952 resultados para BOOST converter


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The last few years have seen considerable progress in pedestrian detection. Recent work has established a combination of oriented gradients and optic flow as effective features although the detection rates are still unsatisfactory for practical use. This paper introduces a new type of motion feature, the co-occurrence flow (CoF). The advance is to capture relative movements of different parts of the entire body, unlike existing motion features which extract internal motion in a local fashion. Through evaluations on the TUD-Brussels pedestrian dataset, we show that our motion feature based on co-occurrence flow contributes to boost the performance of existing methods. © 2011 IEEE.


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The innately highly efficient light-powered separation of charge that underpins natural photosynthesis can be exploited for applications in photoelectrochemistry by coupling nanoscale protein photoreaction centers to man-made electrodes. Planar photoelectrochemical cells employing purple bacterial reaction centers have been constructed that produce a direct current under continuous illumination and an alternating current in response to discontinuous illumination. The present work explored the basis of the open-circuit voltage (V(OC)) produced by such cells with reaction center/antenna (RC-LH1) proteins as the photovoltaic component. It was established that an up to ~30-fold increase in V(OC) could be achieved by simple manipulation of the electrolyte connecting the protein to the counter electrode, with an approximately linear relationship being observed between the vacuum potential of the electrolyte and the resulting V(OC). We conclude that the V(OC) of such a cell is dependent on the potential difference between the electrolyte and the photo-oxidized bacteriochlorophylls in the reaction center. The steady-state short-circuit current (J(SC)) obtained under continuous illumination also varied with different electrolytes by a factor of ~6-fold. The findings demonstrate a simple way to boost the voltage output of such protein-based cells into the hundreds of millivolts range typical of dye-sensitized and polymer-blend solar cells, while maintaining or improving the J(SC). Possible strategies for further increasing the V(OC) of such protein-based photoelectrochemical cells through protein engineering are discussed.


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This paper proposes a magnetic circuit model (MCM) for the design of a brushless doubly-fed machine (BDFM). The BDFM possesses advantages in terms of high reliability and reduced gearbox stages, and it requires a fractionally-rated power converter. This makes it suitable for utilization in offshore wind turbines. It is difficult for conventional design methods to calculate the flux in the stator because the two sets of stator windings, which have different pole number, form a complex flux pattern which is not easily determined using common analytical approaches. However, it is advantageous to predict the flux density in the teeth and air-gap at the initial design stage for sizing purposes without recourse finite element analysis. Therefore a magnetic circuit model is developed in this paper to calculate the flux density. A BDFM is used as a case study with FEA validation. © 1965-2012 IEEE.


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The ocean represents a huge energy reservoir since waves can be exploited to generate clean and renewable electricity; however, a hybrid energy storage system is needed to smooth the fluctuation. In this paper a hybrid energy storage system using a superconducting magnetic energy system (SMES) and Li-ion battery is proposed. The SMES is designed using Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide (YBCO) tapes, which store 60 kJ electrical energy. The magnet component of the SMES is designed using global optimization algorithm. Mechanical stress, coupled with electromagnetic field, is calculated using COMSOL and Matlab. A cooling system is presented and a suitable refrigerator is chosen to maintain a cold working temperature taking into account four heat sources. Then a microgrid system of direct drive linear wave energy converters is designed. The interface circuit connecting the generator and storage system is given. The result reveals that the fluctuated power from direct drive linear wave energy converters is smoothed by the hybrid energy storage system. The maximum power of the wave energy converter is 10 kW. © 2012 IEEE.


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Large digital chips use a significant amount of energy to broadcast a low-skew, multigigahertz clock to millions of latches located throughout the chip. Every clock cycle, the large aggregate capacitance of the clock network is charged from the supply and then discharged to ground. Instead of wasting this stored energy, it is possible to recycle the energy by controlling its delivery to another part of the chip using an on-chip dc-dc converter. The clock driver and switching converter circuits share many compatible characteristics that allow them to be merged into a single design and fully integrated on-chip. Our buck converter prototype, manufactured in 90-nm CMOS, provides a proof-of-concept that clock network energy can be recycled to other parts of the chip, thus lowering overall energy consumption. It also confirms that monolithic multigigahertz switching converters utilizing zero-voltage switching can be implemented in deep-submicrometer CMOS. With multigigahertz operation, fully integrated inductors and capacitors use a small amount of chip area with low losses. Combining the clock driver with the power converter can share the large MOSFET drivers necessary as well as being energy and space efficient. We present an analysis of the losses which we confirm by experimentally comparing the merged circuit with a conventional clock driver. © 2012 IEEE.


