837 resultados para Automated extraction


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The best solvent for paprika oleoresin extraction was determined by comparison with a commercial oleoresin. Pigment composition was determined by HPLC. The solvent system hexane/acetone/isopropilic alcohol (3:2:1) shown to be the best for extraction of the oleoresin, giving the best yield and colour value and a chromatographic pattern identical to that of the commercial oleoresin.


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A simultaneous method for the trace determination of acidic, neutral herbicides and their transformation products in estuarine waters has been developed through an on-line solid-phase extraction method followed by liquid chromatography with diode array and mass spectrometric detection. An atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) interface was used in the negative ionization mode after optimization of the main APCI parameters. Limits of detection ranged from 0.1 to 0.02 ng/ml for 50 mi of acidified estuarine waters preconcentrated into polymeric precolumns and using time-scheduled selected ion monitoring mode. Two degradation products of the acidic herbicides (4-chloro-2-methylphenol and 2,4-dichlorophenol) did not show good signal response using APCI-MS at the concentration studied due to the higher fragmentor voltage needed for their determination For molinate and the major degradation product of propanil, 3,4-dichloroaniline, positive ion mode was needed for APCI-MS detection. The proposed method was applied to the determination of herbicides in drainage waters from rice fields of the Delta del Ebro (Spain). During the S-month monitoring of the herbicides, 8-hydroxybentazone and 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid were successively found in those samples. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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A comparative study is reported between C-18 bonded silica gel and powdered polyethylene (PE) as sorbent for Cd, Cu, and Pb determination using ammonium diethyldithiophosphate (ADTP) as the complexing agent in a flow injection system. The complexes were formed in 0.14 mol L-1 HNO3 and processed in a simple flow system comprising a peristaltic pump, a manual injector-commutator, and a sorbent-packed minicolumn. Ethanol was selected as the eluent and analytes in the eluate were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The optimum concentration of the complexing agent was 0.1% (m/v) ADTP for Cu and Pb determination using either C-18 or PE, and 0.25% (m/v) ADTP for Cd determination using PE. The sample loading flow rates were 5.0, 3.6, and 3.0 mL min(-1) for Cu, Pb, and Cd, respectively. The best elution flow rate was 6.5 mL min(-1). For a 60-sec preconcentration time, the sampling rate was 40 h(-1) and the enrichment factors of 33, 36, and 11 times (C-18) or 18, 22, and 23 times (PE) were obtained for Cu, Pb, and Cd, respectively. The limits of detection (LOD) were 1.6 mug L-1 Cu, 11 mug L-1 Pb, and 2.0 mug L-1 Cd using C-18 or 2.9 mug L-1 Cu, 19 mug L-1 Pb, and 1.0 mug L-1 Cd using PE, respectively. The relative standard deviations (n = 12) were typically <2%, <2%, and <6% for Cd, Cu, and Pb, respectively. The recoveries of Cd, Cu, and Pb added to wine samples varied from 96-99%, 97-102%, and 90-99%, respectively, using C-18 or PE. Accuracy was checked for Cd, Cu, and Pb determination in six wine samples digested by block digestor and open-vessel microwave-assisted digestion systems. The results revealed that C-18 was more efficient for Cu and Pb determination, while PE was the best sorbent for Cd.


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Aim: To evaluate the effect of implant length (6 mm vs. 11 mm) on osseointegration (bone-toimplant contact) of implants installed into sockets immediately after tooth extraction.Material and methods: In six Labrador dogs, the pulp tissue of the mesial roots of P-3(3) was removed and the root canals were filled. Flaps were elevated bilaterally, the premolars hemisectioned and the distal roots removed. Recipient sites were prepared in the distal alveolus and a 6 mm or an 11 mm long implant was installed at the test and control sites, respectively. Non-submerged healing was allowed. After 4 months of healing, block sections of the implant sites were obtained for histological processing and peri-implant tissue assessment.Results: No statistically significant differences were found between test and control sites both for hard and soft tissue parameters. The bone-to-implant contact evaluated at the apical region of the implants was similar as well. Although not statistically significant, the location of the top of the bony crest at the buccal aspect was more apical in relation to the implant shoulder at the test compared with the control sites (2.0 +/- 1.4 and 1.2 +/- 1.1 mm, respectively).Conclusions: Shorter implants (6 mm) present with equal osseointegration than do longer implants (11 mm).


