980 resultados para BODY POSITION


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A general mapping between the energy of pertinent magnetic solutions and the diagonal terms of the spin Hamiltonian in a local representation provides the first general framework to extract accurate values for the many body terms of extended spin Hamiltonians from periodic first-principle calculations. Estimates of these terms for La2CuO4, the paradigm of high-Tc superconductor parent compounds, and for the SrCu2O3 ladder compound are reported. For La2CuO4, present results support experimental evidence by Toader et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 197202 (2005)]. For SrCu2O3 even larger four-body spin amplitudes are found together with Jl/Jr=1 and non-negligible ferromagnetic interladder exchange.


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A general mapping between the energy of pertinent magnetic solutions and the diagonal terms of the spin Hamiltonian in a local representation provides the first general framework to extract accurate values for the many body terms of extended spin Hamiltonians from periodic first-principle calculations. Estimates of these terms for La2CuO4, the paradigm of high-Tc superconductor parent compounds, and for the SrCu2O3 ladder compound are reported. For La2CuO4, present results support experimental evidence by Toader et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 197202 (2005)]. For SrCu2O3 even larger four-body spin amplitudes are found together with Jl/Jr=1 and non-negligible ferromagnetic interladder exchange.


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BACKGROUND: Clinical results of total ankle arthroplasty with early designs were disappointing. Recently-developed ankle prostheses have good mid-term results; however, limited information is available regarding effects of total ankle arthroplasty on ankle laxity. METHODS: Eight cadaveric lower extremities were tested with a custom device which enabled measurement of multi-axial forces, moments, and displacement during applied axial, shear, and rotational loading. Tests consisted of anterior-posterior and medial-lateral translation and internal-external rotation of the talus relative to the tibia during axial loads on the tibia simulating body weight (700 N) and an unloaded condition (5 N). Tests were performed in neutral, dorsiflexion, and plantarflexion. Laxity was determined for the intact ankle, and following insertion of an unconstrained total ankle implant, comparing load-displacement curve. FINDINGS: Laxity after total ankle arthroplasty did not approximate the normal ankle in most conditions tested. Displacement was significantly greater for total ankle arthroplasty in both posterior and lateral translation, and internal rotation, with 5 N axial loading, and anterior-posterior, medial-lateral translation, and internal-external rotation for 700 N axial loading. For the 700 N axial load condition, in the neutral ankle position, total anterior-posterior translation averaged 0.4 mm (SD 0.2 mm), but 6.0 mm (SD 1.5 mm) after total ankle arthroplasty (P<0.01). This study demonstrated more laxity in the replaced ankle than normal ankle for both unloaded and 700 N axially loaded conditions. INTERPRETATION: These data indicate the increased responsibility of the ligaments for ankle laxity after total ankle arthroplasty and suggest the importance of meticulous ligament reconstruction with total ankle arthroplasty operations.


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Introduction Discrepancies appear in studies comparing fat oxidation between men and women during exercise (1). Therefore, this study aimed to quantitatively describe and compare whole body fat oxidation kinetics between genders during exercise using a sinusoidal model (SIN) (2). Methods Twelve men and 11 women matched for age, body mass index (23.4±0.6 kg.m-2 and 21.5±0.8 kg.m-2, respectively) and aerobic fitness [maximal oxygen uptake ( ) (58.5±1.6 mL.kg FFM-1.min-1 and 55.3±2.0 mL.kg FFM-1.min-1, respectively) and power output ( ) per kilogram of fat-free mass (FFM)] performed submaximal incremental tests (Incr) with 5-min stages and 7.5% increment on a cycle ergometer. Respiratory and HR values were averaged over the last 2 minutes of each stage. All female study participants were eumenorrheic, reported regular menstrual cycles (28.6 ± 0.8 days) and were not taking oral contraceptives (OC) or other forms of exogenous ovarian hormones. Women were studied in the early follicular phase (FP) of their menstrual cycle (between days 3 and 8, where day 1 is the first day of menses). Fat oxidation rates were determined using indirect calorimetry and plotted as a function of exercise intensity. The SIN model (2), which includes three independent variables (dilatation, symmetry, translation), was used to mathematically describe fat oxidation kinetics and to determine the intensity (Fatmax) eliciting the maximal fat oxidation (MFO). Results During Incr, women exhibited greater fat oxidation rates from 35 to 85% , MFO (6.6 ± 0.9 vs. 4.5 ± 0.3 mgkg FFM-1min-1) and Fatmax (58.1 ± 1.9 vs. 50.0 ± 2.7% ) (P<0.05) than men. While men and women showed similar global shapes of fat oxidation kinetics in terms of dilatation and symmetry (P>0.05), the fat oxidation curve tended to be shifted towards higher exercise intensities in women (rightward translation, P=0.08). Conclusion These results showed that women, eumenorrheic, not taking OC and tested in FP, have a greater reliance on fat oxidation than men during submaximal exercise, but they also indicate that this greater fat oxidation is shifted towards higher exercise intensities in women compared with men. References 1. Blaak E. Gender differences in fat metabolism. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 4: 499-502, 2001. 2. Cheneviere X, Malatesta D, Peters EM, and Borrani F. A mathematical model to describe fat oxidation kinetics during graded exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc 41: 1615-1625, 2009.


