941 resultados para Biochemical markers -- Mediterranean Sea
Aims/hypothesis: We aimed to determine whether plasma lipoproteins, after leakage into the retina and modification by glycation and oxidation, contribute to the development of diabetic retinopathy in a mouse model of type 1 diabetes.<br/><br/>Methods: To simulate permeation of plasma lipoproteins intoretinal tissues, streptozotocin-induced mouse models of diabetes and non-diabetic mice were challenged with intravitreal injection of human highly-oxidised glycated low-density lipoprotein (HOG-LDL), native- (N-) LDL, or the vehicle PBS.Retinal histology, electroretinography (ERG) and biochemical markers were assessed over the subsequent 14 days.<br/><br/>Results: Intravitreal administration of N-LDL and PBS had noeffect on retinal structure or function in either diabetic or non-diabetic animals. In non-diabetic mice, HOG-LDL elicited a transient inflammatory response without altering retinal function,but in diabetic mice it caused severe, progressive retinal injury, with abnormal morphology, ERG changes, vascular leakage, vascular endothelial growth factor overexpression, gliosis, endoplasmic reticulum stress, and propensity to apoptosis.<br/><br/>Conclusions/interpretation: Diabetes confers susceptibility to retinal injury imposed by intravitreal injection of modified LDL. The data add to the existing evidence that extravasated, modified plasma lipoproteins contribute to the propagation of diabetic retinopathy. Intravitreal delivery of HOG-LDL simulates a stress known to be present, in addition to hyperglycaemia, in human diabetic retinopathy once blood retinal barriers are compromised.
<p>OBJECTIVES: There is previous epidemiological evidence that intake of polyphenol-rich foods has been associated with reduced cardiovascular disease risk. We aimed to investigate the effect of increasing dietary polyphenol intake on microvascular function in hypertensive participants.</p><p>METHODS: All participants completed a 4-week run-in phase, consuming <2 portions of fruit and vegetables (F&V) daily and avoiding berries and dark chocolate. Subjects were then randomised to continue with the low-polyphenol diet for 8weeks or to consume a high-polyphenol diet of six portions F&V (including one portion of berries/day and 50g of dark chocolate). Endothelium-dependent (acetylcholine, ACh) and endothelium-independent (sodium nitroprusside) vasodilator responses were assessed by venous occlusion plethysmography. Compliance with the intervention was measured using food diaries and biochemical markers.</p><p>RESULTS: Final analysis of the primary endpoint was conducted on 92 participants. Between-group comparison of change in maximum % response to ACh revealed a significant improvement in the high-polyphenol group (p=0.02). There was a significantly larger increase in vitamin C, carotenoids and epicatechin in the high-polyphenol group (between-group difference p<0.001; p<0.001; p=0.008, respectively).</p><p>CONCLUSIONS: This study has shown that increasing the polyphenol content of the diet via consumption of F&V, berries and dark chocolate results in a significant improvement in an established marker of cardiovascular risk in hypertensive participants.</p>
No actual cenrio de perda acelerada de biodiversidade, o nosso conhecimento dos ecossistemas marinhos, apesar da sua extenso e complexidade, continua muito inferior ao dos ecossistemas terrestres. A classe Malacostraca (Arthropoda, Crustacea), um grupo dos mais representativos nos ecossistemas marinhos, apresenta um elevado nvel de diversidade morfolgica e ecolgica, mas difcil sua identificao ao nvel de espcie requer frequentemente a ajuda de especialistas em taxonomia. A utilizao recente do barcoding (cdigo de barras do ADN), revelou ser um mtodo rpido e eficaz para a identificao de espcies em diversos grupos de metazorios, incluindo os Malacostraca. No mbito desta tese foi construda uma base de dados de cdigo de barras de ADN envolvendo 132 espcies de Malacostraca vrios locais de amostragem no Atlntico Nordeste e Mediterrneo. As sequncias de ADN mitocondrial provenientes de 601 espcimes formaram, em 95% dos casos, grupos congruentes com as identificaes baseadas em caractersticas morfolgicas. No entanto, foi detectado polimorfismo em seis casos e a divergncia intra-especfica foi elevada em exemplares pertencentes a duas espcies morfolgicas, sugerindo, neste caso, a