936 resultados para Bryan®


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The first and last appearances of Quaternary planktonic foraminifers in the Great Australian Bight were evaluated using datum levels from magnetostatigraphy, oxygen isotope stratigraphy, and calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy to determine whether they were synchronous or diachronous with open-ocean biostratigraphic events. The first appearance of Globorotalia truncatulinoides is diachronous at 1.6-1.7 Ma at Site 1127 and 1.1-1.2 at Sites 1129 and 1132, similar to other local appearances in high latitudes. All other datum levels, however, are synchronous with open-ocean events, including the first appearance of Globorotalia hirsuta and the last appearances of Globorotalia tosaensis and pink Globigerinoides ruber in the Indo-Pacific region. A local reappearance of Gt. hirsuta at ~0.12 Ma and the disappearance of Globorotalia crassaformis at ~0.10 Ma were found to be useful for local biostratigraphy. Age control at the bottom of all of the sections is poor at this time, but results suggest that sedimentation recommenced starting at ~1.9 Ma above the regional unconformity that marks the base of seismostratigraphic Sequence 2. Sediment accumulation is distinctly reduced in the lower Pleistocene compared to the upper Pleistocene, perhaps in part because of processes associated with several omission surfaces.


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Quaternary sediments were recovered at all five sites drilled during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 189 in the Tasmanian Gateway. Two of these sites lie north of the present-day Subtropical Front (STF), and three sites lie south of the STF. Quaternary sediments recovered at Sites 1168, 1170, 1171, and 1172 were studied in detail to determine the calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and construct an age model for these sediments. The Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary was identified by the last occurrence (LO) of Discoaster brouweri at Site 1172 and approximated by the LO of Calcidiscus macintyrei at the other sites because of a lack of discoasterids. A hiatus encompassing the entire Helicosphaera sellii Zone was tentatively identified at Sites 1168 and 1172 by the coincident LOs of C. macintyrei and H. sellii. Similar hiatuses have been noted at ODP Site 1127 on the Great Australian Bight, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 282 off the Tasman subcontinent, and ODP Site 1165 in Prydz Bay, Antarctica.


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Major element composition ranges of closely associated basalt glass-whole rock pairs from individual small cooling units approach the total known range of basalt glass and whole rock compositions at IPOD sites 417 and 418. The whole rock samples fall into two groups: one is depleted in MgO and distinctly enriched in plagioclase but has lost some olivine and/or pyroxene relative to its corresponding glass; and the other is enriched in MgO and in phenocrysts of olivine and pyroxene as well as plagioclase compared to its corresponding glass. By analogy with observed phenocryst distributions in lava pillows, tubes, and dikes, and with some theoretical studies, we infer that bulk rock compositions are strongly affected by phenocryst redistribution due to gravity settling, flotation, and dynamic sorting after eruption, although specific models are not well constrained by the one-dimensional geometry of drill core. Compositional trends or groupings in whole rock data resulting from such late-stage processes should not be confused with more fundamental compositional effects produced in deep chambers or during partial melting.


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Basalts in Hole 648B, located in the rift valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 23°N in crust estimated to be less than 100,000 years old, are mainly fresh, but small amounts of secondary phases are found on fracture surfaces and in alteration halos within the rocks. The halos are defined by dark bands 1-4 mm thick that have developed parallel to fracture surfaces or pillow margins and which in some cases have migrated some centimeters into the rock. The dark bands are the principal locus of secondary phases. The secondary phases are olive-green and yellow protoceladonites, of composition and structure intermediate between celadonite and iron-rich saponite, red (Mn-poor) to opaque (Mn-rich) iron oxyhydroxides, mixtures of protoceladonite and iron oxyhydroxide, and rare manganese oxides. These phases occur mainly as linings or fillings of open spaces in the basalt within the dark bands. Sulfides and intersertal glass are the only primary phases that can be seen to have been altered. Where dark bands have migrated into the rock, the rock behind the advancing band is almost devoid of secondary phases, implying redissolution. The potassium and magnesium in the secondary phases could have been supplied from ambient seawater. The aluminum in the protoceladonites must have been derived from local reaction of intergranular glass. The source of iron and silica could have been intergranular glass or low temperature mineralizing solutions of the type responsible for the formation of deposits of manganese oxides and iron oxyhydroxides and silicates on the seafloor.


