996 resultados para Baumeister, Roy F
Purpose: The differential diagnosis in children who walk on their toes includes mild spastic diplegia and idiopathic toe walking (ITW). A diagnosis of ITW is often one of exclusion. To better characterize the diagnosis of ITW, quantitative gait analysis was utilized in a series of patients with an established diagnosis of ITW. Study Design: Patients with an established diagnosis of ITW were analyzed by quantitative gait analysis. Data were recorded as each subject walked in a self-selected toe-walking pattern. The subject was then asked to ambulate making every effort to walk in a normal heel-toe reciprocating fashion. Data were collected to determine if this group of idiopathic toe walkers was able to normalize their gait. Data sets were compared with each other and with historical normal controls. Results: Fifty-one neurologically normal children ( 102 extremities) with ITW were studied in the Motion Analysis Laboratory at a mean age of 9.3 years. In the self-selected trials, significant deviations in both kinematics and kinetics at the level of the ankle were identified. Disruption of all 3 ankle rockers and a plantar flexion bias of the ankle throughout the gait cycle were most commonly seen. When asked to attempt a normal heel-toe gait, 17% of the children were able to normalize both stance and swing variables. In addition, 70% were able to normalize some but not all of the stance and swing variables. Conclusion: Quantitative gait analysis is an effective tool for differentiating mild cerebral palsy from ITW. Kinematic and kinetic distinctions between the diagnoses are evident at the knee and ankle. The ability to normalize on demand at least some of the kinematic and kinetic variables associated with toe walking is seen in most children with ITW.
Myosin-Va is a Ca2+/calmodulin-regulated unconventional myosin involved in the transport of vesicles, membranous organelles, and macromolecular complexes composed of proteins and mRNA. The cellular localization of myosin-Va has been described in great detail in several vertebrate cell types, including neurons, melanocytes, lymphocytes, auditory tissues, and a number of cultured cells. Here, we provide an immunohistochemical view of the tissue distribution of myosin-Va in the major endocrine organs. Myosin-Va is highly expressed in the pineal and pituitary glands and in specific cell populations of other endocrine glands, especially the parafollicular cells of the thyroid, the principal cells of the parathyroid, the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas, the chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla, and a subpopulation of interstitial testicular cells. Weak to moderate staining has been detected in steroidogenic cells of the adrenal cortex, ovary, and Leydig cells. Myosin-Va has also been localized to non-endocrine cells, such as the germ cells of the seminiferous epithelium and maturing oocytes and in the intercalated ducts of the exocrine pancreas. These data provide the first systematic description of myosin-Va localization in the major endocrine organs of rat.
Nuclear actin and nuclear myosins have been implicated in the regulation of geneexpression in vertebrate cells. Myosin V is a class of actin-based motor proteins involved in cytoplasmic vesicle transport and anchorage, spindle-pole alignment and mRNA translocation. In this study, myosin-Va, phosphorylated on a conserved serine in the tail domain (phospho-ser(1650) MVa), was localized to subnuclear compartments. A monoclonal antibody, 9E6, raised against a peptide corresponding to phosphoserine(1650) and flanking regions of the murine myosin Va sequence, was immunoreactive to myosin Va heavy chain in cellular and nuclear extracts of HeLa cells, PC12 cells and B16-F10 melanocytes. Immunofluorescence microscopy with this antibody revealed discrete irregular spots within the nucleoplasm that colocalized with SC35, a splicing factor that earmarks nuclear speckles. Phospho-ser(1650) MVa was not detected in other nuclear compartments, such as condensed chromatin, Cajal bodies, gems and perinucleolar caps. Although nucleoli also were not labeled by 9E6 under normal conditions, inhibition of transcription in HeLa cells by actinomycin D caused the redistribution of phospho-ser(1650) MVa to nucleoli, as well as separating a fraction of phosphoser(1650) MVa from SC35 into near-neighboring particles. These observations indicate a novel role for myosin Va in nuclear compartmentalization and offer a new lead towards the understanding of actomyosin-based gene regulation.