994 resultados para Benthocosm F2
BACKGROUND Renal damage is more frequent with new-generation lithotripters. However, animal studies suggest that voltage ramping minimizes the risk of complications following extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (SWL). In the clinical setting, the optimal voltage strategy remains unclear. OBJECTIVE To evaluate whether stepwise voltage ramping can protect the kidney from damage during SWL. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS A total of 418 patients with solitary or multiple unilateral kidney stones were randomized to receive SWL using a Modulith SLX-F2 lithotripter with either stepwise voltage ramping (n=213) or a fixed maximal voltage (n=205). INTERVENTION SWL. OUTCOMES MEASUREMENTS AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS The primary outcome was sonographic evidence of renal hematomas. Secondary outcomes included levels of urinary markers of renal damage, stone disintegration, stone-free rate, and rates of secondary interventions within 3 mo of SWL. Descriptive statistics were used to compare clinical outcomes between the two groups. A logistic regression model was generated to assess predictors of hematomas. RESULTS AND LIMITATIONS Significantly fewer hematomas occurred in the ramping group(12/213, 5.6%) than in the fixed group (27/205, 13%; p=0.008). There was some evidence that the fixed group had higher urinary β2-microglobulin levels after SWL compared to the ramping group (p=0.06). Urinary microalbumin levels, stone disintegration, stone-free rate, and rates of secondary interventions did not significantly differ between the groups. The logistic regression model showed a significantly higher risk of renal hematomas in older patients (odds ratio [OR] 1.03, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.00-1.05; p=0.04). Stepwise voltage ramping was associated with a lower risk of hematomas (OR 0.39, 95% CI 0.19-0.80; p=0.01). The study was limited by the use of ultrasound to detect hematomas. CONCLUSIONS In this prospective randomized study, stepwise voltage ramping during SWL was associated with a lower risk of renal damage compared to a fixed maximal voltage without compromising treatment effectiveness. PATIENT SUMMARY Lithotripsy is a noninvasive technique for urinary stone disintegration using ultrasonic energy. In this study, two voltage strategies are compared. The results show that a progressive increase in voltage during lithotripsy decreases the risk of renal hematomas while maintaining excellent outcomes. TRIAL REGISTRATION ISRCTN95762080.
PURPOSE Hypoxia and oxidative stress affect endothelial function. Endothelial microparticles (MP) are established measures of endothelial dysfunction and influence vascular reactivity. To evaluate the effects of hypoxia and antioxidant supplementation on endothelial MP profiles, a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, during a high altitude expedition was performed. METHODS 29 participants were randomly assigned to a treatment group (n = 14), receiving vitamin E, C, A, and N-acetylcysteine daily, and a control group (n = 15), receiving placebo. Blood samples were obtained at 490 m (baseline), 3530, 4590, and 6210 m. A sensitive tandem mass spectrometry method was used to measure 8-iso-prostaglandin F2α and hydroxyoctadecadienoic acids as markers of oxidative stress. Assessment of MP profiles including endothelial activation markers (CD62+MP and CD144+MP) and cell apoptosis markers (phosphatidylserine+MP and CD31+MP) was performed using a standardized flow cytometry-based protocol. RESULTS 15 subjects reached all altitudes and were included in the final analysis. Oxidative stress increased significantly at altitude. No statistically significant changes were observed comparing baseline to altitude measurements of phosphatidylserine expressing MP (p = 0.1718) and CD31+MP (p = 0.1305). Compared to baseline measurements, a significant increase in CD62+MP (p = 0.0079) and of CD144+MP was detected (p = 0.0315) at high altitudes. No significant difference in any MP level or oxidative stress markers were found between the treatment and the control group. CONCLUSION Hypobaric hypoxia is associated with increased oxidative stress and induces a significant increase in CD62+ and CD144+MP, whereas phosphatidylserine+MP and CD31+MP remain unchanged. This indicates that endothelial activation rather than an apoptosis is the primary factor of hypoxia induced endothelial dysfunction.
Der natürliche Verlauf einer HepatitisB-Virus(HBV)-Infektion ist komplex und wird einerseits durch das Alter zum Zeitpunkt der Infektion, anderseits durch Komorbiditäten bzw. Koinfektionen und zum Teil noch nicht identifizierte Faktoren bestimmt. Das HBV wird nie komplett eliminiert. Das Erreichen des inaktiven Trägerstatus ist aber ein realistisches Therapieziel. Zur Therapie stehen Nukleosid/NukleotidAnaloga sowie pegyliertes Interferonalpha zur Verfügung. Screening von bestimmten Patientengruppen und eine generelle Impfung sind wichtige prophylaktische Massnahmen. Die chronische Hepatitis-C-Virus(HCV) -Infektion führt in circa einem Drittel der Fälle zur Leberzirrhose. Eine Therapie ist generell ab Fibrosestadium Metavir 2 indiziert. Neue DAA (directly acting antivirals) erlauben kurzfristige, hochpotente und nebenwirkungsarme Therapieschemata.