ocorrncia de especiao crptica. Este estudo confirma a utilidade do cdigo de barras de ADN para a identificao de Malacostraca marinhos. Apesar do sucesso obtido, este mtodo apresenta alguns problemas, como por exemplo a possvel amplificao de pseudogenes. A ocorrncia de pseudogenes e as possveisabordagens para a deteco e resoluo deste tipo de problemas so discutidas com base em casos de estudo: anlises dos cdigos de barras ADN na espcie Goneplax rhomboides (Crustacea, Decapoda). A anlise dos cdigos de barras ADN revelou ainda grupos prioritrios de decpodes para estudos taxonmicos e sistemticos, nomeadamente os decpodes dos gneros Plesionika e Pagurus. Neste mbito so discutidas as relaes filogenticas entre espcies seleccionadas dos gneros Plesionika e Pagurus. Este trabalho aponta para vrias questes no mbito da biodiversidade e evoluo molecular da classe Malacostraca que carecem de um maior esclarecimento, podendo ser considerado como a base para estudo futuros. Anlises filogenticas adicionais integrando dados morfolgicos e moleculares de um maior nmero de espcies e de famlias devero certamente conduzir a uma melhor avaliao da biodiversidade e da evoluo dentro da classe.
Dissertao de mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Dissertao de mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve; Instituto Espaol de Oceanografia; 2015
The reef levels of the gulf of skoura belong to the reef formation of the Upper Miocene of the South-Rifan straits. A detailed analysis of the vertical distribution of various forms of colonies has led to the establishment of precise coral morphologies zonation. This palaeoecological approach leads us to distinguish between two environments in the Skoura gulf, probably corresponding to two reef episodes. The palaeogeographical implications (relationships between the Atlantic ocean and the Mediterranean sea) will be pointed out.
RESUMO: A pr-eclmpsia tem elevada morbi-mortalidade materna e perinatal. A sua etiologia multi-fatorial tem sido objeto de investigao, no sendo ainda totalmente conhecida. No se conhece tambm a razo da diferente suscetibilidade individual e das diferentes expresses da doena. A hipertenso crnica e a diabetes so fatores de risco reconhecidos, e o adiamento da maternidade contribui para que estas duas patologias sejam atualmente mais prevalentes entre as mulheres grvidas. Uma vez que o seu quadro fisiopatolgico precede em meses o quadro clnico, tem-se investigado a possibilidade de serem encontrados marcadores precoces e indicadores de risco. Em Portugal, os estudos relativos hipertenso na gravidez so escassos, bem como a investigao sobre fatores de risco e marcadores para a mesma. No sentido de avaliar possveis marcadores de risco para o desenvolvimento de preclmpsia ou complicaes hipertensivas foi colhida, para esta dissertao, uma amostra de 1215 mulheres que frequentaram a consulta de Hipertenso ou de Diabetes na gravidez de um centro tercirio, entre 2004 e 2013. Optou-se pela realizao de trs estudos independentes, abrangendo os dois primeiros um leque temporal de 9 e de 2 anos respetivamente. O primeiro, centrado na hipertenso, pesquisou, em 521 mulheres com hipertenso na presente ou em anterior gravidez, fatores de risco capazes de influenciar a progresso para pr-eclmpsia. O segundo, direcionado para a diabetes gestacional, considerou uma amostra de 334 grvidas, parte das quais tinha tambm hipertenso crnica e procurou identificar fatores que contriburam para o aparecimento de complicaes hipertensivas. O terceiro estudo, realizado em 2012 e 2013, em trs coortes de grvidas com hipertenso crnica, com diabetes gestacional, e sem estas patologias - procurou avaliar no 1 trimestre o comportamento de dois marcadores placentares obtidos no 1 trimestre - protena plasmtica A associada gravidez (PAPP-A) e o fator de crescimento placentar (PlGF) - e o seu papel, quer como bio-marcadores isolados, quer em associao aos fatores de risco encontrados nos anteriores estudos, na construo de um modelo preditivo de preclmpsia. No primeiro estudo, a nuliparidade, a hipertenso gestacional, a fluxometria das artrias uterinas com IP superiores ao P95 entre as 20-22 semanas e a existncia de restrio de crescimento fetal, foram os fatores que contriburam para a construo de um modelo preditivo de pr-eclmpsia. No segundo estudo, a coexistncia de diabetes e hipertenso crnica agravou o prognstico, associando-se as complicaes