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A high temperature superconducting magnetic energy storage device (SMES) has been realised using a 350 m-long BSCCO tape wound as a pancake coil. The coil is mounted on a cryocooler allowing temperatures down to 17.2 K to be achieved. The temperature dependence of coil electrical resistance R(T) shows a superconducting transition at T 102.5 K. Measurements of the V(I) characteristics were performed at several temperatures between 17.2 K and 101.5 K to obtain the temperature dependence of the critical current (using a 1 νV/cm criterion). Critical currents were found to exceed 100 A for T < 30 K. An electronic DC-DC converter was built in order to control the energy flow in and out of the superconducting coil. The converter consists of a MOS transistor bridge switching at a 80 kHz frequency and controlled with standard Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) techniques. The system was tested using a 30 V squared wave power supply as bridge input voltage. The coil current, the bridge input and output voltages were recorded simultaneously. Using a 10 A setpoint current in the superconducting coil, the whole system (coil + DC-DC converter) can provide a stable output voltage showing uninterruptible power supply (UPS) capabilities over 1 s. © 2006 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Understanding mixture formation phenomena during the first few cycles of an engine cold start is extremely important for achieving the minimum engine-out emission levels at the time when the catalytic converter is not yet operational. Of special importance is the structure of the charge (film, droplets and vapour) which enters the cylinder during this time interval as well as its concentration profile. However, direct experimental studies of the fuel behaviour in the inlet port have so far been less than fully successful due to the brevity of the process and lack of a suitable experimental technique. We present measurements of the hydrocarbon (HC) concentration in the manifold and port of a production SI engine using the Fast Response Flame Ionisation Detector (FRFID). It has been widely reported in the past few years how the FRFID can be used to study the exhaust and in-cylinder HC concentrations with a time resolution of a few degrees of crank angle, and the device has contributed significantly to the understanding of unburned HC emissions. Using the FRFID in the inlet manifold is difficult because of the presence of liquid droplets, and the low and fluctuating pressure levels, which leads to significant changes in the response time of the instrument. However, using recently developed procedures to correct for the errors caused by these effects, the concentration at the sampling point can be reconstructed to align the FRFID signal with actual events in the engine. © 1996 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.


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Increasing pressure on lowering vehicle exhaust emissions to meet stringent California and Federal 1993/1994 TLEV emission standards of 0.125 gpm NMOG, 3.4 gpm CO and 0.4 gpm NOx and future ULEV emission standards of 0.04 gpm NMOG, 1.7 gpm CO and 0.2 gpm NOx has focused specific attention on the cold start characteristics of the vehicle's emission system, especially the catalytic converter. From test data it is evident that the major portion of the total HC and CO emissions occur within the first two minutes of the driving cycle while the catalyst is heating up to operating temperature. The use of an electrically heated catalyst (EHC) has been proposed to alleviate this problem but the cost and weight penalties are high and the durability has yet to be fully demonstrated (1)*. This paper describes a method of reducing the light-off time of the catalytic converter to less than 20 seconds by means of an afterburner. The system uses exhaust gases from the engine calibrated to run rich and additional air injected into the exhaust gas stream to form a combustible mixture. The key feature concerns the method of making this combustible mixture ignitable within 2 seconds from starting the engine when the exhaust gases arriving at the afterburner are cold and essentially non-reacting. © Copyright 1992 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.


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Single-sensor maximum power point tracking algorithms for photovoltaic systems are presented. The algorithms have the features, characteristics and advantages of the widely used incremental conductance (INC) algorithm. However; unlike the INC algorithm which requires two sensors (the voltage sensor and the current sensor), the single-sensor algorithms are more desirable because they require only one sensor: the voltage sensor. The algorithms operate by maximising power at the DC-DC converter output, instead of the input. © 2013 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.


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A sensorless scheme is presented for a two-phase permanent-magnet linear machine targeted for use in marine wave-power generation. This is a field where system reliability is a key concern. The scheme is able to extract the effective inductance and back-emf of the machine's phases simultaneously from measurements of the current ripple present on the power electronic converter. These measurements can then be used to estimate position. An enhancement to the scheme in the presence of spatially-varying mutual inductance between phases allows more accurate and reliable tracking from indutance-based measurements than would otherwise be expected. This scheme is able to operate at any speed including, critically, when stationary. Experimental results show promise for the scheme, although some work to reduce the level of noise would be desirable. © 2013 IEEE.


