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Purpose.: To analyze the levels of diadenosine tetraphosphate (Ap4A) and diadenosine pentaphosphate (Ap5A) in tears of subjects with Sjögren syndrome and to compare them with those in a control group. Methods.: Twelve subjects with a diagnosis of Sjögren syndrome and 20 healthy control subjects were invited to participate in the present study. Schirmer strips were used to measure tear secretion (Schirmer I test) and to collect tears. Ap4A and Ap5A were measured by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), and a dry eye questionnaire (DEQ) was used to evaluate dry eye symptomatology. Results.: The mean concentrations of Ap4A and Ap5A in the Sjögren syndrome group were 2.54 ± 1.02 and 26.13 ± 6.95 μM, respectively. This group of patients was divided in two subgroups: four patients with normal tear production and eight patients with low tear production. Concentrations of Ap4A, and Ap5A in patients with normal tear production (Schirmer test result, 12.3 ± 1.2 mm) were 0.47 ± 0.20 and 8.03 ± 3.27 μM, respectively. In the patients with low tear production (Schirmer test result, 1.0 ± 0.3 mm), the concentrations were 4.09 ± 1.36 and 39.51 ± 8.46 μM, respectively and in the control group, 0.13 ± 0.03 and 0.04 ± 0.02 μM, respectively. Conclusions.: Patients with Sjögren syndrome have abnormally elevated concentrations of diadenosine polyphosphates, indicating that these compounds could be used in the diagnosis of this disease.


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Before using the basic precipitation data in any agroclimatic study to assess the productivity it is important to check the data series for homogeneity. For this purpose data of 105 locations for the period 1912-1981 over northeast Brazil were used. The preliminary study indicate nonhomogeneity in the time series during 1940's at few locations. The amplitude of variation of time series when taken as 10-year moving average show quite different for different regions. It appears that this amplitude is related to time of onset of effective rains in some extent. There is also great diversity in the fluctuations. They present a great regional diversity. Some diversity. Some of the data in the low latitudes indicate presence of four cycles namely 52, 26, 13 & 6.5. years. The 52-year cycle is also evident in the case of onset of southwest Monsoon over a low latitude zone (Kerala Coast) in India. In the case of south Africa the prominent cycles are 60, 30, 15 & 10 similar situation appears to be present in the higher latitudes of northeast Brazil.


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The in vitro activation effect of copper on the acid phosphatase of the green algae Pseudokirch- neriella subcapitata (formely Selenastrum capricor- nutum) under preincubation condition. Apparent Michaelis constant values of 1.21 and 0.37 mM, and activation energy values of 26.8 and 13.6 kJ mol -1 were determined in the absence and in the presence of 0.2 mM Cu2?, respectively. The dissociation constant value for Cu2? binding to the enzyme was determined to be 22.04 lM. The decrease of the apparent Michaelis constant (Km) and activation energy values in the presence of Cu2? correlates well with its activating effect on the acid phosphatase activity. This propriety could be used as a sensitive bioindicator for copper in environmental samples.


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Poster presented at the 22nd International HIV Dynamics and Evolution. Budapest, Hungary, 13-16 May 2015


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This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/


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Background: Copy number variations (CNVs) have been shown to account for substantial portions of observed genomic variation and have been associated with qualitative and quantitative traits and the onset of disease in a number of species. Information from high-resolution studies to detect, characterize and estimate population-specific variant frequencies will facilitate the incorporation of CNVs in genomic studies to identify genes affecting traits of importance. Results: Genome-wide CNVs were detected in high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping data from 1,717 Nelore (Bos indicus) cattle, and in NGS data from eight key ancestral bulls. A total of 68,007 and 12,786 distinct CNVs were observed, respectively. Cross-comparisons of results obtained for the eight resequenced animals revealed that 92 % of the CNVs were observed in both datasets, while 62 % of all detected CNVs were observed to overlap with previously validated cattle copy number variant regions (CNVRs). Observed CNVs were used for obtaining breed-specific CNV frequencies and identification of CNVRs, which were subsequently used for gene annotation. A total of 688 of the detected CNVRs were observed to overlap with 286 non-redundant QTLs associated with important production traits in cattle. All of 34 CNVs previously reported to be associated with milk production traits in Holsteins were also observed in Nelore cattle. Comparisons of estimated frequencies of these CNVs in the two breeds revealed 14, 13, 6 and 14 regions in high (>20 %), low (<20 %) and divergent (NEL > HOL, NEL < HOL) frequencies, respectively. Conclusions: Obtained results significantly enriched the bovine CNV map and enabled the identification of variants that are potentially associated with traits under selection in Nelore cattle, particularly in genome regions harboring QTLs affecting production traits.


