930 resultados para Block Faulting
In vitro, nitric oxide (NO) inhibits the firing rate of magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs) of hypothalamic supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei and this effect has been attributed to GABAergic activation. However, little is known about the direct effects of NO in MNCs. We used the patch-clamp technique to verify the effect Of L-arginine, a precursor for NO synthesis, and N-omega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride (L-NAME), an inhibitor of NOS, on spontaneous electrical activity of MNCs after glutamatergic and GABAergic blockade in Wistar rat brain slices. 6-Cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX) (10 mu M) and DL-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (DL-AP5) (30 mu M) were used to block postsynaptic glutamatergic currents, and picrotoxin (30 mu M) and saclofen (30 mu M) to block ionotropic and metabotropic postsynaptic GABAergic currents. Under these conditions, 500 mu M L-arginine decreased the firing rate from 3.7 +/- 0.6 Hz to 1.3 +/- 0.3 Hz. Conversely, 100 mu M L-NAME increased the firing rate from 3.0 +/- 0.3 Hz to 5.8 +/- 0.4 Hz. All points histogram analysis showed changes in resting potential from -58.1 +/- 0.8 mV to -62.2 +/- 1.1 mV in the presence of L-arginine and from -59.8 +/- 0.7 mV to -56.9 +/- 0.8 mV by L-NAME. Despite the nitrergic modulator effect on firing rate, some MNCs had no significant changes in their resting potential. In those neurons, hyperpolarizing after-potential (HAP) amplitude increased from 12.4 +/- 1.2 mV to 16.8 +/- 0.7 mV by L-arginine, but without significant changes by L-NAME treatment. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that NO can inhibit MNCs independent of GABAergic inputs. Further, our results point to HAP as a potential site for nitrergic modulation. (C) 2008 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta-9-THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD), the two main ingredients of the Cannabis sativa plant have distinct symptomatic and behavioral effects. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in healthy volunteers to examine whether Delta-9-THC and CBD had opposite effects on regional brain function. We then assessed whether pretreatment with CBD can prevent the acute psychotic symptoms induced by Delta-9-THC. Fifteen healthy men with minimal earlier exposure to cannabis were scanned while performing a verbal memory task, a response inhibition task, a sensory processing task, and when viewing fearful faces. Subjects were scanned on three occasions, each preceded by oral administration of Delta-9-THC, CBD, or placebo. BOLD responses were measured using fMRI. In a second experiment, six healthy volunteers were administered Delta-9-THC intravenously on two occasions, after placebo or CBD pretreatment to examine whether CBD could block the psychotic symptoms induced by Delta-9-THC. Delta-9-THC and CBD had opposite effects on activation relative to placebo in the striatum during verbal recall, in the hippocampus during the response inhibition task, in the amygdala when subjects viewed fearful faces, in the superior temporal cortex when subjects listened to speech, and in the occipital cortex during visual processing. In the second experiment, pretreatment with CBD prevented the acute induction of psychotic symptoms by Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. Delta-9-THC and CBD can have opposite effects on regional brain function, which may underlie their different symptomatic and behavioral effects, and CBD`s ability to block the psychotogenic effects of Delta-9-THC. Neuropsychopharmacology (2010) 35, 764-774; doi:10.1038/npp.2009.184; published online 18 November 2009
Introduction: The aim of this study was to analyze the electromyographic activity of the masseter and temporalis muscles of children having rapid maxillary expansion (RME) with a bonded rapid maxillary expansion appliance. Methods: The sample consisted of 27 children (mean age, 8.6 years) with posterior crossbite who required RME treatment. Electromyographic activity of the masseter and temporalis muscles was analyzed before treatment and after the appliance was removed. The mean interval between the 2 analyses was 5 months. Muscular activity was electromyographically analyzed in rest position, and with maximum voluntary dental clenching and chewing. Differences in the 2 measurements were evaluated by using paired t tests. Results and Conclusions: Electromyographic analysis showed that activity of the masseter and temporalis muscles increased significantly after the expansion appliance was removed during rest, dental clenching, and habitual chewing. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2009;136:355-60)