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Back Row: Coaches Bob Patek, Jerry Zuver, Mike Gittleson, Milan Vooletich, Dennis Brown, Jack Harbaugh, Bill McCartney, Jerry Hanlon, Don Nehlen, Tirrel Burton, Paul Schudel, Bob Thornbladh, Barry Pierson, Mike Smith, Curt Stephenson, Trainer Lindsy McLean, Eqp. Mgr. Jon Falk.

9th Row: Kevin Smith, Doug Agnew, * , Mike Butts, Steve Zarnata, Brad Fischer, Kevin Gilligan, * , Karl Tech, Jerome Jelinek, Bill Welch, * , Vince Shaw, Mgr. Nick Uriah

8th Row: Marion Body, Dave Brewster, Rich Strenger, Sanford Washington, Steve Reilly, Tom Neal, Norm Betts, Mike Petsch, Mike Lemirande, Gary Snell, Jeff Reeves, Tony Jackson, Jeff Felten, Tony Kelsie

7th Row: Mike Webster, Butch Woolfolk, Cedric Coles, Bubba Paris, Chuck Rowland, Ed Muransky, Mark Warth, Tom Garrity, Robert Thompson, Jim Paciorek, Gary Lee, Zeke Wallace, Brian Carpenter, John Sandberg

6th Row: Tom Moss, Tim Carrier, Jay Allen, Jim Breaugh, Larry Jones, David Angood, Tom Wandersleben, Fred Motley, Dave Payne, Rod Vaughn, Gasper Calindrino, Kevin Long, Bryan Virgil, *

5th Row: Brad Bates, Irvin Johnson, Kelly Keough, Tom Keller, Rick Novak, Ben Needham, Oliver Johnson, Jeff Jackson, Dan Kwiatkowski, John Prepolec, Greg Wunderli, Kurt Becker, Tony Osbun, Mike Kligis, Chuck Christian

4th Row: Craig Page, B.J. Dickey, Rodney Peaster, Dan Murray, Andy Cannavino, Dave Nicolau, Stanley Edwards, Michael Davis, Mike Trgovac, Stuart Harris, Roger Gaudette, Jim Kozlowski, Alan Mitchell, Rick Jones, Head Coach Bo Schembechler

3rd Row: Gerald Diggs, Tony Leoni, Roosevelt Smith, Gary Weber, Lawrence Reid, Mel Owens, George Lilja, John Powers, Chris Godfrey, John Wangler, Gene Bell, Michael Harden, Mike Leoni, Gary Quinn, Jim Humphries

2nd Row: Gregg Willner, William Jackson, Mike Jolly, Ralph Clayton, Chip Pederson, Rock Lindsay, John Arbeznik, Ron Simpkins, Doug Marsh, Dale Keitz, Tom Melita, Mark Torzy, Tim Malinak, Ed Kasparek, Chuck Netts

Front Row: Mark Braman, Mark DeSantis, Mark Schmerge, Curtis Greer, Greg Bartnick, Harlan Huckleby, Co-Captain Russell Davis, Bill Dufek, Rick Leach, Co-Captain Jerry Meter, Gene Johnson, Jon Giesler, Tom Seabron, Steve Nauta, Bob Hollway

* = left the team


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Back Row: ass't coaches Ron Vanderlinden, Bob Thornbladh, Milan Vooletich, Paul Schudel, Dennis Brown, Jack Harbaugh, Bill McCartney, Jerry Hanlon, Don Nehlen, Tirrel Burton, Les Miles, Mike Gittleson, Fritz Seyferth, Jim Kozlowski

9th Row: student manager Tom Anderson, trainer Russ Miller, eqp. manager Jon Falk, Curtis Antrum, Bill Jacoby, Ethington, Robin Koschalk, Scott Roberts, Mike Korowin, Ali Haji-Sheik, Anthony Carter, Chip Pederson, Roger Gaudette, Bob Patek

8th Row: Jerry Burgei, Jeff Cohen, Duke Hayes, John Brown, Jim Herrman, Joe Mosketti, Todd Triplett, Dan Yarano, Bill Bonnell, Paul Girgash, Ken Gear, John Lott, Ricky Davis, Nate Davis