hipertensivas multiparidade, obesidade, idade materna e etnia negra. No terceiro estudo verificou-se uma reduo da PlGf e da PAPP-A no 1 trimestre nas duas primeiras coortes, comparativamente coorte sem patologia; na anlise separada de cada coorte, quando se verificaram complicaes hipertensivas ou pr-eclmpsia, as concentraes de PlGf e PAPP-A tambm foram inferiores. Contudo, na elaborao de um modelo preditivo de pr-eclmpsia, em conjunto com marcadores encontrados, apenas a PlGf pode ser integrada no modelo preditivo, o que se verificou na coorte com hipertenso crnica. Os marcadores bioqumicos em estudo tiveram valores inferiores nas coortes com patologia hipertensiva, demonstrando uma deficiente produo destas protenas placentares nestas situaes, podendo ser importante a sua pesquisa. Contudo, neste estudo, apenas na coorte de hipertenso crnica a PlGf teve participao como fator de risco, na construo de um modelo preditivo de pr-eclmpsia.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT: Preeclampsia is associated with a great maternal and perinatal morbimortality. Its multifactorial etiology has been under investigation and is still insufficiently understood. The reason why there are differences in individual susceptibility and differences in expressions of the disease is still unknown. Chronic hypertension and diabetes are known risk factors for preeclampsia and maternity delay contributes to the great prevalence of these pathologies among pregnant women. As the physiopathological signs antedate by months the clinical course of the disease, early risk factors and biological markers are object of clinical research. In Portugal, scarce clinical studies were devoted to hypertension in pregnancy and to risk factors and markers of this pathology. This dissertation inquires 1215 pregnant women who were treated for hypertension or diabetes in a tertiary care center between 2004 and 2013, in order to find risk markers for hypertensive complications or preeclampsia. We conducted three independent studies for this purpose. In the first one we investigated which risk factors could influence the progression to preeclampsia in 521 pregnant women with present or past history of hypertension. The second one was conducted to find what factors were associated to hypertensive complications, with a sample of 334 pregnant women with gestational diabetes, some also with chronic hypertension, addressing the identification of the factors contributing to hypertensive complications. The third study was conducted between 2012 and 2013 with three cohorts of pregnant women, with chronic hypertension, gestational diabetes, and in the third one, pregnant women had a low risk pregnancy. The objective of the study was to evaluate the behavior of two placental markers PAPP-A and PlGf obtained in the first trimester, and the role of these markers as isolated biomarkers or in association with other risk factors, in order to define a predictive model of early preeclampsia. In the first study, nuliparity, gestational hypertension, uterine arteries doppler with PI above P95 between 20-22 weeks of gestation and the presence of fetal growth restriction were the markers involved in a predictive model for preeclampsia. In the second study the cohort with the coexistence of diabetes and hypertension had registered worse result and hypertensive complications were associated to multiparity, obesity, maternal age and black ethnicity. In the third study there was a reduction of the PlGf and a PAPP-A concentration for the first trimester in the two first cohorts comparatively to the low risk cohort; the separate analysis of each cohort showed that plGf and PAPP-A concentrations were reduced when hypertensive complications appeared. However, when trying to find a preeclampsia predictive model, only plGf gave significant results for being considered in the model and this was only possible in the chronic hypertension cohort. The biochemical markers investigated in this study were reduced in the cohorts when high blood pressure complications occurred, showing a defective production of these placenta proteins, and suggesting that they should be investigated as first trimester biomarkers. Nevertheless, for this research, in the cohort of chronic hypertension only PlGf had a significant result, when multivariate analysis of all the risk factors was considered for the construction of a preeclampsia predictive model.
