991 resultados para Augustus, Eperador de Roma, 63 a.C.- 14 d.C


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Introduction La dystrophie musculaire de Duchenne (DMD) est une myopathie progressive liée au chromosome X qui atteint environ un garçon sur 3500. Des troubles du sommeil (TDS) sont fréquemment rapportés par ces patients Les études effectuées à ce jour se sont essentiellement concentrées sur les troubles respiratoires liés au sommeil. Les TDS débutent toutefois fréquemment avant l'installation d'un trouble ventilatoire nocturne et de nombreux autres facteurs peuvent en être la cause. Objectif L'objectif de cette étude est d'évaluer la fréquence des TDS chez les garçons avec une DMD et d'en identifier les facteurs de risque. Méthode II s'agit d'une étude transversale effectuée par questionnaire postal adressé aux parents de tout garçon âgé de 4-18 ans avec une DMD, suivi dans deux centres tertiaires de réhabilitation pédiatrique (Lausanne et Dublin). Les TDS sont évalués à l'aide de la 'Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children' (SDSC), validée sur 1157 enfants sains. Elle permet d'obtenir un score total et des scores pour six facteurs représentant les TDS les plus fréquents (troubles de l'endormissement et du maintien du sommeil (TEMS), éveil nocturne-cauchemars, transition veille-sommeil, somnolence diurne excessive, troubles respiratoires associés au sommeil (TRS), hyperhidrose du sommeil). Un T- score supérieur à 70 (>2DS) est considéré comme pathologique. Les associations potentielles entre des scores pathologiques et des facteurs individuels (âge, mobilité diurne et nocturne, douleur), thérapeutiques (orthèses nocturnes, ventilation non-invasive, médication) et environnementaux (facteurs socio-familiaux) sont évaluées à l'aide d'analyses univariées (χ2) et de régressions logistiques ascendantes. Résultats Seize garçons sur 63, soit 25.4%, présentent un score total pathologique en comparaison au 3% attendus dans la population générale. Les TEMS (29.7%), les TRS (15.6%) et l'hyperhidrose du sommeil (14.3%) sont les TDS les plus prévalent. Le besoin d'être mobilisé la nuit par un tiers (OR=9.4; 95%CI: 2.2-40.7; p=0.003) et être l'enfant d'une famille monoparentale (OR=7.2; 95%CI: 1.5-35.1; p=0.015) sont des facteurs de risque indépendants pour un score total pathologique. Le besoin d'être mobilisé la nuit par un tiers (OR=18.0; 95%CI: 2.9¬110.6; p=0.002), le traitement par corticostéroïdes (OR=7.7; 95%CI: 1.4-44.0; p-0.021) et être l'enfant d'une famille monoparentale (OR=7.0; 95%CI: 1.3-38.4; p=0.025) sont des facteurs de risque indépendants pour un TEMS. Discussion Cette étude montre une prévalence élevée des TDS chez les garçons avec une DMD (25% contre 3% attendus dans la population générale). Le besoin d'être mobilisé la nuit par un tiers est identifié comme un facteur de risque important pour un score total pathologique et un TEMS. Il reflète vraisemblablement un degré d'atteinte motrice tel qu'il limite les mouvements spontanés et les adaptations posturales du sommeil, ayant pour conséquence une diminution importante de la qualité du sommeil. Les enfants vivant dans un foyer monoparental présentent plus fréquemment un score total pathologique et des TEMS, possiblement en lien avec un stress psychologique plus important dans ces familles. Le traitement par corticostéroïdes est identifié comme facteur de risque pour un TEMS. Une adaptation du schéma ou du dosage permet généralement de limiter cet effet secondaire. Si nécessaire, un traitement par Mélatonine peut être instauré. Aucune association n'a pu être mise en évidence entre les facteurs analysés et les TRS, possiblement en raison du petit nombre de garçons ayant rapporté de tels symptômes et du fait que certains symptômes d'hypoventilation nocturne ne sont pas évalués par la SDSC. Par ailleurs, la valeur prédictive de l'anamnèse, comme celle des fonctions pulmonaires diurnes, est connue pour être limitée, raison pour laquelle une oxy-capnométrie est effectuée de routine en dessous d'une capacité vitale forcée de 50%. Elle permet, si nécessaire, l'instauration précoce d'une ventilation non-invasive, limitant ainsi vraisemblablement l'impact de ('hypoventilation nocturne sur la qualité du sommeil dans notre population. Plusieurs limitations sont à évoquer. Le petit nombre de patients ne permet pas d'exclure d'autres associations potentielles. La nature transversale de l'étude augmente le risque de causalité inverse. Cette étude n'inclut pas de mesure quantitative du sommeil. Les questionnaires adressés aux parents ont toutefois pu être démontrés comme fiables hormis pour les TRS. Un biais de non-réponse ne peut pas être totalement exclu, bien que le taux de réponse soit élevé (86,5%) et qu'il n'y ait pas de différence significative entre les populations de répondeurs et non-répondeurs. Conclusion La prévalence des TDS est élevée chez les garçons avec une DMD et leurs causes sont multiples. Les facteurs de risques sont physiques (immobilité nocturne), pharmacologiques (corticothérapie) et environnementaux (famille monoparentale). Compte tenu de son impact sur la qualité de vie, l'évaluation du sommeil doit être systématique en consultation et ne pas se limiter aux seuls troubles ventilatoires nocturnes.