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Este estudo avaliou o efeito da restrição alimentar e realimentação na reprodução de fêmeas e no crescimento inicial e sobrevivência de larvas de matrinxã, Brycon amazonicus. Matrizes distribuídas em 8 viveiros (15 peixes/tanque) foram alimentadas diariamente (em 4 tanques - G1) e alimentados em ciclos de 3 dias de alimentação seguidos de 2 dias de restrição (em 4 tanques - G2) por 6 meses antes da desova. Na indução à desova, 57% das fêmeas no G1 e 45% no G2 desovaram. Os pesos médios dos oócitos foram 208,1 g (G1) e 131,6 g (G2), sendo os oócitos G2 menores (1,017 ± 0,003 mm) que os oócitos de G1 (1,048 ± 0,002 mm). As taxas de fertilização (71,9 ± 12,6% e 61,2 ± 13,7%) e de eclosão (61,3 ± 33,9% e 67,5 ± 23,4%) entre os G1 e G2 não diferiram. Larvas foram coletadas na eclosão e às 24, 48 e 72 horas de incubação para medida do crescimento e as restantes transferidas para aquários e amostradas 1, 5, 9 e 15 dias depois. Na transferência, as larvas G1 e G2 tinham pesos similares (1,5 ± 0,15 e 1,46 ± 0,07 mg), mas o comprimento das larvas G2 era maior (6,2 ± 0,13 e 6,7 ± 0,14 mm). Ao 9° dia, quando é recomendada a transferência dos juvenis para tanques externos, os juvenis G2 tinham peso (13,6 ± 0,26 e 18,9 ± 0,07 mg) e comprimento (11,8 ± 0,09 e 14,5 ± 0,04 mm) maiores, mas no 15º dia os juvenis G1 eram maiores em peso (90,2 ± 1,19 e 68,6 ± 0,77 mg) e comprimento (18,8 ± 0,16 e 18,5 ± 0,04 mm). Aos 15 dias, a prole das fêmeas submetidas à restrição alimentar apresentou sobrevivência mais alta que a prole das fêmeas alimentadas diariamente (24,7 ± 2,07% e 19,2 ± 1,91%). A restrição alimentar imposta às fêmeas de matrinxã, apesar de reduzir o número de fêmeas que desovaram e a quantidade de oócitos extrusados, não afetou a fertilização e eclosão das larvas e melhorou a sobrevivência final das larvas.


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Se evaluó el efecto de la progesterona exógena aplicada en dos momentos del metaestro temprano sobre el tamaño del embrión, tamaño y función del cuerpo lúteo, en 21 ovejas de la raza Corriedale en la Granja Irquís de la Universidad de Cuenca en un diseño de bloques al azar. Se compararon las medias con la prueba de Tukey con nivel de significación de 0,05. Los tratamientos realizados fueron: T1) Control; T2) aplicación de P4 entre los días 2 al 4 posteriores al servicio; T3) aplicación de P4 entre los días 3 al 5 posteriores al servicio. La duración del estudio fue de 60 días. El incremento de los niveles séricos de progesterona en sangre evidencia una diferencia significativa (P˂0,05), entre tratamientos con valores promedio 8,20; 21,0; 13,6 ng/ml para los tratamientos T1, T2, T3 respectivamente. No hubo diferencias significativas entre tratamientos para el tamaño y función del cuerpo lúteo. Los resultados indican que la aplicación de P4 en etapa del metaestro temprano no afecto el tamaño y función del cuerpo lúteo, pero incrementa significativamente los niveles de P4 en esa etapa.


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Introduction: Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease affecting mainly to low income human population. Acute leptospiral infection during pregnancy has been associated with spontaneous abortion and fetal death during the first trimester and the abortion may occur as consequence of systemic failure. Objective: To estimate the frequency of Leptospira interrogans infection in women with spontaneous abortion in the state of Yucatan, Mexico. Methods: A cross sectional study on women with spontaneous abortion was conducted. Serum samples were tested for Leptospirosis by the microaglutination test, to estimate the frequency of the infecting serovar. The indirect ELISA IgM was used to detect recent infection by L. interrogans. DNA was extracted from paraffin-embedded tissue of placenta for PCR detection of L. interrogans. Results: Overall frequency of infection with L. interrogans in the 81 women with abortion was 13.6%. Five of the 12 serovars evaluated were found and included. Two of the 11 women with abortion and positive to microaglutination test were also positive to the ELISA IgM test. None samples were positive for PCR Leptospira diagnosis. Conclusion: two women could be associated with spontaneous abortion due to leptospirosis, because they showed antibodies against L. interrogans in the microaglutination test and ELISA IgM assays. Differences between regions were found with respect to the prevalences of lesptospirosis.


