996 resultados para Bubb, Daniel K
The seven members of the FXYD protein family associate with the Na(+)-K(+) pump and modulate its activity. We investigated whether conserved cysteines in FXYD proteins are susceptible to glutathionylation and whether such reactivity affects Na(+)-K(+) pump function in cardiac myocytes and Xenopus oocytes. Glutathionylation was detected by immunoblotting streptavidin precipitate from biotin-GSH loaded cells or by a GSH antibody. Incubation of myocytes with recombinant FXYD proteins resulted in competitive displacement of native FXYD1. Myocyte and Xenopus oocyte pump currents were measured with whole-cell and two-electrode voltage clamp techniques, respectively. Native FXYD1 in myocytes and FXYD1 expressed in oocytes were susceptible to glutathionylation. Mutagenesis identified the specific cysteine in the cytoplasmic terminal that was reactive. Its reactivity was dependent on flanking basic amino acids. We have reported that Na(+)-K(+) pump β(1) subunit glutathionylation induced by oxidative signals causes pump inhibition in a previous study. In the present study, we found that β(1) subunit glutathionylation and pump inhibition could be reversed by exposing myocytes to exogenous wild-type FXYD3. A cysteine-free FXYD3 derivative had no effect. Similar results were obtained with wild-type and mutant FXYD proteins expressed in oocytes. Glutathionylation of the β(1) subunit was increased in myocardium from FXYD1(-/-) mice. In conclusion, there is a dependence of Na(+)-K(+) pump regulation on reactivity of two specifically identified cysteines on separate components of the multimeric Na(+)-K(+) pump complex. By facilitating deglutathionylation of the β(1) subunit, FXYD proteins reverse oxidative inhibition of the Na(+)-K(+) pump and play a dynamic role in its regulation.
Professional development opportunities are offered piecemeal to K-12 teachers in Iowa through Area Education Agencies (AEAs), Regents’ institutions, community colleges, private colleges, private corporations, and out-of-state institutions (often online). Compiling a comprehensive list of in-service and pre-service opportunities for primary and secondary public school educators is not feasible for a variety of reasons. However, this report briefly summarizes most of the bioscience-related options for professional development available for K-12 educators this summer and over the past year.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a performance de normas DRIS específicas ou gerais no diagnóstico do estado nutricional do cupuaçuzeiro (Theobroma grandiflorum), na Amazônia Sul-Ocidental. Amostras foliares de cupuaçu foram coletadas de 153 pomares comerciais, com idade entre 5 e 18 anos, cultivados em monocultivo ou em sistemas agroflorestais. Foram geradas normas DRIS específicas para cada sistema de produção e normas gerais, obtidas para o conjunto da população monitorada. Na obtenção das normas, foi considerada a relação nutricional entre N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn e Mn. A maioria das médias das relações bivariadas entre nutrientes e dos diagnósticos produzidos pelas normas DRIS específicas não diferiu em relação aos produzidos com o uso da norma DRIS genérica. Portanto, a avaliação do estado nutricional de cupuaçuzeiros pode ser realizada com o uso de normas DRIS genéricas, que independem do sistema de cultivo.
The collecting duct of normal kidney exhibits significant activity of the MEK1/2-ERK1/2 pathway as shown in vivo by immunostaining of phosphorylated active ERK1/2 (pERK1/2). The MEK1/2-ERK1/2 pathway controls many different ion transports both in proximal and distal nephron, raising the question of whether this pathway is involved in the basal and/or hormone-dependent transepithelial sodium reabsorption in the principal cell of the cortical collecting duct (CCD), a process mediated by the apical epithelial sodium channel and the basolateral sodium pump (Na,K-ATPase). To answer this question we used ex vivo microdissected CCDs from normal mouse kidney or in vitro cultured mpkCCDcl4 principal cells. Significant basal levels of pERK1/2 were observed ex vivo and in vitro. Aldosterone and vasopressin, known to up-regulate sodium reabsorption in CCDs, did not change ERK1/2 activity either ex vivo or in vitro. Basal and aldosterone- or vasopressin-stimulated sodium transport was down-regulated by the MEK1/2 inhibitor PD98059, in parallel with a decrease in pERK1/2 in vitro. The activity of Na,K-ATPase but not that of epithelial sodium channel was inhibited by MEK1/2 inhibitors in both unstimulated and aldosterone- or vasopressin-stimulated CCDs in vitro. Cell surface biotinylation showed that intrinsic activity rather than cell surface expression of Na,K-ATPase was controlled by pERK1/2. PD98059 also significantly inhibited the activity of Na,K-ATPase ex vivo. Our data demonstrate that the ERK1/2 pathway controls Na,K-ATPase activity and transepithelial sodium transport in the principal cell and indicate that basal constitutive activity of the ERK1/2 pathway is a critical component of this control.