Zielsetzung: Ziel der Studie war die Bestimmung der Dentinhaftkraft von zwei so-genannten Hybridmaterialien für computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) Restaurationen unter Anwendung von fünf verschiedenen Zementen vor und nach sechsmonatiger Lagerung. Materialien und Methoden: Aus extrahierten menschlichen Molaren wurden 300 Dentinprobekörper hergestellt (n=15 pro Gruppe; 10 Gruppen (2 Hybridkeramiken, 5 Zemente) je nach 24 h/nach sechsmonatiger Lagerung). Aus Hybridkeramikblöcken von Lava Ultimate (3M ESPE) und VITA ENAMIC (VITA Zahnfabrik) wurden Zylinder hergestellt, welche standardisiert aufgeraut wurden. Anschliessend wurden die Hybrid-keramikzylinder mit einem der folgenden fünf Zemente auf die Dentinprobekörper zementiert: mit den Kompositzementen RelyX Ultimate (3M ESPE), PANAVIA F2.0 (Kuraray), Variolink II (Ivoclar Vivadent), els cem (Saremco Dental AG) oder als Negativkontrollgruppe mit dem kunststoffmodifizierten Glasionomerzement Ketac Cem Plus (3M ESPE). Die Dentinhaftkraft der Hybridkeramikzylinder wurde einerseits nach 24 h und andererseits nach sechsmonatiger Lagerung via Scherkrafttest bestimmt. Nach dem Scherkrafttest wurde das Bruchmuster unter einem Lichtmikroskop bei 40-facher Vergrösserung beurteilt. Die Dentinhaftkraftwerte wurden mittels nichtparametrischer ANOVA gefolgt von exakten Wilcoxon Rangsummen-Tests statistisch analysiert (α=0,05). Die Beurteilung des Bruchmusters wurde deskriptiv ausgewertet. Resultate: Für die Hybridkeramik Lava Ultimate und nach 24 h erzielten die Kompositzemente RelyX Ultimate und Variolink II die höchsten Dentinhaftkraftwerte. Die Dentinhaftkraftwerte von RelyX Ultimate und Variolink II unterschieden sich nicht signifikant. Die Dentinhaftkraftwerte von PANAVIA F2.0 unterschieden sich ebenfalls nicht signifikant von denjenigen von RelyX Ultimate, waren jedoch signifikant tiefer als diejenigen von Variolink II. Unter allen Kompositzementen erzielte els cem die tiefsten Dentinhaftkraftwerte. Nach sechsmonatiger Lagerung waren die Dentinhaftkraftwerte für RelyX Ultimate die höchsten, gefolgt von Variolink II, von els cem und anschliessend von PANAVIA F2.0, welcher nach sechsmonatiger Lagerung die tiefsten Dentinhaftkraftwerte der Kompositzemente zeigte. Der kunststoffmodifizierte Glasionomerzement Ketac Cem Plus zeigte sowohl nach 24 h als auch nach sechsmonatiger Lagerung die tiefsten Dentinhaftkraftwerte. Für VITA ENAMIC war die Reihenfolge der Zemente nach Dentinhaftkraft nach 24 h ähnlich wie diejenige nach sechsmonatiger Lagerung: Die Dentinhaftkraft war für RelyX Ultimate und Variolink II am höchsten, gefolgt von PANAVIA F2.0, von els cem und schlussendlich von Ketac Cem Plus mit den tiefsten Dentinhaftkraftwerten. Nach 24 h und für alle fünf Zemente unterschieden sich die Dentinhaftkraftwerte zwischen Lava Ultimate und VITA ENAMIC nicht signifikant. Nach sechsmonatiger Lagerung unterschieden sich die Dentinhaftkraftwerte zwischen Lava Ultimate und VITA ENAMIC ebenfalls nicht signifikant für RelyX Ultimate und els cem im Gegensatz zu den Dentinhaftkraftwerten von PANAVIA F2.0, Variolink II und Ketac Cem Plus, welche signifikant tiefer waren für Lava Ultimate als für VITA ENAMIC. Das häufigste Bruch-muster war für Lava Ultimate nach 24 h und für VITA ENAMIC sowohl nach 24 h als auch nach sechsmonatiger Lagerung adhäsiv zwischen Dentin und Zement. Nach sechs-monatiger Lagerung war für Lava Ultimate das häufigste Bruchmuster tendenziell gemischte Brüche. Schlussfolgerung: Basierend auf den Resultaten kann gesagt werden, dass für beide Hybridkeramiken sowohl RelyX Ultimate als auch Variolink II empfohlen werden können. PANAVIA F2.0 kann für VITA ENAMIC empfohlen werden, für Lava Ultimate allerdings weniger, da die Dentinhaftkraft nach sechsmonatiger Lagerung abnahm. Von einer konventionellen (allerdings nicht indizierten und in dieser Studie experimentellen) Zemen-tierung der beiden Hybridkeramiken mit dem kunststoffmodifizierten Glasionomerzement Ketac Cem Plus muss abgeraten werden.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS Hepatitis C (HCV) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in people who live with HIV. In many countries, access to direct acting antiviral agents to treat HCV is restricted to individuals with advanced liver disease (METAVIR stage F3 or F4). Our goal was to estimate the long term impact of deferring HCV treatment for men who have sex with men (MSM) who are coinfected with HIV and often have multiple risk factors for liver disease progression. METHODS We developed an individual-based model of liver disease progression in HIV/HCV coinfected men who have sex with men. We estimated liver-related morbidity and mortality as well as the median time spent with replicating