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Introduction: Staphylococcus aureus is a pathogen that causes food poisoning as well as hospital and community acquired infections. Objective: Establish the profile of superantigen genes among hospital isolates in relation to clinical specimen type, susceptibility to antibiotics and hospital or community acquisition. Methods: Eighty one isolates obtained from patients at Colombian hospital, were classified by antimicrobial susceptibility, specimen type and hospital or community acquired . The PCR uniplex and multiplex was used for detection of 22 superantigen genes (18 enterotoxins, tsst-1 and three exfoliative toxins). Results: Ninety five point one percent of isolates harbored one or more of the genes with an average of 5.6 genes. Prevalence of individual genes was variable and the most prevalent was seg (51.9%). Thirty nine genotypes were obtained, and the genotype gimnou (complete egc cluster) was the most prevalent alone (16.0%) and in association with other genes (13.6%). The correlation between presence of superantigens and clinical specimen or antimicrobial susceptibility showed no significant difference. But there was significant difference between presence of superantigens and the origin of the isolates, hospital or community acquired (p= 0.049). Conclusions: The results show the variability of the superantigen genes profile in hospital isolates and shows no conclusive relationship with the clinical sample type and antimicrobial susceptibility, but there was correlation with community and hospital isolates. The analysis of the interplay between virulence, epidemic and antibiotic resistance of bacterial populations is needed to predict the future of infectious diseases.


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The demand for alternative sources of energy drives the technological development so that many fuels and energy conversion processes before judged as inadequate or even non-viable, are now competing fuels and so-called traditional processes. Thus, biomass plays an important role and is considered one of the sources of renewable energy most important of our planet. Biomass accounts for 29.2% of all renewable energy sources. The share of biomass energy from Brazil in the OIE is 13.6%, well above the world average of participation. Various types of pyrolysis processes have been studied in recent years, highlighting the process of fast pyrolysis of biomass to obtain bio-oil. The continuous fast pyrolysis, the most investigated and improved are the fluidized bed and ablative, but is being studied and developed other types in order to obtain Bio-oil a better quality, higher productivity, lower energy consumption, increased stability and process reliability and lower production cost. The stability of the product bio-oil is fundamental to designing consumer devices such as burners, engines and turbines. This study was motivated to produce Bio-oil, through the conversion of plant biomass or the use of its industrial and agricultural waste, presenting an alternative proposal for thermochemical pyrolysis process, taking advantage of particle dynamics in the rotating bed that favors the right gas-solid contact and heat transfer and mass. The pyrolyser designed to operate in a continuous process, a feeder containing two stages, a divisive system of biomass integrated with a tab of coal fines and a system of condensing steam pyrolytic. The prototype has been tested with sawdust, using a complete experimental design on two levels to investigate the sensitivity of factors: the process temperature, gas flow drag and spin speed compared to the mass yield of bio-oil. The best result was obtained in the condition of 570 oC, 25 Hz and 200 cm3/min, temperature being the parameter of greatest significance. The mass balance of the elementary stages presented in the order of 20% and 37% liquid pyrolytic carbon. We determined the properties of liquid and solid products of pyrolysis as density, viscosity, pH, PCI, and the composition characterized by chemical analysis, revealing the composition and properties of a Bio-oil.


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Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Fisioterapia


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Background: This study aimed to describe the developmental trajectories of registered nurses' capability beliefs during their first 3 years of practice. The focus was on three core competencies for health professionals-patient-centered care, teamwork, and evidence-based practice. Methods: A national cohort of registered nurses (n = 1,205) was recruited during their nursing education and subsequently surveyed yearly during the first 3 years of working life. The survey included 16 items on capability beliefs divided into three subscales for the assessment of patient-centered care, teamwork, and evidence-based practice, and the data were analyzed with linear latent growth modeling. Results: The nurses' capability beliefs for patient-centered care increased over the three first years of working life, their capability beliefs for evidence-based practice were stable over the 3 years, and their capability beliefs for teamwork showed a downward trend. Linking evidence to action: Through collaboration between nursing education and clinical practice, the transition to work life could be supported and competence development in newly graduated nurses could be enhanced to help them master the core competencies. Future research should focus on determining which factors impact the development of capability beliefs in new nurses and how these factors can be developed by testing interventions.