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Soil C-CO2 emissions are sensitive indicators of management system impacts on soil organic matter (SOM). The main soil C-CO2 sources at the soil-plant interface are the decomposition of crop residues, SOM turnover, and respiration of roots and soil biota. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the impacts of tillage and cropping systems on long-term soil C-CO2 emissions and their relationship with carbon (C) mineralization of crop residues. A long-term experiment was conducted in a Red Oxisol in Cruz Alta, RS, Brazil, with subtropical climate Cfa (Köppen classification), mean annual precipitation of 1,774 mm and mean annual temperature of 19.2 ºC. Treatments consisted of two tillage systems: (a) conventional tillage (CT) and (b) no tillage (NT) in combination with three cropping systems: (a) R0- monoculture system (soybean/wheat), (b) R1- winter crop rotation (soybean/wheat/soybean/black oat), and (c) R2- intensive crop rotation (soybean/ black oat/soybean/black oat + common vetch/maize/oilseed radish/wheat). The soil C-CO2 efflux was measured every 14 days for two years (48 measurements), by trapping the CO2 in an alkaline solution. The soil gravimetric moisture in the 0-0.05 m layer was determined concomitantly with the C-CO2 efflux measurements. The crop residue C mineralization was evaluated with the mesh-bag method, with sampling 14, 28, 56, 84, 112, and 140 days after the beginning of the evaluation period for C measurements. Four C conservation indexes were used to assess the relation between C-CO2 efflux and soil C stock and its compartments. The crop residue C mineralization fit an exponential model in time. For black oat, wheat and maize residues, C mineralization was higher in CT than NT, while for soybean it was similar. Soil moisture was higher in NT than CT, mainly in the second year of evaluation. There was no difference in tillage systems for annual average C-CO2 emissions, but in some individual evaluations, differences between tillage systems were noticed for C-CO2 evolution. Soil C-CO2 effluxes followed a bi-modal pattern, with peaks in October/November and February/March. The highest emission was recorded in the summer and the lowest in the winter. The C-CO2 effluxes were weakly correlated to air temperature and not correlated to soil moisture. Based on the soil C conservation indexes investigated, NT associated to intensive crop rotation was more C conserving than CT with monoculture.