HCV infection when individuals were treated in liver fibrosis stages F0, F1, F2, F3 or F4 on the METAVIR scale. RESULTS The percentage of individuals who died of liver-related complications was 2% if treatment was initiated in F0 or F1. It increased to 3% if treatment was deferred until F2, 7% if it was deferred until F3 and 22% if deferred until F4. The median time individuals spent with replicating HCV increased from 5 years if treatment was initiated in F2 to almost 15 years if it was deferred until F4. CONCLUSIONS Deferring HCV therapy until advanced liver fibrosis is established could increase liver-related morbidity and mortality in HIV/HCV coinfected individuals, and substantially prolong the time individuals spend with replicating HCV infection.
The spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) is a model of essential hypertension. During the early development of hypertension, the SHR demonstrates increased proximal tubule (PT) Na+ reabsorption. I hypothesized that the increased PT Na+ reabsorption exhibited by the young SHR was due to altered sub-cellular distribution of Na+, K +-ATPase compared to the normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY). The hypothesis is supported, herein, by observations of greater Na+, K +-ATPase α 1 abundance in PT plasma membrane and lower abundance in late endosomes of 4wk SHR despite no difference in total PT α 1 abundance. There is a greater amount of Ser-18 unphosphorylated α 1 in the 4wk SHR PT. Total PT Na+, K+-ATPase γ abundance is greater in SHR at 4wk and 16wk but γ abundance in plasma membrane is greater only at 4wk. The phosphatase, calcineurin, was chosen for study because it is involved in the stimulation of Na+, K +-ATPase. No difference in calcineurin coding sequence, expression, or activity was observed in SHR. Gene expression arrays were next used to find candidate genes involved in the regulation of Na+, K +-ATPase. The first candidate analyzed was soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH). The gene encoding sEH (EPHX2) showed lower expression in SHR. There was also a reduction in sEH protein abundance but there was no correlation between protein abundance and blood pressure in F2 progeny. Two EPHX2 alleles were identified, an ancestral allele and a variant allele containing four polymorphisms. sEH activity was greater in animals carrying the variant allele but the inheritance of the variant allele did not correlate with blood pressure. Gene expression arrays also led to the examination of genes involved in redox balance/Na+, K+-ATPase regulation. A pattern of lower expression of genes involved in reactive radical detoxification in SHR was discerned. Six transcription factor binding sites were identified that occurred more often in these genes. Three transcription factors that bind to the HNF1 site were expressed at lower levels in SHR. This points to the HNF1 transcriptional complex as an important trans-acting regulator of a wide range of genes involved in altered redox balance in SHR. ^
Chronic inflammation is an established risk factor in the pathogenesis of many cancers. Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, a malignancy with a particularly dismal prognosis, is no exception. Cyclooxygenase-2, a key enzyme induced by tissue injury, has a critical role in the generation of bioactive lipids known as prostaglandins. COX-2 overexpression is a frequent finding in pancreatic cancer, chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasias. To explore mechanisms through which chronic inflammation establishes and maintains a protumorigenic environment, we designed a mouse model overexpressing COX-2 in pancreatic parenchyma (BK5.COX-2 mice). We discovered that constitutive expression of COX-2 has a number of important sequelae, including upregulation of additional eicosanoid-generating enzymes and proinflammatory cytokines. Many of these molecular alterations precede the onset of significant histopathological changes. Increased levels of prostaglandins E2, D2, and F2α, 5-, 12-, and 15-hydroxyeiosatetraenoic acid (HETEs) were documented in tumors and pancreata of younger transgenic mice. Using a TaqMan™ Mouse Immune Panel, we detected elevated mRNAs for a number of proinflammatory cytokines (e.g., TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6). ^ Histological examination revealed early changes in the pancreas with similarities to human chronic pancreatitis, including loss of acinar cells, appearance of metaplastic ducts, and increased deposition of stroma. As the lesions progress, features typical of dysplastic and neoplastic cells emerged within the metaplastic ductal complexes, including cellular and nuclear atypia, crowding of cells, and loss of normal tissue