Context: Cannabis sativa use can impair verbal learning, provoke acute psychosis, and increase the risk of schizophrenia. It is unclear where C sativa acts in the human brain to modulate verbal learning and to induce psychotic symptoms. Objectives: To investigate the effects of 2 main psychoactive constituents of C sativa, Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta 9-THC) and cannabidiol, on regional brain function during verbal paired associate learning. Design: Subjects were studied on 3 separate occasions using a block design functional magnetic resonance imaging paradigm while performing a verbal paired associate learning task. Each imaging session was preceded by the ingestion of Delta 9-THC (10 mg), cannabidiol (600 mg), or placebo in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, repeated-measures, within-subject design. Setting: University research center. Participants: Fifteen healthy, native English-speaking, right-handed men of white race/ethnicity who had used C sativa 15 times or less and had minimal exposure to other illicit drugs in their lifetime. Main Outcome Measures: Regional brain activation ( blood oxygen level-dependent response), performance in a verbal learning task, and objective and subjective ratings of psychotic symptoms, anxiety, intoxication, and sedation. Results: Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol increased psychotic symptoms and levels of anxiety, intoxication, and sedation, whereas no significant effect was noted on these parameters following administration of cannabidiol. Performance in the verbal learning task was not significantly modulated by either drug. Administration of Delta 9-THC augmented activation in the parahippocampal gyrus during blocks 2 and 3 such that the normal linear decrement in activation across repeated encoding blocks was no longer evident. Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol also attenuated the normal time-dependent change in ventrostriatal activation during retrieval of word pairs, which was directly correlated with concurrently induced psychotic symptoms. In contrast, administration of cannabidiol had no such effect. Conclusion: The modulation of mediotemporal and ventrostriatal function by Delta 9-THC may underlie the effects of C sativa on verbal learning and psychotic symptoms, respectively.
The tissue microarray (TMA) technique allows multiple tissue samples in a single block. Commercial adhesive tape is used to avoid the loss of tissue samples during the immunostaining process. Few reports exist in the literature comparing the use of these adhesive tapes to other adhesive techniques. The objective of this study was to compare loss of sections adhered to slides using commercial adhesive tapes versus using silanized only slides. TMA was constructed with varying tissues using a fixed-base device (Beecher Instruments), placing 108 cylinders of 1 mm diameter in duplicate, spaced 1.2 mm apart. Section of 4 mu m were cut from the TMA block and adhered to 30 silanized slides and 30 commercial glass slides using adhesive tape, according to manufacturer`s recommendations. Vimentin immunoexpression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry. Antigenic recovery was realized in citrate buffer using a microwave oven. Cylinder loss in the immunohistochemical process was quantified and expressed as: total (>80%), almost complete (75-79%), or partial (50-74%). The commercial adhesive tape group presented lesser total loss (1.1 versus 6.4%), almost complete loss (2.2 versus 3.5%), and partial loss (2.1 versus 3.8%) than the silanized slide group (ANOVA, P < 0.05). The sum of total and almost complete losses in the silanized slide group was 9.9%, greater than the losses in slides using commercial adhesive tapes (3.3%) and less than reported and considered acceptable in the literature (10-30%). In conclusion, the use of silanized only slides presents very satisfactory results, requires less training, and reduces costs significantly, thus justifying their use in research.
