937 resultados para Bothrops otavioi sp nov.
Se determinó el periodo crítico de competencia de malezas en el cultivo de la caña de azúcar variedad L-68-90 en suelo vertisol (negro), para lo cual se incluyeron tratamientos desyerbados desde la brotacion hasta el cierre del cultivo y todo el ciclo, así como inversamente enyerbado y después de enyerbado. Después de los resultado muestran que durante el periodo de 35 a 90 días, a partir de la brotacion, es que debe mantenerse libre de malezas la caña de azúcar para obtener optimas rendimientos, asimismo se determinó que la competencia de las malezas en la caña de azúcar puede reducir los rendimiento hasta en un 20.56 %. Cuando los labores se retrazan 45 días y llegan hasta los 90 las perdida en cada uno de esos periodos de tiempo pueden llegar hasta 38-03 % y 61.34 % respectivamente
El objetivo de la presente investigación fue seleccionar aislamientos endofíticos de Trichoderma spp., para el biocontrol de Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense raza 1. Se evaluaron los tres aislamientos más patogénicos FOC2, FOC4, FOC8 obtenidos del criobanco del Laboratorio de Fitopatología del CATIE, en una prueba de antibiosis y posteriormente se procedió a realizar la prueba de biocontrol con veinte aislamientos endofíticos de Trichoderma spp. y dos aislamientos FOC2 y FOC4 en vitroplantas de Gros Michel (AAA)en condiciones de invernadero. Por medio de la técnica de cocultivo veinte aislados de Trichoderma spp., inhibieron el crecimiento radial de FOC hasta en un 53,46%. En el bioensayo de biocontrol,los aislamientos endofíticos de Trichoderma spp., presentaron un mínimo porcentaje de incidencia con 37,5% del tratamiento TJ5, en comparación al testigo absoluto que no presentó incidencia. Así mismo los tratamientos TC9, TP3 y TCL1 redujeron desde un 92% hasta 90% los síntomas externos en comparación a los testigos referenciales. Los síntomas internos del cormo se redujeron hasta un 74% por el tratamiento TC9. Adicionalmente se detectó que plantas protegidas con los aislamientos endofíticos de Trichoderma spp., promovieron el crecimiento vegetativo de la planta en peso de la raiz y follaje.
Este estudio se llevo a efecto en los campos experimentales de la Escuela Nacional de Agricultura y Ganadería, durante el periodo comprendido entre los meses de Julio y Diciembre de 1972. El objeto fue evaluar dos fuentes de N a cinco dosis diferente y cuatro intervalos de corte en pasto Estrella (Cynodon sp.). Las fuentes nitrogenadas que se utilizaron fueron Urea y Sulfato de Amonio. Las dosis que se usaron fueron de 0, 200, 400, 600 y 800 kg de N por ha, y los intervalos de corte fueron de 15, 22, 29 y 36 días. La fuente de N con la cual se obtuvo el mas alto rendimiento de MS fue el Sulfato de Amonio, con dosis de 800kg de N por ha a un intervalo de corte de 29 días. El rendimiento de MS en el pasto aumento de 2013.34 kg a 9493.09 kg con un porcentaje promedio de proteína de 9.20 a 17.96 por ciento al utilizarse 0 y 800 kg de N por ha respectivamente. El mayor contenido de PC del pasto se logro con la fuente de N Urea, con dosis de 800 kg de N por ha a un intervalo de corte de 15 días. La dosis optima de N a que se logro el máximo beneficio esperado se encuentra entre 200 y 400 kg de N por ha utilizando la fuente Urea y con un intervalo de corte de 29 días.
Este estudio biológico es el primero realizado en Nicaragua, como aporte al programa de Control de Plagas del Algodón. Para detectar la localización geográfica del Chrysopa spp. en Nicaragua se hicieron un total de 180 visitas en 29 municipios, repartidas proporcionalmente según el área sembrada en el municipio algodonero. Se encontró en un 98.4 por ciento de visitas, presencia de Chrysopa spp. Se observo ademas mayor densidad de poblaciones en los meses de enero, febrero y marzo. La obtención del ciclo biológico se obtuvo criando larvas y adultos de este insecto en vasos entomologicos y jaulas recubiertas de cedazo fino respectivamente. El periodo larval fue de 9.75 días, periodo pupal seis días, imagen o adulto 22 a 23 días y huevo 3.5 días. La acción depredadora de las larvas fue verificada suministrando huevos y larvas de Heliothis sp Provewa sp Ephestia sp y Aphis sp. Se encontró que es muy grande la cantidad de insectos depredados y que potencialmente pueden dar un gran beneficio al agricultor.