architecture. The amount of fibroinflammatory stroma increased considerably; numerous small vessels were evident. A number of immunocytes from both the myeloid and lymphoid lineages were identified in transgenic pancreata. Neutrophils were the earliest to infiltrate, followed shortly by macrophages and mast cells. B and T cells generally began to appear by 8–12 weeks, and organized aggregates of lymphoid cells were often found in advanced lesions. ^ We tested the efficacy of several chemopreventive agents in this model, including celecoxib, a COX-2 selective inhibitor, pentoxifylline, a cytokine inhibitor, curcumin, a polyphenol with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and GW2974, a dual EGFR/ErbB2 inhibitor. Effects on lesion development were modest in the GW2974 and pentoxifylline treated groups, but significant prevention effects were observed with curcumin and celecoxib. ^
The results of the analysis of samples of the Northern Dvina River's suspended particulate matter obtained by the sedimentation method from large water volumes in the periods of the spring high water and summer low water are presented. By the method of sequential leaching using different reagents, four fractions have been separated: the F1 is the sorbed complex and carbonates, the F2 is the amorphous hydroxides of Fe and Mn, the F3 is the form connected with the organic matter, and the F4 is the residual or silicate-detrital (inert) form. The data have shown that all ten elements determined were grouped with respect to the ratio of the distinguished forms: F4 is the predominant form for Al and Fe (73-88% of all the forms; however, the summer sample contains only 38% of this form of iron, and F2 is the predominant form for this period with 46.6%). As to Mn, the F1, F2, and F4 are nearly equally distributed in the spring high water samples, and only the F3 form is less important (5.4%). In the summer sample, the manganese sorbed complex is predominant (53.5%); for Cu, Ni, Cr, and Co, the inert F4 form is predominant (60-70%) in the sample of the spring suspended matter. The summer low water suspended matter has a lower F4 contribution (25-45%); for Zn, Pb, and Cd, the equal distribution of the forms in the spring samples is typical, while the summer suspended matter differs by the F2 form's predominance (53-61% for Zn and Pb). The main conclusion from the acquired data is that the geochemical mobility of all the studied elements, except for cadmium, in the summer low water suspended matter is higher than in the spring suspended matter. The more intensive biogeochemical processes in August, the high level of organic matter, and the higher contribution of phytoplankton lead to the intensification of the metals' geochemical activity in the Northern Dvina suspended matter in the end of the summer compared to the spring high water period when the physical processes are predominant over the biogeochemical ones due to the high speeds of the freshened waters flow.
La zanahoria es una planta bienal de estación fría que requiere de un período de vernalización para florecer. Sin embargo, algunos cultivares adaptados a zonas más cálidas requieren de menor vernalización y son clasificados como anuales o de floración temprana. El objetivo de esta tesis fue determinar la base genética e identificar los genes y/o regiones cromosómicas involucradas en los requerimientos de vernalización en la zanahoria. Para ello fueron evaluadas a campo familias segregantes F1, F2, F3, RC1 y RC2 obtenidas a partir de un cruzamiento entre una planta anual y una bienal. En base a los patrones de segregación observados se concluyó que la anualidad, o bajos requerimientos de vernalización, estaría determinada por un gen simple dominante. Al evaluar introducciones de zanahoria anuales y bienales de diversos orígenes geográficos y sus cruzamientos, se volvió a observar la total dominancia de la anualidad y se encontró variabilidad en el ciclo entre materiales anuales y entre materiales bienales. Utilizando un método molecular que se basa en similitud completa (BLAST), no se encontró en el genoma de la zanahoria secuencias homólogas al gen FLC, el cual juega un rol central en la respuesta a la vernalización en Arabidopsis y otras especies como las Brassicas. Mediante la técnica de mapeo se encontró una región cromosómica ligada a la respuesta a la vernalización en zanahoria. La misma se localizó en un grupo de ligamiento con 78 marcadores moleculares a una distancia de 0,69 cM y de 0,79 cM de los marcadores más cercanos. Este mapa servirá como base para el desarrollo de marcadores moleculares ligados al carácter y en un futuro para el mapeo físico y secuenciación de la región de interés utilizando una librería génica de BACs de zanahoria.