7th Row: Karl Tech, Doug Agnew, Rich Hewlett, Steve O'Donnell, Craig Dunaway, Jerald Ingram, Winfred Carraway, Mike Cade, Jimbo Davis, Keith Bostic, Larry Ricks, Brad Fischer, Kevin Ssmith

6th Row: Brian Carpenter, Vince Shaw, Tom Neal, Dave Brewster, Sanford Washington, Fred Brockington, Mike Lemirande, Rich Strenger, Norm Betts, Tony Kelsie, Mike Petsch, Mike Czarnote, Kevin Longe, Marion Body

5th Row: Jeff Reeves, Jim Paciorek, Butch Woolfolk, Cedric Coles, Tom Garrity, Mark Warth, Ed Muransky, Bubba Paris, Chuck Rowland, Robert Thompson, Zeke Wallace, Gary Lee, Jeff Felten

4th Row: Brad Bates, Jim Breaugh, Oliver Johnson, Fred Motley, Kelly Keough, John Prepolec, Tony Osbun, Dan Kwiatkowski, Chuck Christian, Greg Wunderli, Tom Wandersleben, Mike Kligis, Bryan Virgil, Frank Raiford

3rd Row: Tom Moss, Stan Edwards, Dave Nicolau, Stu Harris, Ben Needham, Kurt Becker, Chuck Hetts, Mike Trgovac, andy Cannavino, Rodney Feaster, B.J. Dickey, Alan Mitchell, Tony Jackson, Irvin Johnson

2nd Row: James Humphries, Gary Quinn, Dan Murray, Tony Leoni, John Wangler, Gary Weber, Mel Owens, George Lilja, Mike Leoni, Lawrence Reid, Roosevelt Smith, David Payne, Tom Keller, Jay Allen

Front Row: Gerald Diggs, Mark Braman, Mike Jolly, John Powers, co-capt. Ron Smpkins, co-capt. John Arbeznik, Curtis Greer, Dale Keitz, Ralph Clayton, Chris Godfrey, Doug Marsh, Mike Harden, coach Bo Schembechler


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Back Row: Todd Jager, Paul Schmidt, Phil Bromley, Bob Chmiel, Mike Gittleson, Fred Jackson, Jim Herrmann, Bobby Morrison, Lloyd Carr, Cam Cameron, Les Miles, Bill Harris, Greg Mattison, Mike DeBord, T.J. Weist, Jeff Long, Jon Falk

7th Row: Brent Jaco, Ken Mouton, Jim Plocki, Mark Venise, Paul Peristeris (99), Julian Norment (50), Donilo Voyne (89), Scott Seymour (29), Zack Freedman (24), Michael Mangan (71), Ty Consolino (14), Jared Lancer (39), Matt McCoy, Mark Woodson, John McNulty, Bill Priestap

6th Row: Dorie Hicks, Jeff Travis, Stephen Evans (92), Harold Goodwin (56), Tom Guynes (75), Remy Hamilton (19), Mercury Hayes (9), Jarrett Irons (37), Woodrow Hankins (23), Damon Jones (85), Ty Law (22), Earl Little (21), Tyrone Noble (42), Steve King (27), Rod Payne (64), Bob Bland, Ed Whited, Lee Taggart

5th Row: Jeff Zaeske (34), Bryan Sanford (38), Chad Peterson (42), Kerwin Waldroup (59), Deollo Anderson (17), Eric Wendt (65), Mark Bolach (99), Charles Winters (35), Eric Boykin (8), Mike Vanderbeek (45), Shawn Collins (32), Amani Toomer (18), Ray Edmonds (93), Jon Runyan (69), Brian Letscher (27), Adam Pratt (39), Lasker Smith (25), Michael Tilmann (35)

4th Row: Brion Smith (53), Ante Skorput (62), Jay Riemersma (16), Jason Carr (13), Joe Marinaro (73), Che' Foster (33), Paul Barry (78), Tyrone Wheatley (6), Trent Zenkewicz (76), Trezelle Jenkins (77), Mike Sullivan (61), Felman Malveaux (84), Jason Horn (94), Ed Davis (26), Rob Vanderleest (58), Jamie Mignon (49), Todd Richards (29), Sergio Gasperoni (44)