Physalis angulata L (Solanaceae) is a medicinal plant from North of Brazil, whose different extracts and infusions are commonly used in the popular medicine for the treatment of malaria, asthma, hepatitis, dermatitis and rheumatism. However, the genotoxic effects of P. angulata on human cells is not well known. The main purpose of the present study was to evaluate the in vitro genotoxic effects of aqueous extract of P angulata using the comet assay and the micronucleus assay in human lymphocytes provided from 6 healthy donors. Treatments with P angulata extracts were performed in vitro in order to access the extent of DNA damage. The comet assay has shown that treatments with P angulata at 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 6.0 mu g/mL in Culture medium were genotoxic. Lymphocytes treated with P angulata at the concentrations of 3.0 and 6.0 mu g/mL in culture medium showed a statistically significant increase in the frequency of micronucleus (p<0.05), however, the cytokinesis blocked proliferation index (CBPI) was not decreased after P angulata treatment. In conclusion, the present work demonstrated the genotoxic effects of P angulata extract on human lymphocytes in vitro.
In temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) seizures, tonic or clonic motor behaviors (TCB) are commonly associated with automatisms, versions, and vocalizations, and frequently occur during secondary generalization. Dystonias are a common finding and appear to be associated with automatisms and head deviation, but have never been directly linked to generalized tonic or clonic behaviors. The objective of the present study was to assess whether dystonias and TCB are coupled in the same seizure or are associated in an antagonistic and exclusive pattern. Ninety-one seizures in 55 patients with TLE due to mesial temporal sclerosis were analyzed. Only patients with postsurgical seizure outcome of Engel class I or II were included. Presence or absence of dystonia and secondary generalization was recorded. Occurrence of dystonia and occurrence of bilateral tonic or clonic behaviors were negatively correlated. Dystonia and TCB may be implicated in exclusive, non-coincidental, or even antagonistic effects or phenomena in TLE seizures. A neural network related to the expression of one behavioral response (e.g., basal ganglia activation and dystonia) might theoretically ""displace"" brain activation or disrupt the synchronism of another network implicated in pathological circuit reverberation and seizure expression. The involvement of basal ganglia in the blockade of convulsive seizures has long been observed in animal models. The question is: Do dystonia and underlying basal ganglia activation represent an attempt of the brain to block imminent secondary generalization? (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objective To evaluate the extent sensory and motor blocks produced by the epidural injection of different volumes of 0.25% bupivacaine (Bu) with methylene blue (MB), in dogs. Study design Prospective experimental trial. Animals Twenty healthy adult mongrel dogs, weighing 9.9 +/- 1.9 kg. Methods Dogs were randomly allocated into one of four groups that received 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 or 0.8 mL kg-1 of an epidural solution containing 0.25% Bu and MB. Sensory block was evaluated against time by pinching the tail, hind limb interdigital web, toenail bases and the skin over the vertebral dermatomes. Motor block was assessed by ataxia, hind limb weight-bearing ability and by loss of muscle tone of the tail and pelvic limbs. Data were collected at 2, 5, 10, 15 and 30 minutes after the end of epidural injection. After the final time point, dogs were euthanatized and laminectomies were conducted to expose the extent of the dural dye staining. Results The volumes 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 mL kg-1 of 0.25% Bu and MB blocked a mean of 5, 14.2, 20.2 and 21 dermatomes, respectively. The extent of the senory block increased up to a volume of 0.6 mL kg-1. Motor block was longer-lasting and more intense than sensory block. Complete dyeing of the spinal cord with MB was achieved in some dogs at 0.4 mL kg-1 and all dogs at 0.6 mL kg-1. Conclusions The volume of anesthetic injected into the epidural space plays an important role in the quality of the epidural anesthesia. At 0.25%, bupivacaine provided an efficient sensory block at 0.6 mL kg-1. Clinical relevance Relatively high volumes (0.6 mL kg-1) of 0.25%, BU and MB were needed to produce an effective sensory and motor block caudal to the umbilicus, but all spinal cord segments were reached by MB at this dose.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the protein requirements for hand-rearing Blue-fronted Amazon parrots (Amazona aestiva). Forty hatchlings were fed semi-purified diets containing one of four (as-fed basis) protein levels: 13%, 18%, 23% and 28%. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design with the initial weight of the nestling as the blocking factor and 10 parrots per protein level. Regression analysis was used to determine relationships between protein level and biometric measurements. The data indicated that 13% crude protein supported nestling growth with 18% being the minimum tested level required for maximum development. The optimal protein concentration for maximum weight gain was 24.4% (p = 0.08; r(2) = 0.25), tail length 23.7% (p = 0.09; r(2) = 0.19), wing length 23.0% (p = 0.07; r(2) = 0.17), tarsus length 21.3% (p = 0.06; r(2) = 0.10) and tarsus width 21.4% (p = 0.07; r(2) = 0.09). Tarsus measurements were larger in males (p < 0.05), indicating that sex must be considered when studying developing psittacines. These results were obtained using a highly digestible protein and a diet with moderate metabolizable energy levels.