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Against a background of increasing energy demand and rising fuel prices, hybrid-electric propulsion systems (HEPS) have the potential to significantly reduce fuel consumption in the aviation industry, particularly in the lighter sectors. By taking advantage of both Electric Motor (EM) and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE), HEPS provide not only a benefit in fuel saving but also a reduction in take-off noise and the emission levels. This research considers the design and sizing process of a hybrid-electric propulsion system for a single-seat demonstrator aircraft, the experimental derivation of the ICE map and the EM parameters. In addition to the experimental data, a novel modeling approach including several linked desktop PC software packages is presented to analyze and optimize hybrid-electric technology for aircraft. Further to the analysis of a parallel hybrid-electric, mid-scale aircraft, this paper also presents a scaling approach for a 20 kg UAV and a 50 tonne inter-city airliner. At the smaller scale, two different mission profiles are analyzed: an ISR mission profile, where the simulation routine optimizes the component size of the hybrid-electric propulsion system with respect to fuel saving, and a maximum duration profile; where the flight endurance is determined as a function of payload weight. At the larger scale, the performance of a 50 tonne inter-city airliner is modeled, based on a hybrid-electric gas-turbine, assuming a range of electric boost powers and battery masses.


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An Agat-SF linear-scan streak image-converter camera was used to record output pulses of 2. 7 psec duration generated by an injection laser with an external dispersive resonator operated in the active mode-locking regime. The duration of the pulses was determined by the reciprocal of the spectral width and the product of the duration and the spectral width was 0. 30.


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In view of its special features, the brushless doubly fed induction generator (BDFIG) shows high potentials to be employed as a variable-speed drive or wind generator. However, the machine suffers from low efficiency and power factor and also high level of noise and vibration due to spatial harmonics. These harmonics arise mainly from rotor winding configuration, slotting effects, and saturation. In this paper, analytical equations are derived for spatial harmonics and their effects on leakage flux, additional loss, noise, and vibration. Using the derived equations and an electromagnetic-thermal model, a simple design procedure is presented, while the design variables are selected based on sensitivity analyses. A multiobjective optimization method using an imperialist competitive algorithm as the solver is established to maximize efficiency, power factor, and power-to-weight ratio, as well as to reduce rotor spatial harmonic distortion and voltage regulation simultaneously. Several constraints on dimensions, magnetic flux densities, temperatures, vibration level, and converter voltage and rating are imposed to ensure feasibility of the designed machine. The results show a significant improvement in the objective function. Finally, the analytical results of the optimized structure are validated using finite-element method and are compared to the experimental results of the D180 frame size prototype BDFIG. © 1982-2012 IEEE.


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This study was designed to determine cytotoxic effects of PBDE-47 and HBCDs individually or with a mixture of both compounds exposure to Hep G2 cells. The results showed PBDE-47 and HBCDs induced increase of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity, release of NO. dissipation of mitochondria membrane potential and cell apoptosis. Exposure to HBCDs induced ROS formation. Moreover, preincubation with PTIO (NO scavanger) and N-acetylcysteine (ROS scavanger) partially reversed cytotoxic effects of these compounds. The possible mechanism is that PBDE-47 and HBCDs could boost generation of NO and/or ROS, impact mitochondria, and result in start-ups of apoptosis program. Cells exposed to mixture of both compounds and each of them showed non-apoptotic rate significant difference, but the combination of them caused more adverse effects on cells. These results Suggest that PBDE-47 and HBCDs in single and complex exposure have the cytotoxic activity of anti-proliferation and induction of apoptosis in tumor cells in vitro. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An 800V rated lateral IGBT for high frequency, low-cost off-line applications has been developed. The LIGBT features a new method of adjusting the bipolar gain, based on a floating N+ stripe in front of the P+ anode/drain region. The floating N+ layer enhances the carrier recombination at the anode/drain side of the drift region resulting in a very significant decrease in the turn-off speed and substantially lower overall losses. Switching speeds as low as 140ns at 25oC and 300ns at 125oC have been achieved with corresponding equivalent Rdson at 125oC below 90mω.cm2. A fully operational AC-DC converter using a controller with an integrated LIGBT+depletion mode MOSFET chip has been designed and qualified in plastic SOP8 packages and used in 5W, 65kHz SMPS applications. The device is fabricated in 0.6μm bulk silicon CMOS technology without any additional masking steps. © 2013 IEEE.