According to the hypothesis of Traub, also known as the 'formula of Traub', postmortem values of glucose and lactate found in the cerebrospinal fluid or vitreous humor are considered indicators of antemortem blood glucose levels. However, because the lactate concentration increases in the vitreous and cerebrospinal fluid after death, some authors postulated that using the sum value to estimate antemortem blood glucose levels could lead to an overestimation of the cases of glucose metabolic disorders with fatal outcomes, such as diabetic ketoacidosis. The aim of our study, performed on 470 consecutive forensic cases, was to ascertain the advantages of the sum value to estimate antemortem blood glucose concentrations and, consequently, to rule out fatal diabetic ketoacidosis as the cause of death. Other biochemical parameters, such as blood 3-beta-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate, acetone, glycated haemoglobin and urine glucose levels, were also determined. In addition, postmortem native CT scan, autopsy, histology, neuropathology and toxicology were performed to confirm diabetic ketoacidosis as the cause of death. According to our results, the sum value does not add any further information for the estimation of antemortem blood glucose concentration. The vitreous glucose concentration appears to be the most reliable marker to estimate antemortem hyperglycaemia and, along with the determination of other biochemical markers (such as blood acetone and 3-beta-hydroxybutyrate, urine glucose and glycated haemoglobin), to confirm diabetic ketoacidosis as the cause of death.
ABSTRACT Introduction The purpose of this study was to assess specific osteoporosis-related health behaviours and physiological outcomes including daily calcium intake, physical activity levels, bone strength, as assessed by quantitative ultrasound, and bone turnover among women between the ages of 18 and 25. Respective differences on relevant study variables, based on dietary restraint and oral contraceptive use were also examined. Methods One hundred women (20.6 0.2 years of age) volunteered to participate in the study. Informed written consent was obtained by all subjects prior to participation. The study and all related procedures were approved by the Brock University Research Ethics Board. Body mass, height, relative body fat, as well as chest, waist and hip circumferences were measured using standard procedures. The 10-item restrained eating subscale of the Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (DEBQ) was used to assess dietary restraint (van Strien et al., 1986). Daily calcium intake was assessed by the Rapid Assessment Method (RAM) (Hertzler & Frary 1994). Weekly physical activity was documented by the 4-item Godin Leisure-Time Exercise Questionnaire (Godin & Shephard 1985). Bone strength was determined from the speed of sound (SOS) as measured by QUS (Sunlight 7000S). SOS measurements (m/s) were taken of the dominant and non-dominant sides of the distal one third of the radius and the mid-shaft of the tibia. Resting blood samples were collected from all subjects between 9am and 12pm, in order to evaluate the impact of lifestyle factors on biochemical markers of bone turnover. Blood was collected during the early follicular phase of the menstrual cycle (approximately days 1-5) for all subjects. Samples were centrifliged and the serum or plasma was aliquoted into separate tubes and stored at -80C until analysis. The bone formation markers measured were Osteocalcin (OC), bone specific alkaline phosphatase (BAP) and 25-OH vitamin D. The bone resorption markers measured were the carboxy (CTx) and amino (NTx) terminal telopeptides of type-I collagen crosslinks. All markers were assessed by ELISA. Subjects were divided into high (HDR) and low dietary restrainers (LDR) based on the median DEBQ score, and also into users (BC) and non-users (nBC) of oral contraceptives. A series of multiple one way ANOVA's were then conducted to identify differences between each set of groups for all relevant variables. A two-way ANOVA analysis was used to explore significant interactions between dietary restraint and use of oral contraceptives while a univariate follow-up analysis was also performed when appropriate. Pearson Product Moment Correlations were used to determine