INTRODUCTION: Clival chordomas present with headache, commonly VI cranial nerve palsy or sometimes with lower cranial nerve involvement. Very rarely, they present with cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhoea due to an underlying chordoma-induced skull base erosion. CASE PRESENTATION: A 60-year old Caucasian woman presented with meningitis secondary to cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhoea. At first, radiological imaging did not reveal a tumoral condition, though intraoperative exploration and tissue histology revealed a chordoma which eroded her clivus and had a transdural extension. CONCLUSION: Patients who present with meningitis and cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhoea could have an underlying erosive lesion which can sometimes be missed on initial radiological examination. Surgical exploration allows collecting suspicious tissue for histological diagnosis which is important for the actual treatment. A revision endoscopic excision of a clival chordoma is challenging and has been highlighted in this report.
Between the cities of Domodossola and Locarno, the complex ``Centovalli Line'' tectonic zone of the Central Alps outlines deformation phases over a long period of time (probably starting similar to 30 Ma ago) and under variable P-T conditions. The last deformation phases developed gouge-bearing faults with a general E-W trend that crosscuts the roots of the Alpine Canavese zone and the Finero ultramafic body. Kinematic indicators show that the general motion was mainly dextral associated with back thrusting towards the S. The <2 mu m clay fractions of fault gouges from Centovalli Line consist mainly of illite, smectite and chlorite with varied illite-smectite, chlorite-smectite and chlorite-serpentine mixed-layers. Constrained with the illite crystallinity index, the thermal conditions induced by the tectonic activity show a gradual trend from anchizonal to diagenetic conditions. The <2 and <0.2 mu M clay fractions, and hydrothermal K-feldspar separates all provide K-Ar ages between 14.2 +/- 2.9 Ma and roughly 0 Ma, with major episodes at about 12,8, 6 and close to 0 Ma These ages set the recurrent tectonic activity and the associated fluid circulations between Upper Miocene and Recent. On the basis of the K-Ar ages and with a thermal gradient of 25-30 degrees C/km, the studied fault zones were located at a depth of 4-7 km. If they were active until now as observed in field, the exhumation was approximately 2.5-3.0 km for the last 12 Ma with a mean velocity of 0.4 mm/y. Comparison with available models on the recent Alpine evolution shows that the tectonic activity in the area relates to a continuum of the back-thrusting movements of the Canavese Line, and/or to several late-extensional phases of the Rhone-Simplon line. The Centovalli-Val Vigezzo zone therefore represents a major tectonic zone of the Central-Western Alps resulting from different interacting tectonic events. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de métodos de estimativa da evapotranspiração de referência (ETo), em diferentes condições de nebulosidade, no Município de Seropédica, RJ. As estimativas de ETo, entre 1/6/2006 e 31/7/2007, foram comparadas com medidas diárias realizadas em lisímetro de pesagem, com agrupamento total dos dados e com a discretização pela variação do índice de claridade diário K T em quatro classes: K T<0,35, nublado (Nub); 0,35<K T<0,55, céu parcialmente nublado (PNAd); 0,55<K T<0,65, céu parcialmente aberto (PNAb); e K T>0,65, céu aberto (Ab). Para avaliação da qualidade das estimativas realizadas pelos diferentes métodos, foram empregados o erro absoluto médio (MBE), a raiz quadrada do quadrado médio do erro (RMSE), e índices de ajustamento e de desempenho. No agrupamento total dos dados, os métodos Penman-Monteith FAO (PMF) e Hargreaves-Samani (HS) apresentaram coeficientes de desempenho de 84,05 e 79,52%, respectivamente, enquanto os métodos Jensen & Haise, Linacre e Makking apresentaram desempenho inferior a 60%. A variação das condições de nebulosidade influenciaram o desempenho dos métodos de estimativa de ETo. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos pelos métodos da radiação solar (86,1%) e de Camargo (81,8%), nas condições Ab e Nub. Os métodos PMF e HS podem ser empregados de forma complementar, pois apresentaram desempenhos de 78,4% (Nub e PNAd) e de 77,6% (PNAb e Ab), respectivamente.