The effects of diets with different starch sources on the total tract apparent digestibility and glucose and insulin responses in cats were investigated. Six experimental diets consisting of 35% starch were extruded, each containing one of the following ingredients: cassava flour, brewers rice, corn, sorghum, peas, or lentils. The experiment was carried out on 36 cats with 6 replications per diet in a completely randomized block design. The brewers rice diet offered greater DM, OM, and GE digestibility than the sorghum, corn, lentil, and pea diets (P < 0.05). For starch digestibility, the brewers rice diet had greater values (98.6%) than the sorghum (93.9%), lentil (95.2%), and pea (96.3%) diets (P < 0.05); however, starch digestibility was > 93% for all the diets, proving that despite the low carbohydrate content of carnivorous diets, cats can efficiently digest this nutrient when it is properly processed into kibble. Mean and maximum glucose concentration and area under the glucose curve were greater for the corn-based diet than the cassava flour, sorghum, lentil, and pea diets (P < 0.05). The corn-based diets led to greater values for the mean glucose incremental concentration (10.2 mg/dL), maximum glucose incremental concentration (24.8 mg/dL), and area under the incremental glucose curve (185.5 mg.dL(-1).h(-1)) than the lentil diet (2.9 mg/dL, 3.1 mg/dL, and -40.4 mg.dL(-1).h(-1), respectively; P < 0.05). When compared with baseline values, only the corn diet stimulated an increase in the glucose response, occurring at 4 and 10 h postmeal (P < 0.05). The corn-based diet resulted in greater values for maximum incremental insulin concentration and area under the incremental insulin curve than the lentil-based diet (P < 0.05). However, plasma insulin concentrations rose in relation to the basal values for cats fed corn, sorghum, pea, and brewers rice diets (P < 0.05). Variations in diet digestibility and postprandial response can be explained by differences in the chemical composition of the starch source, including fiber content and granule structure, and also differences in the chemical compositions of the diets. The data suggest that starch has less of an effect on the cat postprandial glucose and insulin responses than on those of dogs and humans. This can be explained by the metabolic peculiarities of felines, which may slow and prolong starch digestion and absorption, leading to the delayed, less pronounced effects on their blood responses.