3rd Row: Erik Lovell (17), Marc Elliot (63), Jesse Johnson (30), Shonte Peoples (3), Shawn Miller (57) Walter Smith (2), Marcus Walker (46), Matt Dyson (91), Steve Morrison (36), Todd Collins (10), Ricky Powers (12), Nate Holdren (4), Tony Henderson (79), Greg McThomas (41), Gannon Dudlar (55), Bobby Powers (95), Deon Johnson (28), John Jaeckin (82), Joshua Wuerful (14)

2nd Row: Mike Lewis (71), Mike Nadlicki (44), Paul Manning (54), Dave Dobreff (48), Steve Rekowski (66), Doug Skene (72), Martin Davis (86), Rob Doherty (70), Tony McGee (88), Chris Hutchison (97), Joe Cocozzo (68), Steve Everitt (51), Ninef Aghakhan (90), Marc Milia (67), Eric Graves (52), Derrick Alexander (1), Ron Buff (25), Troy Plate (74)

Front Row: Julian Swearengin (81), Chris Stapleton (18), Dennis Washington (24), Coleman Wallace (5), Dwayne Ware (8), Pat Maloney (43), Corwin Brown (20), Elvis Grbac (15), Burnie Legette (40), Buster Stanley (60), Marc Burkholder (80), Alfie Burch (7), Tony Blankenship (31), Eddie Azcona (9), William Steuk (51), Peter Elezovic (16), Brian Foster (19), Gary Moeller (Head Coach)


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Back Row: Todd Jager, Paul Schmidt, Bill Shinavier, Mike Gittleson, Kit Cartwright, Greg Mattison, Fred Jackson, Les Miles, Lloyd Carr, Bill Harris, Bobby Morrison, Mike DeBord, Jim Herrmann, John McNulty, John Milligan, Jon Falk, Phil Bromley, Steve Connelly

8th Row: Brian Letscher, Brian Townsend, Ed O'Dowd, Jason Cole, Jim Plocki, Andy Riegler, Chris Singletary, Jon Jansen, Jeff Holtry, Marcus Ray, Anthony Williams, Tim Laws, Bob Bland, Brian Hagens, Gordon Grace, Shemy Schembechler, Scott Draper

7th Row: Darren Petterson, Ed Kiser, Jay Feely, Noah Parker, Juaquin Feazell, Clint Copenhaver, Tyrone Butterfield, Kraig Baker, Todd Brooks, Mark Campbell, Scott Dreisbach, Chris Floyd, Chris Howard, Matt Sygo, Nate Miller, Terrence Quinn, Clarence Thompson

6th Row: Andre Weathers, Sam Sword, Josh Cockrell, Thomas Mondry, Jace Morgan, Sean Parini, Nate DeLong, Brent Blackwell, Brian Griese, Jeff Springer, Lance Sanders, Colby Keefer, Matt DeYoung, Rasheed Simmons, Jerame Tuman, Earnest Sanders

5th Row: Head Coach Gary Moeller, Scott Loeffler, George Howell, Will Carr, Rob Swett, Jon Ritchie, Tim Biakabutuka, Zach Adami, Damon Denson, Pierre Cooper, Trevor Pryce, Mike Elston, Ben Huff, Seth Smith, Dr. Gerald O'Connor, Dr. Edward Wojtys

4th Row: Joe Ries, Mike Hynes, Rod Payne, Julian Norment, Tyrone Noble, Amani Toomer, Kerwin Waldroup, Remy Hamilton, Bryan Williams, Jared Lancer, Paul Peristeris, Glen Steele, Paul Berry

3rd Row: John Partchenko, Woody Hankins, Jean-Agnus Charles, Jarrett Irons, Eric Wendt, Steve Evans, Thomas Guynes, Jon Runyan, Mark Bolach, Harold Goodwin, Ty Law, Steve King, Mike Vanderbeek

2nd Row: Mercury Hayes, Chuck Winters, Todd Richards, Chad Petterson, Ante Skorput, Joe Marinaro, Trent Zenkewicz, Jason Horn, Trezelle Jenkins, Mike Sullivan, Rob Vander Leest, Erik Lovell, Deollo Anderson

Front Row: Bobby Powers, Deon Johnson, Tony Henderson, Walter Smith, Steve Morrison, Todd Collins, Matt Dyson, Tyrone Wheatley, Jay Riemersma, Eddie Davis, Jason Carr, Che' Foster


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front row: Lloyd Carr. Jason Carr, Jay Riemersma, Mike Sullivan, Trent Zenkewicz, Joe Marinaro, Ed Davis, Jason Horn, Amani Toomer, Mercury Hayes, Jean-Agnus Charles, Todd Vander Least, Todd Richards.