The influence of the pseudopotential on both the structure and the self-diffusion of liquid rubidium at the melting point has been investigated by means of molecular-dynamics calculations. The model potential considered has been computed from the pseudopotential of Ashcroft, the dielectric function of Geldart and Vosko, and a Born-Mayer term. Four different values for the core radius which enters as input in the pseudopotential have been considered. In this way we have been able to observe and interpret the effect of this contribution on the properties of the liquid.
Dominant missense mutations in FLNB, encoding the actin-cross linking protein filamin B (FLNB), cause a broad range of skeletal dysplasias with varying severity by an unknown mechanism. Here these FLNB mutations are shown to cluster in exons encoding the actin-binding domain (ABD) and filamin repeats surrounding the flexible hinge 1 region of the FLNB rod domain. Despite being positioned in domains that bind actin, it is unknown if these mutations perturb cytoskeletal structure. Expression of several full-length FLNB constructs containing ABD mutations resulted in the appearance of actin-containing cytoplasmic focal accumulations of the substituted protein to a degree that was correlated with the severity of the associated phenotypes. In contrast, study of mutations leading to substitutions in the FLNB rod domain that result in the same phenotypes as ABD mutations demonstrated that with only one exception disease-associated substitutions, surrounding hinge 1 demonstrated no tendency to form actin-filamin foci. The exception, a substitution in filamin repeat 6, lies within a region previously implicated in filamin-actin binding. These data are consistent with mutations in the ABD conferring enhanced actin-binding activity but suggest that substitutions affecting repeats near the flexible hinge region of FLNB precipitate the same phenotypes through a different mechanism.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da adubação com N e K sobre a produtividade e a bienalidade de produção de cafeeiros em plantio adensado, em estudo de longa duração. Foram avaliados dois experimentos, na região da Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais, conduzidos em blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas no tempo. No primeiro experimento, realizado no espaçamento de 1,5x0,7 m (9.523 plantas por hectare), foram avaliados os efeitos de sete doses de N + K2O na proporção 1:1 (0, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1.000 e 1.200 kg ha‑1 por ano), durante oito safras (2001/2002 a 2008/2009). Como o fertilizante utilizado tinha proporção 1:1, para obter a dose utilizada de cada elemento (N ou K2O), deve-se dividir a dose total por dois. O segundo experimento foi conduzido no espaçamento de 2,5x0,6 m (6.666 plantas por hectare), em arranjo fatorial, com cinco doses de N (0, 150, 300, 450 e 600 kg ha‑1 por ano) e cinco doses de K2O (0, 150, 300, 450 e 600 kg ha‑1 por ano), durante seis safras (2005/2006 a 2010/2011). As doses associadas à máxima produtividade de café beneficiado variaram de 424 a 560 kg ha‑1, para N, e de 21 a 338 kg ha‑1, para K2O. A adubação com N reduz os efeitos da bienalidade da produção do cafeeiro, e a adubação com K, em anos de baixa produtividade, favorece a recuperação da produtividade do cafeeiro no ano seguinte.