relationships among study variables. Results HDR had significantly higher BMI, %BF and circumference measures but lower daily calcium intake than LDR. There were no significant differences in physical activity levels between HDR and LDR. No significant differences were found between BC and nBC in body composition, calcium intake and physical activity. HDR had significantly lower tibial SOS scores than LDR in both the dominant and non-dominant sites. The post-hoc analysis showed that within the non-birth control group, the HDR had significantly lower tibial SOS scores of bone strength when compared to the LDR but Aere were no significant differences found between the two dietary restraint groups for those currently on birth control. HDR had significantly lower levels of OC than LDR and the BC group had lower levels of BAP than the nBC group. Consistently, the follow-up analysis revealed that within those not on birth control, subjects who were classified as HDR had significantly (f*<0.05) lower levels of OC when compared with LDR but no significant differences were observed in bone turnover between the two dietary restraint groups for those currently on birth control. Physical activity was not correlated with SOS scores and bone turnover markers possibly due to the low physical activity variability in this group of women. Conclusion This is the first study to examine the effects of dietary restraint on bone strength and turnover among this population of women. The most important finding of this study was that bone strength and turnover are negatively influenced by dietary restraint independent of relative body fat. In general, the results of the present thesis suggest that dietary restraint, oral contraceptive use, as well as low daily calcium intake and low physical activity levels were widespread behaviours among this population of college-aged women. The young women who were using dietary restraint as a strategy to lose weight, and thus were in the HDR group, despite their higher relative body fat and weight, had lower scores of bone strength and lower levels of markers of bone turnover compared to the low dietary restrainers. Additionally, bone turnover seemed to be negatively affected by oral contraceptives, while bone strength, as assessed by QUS, seemed unaffected by their use in this population of young women. Physical activity (weekly energy expenditure), on the other hand, was not associated with either bone strength or bone tiimover possibly due to the low variability of this variable in this population of young Canadian women.
Notre thse a pour objectif de dterminer la nature des liens entre la multiplication des processus de macro-rgionalisation, dans un contexte de mondialisation, et le renouvellement des politiques damnagement du territoire travers la mise en place de nouvelles formes de coopration dcentralise entre villes et territoires. Notre projet de recherche cherche ainsi tablir comment la rgionalisation permet la mise en place dune gouvernance niveaux multiples mettant en relation des acteurs territoriaux, diffrents chelons de dcision (supranational, national et infranational) dans le but de faire face la complexit grandissante des problmes actuels lchelle mondiale. Parmi ces projets rgionaux qui mergent dans plusieurs parties du monde, nous avons choisi le Partenariat euro-mditerranen comme cas d'tude en s'intressant de manire particulire aux projets et programmes de coopration dcentralise et transfrontalire qui se mettent en place autour de la Mditerrane et qui mettent en relation plusieurs villes et rgions riveraines. Afin de rpondre ces questions, nous avons dclin notre argumentation en plusieurs axes de rflexion. Un premier axe de rflexion tourne autour de la nature du projet rgional euro-mditerranen et de son implication au niveau des stratgies territoriales principales. Un deuxime axe concerne le contenu et les processus de mise en uvre des programmes et projets de coopration dcentralise et transfrontalire et leur pertinence au niveau du dveloppement local des territoires du Sud. Un troisime axe sintresse au rle de ltat central en face du dveloppement de ces initiatives qui le contourne. Enfin, un quatrime axe de rflexion concerne lattitude de lchelon local par rapport ces initiatives qui linterpellent et le sollicitent en tous sens.