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Objectif : Comparer les hystérectomies réalisées par laparoscopie à celles accomplies par laparotomie pour des pathologies gynécologiques malignes. Méthode : Etude basée sur 169 hystérectomies effectuées pour cancer de l'endomètre, du col ou de l'ovaire, pratiquées dans le service de gynécologie de la Maternité du CHUV de janvier 2002 à décembre 2009 sur des femmes âgées de 28 à 91 ans. Le but est de comparer deux différentes voies d'abord chirurgicales qui sont la laparotomie et la laparoscopie en terme de durée d'hospitalisation, d'indications, de complications per et post opératoires mineures et majeures et de nécessité de reprise ou d'une ré-hospitalisation. Résultats: Cette étude compte 169 patientes, dont 126 hystérectomies réalisées par laparotomie et 43 accomplies par laparoscopie. Les deux groupes sont similaires en terme d'âge (âge moyen : 63ans), d'indice de masse corporelle (26 vs 25) et de parité (1.5 enfants). Le temps opératoire est semblable entre les deux groupes (211 vs 219 minutes). Des hémorragies (pertes sanguines de plus de 1000ml) surviennent dans 24.6% des hystérectomies par laparotomie et dans 11.63% des hystérectomies par laparoscopie. Il existe une différence statistiquement significative entre la nécessité d'une transfusion peropératoire et les deux différentes voie d'abord (p=0.045). Une transfusion peropératoire a été nécessaire dans 13.22% des laparotomies contre seulement 2.33% des laparoscopies. La durée d'hospitalisation est significativement plus longue pour les patientes ayant subi une hystérectomie par laparotomie (12 vs 6 jours; p<0.001). Les complications peropératoires et postopératoires mineures dépendent de manière significative de la voie d'abord (p=0.01 ; p= 0.025). On observe des complications peropératoires dans 31.75% des laparotomies et dans 11.63% des laparoscopies. Les complications postopératoires mineures sont observées dans 28.57% des laparotomies et dans 11.63% des laparoscopies. Dans 7.14% des laparotomies on observe une complications postopératoire majeure et aucune de sont apparues lors d'hystérectomie par laparoscopie. La nécessité de reprise, de ré-opération ou de ré-hospitalisation n'est statistiquement pas différente entre la laparoscopie et la laparotomie. Conclusion : On observe un avantage significatif en faveur de l'hystérectomie par laparoscopie avec une réduction de la durée d'hospitalisation, ainsi que des complications peropératoires et postopératoires mineures et majeures, moins importantes.


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Brown adipocytes oxidize fatty acids to produce heat in response to cold or to excessive energy intake; stimulation of brown fat development and function may thus counteract obesity. Brown adipogenesis requires activation of the transcription factor C/EBPβ and recruitment of the zinc finger protein Prdm16, but upstream inducers of these proteins are incompletely defined. Here, we show that genetic inactivation of Plac8, a gene encoding an evolutionarily conserved protein, induces cold intolerance, and late-onset obesity, as well as abnormal morphology and impaired function of brown adipocytes. Using brown preadipocyte lines we show that Plac8 is required for brown fat differentiation, that its overexpression induces C/EBPβ and Prdm16, and that upon induction of differentiation Plac8 associates with C/EBPβ and binds to the C/EBPβ promoter to induce its transcription. Thus, Plac8 is a critical upstream regulator of brown fat differentiation and function that acts, at least in part, by inducing C/EBPβ expression.


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Comprend : [Tome I. Bandeau à la Dédicace : lion et licorne entourant les armoiries et la devise du Duc de Glocester.] Honi soit qui mal y pense. [Cote : Yf 404-405/Microfilm R 122414] ; [Tome I. Pl. en reg. folio B : la Thébaïde ou les frères ennemis. Tragédie.] Thébaïde. [Cote : Yf 404-405/Microfilm R 122414] ; [Tome I. Pl. en reg. du titre de la tragédie Alexandre le grand :] Alexandre. [Cote : Yf 404-405/Microfilm R 122414] ; [Tome I. Pl. en reg. du titre de la tragédie Andromaque :] Andromaque. [Cote : Yf 404-405/Microfilm R 122414] ; [Tome I. Pl. en reg. du titre de la tragédie Britannicus :] Britannicus. [Cote : Yf 404-405/Microfilm R 122414] ; [Tome I. Pl. en reg. du titre de la tragédie Berenice :] Berenice. [Cote : Yf 404-405/Microfilm R 122414] ; [Tome I. Pl. en reg. du titre de la comédie Les Plaideurs :] Les Plaideurs. [Cote : Yf 404-405/Microfilm R 122414] ; [Tome II. Frontispice :] [Cote : Yf 404-405/Microfilm R 122414] ; [Tome II. Pl. en reg. du titre de la tragédie Bajazet :] Bajazet. [Cote : Yf 404-405/Microfilm R 122414] ; [Tome II. Pl. en reg. du titre de la tragédie Mithridate :] Mithridate. [Cote : Yf 404-405/Microfilm R 122414] ; [Tome II. Pl. en reg. du titre de la tragédie Iphigénie :] Iphigénie. [Cote : Yf 404-405/Microfilm R 122414] ; [Tome II. Pl. en reg. du titre de la tragédie Phèdre :] Phèdre. [Cote : Yf 404-405/Microfilm R 122414] ; [Tome II. Pl. en reg. du titre de la tragédie Esther :] Esther. [Cote : Yf 404-405/Microfilm R 122414] ; [Tome II. Pl. en reg. du titre de la tragédie Athalie :] Athalie. [Cote : Yf 404-405/Microfilm R 122414]


