986 resultados para Blind source separation (BSS)


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The cataphoretic purification of helium was investigated for binary mixtures of He with Ar, Ne, N2, O2, CO, and CO2 in DC glow discharge. An experimental technique was developed to continuously measure the composition in the anode end-bulb without sample withdrawal. Discharge currents ranged from 10 ma to 100 ma. Total gas pressure ranged from 2 torr to 9 torr. Initial compositions of the minority component in He ranged from 1.2 mole percent to 7.5 mole percent.

The cataphoretic separation of Ar and Ne from He was found to be in agreement with previous investigators. The cataphoretic separation of N2, O2, and CO from He was found to be similar to noble gas systems in that the steady-state separation improved with (1) increasing discharge current, (2) increasing gas pressure, and (3) decreasing initial composition of the minority component. In the He-CO2 mixture, the CO2 dissociated to CO plus O2. The fraction of CO2 dissociated was directly proportional to the current and pressure and independent of initial composition.

The experimental results for the separation of Ar, Ne, N2, O2, and CO from He were interpreted in the framework of a recently proposed theoretical model involving an electrostatic Peclet number. In the model the electric field was assumed to be constant. This assumption was checked experimentally and the maximum variation in electric field was 35% in time and 30% in position. Consequently, the assumption of constant electric field introduced no more than 55% variation in the electrostatic Peclet number during a separation.

To aid in the design of new cataphoretic systems, the following design criteria were developed and tested in detail: (1) electric field independent of discharge current, (2) electric field directly proportional to total pressure, (3) ion fraction of impurity directly proportional to discharge current, and (4) ion fraction of impurity independent of total pressure. Although these assumptions are approximate, they enabled the steady-state concentration profile to be predicted to within 25% for 75% of the data. The theoretical model was also tested with respect to the characteristic time associated with transient cataphoresis. Over 80% of the data was within a factor of two of the calculated characteristic times.

The electrostatic Peclet number ranged in value from 0.13 to 4.33. Back-calculated ion fractions of the impurity component ranged in value from 4.8x10-6 to 178x10-6.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o desempenho de um sistema de captação e tratamento de água do rio Sarapuí, por meio de uma estação de tratamento composta por um sistema de pré-tratamento convencional, ligado a um sistema de separação por membranas de osmose inversa, no Município de Belford Roxo RJ, instalado para fornecer água de processo a instalações industriais. Foi verificado que a água captada encontra-se em condição bastante degradada e que a unidade de tratamento removeu, em média, 97% do teor dos poluentes presentes na água, enquadrando-a nos parâmetros requeridos pelo processo industrial. Foi possível comprovar que o processo de separação por osmose inversa pode ser utilizado em escala industrial, proporcionando ganhos econômicos consideráveis, além de evitar o consumo de água potável para fins de processos industriais e, ainda, contribuir para a retirada de carga orgânica de uma fonte degradada


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Described in this thesis are measurements made of the thick-target neutron yield from the reaction 13C(α, n)16O. The yield was determined for laboratory bombarding energies between 0.475 and 0.700 MeV, using a stilbene crystal neutron detector and pulse-shape discrimination to eliminate gamma rays. Stellar temperatures between 2.5 and 4.5 x 108 oK are involved in this energy region. From the neutron yield was extracted the astrophysical cross-section factor S(E), which was found to fit a linear function: S(E) = [(5.48 ± 1.77) + (12.05 ± 3.91)E] x 105 MeV-barns, center-of-mass system. The stellar rate of the 13C(α, n)16O reaction if calculated, and discussed with reference to helium burning and neutron production in the core of a giant star.

Results are also presented of measurements carried out on the reaction 9Be(α, n)12C, taken with a thin Be target. The bombarding energy-range covered was from 0.340 to 0.680 MeV, with excitation curves for the ground- and first excited-state neutrons being reported. Some angular distributions were also measured. Resonances were found at bombarding energies of ELAB = 0.520 MeV (ECM = 0.360 MeV, Γ ~ 55 keV CM, ωγ = 3.79 eV CM) and ELAB = 0.600 MeV (ECM = 0.415 MeV, Γ ˂ 4 keV CM, ωγ = 0.88 eV CM). The astrophysical rate of the 9Be(α, n)12C reaction due to these resonances is calculated.


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It is shown that stochastic electromagnetic beams may have different degrees of polarization on propagation, even though they have the same coherence properties in the source plane. This fact is due to a possible difference in the anisotropy of the field in the source plane. The result is illustrated by some examples.


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This review deals with the variation in populations of invertebrates and the relationships between invertebrate production and detrital food material in chalk streams. The total quantity of detrital material processed by invertebrate consumers is many times greater than the production of these consumers. The amount of detritus ingested each year by chalk stream invertebrates may well be similar to the annual input of autochthonous primary production plus that from allochthonous tree cover.