No processo de elaboração do novo ciclo de gestão estratégica (2012-2023), deputados relatam suas expectativas sobre a Câmara dos Deputados nos próximos anos.
(PDF tiene 47 paginas.)
Didemnum sp. A is a colonial ascidian or “sea squirt” of unknown geographic origin. Colonies of Didemnum sp. A were first documented in U.S. waters in 1993 at Damariscotta River, Maine and San Francisco Bay, California. An alarming number of colonies have since been found at several locations in New England and along the West Coast of the contiguous continental United States. Originally believed to be restricted to artificial structures in nearshore habitats, such as ports and marinas, colonies of Didemnum sp. A have also been discovered on a gravel-pavement habitat on Georges Bank at depths of 40-65m. The wide distribution of Didemnum sp. A, the presence of colonies on an important offshore fishing ground, and the negative economic impacts that other species of noninidigenous ascidians have had on aquaculture operations have raised concerns about the potential impacts of Didemnum sp. A. We reviewed the available information on the biology and ecology of Didemnum sp. A and potentially closely related species to examine the environmental and socioeconomic factors that may have influenced the introduction, establishment and spread of Didemnum sp. A in U.S. waters, the potential impacts of this colonial ascidian on other organisms, aquaculture, and marine fisheries, and the possibility that it will spread to other U.S. waters. In addition, we present and discuss potential management objectives for minimizing the impacts and spread of Didemnum sp. A. Concern over the potential for Didemnum sp. A to become invasive stems from ecological traits that it shares with other invasive species, including the ability to overgrow benthic organisms, high reproductive and population growth rates, ability to spread by colony fragmentation, tolerance to a wide range of environmental conditions, apparent scarcity of predators, and the ability to survive in human dominated habitats. At relatively small spatial scales, species of Didemnum and other nonindigenous ascidians have been shown to alter the abundance and composition of benthic assemblages. In addition, the Canadian aquaculture industry has reported that heavy infestations of nonindigenous ascidians result in increased handling and processing costs. Offshore fisheries may also suffer where high densities of Didemnum sp. A may alter the access of commercially important fish species to critical spawning grounds, prey items, and refugia. Because colonial ascidian larvae remain viable for only 12–24hrs, the introduction and spread of Didemnum sp. A across large distances is thought to be predominantly human mediated; hull fouling, aquaculture, and ballast water. Recent studies suggest that colony growth rates decline when temperatures exceed 21 ºC for 7 consecutive days. Similarly, water temperatures above 8 to 10 ºC are necessary for colony growth; however, colonies can survive extended periods of time below this temperature threshold as an unidentified overwintering form. A qualitative analysis of monthly mean nearshore water temperatures suggest that new colonies of Didemnum will continue to be found in the Northeast U.S., California Current, and Gulf of Alaska LMEs. In contrast, water temperatures become less favorable for colony establishment in subarctic, subtropical, and tropical areas to the north and south of Didemnum’s current distribution in cool temperate habitats. We recommend that the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force serve as the central management authority to coordinate State and Federal management activities. Five objectives for a Didemnum sp. A management and control program focusing on preventing the spread of Didemnum sp. A to new areas and limiting the impacts of existing populations are discussed. Given the difficulty of eradicating large populations of Didemnum sp. A, developing strategies for limiting the access of Didemnum sp. A to transport vectors and locating newly established colonies are emphasized. (PDF contains 70 pages)
This is the report of the “BFAR/NACA-STREAM/FAO Workshop on Livelihoods Approaches and Analysis” that was conducted in Iloilo City, Philippines from 24-28 November 2003. The main purpose of the workshop was to develop and document mechanisms for training in livelihoods approaches and analysis, and to build national capacity to conduct livelihoods analysis. The workshop in Iloilo was the first in a series which will take place in other countries in the region, including India (with Nepal), Lao PDR, Myanmar and Yunnan, China. (Pdf contains 53 pages).
Thirteen hundred and seventy-three striped bass, Marone saxatilis, were collected from the San Francisco Bay-Delta area to correlate host diet with parasitic infections and to determine the prevalence, intensity, longevity, and persistence of larval Anisakis sp. nematodes and the metacestode Lacistorhynchus tenuis. There is an increase in the prevalence and intensity of Anisakis sp. and in the intensity of L. tenuis with increase of age of the host. These increases are probably related to the diet and the persistence of tbe parasites. The infections of both species are overdispersed. San Francisco Bay striped bass are an incompatible host for both species of parasites. Degenerated Anisakis sp. will remain in lhe host for at least 8 months and L. tenuis metacestodes for 22 months. The occurrence of several other species of parasites and a tumor are also reported. (PDF file contains 10 pages.)