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The phenotypic effect of some single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) depends on their parental origin. We present a novel approach to detect parent-of-origin effects (POEs) in genome-wide genotype data of unrelated individuals. The method exploits increased phenotypic variance in the heterozygous genotype group relative to the homozygous groups. We applied the method to >56,000 unrelated individuals to search for POEs influencing body mass index (BMI). Six lead SNPs were carried forward for replication in five family-based studies (of ∼4,000 trios). Two SNPs replicated: the paternal rs2471083-C allele (located near the imprinted KCNK9 gene) and the paternal rs3091869-T allele (located near the SLC2A10 gene) increased BMI equally (beta = 0.11 (SD), P<0.0027) compared to the respective maternal alleles. Real-time PCR experiments of lymphoblastoid cell lines from the CEPH families showed that expression of both genes was dependent on parental origin of the SNPs alleles (P<0.01). Our scheme opens new opportunities to exploit GWAS data of unrelated individuals to identify POEs and demonstrates that they play an important role in adult obesity.


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The International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) and the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) convened the FRAX(®) Position Development Conference (PDC) in Bucharest, Romania, on November 14, 2010, following a two-day joint meeting of the ISCD and IOF on the "Interpretation and Use of FRAX(®) in Clinical Practice." These three days of critical discussion and debate, led by a panel of international experts from the ISCD, IOF and dedicated task forces, have clarified a number of important issues pertaining to the interpretation and implementation of FRAX(®) in clinical practice. The Official Positions resulting from the PDC are intended to enhance the quality and clinical utility of fracture risk assessment worldwide. Since the field of skeletal assessment is still evolving rapidly, some clinically important issues addressed at the PDCs are not associated with robust medical evidence. Accordingly, some Official Positions are based largely on expert opinion. Despite limitations inherent in such a process, the ISCD and IOF believe it is important to provide clinicians and technologists with the best distillation of current knowledge in the discipline of bone densitometry and provide an important focus for the scientific community to consider. This report describes the methodology and results of the ISCD-IOF PDC dedicated to FRAX(®).


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Excessive speed is often cited as a primary driver factor in crashes, particularly rural two-lane crashes. It has also been suggested that speed plays a significant role in crashes on curves. However, the relationship between speed and crashes on curves is not well documented because it is difficult to determine driver speed after the fact when investigating a crash. One method to begin documenting this relationship is to explore the relationship between lateral position and speed as a crash surrogate. For this study, the researchers collected speed and lateral position data for three rural two-lane curves. The relationship between lateral position and speed was assessed by comparing the odds of a near-lane crossing for vehicles traveling 5 or more mph over the advisory speed to those for vehicles traveling below that threshold.


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Many species contain genetic lineages that are phylogenetically intermixed with those of other species. In the Sorex araneus group, previous results based on mtDNA and Y chromosome sequence data showed an incongruent position of Sorex granarius within this group. In this study, we explored the relationship between species within the S. araneus group, aiming to resolve the particular position of S. granarius. In this context, we sequenced a total of 2447 base pairs (bp) of X-linked and nuclear genes from 47 individuals of the S. araneus group. The same taxa were also analyzed within a Bayesian framework with nine autosomal microsatellites. These analyses revealed that all markers apart from mtDNA showed similar patterns, suggesting that the problematic position of S. granarius is best explained by an incongruent behavior by mtDNA. Given their close phylogenetic relationship and their close geographic distribution, the most likely explanation for this pattern is past mtDNA introgression from S. araneus race Carlit to S. granarius.