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Anhörigomsorg är del av en komplex väv med olika nivåer, individuella, familjemässiga och övergripande samhälleliga, där åtminstone de senare har begränsade resurser. Denna rapport presenterar och diskuterar kunskapsläget inom svensk och internationell forskning om anhöriga till äldre. Vi sätter den svenska anhörigomsorgen i ett större sammanhang genom resonemang om demografiska förutsättningar, historiska tillbakablickar och internationella utblickar. Nutid belyses med aktuella undersökningar och vi tror att framtiden kan klaras tack vare den allt större överlappning vi redan ser mellan många olika former av hjälp, service, omsorg och vård. Vi ställer frågan om dessa mönster kanske förbises i de ofta dystra, rent demografisk-ekonomiska framskrivningarna. Rapporten redovisar många svenska undersökningar av anhörigomsorg, både i befolkningen i stort och bland äldre. Det förefaller klart att det skett en faktisk ökning av anhörigomsorgens omfattning från 1990-talet och början av 2000- talet, något som flera studier visar. Resultat från en europeisk undersökning med gemensamma frågor och svarsalternativ tyder på att anhörigomsorg är vanligare i Nordeuropa än i Sydeuropa vilket nog strider mot gängse föreställningar. Kanske är det i Norden vanligare att vara hjälpgivare men inte med lika omfattande engagemang eller lika länge och man bor sällan tillsammans. Då fördelas nog omsorgen på fler händer. I Sverige angav mindre än 1 procent att de gav omsorg på heltid, i Spanien 5 procent. Sammantaget har, i Sverige liksom i övriga Europa, mer än 4 av 10 i befolkningen en aktuell eller tidigare personlig erfarenhet av att ge omsorg, och på befolkningsnivå är anhörigomsorgen klart större än den offentliga. De flesta svenska studier visar att det är ungefär lika vanligt bland kvinnor och män att vara givare av anhörigomsorg. Kvinnor ger dock oftare personlig omvårdnad och de ger fler timmar omsorg än männen. De flesta omsorgsgivare ger ganska få hjälptimmar, men timinsatserna ökar med stigande ålder och är högst bland de äldsta. I genomsnitt ger omkring 30 procent av omsorgsgivarna daglig hjälp, men den andelen stiger till nästan 40 procent för anhörigvårdare i 65–80 årsåldern och till 80 procent för dem som är ännu äldre. Äldre utgör således 30 procent av alla som ger omsorg, oftast till andra äldre, men utför ungefär 4 av 10 omsorgstimmar. Äldre personer är inte bara mottagare av omsorg utan minst lika ofta också givare. De flesta givare av anhörigomsorg ger ”lättare” former av insatser (skjutsning, passning, tillsyn etc.), insatser som många gånger säkerligen är viktiga och kan vara avgörande för mottagaren. Det är viktigt att se det stora spektret av anhörigomsorg och att det också finns grupper av anhöriga (ofta äldre personer) som gör omfattande insatser som kan påverka såväl egen hälsa som arbetsliv. Vid små hjälpbehov – fallet för de flesta – får man lite hjälp främst av anhöriga, vid större behov mer hjälp och då av både anhöriga och av kommunen. Delat ansvar är vanligt och även vad omsorgsgivare och mottagare önskar. Få önskar bära ansvaret ensamma och få önskar att ansvaret helt ligger på det offentliga. Historiskt utgör barn och andra anhöriga en viss trygghet på ålderdomen, något som inte tillhör det förflutna, utan snarare kommer att få större betydelse framöver. Anledningen är demografisk: allt fler har nära anhöriga i form av en egen familj. Familjens relativa betydelse har ökat, inte minskat som man ibland föreställer sig. Detta accentueras av att den offentliga omsorgen visserligen är väl utbyggd i Sverige, men tycks ha nått gränsen för vad den kan uträtta, praktiskt och finansiellt. Anhörigomsorgen har även socialpolitiska aspekter. Den som är eller varit anhörigvårdare vill helst inte själv vara mottagare av omfattande anhörigvård, utan hellre få huvuddelen av omsorgen från det offentliga. Man kan nog förutse ännu strängare ransonering av offentliga tjänster i framtiden, där anhöriga och marknadsbaserade tjänster är alternativen, möjligen tillsammans med växande insatser från ideella organisationer.