A diagnostic survey of the incidence of mayfly (Povilla sp.) infestation of wooden infrastructures of the artisanal fishers in ten (10) lagoons and marine fishing villages of Ogun States (Nigeria) was carried out through the application of structured questionnaire and participatory Rural Appraisal interviews. The demographic, infrastructural and socioeconomic characteristics of the ten fishing villages sampled were derived and analyzed. The infestation which occurs all year round is found to be most prevalent (70%) in the wet season, increasing proportionally with salinity from 56% (brackish water); to 63% (marine water). The life-span of Povilla sp. is reduced from 55% to 62% (freshwater); 41% (brackish water) and 38% (marine water). Annual financial loss of N10,000.00 per fisher or N80,000,000.00 to the 8000 artisanal fishers affected in Ogun State is discussed. It is recommended that fishers should preferably use non-wood crafts and infrastructures while adopting appropriate management strategies for containing the existing infestation
Results are presented for the first 4 years data (1994-1998) of the Kainji Lake catch assessment survey, collected and analysed by the Nigerian-German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project. The following areas are covered: Methodology and alterations of the original sampling concept; Frame survey results - factors relating to the CAS; Catch assessment survey results - general; Gill net fishery; Drift net fishery; Beach seine fishery; Cast net fishery; Longline fishery; Trap fishery; and, Catch statistics from fisherwomen. (PDF contains 143 pages)
A total of 61 Heterotis niloticus specimen were examined and evaluated to determine the food and feeding habits using the frequency of occurrence, point and dominance methods. The specimens had mean standard length of 27.09 plus or minus 4.73cm, total length of 33.40cm body weight of 90-900g. The gut length ranges from 34-104cm while the gut weight range from 2.79-130g. It was observed that the fish fed mostly on plankton with rotifers and polyscysits having the highest number of frequency and dominant value with mean value of 43.03 plus or minus 4.12 and 11.73 plus or minus 1.15, 37.45 plus or minus 3.27 and 8.32 plus or minus 0.38 respectively. Arcella had the least mean frequency of occurrence of 3.27 plus or minus 17. Amoeba sp had the least mean dominance value of 7.06 plus or minus 50 and Aphnocapsa sp had the least mean frequency of occurrence of 1.10 plus or minus 0.29 and Navicula sp had the least mean dominance value of 4.31 plus or minus 1.11. Heterotis niloticus of River Kaduna flood plain is therefore considered to be predominantly planktivorous
In a semi-urbanized stretch of river Kubanni, Zaria, seasonal variations of some tree metals (copper, zinc and lead) in fish species (Clarias sp., Tilapia sp and Alestes sp) were investigated over a period of eight months. Water and fish were sampled monthly, pooled separately and seasonal analysis of each trace determined using atomic absorption method. The concentration of each of the elements in water higher in the dry season than during the rainy season. The dry and rainy season concentrations of copper, zinc and lead were 6.85~c10.66 mu gg super(-1)&1.45~c1.10 mu gg super(-1); 2.13~c1.68 mu gg super(-1)&0.1 5~c0.05 mu gg super(-1); and 0.52~c0.50 mu gg super(-1) & 0.31~c0.14 mu gg super(-1) respectively. Similarly, all the three accumulated more zinc and lead in the dry season than during the rainy season. Tilapia species and to some extent, Alestes species being pelagic had a higher concentration of trace metals than Clarias species which is a bottom dwelling fish Tilapia species may therefore be a better indicator species than Clarias species for monitoring trace metals in water bodies. Reasons for the observed variations in the trace metals were discussed
Seit dem Massensterben von Heringen entlang der schwedischen Südküste im Sommer 1991, aufgrund einer Infektion mit dem parasitischen Pilz Ichthyophonus sp., wird der Gesundheitszustand der Heringsbestände in den europäischen Seegebieten intensiv überwacht. Diese Untersuchungen, an denen sich auch die Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei beteiligt, werden koordiniert von der "Arbeitsgruppe über Pathologie und Krankheiten mariner Organismen" des Internationalen Rates für Meeresforschung (ICES). Im folgenden sollen als Ergänzung eines in den Inf Fischw. 39(2) erschienenen Artikels (Lang 1992) neuere Erkenntnisse und Hypothesen zur Verbreitung der Epidemie und zu ihren möglichen Ursachen diskutiert werden.