968 resultados para Axial Symmetry
We present a palaeomagnetic study on 38 lava flows and 20 dykes encompassing the past 1.3 Myr on S. Jorge Island (Azores ArchipelagoNorth Atlantic Ocean). The sections sampled in the southeastern and central/western parts of the island record reversed and normal polarities, respectively. They indicate a mean palaeomagnetic pole (81.3 degrees N, 160.7 degrees E, K= 33 and A95= 3.4 degrees) with a latitude shallower than that expected from Geocentric Axial Dipole assumption, suggesting an effect of non-dipolar components of the Earth magnetic field. Virtual Geomagnetic Poles of eight flows and two dykes closely follow the contemporaneous records of the Cobb Mountain Subchron (ODP/DSDP programs) and constrain the age transition from reversed to normal polarity at ca. 1.207 +/- 0.017 Ma. Volcano flank instabilities, probably related to dyke emplacement along an NNWSSE direction, led to southwestward tilting of the lava pile towards the sea. Two spatially and temporally distinct dyke systems have been recognized on the island. The eastern is dominated by NNWSSE trending dykes emplaced before the end of the Matuyama Chron, whereas in the central/western parts the eruptive fissures oriented WNWESE controlled the westward growth of the S. Jorge Island during the Brunhes Chron. Both directions are consistent with the present-day regional stress conditions deduced from plate kinematics and tectonomorphology and suggest the emplacement of dykes along pre-existing fractures. The distinct timing and location of each dyke system likely results from a slight shift of the magmatic source.
LHC has found hints for a Higgs particle of 125 GeV. We investigate the possibility that such a particle is a mixture of scalar and pseudoscalar states. For definiteness, we concentrate on a two-Higgs doublet model with explicit CP violation and soft Z(2) violation. Including all Higgs production mechanisms, we determine the current constraints obtained by comparing h -> yy with h -> VV*, and comment on the information which can be gained by measurements of h -> b (b) over bar. We find bounds vertical bar s(2)vertical bar less than or similar to 0.83 at one sigma, where vertical bar s(2)vertical bar = 0 (vertical bar s(2)vertical bar = 1) corresponds to a pure scalar (pure pseudoscalar) state.
We study the implications of the searches based on H -> tau(+)tau-by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations on the parameter space of the two-Higgs-doublet model (2HDM). In the 2HDM, the scalars can decay into a tau pair with a branching ratio larger than the SM one, leading to constraints on the 2HDM parameter space. We show that in model II, values of tan beta > 1.8 are definitively excluded if the pseudoscalar is in the mass range 110 GeV < m(A) < 145 GeV. We have also discussed the implications for the 2HDM of the recent dimuon search by the ATLAS collaboration for a CP-odd scalar in the mass range 4-12 GeV.
We consider a simple extension of the Standard Model by adding two Higgs triplets and a complex scalar singlet to its particle content. In this framework, the CP symmetry is spontaneously broken at high energies by the complex vacuum expectation value of the scalar singlet. Such a breaking leads to leptonic CP violation at low energies. The model also exhibits an A(4) X Z(4) flavor symmetry which, after being spontaneously broken at a high-energy scale, yields a tribimaximal pattern in the lepton sector. We consider small perturbations around the tribimaximal vacuum alignment condition in order to generate nonzero values of theta(13), as required by the latest neutrino oscillation data. It is shown that the value of theta(13) recently measured by the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment can be accommodated in our framework together with large Dirac-type CP violation. We also address the viability of leptogenesis in our model through the out-of-equilibrium decays of the Higgs triplets. In particular, the CP asymmetries in the triplet decays into two leptons are computed and it is shown that the effective leptogenesis and low-energy CP-violating phases are directly linked.
We present a two-Higgs-doublet model, with a Z(3) symmetry, in which CP violation originates solely in a soft (dimension-2) coupling in the scalar potential, and reveals itself solely in the CKM (quark mixing) matrix. In particular, in the mass basis the Yukawa interactions of the neutral scalars are all real. The model has only eleven parameters to fit the six quark masses and the four independent CKM-matrix observables. We find regions of parameter space in which the flavour-changing neutral couplings are so suppressed that they allow the scalars to be no heavier than a few hundred GeV. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We classify all possible implementations of an Abelian symmetry in the two-Higgs-doublet model with fermions. We identify those symmetries which are consistent with nonvanishing quark masses and a Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa quark-mixing matrix (CKM), which is not block-diagonal. Our analysis takes us from a plethora of possibilities down to 246 relevant cases, requiring only 34 distinct matrix forms. We show that applying Z(n) with n >= 4 to the scalar sector leads to a continuous U(1) symmetry in the whole Lagrangian. Finally, we address the possibilities of spontaneous CP violation and of natural suppression of the flavor-changing neutral currents. We explain why our work is relevant even for non-Abelian symmetries.
