva, control del estrés, resolución de problemas, y facilitación de actividades alternativas satisfactorias.
São apresentados os resultados de dois estudos realizados na mesma população. O estudo de caso-controlo aninhado num estudo transversal analisa os determinantes do bem-estar em contexto laboral. O segundo usa uma abordagem de modelos de equações estruturais para analisar as interrelações entre o bullying no trabalho, o burnout, o bem-estar e o presentismo.
For the discipline of occupational health psychology (OHP) to continue to evolve and to serve workers effectively it is imperative that education and training provision is available that enables students to acquire knowledge and skills, free of geographical and temporal constraints. This chapter begins with a brief introduction to the historical development of education and training in OHP in Europe. The review culminates with the assertion that higher education institutions are now required to act innovatively in regard to the expansion of provision. One such initiative involves the introduction of e-learning. A case study concerning the implementation of a Masters degree in OHP by e-learning is presented. On the outcomes of the case study, recommendations are offered for the design and implementation of such courses. The chapter concludes by raising some further questions that need to be addressed for education and training provision in OHP to continue to expand.
At the first full conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (Lund, 1999), the decision was ratified to organise activities around three fora. These together represented the pillars on which the European Academy had been founded that same year: education, research and professional practice. Each forum was convened by a chair person and a small group of full members; it was agreed that a forum meeting would take place at each full conference and working groups would be established to move developments forward between conferences. The forum system has proven an effective means by which to channel the energies of individual members, and the institutions that they represent, towards advancements in all three areas of activity in occupational health psychology (OHP) in Europe. During the meeting of the education forum at the third full European Academy conference (Barcelona, 2001), the proposal was made for the establishment of a working party that would be tasked with the production of a strategy document on The Promotion of Education in Occupational Health Psychology in Europe. The proposal was ratified at the subsequent annual business meeting held during the same conference. The draft outline of the strategy document was published for consultation in the European Academy’s e-newsletter (Vol. 3.1, 2002) and the final document presented to the meeting of the education forum at the fourth full conference (Vienna, 2002). The strategy document constituted a seminal piece of literature in so far as it provided a foundation and structure capable of guiding pan-European developments in education in OHP – developments that would ensure the sustained growth of the discipline and assure it of a long-standing embedded place in both the scholarly and professional domains. To these ends, the strategy document presented six objectives as important for the sustained expansion and the promotion of education in the discipline in Europe. Namely, the development of: [1] A core syllabus for education in occupational health psychology [2] A mechanism for identifying, recognising and listing undergraduate and postgraduate modules and courses (programmes) in occupational health psychology [3] Structures to support the extension of the current provision of education in occupational health psychology [4] Ways of enhancing convergence of the current provision of education in occupational health psychology [5] Ways of encouraging regional cooperation between education providers across the regions of Europe [6] Ways of ensuring consistency with North American developments in education and promoting world wide co-operation in education Five years has elapsed since the presentation of these laudable objectives to the meeting of the education forum in Vienna in December 2002. In that time OHP has undergone considerable growth, particularly in Europe and North America. Expansion has been reflected in the evolution of existing, and emergence of new, representative bodies for the discipline on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. As such, it might be considered timely to pause to reflect on what has been achieved in respect of each of the objectives set out in the strategy document. The current chapter examines progress on the six objectives and considers what remains to be done. This exercise is entered into not merely in order to congratulate achievements in some areas and lament slow progress in others. Rather, on the one hand it serves to highlight areas where real progress has been made with a view to the presentation of these areas as ripe for further capitalisation. On the other hand it serves to direct the attention of stakeholders (all those with a vested interest in OHP) to those key parts of the jigsaw puzzle that is the development of a self-sustaining pan-European education framework which remain to be satisfactorily addressed.
Introdução – A síndrome de burnout é um tipo de estresse ocupacional que acomete profissionais envolvidos com qualquer tipo de cuidado em uma relação de atenção direta, contínua e altamente emocional (MASLACH, 1993). O trabalho do Personal Trainer, favorece o desenvolvimento da síndrome de burnout, pois os mesmos têm relação estreita com seus clientes, podendo causar o adoecimento deste profissional. Deste modo, os mesmos merecem atenção por desenvolverem diversas funções no cotidiano de suas atividades de trabalho relacionadas aos fatores biopsicossociais, como a qualidade de vida (QV) que é um importante aspecto a ser considerado na promoção de saúde destes profissionais. Deste modo, o objetivo central consiste em estudar determinantes de contexto sóciodemográfico, laboral e biopsicossocial da síndrome de burnout em personal trainers da cidade de Maceió-AL. Métodos - Este estudo é de natureza quantitativa, descritivo-correlacional e transversal, com recurso a uma amostra não probabilística, acidental e por conveniência, composta por 100 (cem) personal trainers, com idades entre os 22 - 47 anos (
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica
O Síndrome de Burnout é, na atualidade, uma das consequências mais marcantes do stress profissional, pelo que se revela importante a investigação acerca da mesma, sobretudo nos denominados grupos de risco, como é o caso dos cuidadores formais de idosos institucionalizados. Com o objetivo de estudar os níveis de Burnout nos colaboradores de uma estrutura residencial, desenhou-se um estudo descritivo, analítico de caráter transversal, com recurso à metodologia quantitativa, tendo-se estudado uma amostra de 37 colaboradores. Para tal, aplicou-se um questionário construído para o efeito e que incluía a escala de avaliação MBI-HSS (Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey), que revela os níveis de Burnout através de três dimensões: a Exaustão Emocional, a Despersonalização e a Realização Pessoal. Os resultados obtidos na escala de Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), na amostra em estudo, indicam que, grande parte dos cuidadores foram classificados como possuindo níveis baixos de Burnout nas três dimensões: Exaustão Emocional, Despersonalização; e Realização Pessoal. Apesar disso, verificou-se que 16,2% dos participantes evidenciaram níveis moderados de Exaustão Emocional e 10,8% níveis altos na mesma dimensão; 16,2% apresentaram nível moderado de Despersonalização; 21,6% evidenciaram níveis moderados e 10,8% níveis altos de Realização Pessoal.
This paper aims to verify the Burnout´s possibilities of incidence, finding the creating dimensions and comparing with the socio-demographics characteristics of the researched professionals. This quantitative-descriptive search has a population of 197 workers of 23 nourishing companies in Rio Grande do Norte. This population is predominantly male, younger than 28 years old, single, relatively instructed (57,07% with complete high school) and having just started their current job since 79% of the interviewees are in the company less than six years. The AUDITORIA DO SISTEMA HUMANO (ASH) model, utilized for investigation and developed for the Spaniards Quijano and Navarro in 1999, has several dimensions about human resources management and the organizational effectiveness, but only makes part of the research in 19 questions Burnout referring. It was used factorial analyses with extraction method, varimax rotation and Kaiser normalization with the intuition to define the creating dimensions of the syndrome, they were evaluated with Cronbach Alpha coefficient after extraction. The dimensions found through the factorial analyses were: emotional exhaustion, physical exhaustion and vitality. The accumulated explanation value reached 65,30% of total variation. The data socio-demographics don t justify the syndrome appearance, because the T test and ANOVA showed irrelevant values. It has been also observed that the founded dimensions were different of the Maslach sociopsychological perspective (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and low professional realization) allowing comparison with others researches and the possibility to develop new ones with workers from different assistance areas. These new researches are important, since the syndrome refers to chronic labor stress consequences and any professional is favorable to Burnout, harmful to the company as to the collaborators