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AIM: MRI and PET with 18F-fluoro-ethyl-tyrosine (FET) have been increasingly used to evaluate patients with gliomas. Our purpose was to assess the additive value of MR spectroscopy (MRS), diffusion imaging and dynamic FET-PET for glioma grading. PATIENTS, METHODS: 38 patients (42 ± 15 aged, F/M: 0.46) with untreated histologically proven brain gliomas were included. All underwent conventional MRI, MRS, diffusion sequences, and FET-PET within 3±4 weeks. Performances of tumour FET time-activity-curve, early-to-middle SUVmax ratio, choline / creatine ratio and ADC histogram distribution pattern for gliomas grading were assessed, as compared to histology. Combination of these parameters and respective odds were also evaluated. RESULTS: Tumour time-activity-curve reached the best accuracy (67%) when taken alone to distinguish between low and high-grade gliomas, followed by ADC histogram analysis (65%). Combination of time-activity-curve and ADC histogram analysis improved the sensitivity from 67% to 86% and the specificity from 63-67% to 100% (p < 0.008). On multivariate logistic regression analysis, negative slope of the tumour FET time-activity-curve however remains the best predictor of high-grade glioma (odds 7.6, SE 6.8, p = 0.022). CONCLUSION: Combination of dynamic FET-PET and diffusion MRI reached good performance for gliomas grading. The use of FET-PET/MR may be highly relevant in the initial assessment of primary brain tumours.


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L'objectiu d'aquest article és mostrar els parámetres clàssics de Shadowlands de R. Attenborough, amb guió de W. Nicholson, sobre la vida i obra de C. S. Lewis. Basant-se en una anàlisi acurada dels textos de Lewis, l'autor proposa d'interpretar l'oposició Lewis / Gresham com la traducció en la vida real de la oposició entre els temperaments platònic o idealista i aristotèlic o materialista que ja mencionava Coleridge. En qualsevol cas, són moltes les referències clàssiques que cal tenir en compte si volem comprendre fins a quin punt el cristianisme de Lewis és també un cristianisme clàssic, és a dir, grecollatí.


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Context: The link between C-reactive protein (CRP) and adiposity deserves to be further explored considering the controversial diabetogenic role of CRP. Objective: We explored the potential causal role of CRP on measures of adiposity. Design: We used a Mendelian randomization approach with the CRP and LEPR genes as instrumental variables in a cross-sectional Caucasian population-based study comprising 2526 men and 2836 women. Adiposity was measured using body mass index (BMI), fat and lean mass estimated by bioelectrical impedance, and waist circumference. Results: Log-transformed CRP explained by the rs7553007 SNP tagging the CRP gene was significantly associated with BMI (regression coefficient: 1.22 [0.18;2.25], P=0.02) and fat mass (2.67 [0.65;4.68], P=0.01), but not with lean mass in women, whereas no association was found in men. Log-transformed CRP explained by the rs1805096 LEPR SNP was also positively associated, although not significantly, with BMI or fat mass. The combined CRP-LEPR instrument explained 2.24% and 0.77% of CRP variance in women and in men, respectively. Log-transformed CRP explained by this combined instrument was significantly associated with BMI (0.98 [0.32;1.63], P=0.004), fat mass (2.07 [0.79;3.34], P=0.001) and waist (2.09 [0.39;3.78], P=0.01) in women, but not in men. Conclusion: Our data suggest that CRP is causally and positively related to BMI in women, and that this is mainly due to fat mass. Results on the combined CRP-LEPR instrument suggest that leptin may play a role in the causal association between CRP and adiposity in women. Results in men were not significant.