2nd row: Charles Winters, Jarrett Irons, Steve King, Tyrone Noble, Remy Hamilton, Rod Payne, Jon Runyan, Thomas Guynes, Mark Bolach, Eric Wendt, Mike Vanderbeek, Woodrow Hankins, Deollo Anderson.

3rd row: Bryan Williams, Clarence Thompson, Tshimanga Biakabutuka, Earnest Sanders, Glen Steele, Damon Denson, Zach Adami, John Partchenko, Rob Swett, Brian Griese, Scot Loeffler, George Howell, Mike Hynes.

4th row: William Carr, Nate DeLong, Joe Ries, Brent Blackwell, Mike Elston, Ben Huff, Jeff Springer, Josh Cockrell, Sean Parini, Colby Keefer, Thomas Mondry, Matt De Young, Paul Peristeris.

5th row: Anthony Williams, Kraig Baker, Todd Brooks, Scott Dreisbach, Chris Howard, Chris Floyd, Mark Campbell, Rasheed Simmons, Jon Janson, Noah Parker, Chris Singletary, Sam Sword, Jerome Tuman, Clint Copenhaver, Juaquin Feazell.

5th row: Tyrone Butterfield, Marcus Ray, Andre Weathers, Jay Feely, Nate Miller, David Crispin, Matt Sygo, Terrance Quinn, Darren Petterson, Ed Kiser, Patrick Hill, Eric Mayes, Scott Parachek.

6th row Daydrion Taylor, Rob Renes, David Bowens, Tom Brady, Steve Frazier, DiAllo Johnson, Aaron Shea, Eric Moltane, Jeff Potts, Chris Ziemann, Ron Acheson, Pat Kratus,Tai Streets, Josh Williams, James Hall, Brent Washington, Charles Woodson.

7th row: Paul Barry, Harold Goodwin. Jason Cole, Brian Townsend, Jim Plocki, Joe Allore, Kevin Bryant, J.H. Ford, Clarence Williams, Unwana Ubom, Jeff Smokovitch, Kenneth Jackson, Tate Schanski, Bob Bland, Brian Hagens, Gordon Grace, Shomy Shembechler, Matt Hamilton.

8th row: Todd Jager, Paul Schmidt, Chad Brown, Mike Gittleson, John Milligan, Vance Bedford, Brady Hoke, Jim Herrmann, Greg Mattison, Mike DeBord, Fred Jackson, Bobby Morrison, Kit Cartwright, Erik Campbell, Scoff Draper, Jon Falk, Phil Bromley, Steve Connelley.


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Front row: Lloyd Carr, William Carr, Chuck Winters, Remy Hamilton, Steve King, Rod Payne, Jarrett Irons, Damon Denson, Thomas Guynes, Mark Bolach, Mike Vanderbeek, Clarence Thompson, Woodrow Hankins.

2nd row: Paul Peristeris, Mike Hynes, Jeff Springer, Brent Blackwell, Brian Griese, Mike Elston, Glen Steele, Zach Adami, John Partchenko, Ben Huff, Earnest Sanders, Rob Swett, Matt DeYoung, Bryan Williams

3rd row: Todd Brooks, Colby Keefer, Joe Ries, Scott Dreisbach, Jerome Tuman, Mark Campbell, Jon Jansen, Juaquin Feezell, Seen Parini, Chris Floyd, Chris Howard, Anthony Williams, Tyrone Butterfield.

4th row: Eric Mayes, Andre Weathers, Marcus Ray, Kraig Baker, Chris Singletary, Rasheed Simmons, Clint Copenhaver, Noah Parker, Nate Miller, Sam Sword, Bove Crispin, Jay Feely.

5th row: Darren Petterson, Terrence Quinn, Clarence Williams, Daydrion Taylor, DiAllo Johnson, James Hall, Aaron Shea, Chris Ziemann, Jeff Potts, Steve Frazier, Josh Williams, David Bowens, Charles Woodson, Scott Parachek.