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AimTo compare the influence of autologous or deproteinized bovine bone mineral as grafting material on healing of buccal dehiscence defects at implants installed immediately into the maxillary second incisor extraction socket in dogs.Material and methodsIn the maxillary second incisor sockets of 12 Labrador dogs, implants were installed immediately following tooth extraction. A standardized buccal defect was created and autologous bone particles or deproteinized bovine bone mineral were used to fill the defects. A collagen membrane was placed to cover the graft material, and the flaps were sutured to fully submerge the experimental areas. Six animals were sacrificed after 2 months, and six after 4 months of healing. Ground sections were obtained for histological evaluation.ResultsAfter 2 months of healing, all implants were osseointegrated. All buccal dehiscence defects were completely filled after 2 months irrespective of the augmentation material (autologous bone or Bio-Oss (R)) applied. Bone-to-implant contact (BIC) on the denuded implant surfaces was within a normal range of 30-40%. However, the newly formed tissue at 2 months was partially resorbed (> 50% of the area measurements) after 4 months.ConclusionsApplying either autologous bone or deproteinized bovine bone mineral to dehiscences at implants installed immediately into extraction sockets resulted in high degree of regeneration of the defects with satisfactory BIC on the denuded implant surface.To cite this article:De Santis E, Botticelli D, Pantani F, Pereira FP, Beolchini M, Lang NP. Bone regeneration at implants placed into extraction sockets of maxillary incisors in dogs.Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 22, 2011; 430-437.


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The aim of this study was to assess and apply a microsatellite multiplex system for parentage determination in alpacas. An approach for parentage testing based on 10 microsatellites was evaluated in a population of 329 unrelated alpacas from different geographical zones in Peru. All microsatellite markers, which amplified in two multiplex reactions, were highly polymorphic with a mean of 14.5 alleles per locus (six to 28 alleles per locus) and an average expected heterozygosity (H-E) of 0.8185 (range of 0.698-0.946). The total parentage exclusion probability was 0.999456 for excluding a candidate parent from parentage of an arbitrary offspring, given only the genotype of the offspring, and 0.999991 for excluding a candidate parent from parentage of an arbitrary offspring, given the genotype of the offspring and the other parent. In a case test of parentage assignment, the microsatellite panel assigned 38 (from 45 cases) offspring parentage to 10 sires with LOD scores ranging from 2.19 x 10(+13) to 1.34 x 10(+15) and Delta values ranging from 2.80 x 10(+12) to 1.34 x 10(+15) with an estimated pedigree error rate of 15.5%. The performance of this multiplex panel of markers suggests that it will be useful in parentage testing of alpacas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Aim To evaluate the soft tissue and the dimensional changes of the alveolar bony crest at sites where deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) particles, concomitantly with the placement of a collagen membrane, were used at implants installed into sockets immediately after tooth extraction. Material and methods The pulp tissue of the mesial roots of 3P3 was removed in six Labrador dogs, and the root canals were filled. Flaps were elevated bilaterally, the premolars hemi-sectioned, and the distal roots removed. Recipient sites were prepared in the distal alveolus, and implants were placed. At the test sites, DBBM particles were placed in the residual marginal defects concomitantly with the placement of a collagen membrane. No treatment augmentation was performed at the control sites. A non-submerged healing was allowed. Impressions were obtained at baseline and at the time of sacrifice performed 4 months after surgery. The cast models obtained were analyzed using an optical system to evaluate dimensional variations. Block sections of the implant sites were obtained for histological processing and soft tissue assessments. Results After 4 months of healing, no differences in soft tissue dimensions were found between the test and control sites based on the histological assessments. The location of the soft tissue at the buccal aspect was, however, more coronal at the test compared with the control sites (1.8 +/- 0.8 and 0.9 +/- 0.8 mm, respectively). At the three-dimensional evaluation, the margin of the soft tissues at the buccal aspect appeared to be located more apically and lingually. The vertical dislocation was 1 +/- 0.6 and 2.7 +/- 0.5 mm at the test and control sites, respectively. The area of the buccal shrinkage of the alveolar crest was significantly smaller at the test sites (5.9 +/- 2.4 mm2) compared with the control sites (11.5 +/- 1.7 mm2). Conclusion The use of DBBM particles concomitantly with the application of a collagen membrane used at implants placed into sockets immediately after tooth extraction contributed to the preservation of the alveolar process.