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PURPOSE: To ascertain the prevalence of piercing among a nationally representative sample of adolescents; to assess whether having a piercing is a marker for risk behaviors; and to determine whether having more than one piercing is a cumulative marker for risk behaviors. METHODS: Data were drawn from a cross-sectional survey of a nationally representative sample of adolescents aged 16 to 20 years (N=7548). Controlling for background variables, pierced and non-pierced youth were compared on risk behaviors related to drug use, sexual behavior, and suicide. In a second step, adolescents having one piercing were compared with those having more than one. In both cases, statistically significant variables in the bivariate analysis were included in a logistic regression. Analyses were conducted separately by gender. RESULTS: Overall, 20.2% of our sample had a piercing (excluding earlobes), and it was significantly more prevalent among females than among males (33.8% vs. 7.4%; P<.001). In the bivariate analysis, all risk behaviors were significantly associated with having a piercing, and most of them remained significant in the multivariate analysis. One third of pierced subjects had more than one piercing, with no gender difference in prevalence. In the multivariate analysis, females with more than one piercing were more likely to have had multiple partners and to use cannabis, while no differences were noted for males. CONCLUSIONS: Body piercing is becoming popular among Swiss adolescents, especially females. Having a body piercing seems to be a risk marker for risk behaviors. Moreover, having multiple piercings is a cumulative risk marker for females.


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The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of low fat-free mass index (FFMI) and high and very high body fat mass index (BFMI) after lung transplantation (LTR). A total of 37 LTR patients were assessed prior to and at 1 month, 1 year and 2 years for FFM and compared to 37 matched volunteers (VOL). FFM was calculated by the Geneva equation and normalized for height (kg/m(2)). Subjects were classified as FFMI "low", <or=17.4 in men and <or=15.0 in women; BFMI "high", 5.2-8.1 in men and 8.3-11.7 in women; or "very high" >8.2 kg/m(2) in men and >11.8 kg/m(2) in women. In 23 M/14 F, body mass index (BMI) was 22.3+/-4.4 and 20.1+/-4.9 kg/m(2), respectively. The prevalence of low FFMI was 80% at 1 month and 33% at 2 years after LTR. Prevalence of very high BFMI increased and was higher in patients than VOL after LTR. The prevalence of low FFMI was high prior to and remained important 2 years after LTR, whereas BFMI was lower prior to and higher 2 years after LTR.


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FRAX(®) is a fracture risk assessment algorithm developed by the World Health Organization in cooperation with other medical organizations and societies. Using easily available clinical information and femoral neck bone mineral density (BMD) measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), when available, FRAX(®) is used to predict the 10-year probability of hip fracture and major osteoporotic fracture. These values may be included in country specific guidelines to aid clinicians in determining when fracture risk is sufficiently high that the patient is likely to benefit from pharmacological therapy to reduce that risk. Since the introduction of FRAX(®) into clinical practice, many practical clinical questions have arisen regarding its use. To address such questions, the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) and International Osteoporosis Foundations (IOF) assigned task forces to review the best available medical evidence and make recommendations for optimal use of FRAX(®) in clinical practice. Questions were identified and divided into three general categories. A task force was assigned to investigating the medical evidence in each category and developing clinically useful recommendations. The BMD Task Force addressed issues that included the potential use of skeletal sites other than the femoral neck, the use of technologies other than DXA, and the deletion or addition of clinical data for FRAX(®) input. The evidence and recommendations were presented to a panel of experts at the ISCD-IOF FRAX(®) Position Development Conference, resulting in the development of ISCD-IOF Official Positions addressing FRAX(®)-related issues.