The Santa Ines, a Brazilian hair sheep, has a non-seasonal breeding activity. Data regarding the duration of the postpartum anestrous period in Santa Ines lactating ewes is lacking and the objective of this trial was to determine the effects of replacing neutral detergent fibre (NDF) provided by coastcross (Cynodon sp.) hay with NDF contained in soybean hulls (SH) on the postpartum ovarian activity-as measured by the serum progesterone (P(4)) concentration. Fifty-six lactating ewes (body weight 56.1 +/- 6.8 kg) were individually penned and used in a randomized complete block design with 14 blocks and four treatments. The SH NDF replaced 33 (SH33), 67 (SH67), or 100% (SH100) of the NDF contributed by coastcross hay in the control diet (SHO). This resulted in a SH inclusion at rates of 0, 25, 54, and 85% of the dietary dry matter (DM). Blood samples were collected twice weekly from the 14th to 84th day postpartum and the serum P(4) concentrations determined by radioimmunoassay (RIA). It was estimated that the 1st postpartum ovulation occurred 6 days before the date that a serum P(4) >= 1 ng/ml concentration was first recorded. The mean body condition score (BCS; 0-5 scale) was 3.0 +/- 0.19 on day 14 postpartum and the mean BCS at day 56 postpartum increased linearly (P<0.01) with the inclusion levels of SH (3.09, 3.24, 3.34, and 3.36, respectively). Treatments did not differ significantly in the induction of postpartum days to the resumption of ovarian luteal activity (34.1 +/- 15.3 days postpartum). On days 25, 50, and 75 postpartum 36.80, and 100% of the ewes had resumed ovarian activity, respectively. Nonesterified fatty acid concentration decreased quadratically (P<0.05) with the SH inclusion, with values of 0.323, 0.244, 0.204, and 0.216 mequiv./l for the SHO, SH33, SH67, and SH100 treatments being recorded, respectively. Replacement of the NDF provided by coastcross hay with the NDF from the SH did not influence the duration of the postpartum anestrous period in Santa Ines lactating ewes. Considering a 150-day gestation period and the 34 days postpartum anestrous demonstrated in the present study, the current production system of a lambing interval of 8 months (3 lambing events in 2 years) may not be optimizing the production potential and a system in which the lambing interval is shortened by at least 1 month may be feasible. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Maternal recognition of pregnancy in the cow requires successful signaling by the conceptus to block luteolysis. Conceptus Growth and function depend on an optimal uterine environment, regulated by luteal progesterone. The objective of this study was to test strategies to optimize luteal function, as well as prevent a dominant follicle from initiating luteolysis. Nelore (Bos taurus indicus) beef cows (n = 40) were submitted to a GnRH/PGF(2 alpha)/GnRH protocol. Cows that ovulated from a dominant ovarian follicle (ovulation = Day 0) were allocated to receive: no additional treatment (Gc; n = 7); 3000 IU of hCG on Day 5 (G(hCG); n = 5); 5 mg of estradiol-17 beta on Day 12 (G(E2); n = 6); or 3000 IU of hCG on Day 5 and 5 mg of estradiol-17 beta on Day 12 (G(hCG/E2); n = 5). Ultrasonographic imaging of the ovaries, assessment of plasma progesterone concentration, and detection of estrus were done daily from Day 5 to the day of subsequent ovulation. Treatment with hCG induced an accessory CL, increased CL volume, and plasma progesterone concentration throughout the luteal phase (P < 0.01). Estradiol-17 beta induced atresia and recruitment of a new wave of follicular growth; it eliminated a potentially estrogen-active, growing ovarian follicle within the critical period for maternal recognition of pregnancy, but it also hastened luteolysis (Days 16 or 17 vs. Days 18 or 19 in non-treated cows). In conclusion, the approaches tested enhanced luteal function (hCG) and altered ovarian follicular dynamics (estradiol-17 beta), but were unable to extend the life-span of the CL in Nelore cows. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objective To assess the effect of halothane (H), isoflurane (I) or sevoflurane (S) on the bispectral index (BIS), and the effect of the addition of meperidine in dogs subjected to ovariohysterectomy. Study design Prospective, randomized, blinded, clinical trial. Animals Forty-eight female mixed-breed dogs, with weights varying from 10 to 25 kg. Methods All dogs were premedicated with acepromazine (A) (0.1 mg kg(-1) IM) or A and meperidine (M) (3 mg kg(-1) IM) and they were divided into six groups of eight animals (AH, AMH, AI, AMI, AS, and AMS). Fifteen minutes after premedication they were anesthetized with propofol (5 mg kg(-1) IV) and then orotracheally intubated. Anesthesia was maintained with halothane, isoflurane or sevoflurane, respectively. The BIS, E`(anest) variables were recorded at 15 minutes after administering pre-anesthetic medication (T0); 10 minutes of anesthesia maintenance (T1); right ovarian pedicle ligation (T2); muscle suturing (T3); skin suture (T4) and 10 minutes after terminating the inhalant anesthetic (T5), respectively. Results BIS values were decreased at all times when compared to the baseline values in all groups (p < 0.05). In the comparative assessment between groups, the values obtained at T0 and T1 were similar for all groups. At T2, the values in AMH were lower than those obtained in AI, AMI and AS (p < 0.05). At the same time significantly higher values were found for AI when compared to AMS (p < 0.01). There was a correlation between the bispectral index and the expired anesthetic fraction in all groups. Conclusions and clinical relevance Within groups given the same inhalant anesthetic the bispectral index was a good indicator for the degree of hypnosis in dogs, indicating a good correlation with the amount of anesthetic and the nociceptive stimulation. BIS was a less reliable indicator of relative anesthetic depth when comparing equipotent end-tidal concentrations between the three inhalants.