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Phosphorescence has been observed in a highly purified fluid solution of naphthalene in 3-methylpentane (3-MP). The phosphorescence lifetime of C10H8 in 3-MP at -45 °C was found to be 0.49 ± 0.07 sec, while that of C10D8 under identical conditions is 0.64 ± 0.07 sec. At this temperature 3-MP has the same viscosity (0.65 centipoise) as that of benzene at room temperature. It is believed that even these long lifetimes are dominated by impurity quenching mechanisms. Therefore it seems that the radiationless decay times of the lowest triplet states of simple aromatic hydrocarbons in liquid solutions are sensibly the same as those in the solid phase. A slight dependence of the phosphorescence lifetime on solvent viscosity was observed in the temperature region, -60° to -18°C. This has been attributed to the diffusion-controlled quenching of the triplet state by residual impurity, perhaps oxygen. Bimolecular depopulation of the triplet state was found to be of major importance over a large part of the triplet decay.

The lifetime of triplet C10H8 at room temperature was also measured in highly purified benzene by means of both phosphorescence and triplet-triplet absorption. The lifetime was estimated to be at least ten times shorter than that in 3-MP. This is believed to be due not only to residual impurities in the solvent but also to small amounts of impurities produced through unavoidable irradiation by the excitation source. In agreement with this idea, lifetime shortening caused by intense flashes of light is readily observed. This latter result suggests that experiments employing flash lamp techniques are not suitable for these kinds of studies.

The theory of radiationless transitions, based on Robinson's theory, is briefly outlined. A simple theoretical model which is derived from Fano's autoionization gives identical result.


The blue color of oxygen is mostly derived from double transitions. This paper presents a theoretical calculation of the intensity of the double transition (a 1Δg) (a 1Δg)←(X 3Σg-) (X 3Σg-), using a model based on a pair of oxygen molecules at a fixed separation of 3.81 Å. The intensity enhancement is assumed to be derived from the mixing (a 1Δg) (a 1Δg) ~~~ (X 3Σg-) (X 3Σu-) and (a 1Δg) (1Δu) ~~~ (X 3Σg-) (X 3Σg-). Matrix elements for these interactions are calculated using a π-electron approximation for the pair system. Good molecular wavefunctions are used for all but the perturbing (B 3Σu-) state, which is approximated in terms of ground state orbitals. The largest contribution to the matrix elements arises from large intramolecular terms multiplied by intermolecular overlap integrals. The strength of interaction depends not only on the intermolecular separation of the two oxygen molecules, but also as expected on the relative orientation. Matrix elements are calculated for different orientations, and the angular dependence is fit to an analytical expression. The theory therefore not only predicts an intensity dependence on density but also one on phase at constant density. Agreement between theory and available experimental results is satisfactory considering the nature of the approximation, and indicates the essential validity of the overall approach to this interesting intensity enhancement problem.


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A specklegram in a multimode fiber (MMF) has successfully been used as a sensor for detecting external disturbance. Our experiments showed that the sensitivity in the sensor with a multiple longitudinal-mode laser as its source was much higher than that with a single longitudinal-mode laser. In addition, the near-field pattern observations indicated that the coupling between different transverse modes in the MMF is quite weak. Based on the experimental results, a theoretical model for the speckle formation is proposed, taking a bend-caused phase factor into consideration. It is shown in the theoretical analysis that the interferences between different longitudinal modes make a larger contribution to the specklegram signals. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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This thesis discusses simulations of earthquake ground motions using prescribed ruptures and dynamic failure. Introducing sliding degrees of freedom led to an innovative technique for numerical modeling of earthquake sources. This technique allows efficient implementation of both prescribed ruptures and dynamic failure on an arbitrarily oriented fault surface. Off the fault surface the solution of the three-dimensional, dynamic elasticity equation uses well known finite-element techniques. We employ parallel processing to efficiently compute the ground motions in domains containing millions of degrees of freedom.

Using prescribed ruptures we study the sensitivity of long-period near-source ground motions to five earthquake source parameters for hypothetical events on a strike-slip fault (Mw 7.0 to 7.1) and a thrust fault (Mw 6.6 to 7.0). The directivity of the ruptures creates large displacement and velocity pulses in the ground motions in the forward direction. We found a good match between the severity of the shaking and the shape of the near-source factor from the 1997 Uniform Building Code for strike-slip faults and thrust faults with surface rupture. However, for blind thrust faults the peak displacement and velocities occur up-dip from the region with the peak near-source factor. We assert that a simple modification to the formulation of the near-source factor improves the match between the severity of the ground motion and the shape of the near-source factor.

For simulations with dynamic failure on a strike-slip fault or a thrust fault, we examine what constraints must be imposed on the coefficient of friction to produce realistic ruptures under the application of reasonable shear and normal stress distributions with depth. We found that variation of the coefficient of friction with the shear modulus and the depth produces realistic rupture behavior in both homogeneous and layered half-spaces. Furthermore, we observed a dependence of the rupture speed on the direction of propagation and fluctuations in the rupture speed and slip rate as the rupture encountered changes in the stress field. Including such behavior in prescribed ruptures would yield more realistic ground motions.


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The objective of this study is to improve the stability of pumping source of optical parametric amplifier. Analysis by simulation leads to the conclusion that the stability of the second harmonic can be improved by using properly the intensity of fundamental light and corresponding length of the crystal. By the method of the noncollinear two-pass second harmonic or the tandem second harmonic, the efficient crystal length is extended to a proper value, and the stability of the second harmonic output has been improved two times more than that for the fundamental light, and the conversion-efficiency is about 70% in experiment. When the variation of the fundamental light is about 10%, the variation of the second harmonic intensity has been controlled within 5%. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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