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Propionibacterium acnes is an important cause of orthopedic-implant-associated infections, for which the optimal treatment has not yet been determined. We investigated the activity of rifampin, alone and in combination, against planktonic and biofilm P. acnes in vitro and in a foreign-body infection model. The MIC and the minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) were 0.007 and 4 μg/ml for rifampin, 1 and 4 μg/ml for daptomycin, 1 and 8 μg/ml for vancomycin, 1 and 2 μg/ml for levofloxacin, 0.03 and 16 μg/ml for penicillin G, 0.125 and 512 μg/ml for clindamycin, and 0.25 and 32 μg/ml for ceftriaxone. The P. acnes minimal biofilm eradication concentration (MBEC) was 16 μg/ml for rifampin; 32 μg/ml for penicillin G; 64 μg/ml for daptomycin and ceftriaxone; and ≥128 μg/ml for levofloxacin, vancomycin, and clindamycin. In the animal model, implants were infected by injection of 10⁹ CFU P. acnes in cages. Antimicrobial activity on P. acnes was investigated in the cage fluid (planktonic form) and on explanted cages (biofilm form). The cure rates were 4% for daptomycin, 17% for vancomycin, 0% for levofloxacin, and 36% for rifampin. Rifampin cured 63% of the infected cages in combination with daptomycin, 46% with vancomycin, and 25% with levofloxacin. While all tested antimicrobials showed good activity against planktonic P. acnes, for eradication of biofilms, rifampin was needed. In combination with rifampin, daptomycin showed higher cure rates than with vancomycin in this foreign-body infection model.


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Where and when cells divide are fundamental questions. In rod-shaped fission yeast cells, the DYRK-family kinase Pom1 is organized in concentration gradients from cell poles and controls cell division timing and positioning. Pom1 gradients restrict to mid-cell the SAD-like kinase Cdr2, which recruits Mid1/Anillin for medial division. Pom1 also delays mitotic commitment through Cdr2, which inhibits Wee1. Here, we describe quantitatively the distributions of cortical Pom1 and Cdr2. These reveal low profile overlap contrasting with previous whole-cell measurements and Cdr2 levels increase with cell elongation, raising the possibility that Pom1 regulates mitotic commitment by controlling Cdr2 medial levels. However, we show that distinct thresholds of Pom1 activity define the timing and positioning of division. Three conditions-a separation-of-function Pom1 allele, partial downregulation of Pom1 activity, and haploinsufficiency in diploid cells-yield cells that divide early, similar to pom1 deletion, but medially, like wild-type cells. In these cells, Cdr2 is localized correctly at mid-cell. Further, Cdr2 overexpression promotes precocious mitosis only in absence of Pom1. Thus, Pom1 inhibits Cdr2 for mitotic commitment independently of regulating its localization or cortical levels. Indeed, we show Pom1 restricts Cdr2 activity through phosphorylation of a C-terminal self-inhibitory tail. In summary, our results demonstrate that distinct levels in Pom1 gradients delineate a medial Cdr2 domain, for cell division placement, and control its activity, for mitotic commitment.


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Whole-body vibration training improves strength and can increase maximal oxygen consumption ([·V]O(2max)). No study has compared the metabolic demand of synchronous and side-alternating whole-body vibration. We measured [·V]O₂ and heart rate during a typical synchronous or side-alternating whole-body vibration session in 10 young female sedentary participants. The 20-min session consisted of three sets of six 45-s exercises, with 15 s recovery between exercises. Three conditions were randomly tested on separate days: synchronous at 35 Hz and 4 mm amplitude, side-alternating at 26 Hz and 7.5 mm amplitude (peak acceleration matched at 20 g in both vibration conditions), and no vibrations. Mean [·V]O₂ (expressed as %[·V]O(2max)) did not differ between conditions: 29.7 ± 4.2%, 32.4 ± 6.5%, and 28.7 ± 6.7% for synchronous, side-alternating, and no vibrations respectively (P = 0.103). Mean heart rate (% maximal heart rate) was 65.6 ± 7.3%, 69.8 ± 7.9%, and 64.7 ± 5.6% for synchronous, side-alternating, and no vibrations respectively, with the side-alternating vibrations being significantly higher (P = 0.019). When analysing changes over exercise sessions, mean [·V]O₂ was higher for side-alternating (P < 0.001) than for synchronous and no vibrations. In conclusion, side-alternating whole-body vibration elicits higher heart rate responses than synchronous or no vibrations, and could elevate [·V]O₂, provided the session lasts more than 20 min.