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ObjectivesTo evaluate the influence of implant size and configuration on osseointegration in implants immediately placed into extraction sockets.Material and methodsImplants were installed immediately into extraction sockets in the mandibles of six Labrador dogs. In the control sites, cylindrical transmucosal implants (3.3 mm diameter) were installed, while in the test sites, larger and conical (root formed, 5 mm diameter) implants were installed. After 4 months of healing, the resorptive patterns of the alveolar crest were evaluated histomorphometrically.ResultsWith one exception, all implants were integrated in mineralized bone, mainly composed of mature lamellar bone. The alveolar crest underwent resorption at the control as well as at the test implants. This resorption was more pronounced at the buccal aspects and significantly greater at the test (2.7 +/- 0.4 mm) than at the control implants (1.5 +/- 0.6 mm). However, the control implants were associated with residual defects that were deeper at the lingual than at the buccal aspects, while these defects were virtually absent at test implants.ConclusionsThe installment of root formed wide implants immediately into extraction sockets will not prevent the resorption of the alveolar crest. In contrast, this resorption is more marked both at the buccal and lingual aspects of root formed wide than at standard cylindrical implants.To cite this article:Caneva M, Salata LA, de Souza SS, Bressan E, Botticelli D, Lang NP. Hard tissue formation adjacent to implants of various size and configuration immediately placed into extraction sockets: an experimental study in dogs.Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 21, 2010; 885-895.doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2010.01931.x.


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Aim: To evaluate the influence of deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) particles concomitant with the placement of a collagen membrane on alveolar ridge preservation and on osseointegration of implants placed into alveolar sockets immediately after tooth extraction. Material and methods: The pulp tissue of the mesial roots of 3P3 was removed in six Labrador dogs and the root canals were filled. Flaps were elevated in the right side of the mandible, and the buccal and lingual alveolar bony plates were exposed. The third premolar was hemi-sectioned and the distal root was removed. A recipient site was prepared and an implant was placed lingually. After implant installation, defects of about 0.6mm wide and 3.1mm depth resulted at the buccal aspects of the implant, both at the test and at the control sites. The same surgical procedures and measurements were performed on the left side of the mandible. However, DBBM particles with a size of 0.25-1mm were placed into the remaining defect concomitant with the placement of a collagen membrane. Results: All implants were integrated into mature bone. No residual DBBM particles were detected at the test sites after 4 months of healing. Both the test and the control sites showed buccal alveolar bone resorption, 1.8 +/- 1.1 and 2.1 +/- 1mm, respectively. The most coronal bone-to-implant contact at the buccal aspect was 2 +/- 1.1 an 2.8 +/- 1.3mm, at the test and the control sites, respectively. This difference in the distance was statistically significant. Conclusion: The application of DBBM concomitant with a collagen membrane to fill the marginal defects around implants placed into the alveolus immediately after tooth extraction contributed to improved bone regeneration in the defects. However, with regard to buccal bony crest preservation, a limited contribution of DBBM particles was achieved.