958 resultados para Birth cohort


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Objective: to assess, in a randomized sample of measurements made with the NBAS scale, in preterm and / or low birth weight babies, some psychometric characteristics of the same as her construct validity and internal consistency. Materials and methods: we designed a study of assessment of Psychometric properties. From a study of cross-sectional measurements, there were made assessment of the statistic behavior of the items, individually and in their internal consistency, then, there were carried out, type exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Results: we find that, in the analysis of preterm or low birth weight babies, the scale remains largely, the overall structure of factors proposed since 1982, in relation to the dimensions of habituation, social interactive and complementary. The items that make up the dimensions of SNA and motor systems are integrated. Also, we found Cronbach alpha values for internal consistency, which reflects higher to medium correlation levels in the behavioral and reflex items. Conclusion: the NBAS scale reflects characteristics of construct validity and internal consistency, which credits it as a useful tool in clinical assessment of neurodevelopmental effects of preterm or low birth weight babies. It is necessary to analyze the structure of the scale when used for purposes of scientific research.


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La colonización materna por estreptococo del grupo B (SGB) en países en desarrollo es del 4-20%; el 50% de sus hijos nacen colonizados y el 1-2% desarrollan enfermedad invasiva con alto riesgo de morbimortalidad y secuelas. Objetivo: determinar los factores de riesgo materno-fetales asociados a enfermedad severa y mortalidad neonatal por SGB en una unidad de recién nacidos. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional analítico de cohorte histórica durante un período de dos años. Se tomaron 11 casos con enfermedad invasiva y 15 controles. Se calcularon frecuencias absolutas y relativas, y se buscaron asociaciones mediante el cálculo del estadístico chi2. Resultados: los factores maternos predictivos para enfermedad por SGB incluyeron fiebre periparto mayor a 37,5 grados centígrados (p < 0,05), corioamnionitis y ruptura de membranas mayor a 18 horas (p < 0,05). Los factores de riesgo neonatal incluyeron prematurez (< 37 semanas) y bajo peso al nacer (< 2.500 gramos) (p < 0,05). Se encontró una mortalidad de 5 (45%). Conclusiones: hubo relación estadísticamente significativa entre la corioaminionitis materna, la ruptura de membranas mayor a 18 horas, la prematurez y el peso bajo al nacer con la severidad de la enfermedad y la mortalidad. La incidencia estimada de infección neonatal en la unidad de recién nacidos fue de 1,8 casos/1.000 nacidos vivos, y la de colonización materna fue de 4,3 casos/1.000 maternas. Se deben realizar más estudios en el país para establecer la incidencia real de enfermedad neonatal por SGB y hacer investigación sobre la costo-efectividad de las medidas de prevención.


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Background: Isometric grip strength, evaluated with a handgrip dynamometer, is a marker of current nutritional status and cardiometabolic risk and future morbidity and mortality. We present reference values for handgrip strength in healthy young Colombian adults (aged 18 to 29 years). Methods: The sample comprised 5.647 (2.330 men and 3.317 women) apparently healthy young university students (mean age, 20.6±2.7 years) attending public and private institutions in the cities of Bogota and Cali (Colombia). Handgrip strength was measured two times with a TKK analogue dynamometer in both hands and the highest value used in the analysis. Sex- and age-specific normative values for handgrip strength were calculated using the LMS method and expressed as tabulated percentiles from 3 to 97 and as smoothed centile curves (P3, P10, P25, P50, P75, P90 and P97). Results: Mean values for right and left handgrip strength were 38.1±8.9 and 35.9±8.6 kg for men, and 25.1±8.7 and 23.3±8.2 kg for women, respectively. Handgrip strength increased with age in both sexes and was significantly higher in men in all age categories. The results were generally more homogeneous amongst men than women. Conclusions: Sex- and age-specific handgrip strength normative values among healthy young Colombian adults are defined. This information may be helpful in future studies of secular trends in handgrip strength and to identify clinically relevant cut points for poor nutritional and elevated cardiometabolic risk in a Latin American population. Evidence of decline in handgrip strength before the end of the third decade is of concern and warrants further investigation


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In the midst of health care reform, Colombia has succeeded in increasing health insurance coverage and the quality of health care. In spite of this, efficiency continues to be a matter of concern, and small-area variations in health care are one of the plausible causes of such inefficiencies. In order to understand this issue, we use individual data of all births from a Contributory-Regimen insurer in Colombia. We perform two different specifications of a multilevel logistic regression model. Our results reveal that hospitals account for 20% of variation on the probability of performing cesarean sections. Geographic area only explains 1/3 of the variance attributable to the hospital. Furthermore, some variables from both demand and supply sides are found to be also relevant on the probability of undergoing cesarean sections. This paper contributes to previous research by using a hierarchical model and by defining hospitals as cluster. Moreover, we also include clinical and supply induced demand variables.