Del 19 al 23 de setembre de 1995 es va celebrar a Jaca (Osca) el III Curs Internacional de Defensa, amb el ttol especfic El Mediterrani en el Dileg Nord Sud, organitzat per la Ctedra Miguel de Cervantes de lAcadmia General Militar i la Universitat de Saragossa. Els objectius assenyalats pels organitzadors es van centrar a potenciar lintercanvi dopinions entre especialistes i representants de les institucions sobre aspectes poltics, socials, econmics i de defensa que afecten lespai geopoltic de les dues riberes del Mediterrani, i a analitzar els mecanismes de cooperaci que actuen a lrea i la poltica de la Uni Europea a la zona
El objeto de investigacin geogrficamente se circunscribe a Espaa y Marruecos, bajo el anlisis conceptual de la soberana pretendida por ambos pases de los territorios en disputa ubicados en el Mar Mediterrneo desde el Estrecho de Gibraltar hacia el este.
Actualmente, los algoritmos utilizados para la deteccin de alteraciones cromosmicas se han basado en los resultados obtenidos de poblaciones caucsicas, afrocaribeas y asiticas, las cuales, no tienen las mismas caractersticas de la raza mestiza. De all, surgi el inters de realizar un estudio que permitiera determinar los valores de los marcadores serolgicos, empleados en la tamizacin de aneuploidas, en poblacin latina, para establecer un punto de corte ajustado a la raza mestiza. Se encuentra en desarrollo un estudio de validacin de prueba diagnstica, cuyos avances se presentan a continuacin. En esta investigacin, hasta el momento, se han incluido 1418 pacientes entre 11-13.6 semanas, sometidas a tamizacin combinada para la deteccin de aneuploidas. Se realiz un ajuste por raza de valores de medianas y sus mltiplos para los marcadores y se determin el rendimiento operativo de la prueba luego de dicho ajuste. Posteriormente, se realiz una comparacin entre ambas pruebas. Los niveles de B-hCG son 17.1 % ms bajos en poblacin mestiza colombiana, comparado con poblacin caucsica y los niveles de PAPP-A son 19% inferiores. Las tasas de deteccin de la prueba, utilizando los valores convencionales, son del 60 % y, luego del ajuste por raza, es del 53 %. Haciendo el clculo de riesgo, utilizando los nuevos mltiplos de mediana, no existen diferencias en aplicar la tamizacin con los valores convencionales entre las semanas 11 y 12 pero, en semana 13, los valores aplicados a poblacin caucsica presentan una mejor tasa de deteccin que utilizar la prueba ajustada.
Introduccin: La Preeclampsia ocurre entre el 2-7% de los embarazos. Previos estudios han sugerido la asociacin entre los niveles alterados de PAPP-A y la -hCG libre con el desarrollo de Preeclampsia (PE) y/o Bajo Peso al Nacer (BPN). Metodologa: El diseo del estudio es de Prueba Diagnstica con enfoque de casos y controles. Las mediciones sricas de PAPP-A y la -hCG libre, fueron realizadas entre la semana 11-13.6 das durante 2 aos. Resultados: La cohorte incluy 399 pacientes, la incidencia de PE fue de 2,26% y de BPN fue de 14.54%. El punto de corte del percentil 10 fue MoM PAPP-A: 0,368293 y MoM -hCG libre: 0,412268; la especificidad en PE leve fue de 90,5 y para BPN de 90. Los MoM de la -hCG libre, la edad y el peso materno se comportan como factores de riesgo, mientras que mayores valores de MoM de la PAPP-A y mayor nmero de partos factores de proteccin. Para el BPEG severo la edad materna y la paridad se comportan como factores de riesgo, mientras que un aumento promedio de los valores de los MoM de la PAPP-A y la -hCG libre, como factores de proteccin en el desarrollo de BPEG Severo. Conclusiones: Existe una relacin significativa entre los valores alterados de PAPP-A y de -hCG libre, valorados a la semana 11 a 13 con la incidencia de Preeclampsia y de Bajo Peso al nacer en fetos cromosmicamente normales, mostrando unos niveles significativamente ms bajos a medida que aumentaba la severidad de la enfermedad.
Geographical distribution, habitat and reproductive phenology of the Genus Kallymenia (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) from Catalonia, Spain