6th row: Tate Schanski, Kenneth Jackson, Jeff Smokevitch, Jason Vinson, Tai Streets, Tom Brady, Chad Carpenter, Pat Kratus, Rob Renes, Brent Washington, Kevin Bryant, J.R. Ford, Jeff Del Verne, Russell Shaw.

7th row: LeAundre Brown, Jason Foster, Dhani Jones, Tom Hendricks, David Brandt Paul Tannous, Grady Brooks, Jason Kapsner, Jeff Backus, Steve Hutchinson, Eric Wilson, Corey Sargent, Jerry Johnson, John Anes, Marcus Knight.

8th row: Chris Kurpeikis, Jason Cole, Jason Carr, Eric Dean, Patrick Bolger, Rick Turner, Jason Cummings, Chad Henman, Ryan Parini, Ian Gold, Aaron Wright, Eric Warner, Andy Sachler, Chris Roth, Dan Williams, Bob Bland, Brian Hagens, Bill Priestap, Matt Hamilton.

9th row: Todd Jager, Derek Stebbins, Paul Schmidt, Mike Gittleson, Paul Barry, Vance Bedford, Brady Hoke, Jim Herrmann, Greg Mattison, Mike DeBord, Fred Jackson, Bobby Morrison, Stan Parrish, Erik Campbell, Scott Draper, Jon Falk, Phil Bromley, Steve Connelly, Harold Goodwin, Scot Loeffler.


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Top Row: groundskeeper Erich Keil, Chris Michalek, Scott Winterlee, Matt Copp, Bryan Santo, Ron Buff, Toby Brzoznowski, Eric Persinger, Derek Matthison, Joe Mooney, Pat Maloney, Scott Schorer, Scott Timmerman, student trainer Earl Wenk, student manager Kevin Lewis

Middle Row: trainer Kim Hart, grad. Asst. Ed Turek, asst. coach Ted Mahan, Todd Konuszewski, Mike Matheny, Dave Julier, Steve Buerkel, asst. coach Ace Adams, coach Moby Benedict

Front Row: Russell Brock, Jeff Tanderys, Da ruff, Brian Korson, Stacey Katlin, co-captain Phil Price, coach Bill Freehan, co-captain Kirt Ojala, Rick Leonard, Greg Haeger, Dave Everly, Matt Morse, Jason Pfaff


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Top Row: groundskeeper Erich Keil, John Ellison, Kevin Crociata, Bubba Wyngarden, Chris Newton, Matt Copp, Scott Winterlee, Scott Timmerman, Brian Feldman, trainer Rex Thompson

Middle Row: grad. asst. Ed Turek, asst. coach Ted Mahan, Bryan Santo, Terry Woods, Toby Brzoznowski, Eric Persinger, Nate Holdren, Matt Idoni, Dennis Konuszewski, Eric Heintschel, Pat Maloney, asst. coach Ace Adams

Front Row: Andy Fairman, Russell Brock, Jason Pfaff, Tim Flannelly, Joe Mooney, Dan Ruff, coach Bill Freehan, Mike Matheny, Jeff Tanderys, Dave Everly, Steve Buerkel, Todd Winston, Todd Marion


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Back Row: Student Manager Adam Rosen, Groundskeeper Erich Keil, Tony Agosta, Billy Hardy, Kevin Crociata, Ryan Van0everen, Jason Mahoney, Dan Weeks, Matt Humbles, Scott Niemiec, Todd Fracassi, Jasen Livingston, Rodney Goble, Trainer Rex Thompson.

Middle Row: Grad Assistant Ed Turek, Assistant Coach Dan O'Brien, Bubba Wyngarden, Aaron Toth, Heath Murray, Nate Holdren, Matt Idoni, Chad Chapman, Ron Hollis, Matt Copp, Chris Newton, Volunteer Coach Ernie Savas, Assistant Coach Ace Adams.

Front Row: (from left): Bryan Santo, Eric Heintschel, Chris Michalek, Terry Woods, Toby Brzoznowski, Todd Marion, Head Coach Bill Freehan, Steve Buerkel, Eric Persinger, Pat Maloney, Scott Winterlee, Scott Timmerman, Dennis Konuszewski.