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Objective: Epilepsy is a common neurologic disorder affecting 1% of the world population with one-third of these patients failing to have seizure control for more than one year. Clobazam is a long-acting benzodiazepine used worldwide for the treatment of epilepsy. This antiepileptic drug has demonstrated great clinical benefits with mild side effects. The objective of this study was to better understand the efficacy of clobazam treatment on adult patients with refractory epilepsy. Design: A retrospective review of 44 adult patients with diagnosis of epilepsy that were seen at our Epilepsy Clinic between January 2014 and May 2015. Setting: An outpatient epilepsy clinic at the Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia. Participants: 44 adult patients with diagnosis of epilepsy. Measurements: Seizure frequency, adverse effects and the use of concomitant AEDs were reviewed in each of the patient´s clinical charts. Results: The responder rate of patients with clobazam was 52% at 3 months, 50% at 6 months and 55% at 12 month. Seizure freedom rates at 3, 6 and 12 months were 18%, 25% and 25% respectively. Clobazam related adverse events occurred only in four patients (9%) at the end of the twelve months with somnolence being the most common. Conclusion: These findings suggest that clobazam treatment in adult patients with focal or generalized epilepsy is effective and safe. Its use should be considered early when first-line agents fail to provide seizure control.


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Dentro del marco del aborto involuntario recurrente (AIR), se han propuesto causas autoinmunes y alogénicas, e implementación de terapias como la inmunización activa con leucocitos alogénicos de la pareja o de donantes. La evidencia disponible en cuanto a la efectividad de estos tratamientos es contradictoria, por lo que se desea realizar una revisión sistemática para evaluar la efectividad de la inmunización activa con leucocitos alogénicos de la pareja o de donantes para esta condición. Se realizó un estudio tipo revisión sistemática de la literatura, usando las siguientes bases de datos: Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library y Scielo. Se realizó una búsqueda a través del registro de ensayos clínicos del Instituto Nacional de Salud de los Estados Unidos (www.clinicaltrials.gov) y, una búsqueda manual a través de las referencias de los estudios seleccionados siguiendo la estrategia de bola de nieve. Se seleccionaron ensayos clínicos y estudios de cohorte analítica, en idioma inglés y español. Se realizó un análisis cuantitativo de la información por medio de un metaanálisis. El tratamiento inmunomodulador con linfocitos puede considerarse como una terapia efectiva para mantener la gestación y lograr recién nacido vivo según resultados estadísticos; sin embargo la calidad de los estudios incluidos es baja, por lo que no se aconseja para la práctica rutinaria. Se sugiere la realización de estudios con metodologías robustas y que apoyen los resultados presentados en esta investigación.


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Early detection of breast cancer (BC) with mammography may cause overdiagnosis and overtreatment, detecting tumors which would remain undiagnosed during a lifetime. The aims of this study were: first, to model invasive BC incidence trends in Catalonia (Spain) taking into account reproductive and screening data; and second, to quantify the extent of BC overdiagnosis. We modeled the incidence of invasive BC using a Poisson regression model. Explanatory variables were: age at diagnosis and cohort characteristics (completed fertility rate, percentage of women that use mammography at age 50, and year of birth). This model also was used to estimate the background incidence in the absence of screening. We used a probabilistic model to estimate the expected BC incidence if women in the population used mammography as reported in health surveys. The difference between the observed and expected cumulative incidences provided an estimate of overdiagnosis.Incidence of invasive BC increased, especially in cohorts born from 1940 to 1955. The biggest increase was observed in these cohorts between the ages of 50 to 65 years, where the final BC incidence rates more than doubled the initial ones. Dissemination of mammography was significantly associated with BC incidence and overdiagnosis. Our estimates of overdiagnosis ranged from 0.4% to 46.6%, for women born around 1935 and 1950, respectively.Our results support the existence of overdiagnosis in Catalonia attributed to mammography usage, and the limited malignant potential of some tumors may play an important role. Women should be better informed about this risk. Research should be oriented towards personalized screening and risk assessment tools


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This paper examines support groups for parents of newly-diagnosed hearing-impaired children and presents an outline for an effective parent support group.


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This paper discusses the use of otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) in performing outpatient hearing screening for children, birth to age five.


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This paper presents basic and immediate resources for parents with hearing impaired children between the ages of birth and five years. Resources include those dealing with educational options, basic literature, government resources, legal rights, parent advocacy issues and financial aid.


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The purpose of this study was to assess the use of 1 kHz tympanometry in young infants. A larger sample will be needed to develop definitive norms and determine the sensitivity and specificity of 1 kHz tympanometry for middle ear pathology in young infants.


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Interpretation of 1000 Hz tympanometry is not standardized. Several compensated and uncompensated measures were analyzed and compared to otologic findings. Results of auditory brainstem testing and otoacoustic emissions were considered to better obtain middle ear status. Findings were inconclusive due to small sample size.