The overexpression of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 is a frequent event in squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck (HNSCC), and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are potent inhibitors of COX-1 and COX-2, exert chemopreventive effects on HNSCC cancer development. COX-2 promotes the release of the pro-inflammatory mediator prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), which acts on its cell surface G protein-coupled receptors EP1, EP2, EP3, and EP4. Here, we investigated the role of PGE2 and its receptors in cellular proliferation in HNSCC. The expression of COX-2 and EP1-4 was examined in immortalized oral epithelial cells and in a representative panel of HNSCC cell lines, and based on these data EP1-EP3 and COX-2 expression were evaluated by immunohistochemistry in a large clinical sample collection using HNSCC tissue microarrays. The ability of selective COX-2 inhibition to block PGE2 secretion was measured by ELISA specific assays. The effects of PGE2 on cell proliferation were evaluated using PGE2, its stable analog, and EP2 and EP3-specific synthetic agonists. The results presented here show that HNSCC tumoral lesions and their derived cell lines constitutively express COX-2 and the EP1, EP2 and EP3 receptors for PGE2. HNSCC cells secrete PGE2, which can be suppressed by low concentrations of COX-2 selective inhibitors, without inhibiting cell proliferation. Exogenously added stable PGE2 and EP3-specific agonists induce DNA synthesis in all HNSCC cell lines tested. Overall, our study supports the emerging notion that PGE2 produced in the tumor microenvironment by the overexpression of COX-2 in tumoral and inflammatory cells may promote the growth of HNSCC cells in an autocrine and paracrine fashion by acting on PGE2 receptors that are widely expressed in most HNSCC cancer cells. In particular, our findings suggest that EP3 receptor may play a more prominent role in HNSCC cell growth promotion, thus providing a rationale for the future evaluation of this PGE2 receptor as a target for HNSCC prevention strategies. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Background: Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibitors reduce dentine erosion. This in vitro study evaluated the effect of the supplementation of soft drinks with green tea extract, a natural inhibitor of MMPs, on their erosive potential against dentine. Methods: For each drink tested (Coca-Cola (TM), Kuat (TM) guarana, Sprite (TM) and light Coca-Cola (TM)), 40 dentine specimens were divided into two subgroups differing with respect to supplementation with green tea extract at 1.2% (OM24 (R), 100% Camellia sinensis leaf extract, containing 30 +/- 3% of catechin; Omnimedica, Switzerland) or not (control). Specimens were subjected to four pH cycles, alternating de-and remineralization in one day. For each cycle, samples were immersed in pure or supplemented drink (10 minutes, 30 mL per block) and in artificial saliva (60 minutes, 30 mL per block) at 37 degrees C, under agitation. Dentine alterations were determined by profilometry (mu m). Data were analysed by two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni`s test (p < 0.05). Results: A significant difference was observed among the drinks tested with Sprite (TM) leading to the highest surface loss and light Coca-Cola (TM) to the lowest. Supplementation with green tea extract reduced the surface loss by 15% to 40% but the difference was significant for Coca-Cola (TM) only. Conclusions: Supplementation of soft drinks with green tea extract might be a viable alternative to reduce their erosive potential against dentine.