The stability of the color flavor locked phase in the presence of a strong magnetic field is investigated within the phenomenological MIT bag model, taking into account the variation of the strange quark mass, the baryon density, the magnetic field, as well as the bag and gap parameters. It is found that the minimum value of the energy per baryon in a color flavor locked state at vanishing pressure is lower than the corresponding one for unpaired magnetized strange quark matter and, as the magnetic field increases, the energy per baryon decreases. This implies that magnetized colorflavor locked matter is more stable and could become the ground state inside neutron stars. The mass-radius relation for such stars is also studied.
Objectivos: Avaliar os níveis de actividade e grau de simetria dos músculos esternocleidomastoideo e masséter em estudantes de canto. Metodologia: Foi utilizada uma amostra constituída por 8 e 13 estudantes e não estudantes de canto, respectivamente. Foi registado o sinal electromiográfico durante provas de canto a diferentes intensidades. Resultados: Não ocorreram diferenças entre o masseter direito e esquerdo e esternocleidomastoideo direito e esquerdo nos dois grupos. Ocorreram diferenças na activação dos músculos esternocleidomastoideos quando comparadas as provas média-forte e fraca-forte. Conclusão: Os estudantes de canto não apresentaram assimetrias musculares, sendo o grau de actividade do músculo esternocleidomastoideo influenciado pela intensidade.
Mestrado em Medicina Nuclear - Área de especialização: Tomografia por Emissão de Positrões.
Mestrado em Fisioterapia.
We present a new dynamical approach to the Blumberg's equation, a family of unimodal maps. These maps are proportional to Beta(p, q) probability densities functions. Using the symmetry of the Beta(p, q) distribution and symbolic dynamics techniques, a new concept of mirror symmetry is defined for this family of maps. The kneading theory is used to analyze the effect of such symmetry in the presented models. The main result proves that two mirror symmetric unimodal maps have the same topological entropy. Different population dynamics regimes are identified, when the intrinsic growth rate is modified: extinctions, stabilities, bifurcations, chaos and Allee effect. To illustrate our results, we present a numerical analysis, where are demonstrated: monotonicity of the topological entropy with the variation of the intrinsic growth rate, existence of isentropic sets in the parameters space and mirror symmetry.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
We produce five flavour models for the lepton sector. All five models fit perfectly well - at the 1 sigma level - the existing data on the neutrino mass-squared differences and on the lepton mixing angles. The models are based on the type I seesaw mechanism, on a Z(2) symmetry for each lepton flavour, and either on a (spontaneously broken) symmetry under the interchange of two lepton flavours or on a (spontaneously broken) CP symmetry incorporating that interchange - or on both symmetries simultaneously. Each model makes definite predictions both for the scale of the neutrino masses and for the phase delta in lepton mixing; the fifth model also predicts a correlation between the lepton mixing angles theta(12) and theta(23).
In the two Higgs doublet model, there is the possibility that the vacuum where the universe resides in is metastable. We present the tree-level bounds on the scalar potential parameters which have to be obeyed to prevent that situation. Analytical expressions for those bounds are shown for the most used potential, that with a softly broken Z(2) symmetry. The impact of those bounds on the model's phenomenology is discussed in detail, as well as the importance of the current LHC results in determining whether the vacuum we live in is or is not stable. We demonstrate how the vacuum stability bounds can be obtained for the most generic CP-conserving potential, and provide a simple method to implement them.
We study neutrino masses and mixing in the context of flavor models with A(4) symmetry, three scalar doublets in the triplet representation, and three lepton families. We show that there is no representation assignment that yields a dimension-5 mass operator consistent with experiment. We then consider a type-I seesaw with three heavy right-handed neutrinos, explaining in detail why it fails, and allowing us to show that agreement with the present neutrino oscillation data can be recovered with the inclusion of dimension-3 heavy neutrino mass terms that break softly the A(4) symmetry.