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Introduction Swallowing difficulties, or dysphagia, can occur in anyage group, although it is most common among elderly people. It canaffect patients' ability to take solid oral dosage forms, thus compromisingmedication adherence. Although literature is poor, availabledata show that prevalence in the general population ranges from 25 to60%. Prevalence in community pharmacies needs to be explored.Materials & Methods Community pharmacies were recruited from arandom selection in three Swiss states: Basel-Stadt (BS), Basel-Landschaft (BL) and Lausanne (LA). Patients' ability to swallowsolid oral medications was enquired with a semi-structured interview;the interviewer spent 4 h in each included pharmacy. Each consecutivepatient (18 years and older) entering the pharmacy with aprescription for at least 3 different solid oral forms was enrolled.Study was approved by the Lausanne ethics committee.Results Sixty pharmacies took part in the study (20 in BS, 10 in BL,30 in LA) between March and May 2010. Patient inclusion rate was77.8% (410/527). Prevalence of swallowing disorders was 22.4% (92/410). Patients with swallowing disorders were older (mean age: 67.5± 16 years vs. 63.0 ± 14 years, range 19-96; p = 0.03) and moreoften women (69.6% vs. 59.1%; Chi2 = 3.3, p = 0.04) than patientswithout swallowing disorders. They had on average 4.6 ± 2.7 drugswith a mean number of 5.5 ± 3.3 tablets or capsules to take daily,which didn't differ from the number of drugs taken by patientswithout swallowing difficulties (4.9 ± 2.5 drugs and 5.9 ± 3.5 tablets;n.s.). The difficulty was mainly related to the big size (63%) orthe quality of pill coating (rough, sticky, 14%). Twenty-one patients(37.5%) stated that their swallowing disorders resulted in nonadherence, rated as rarely (12 patients), sometimes (6 patients), veryoften (1 patient) or always (2 patients). According to patients, nopharmacist and only 2 physicians enquired about patients' swallowingissue.Discussion & Conclusion Swallowing difficulties are frequent amongpatients in community pharmacies in Switzerland with an estimatedprevalence of 22%. The problem resulted in non adherence or partialadherence in at least 35% of these patients. However, pharmacists andphysicians did not routinely inquire about the disorder. Guidelinesshould be developed for promoting systematic approaches of patientsin community pharmacies.


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Purpose. To investigate the effect of the endothelin(A) receptor inhibitor BQ-123 on the retinal arteriolar vasculature in minipig retinas in normal eyes and eyes with acute branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO). Methods. Seven healthy eyes of seven minipigs and six eyes of six minipigs with experimental BRVO were evaluated under systemic anesthesia. An intravitreal juxta-arteriolar microinjection of 30 microL BQ-123 0.61 microg/mL (pH 7.4) was performed in all but one eye from each group, into which the physiologic saline vehicle alone was injected. Vessel-diameter changes were measured with a retinal vessel analyzer. Results. In healthy minipig retinas (n = 6), arteriolar diameter (+/-SD) increased 6.19% +/- 3.55% (P < 0.05), 25.98% +/- 2.37% (P < 0.001), 23.65% +/- 1.2% (P < 0.001), and 16.84% +/- 1.95% (P < 0.001), at 1, 5, 10, and 15 minutes, respectively, after BQ-123 microinjection. Two hours after experimental BRVO (n = 5), the retinal arteriolar diameter had decreased (13.07% +/- 5.7%; P < 0.01). One, 5, 10, and 15 minutes after BQ-123 microinjection, retinal arteriolar diameter had increased by 7.14% +/- 3.3% (P < 0.01), 26.74% +/- 7.63% (P < 0.001), 23.67% +/- 6.4% (P < 0.001), and 16.09% +/- 3.41% (P < 0.001), respectively. Vehicle only injection had no vasoactive effect on physiologic or BRVO retinas. Conclusions. A significant increase in retinal arteriolar diameter was demonstrated after juxta-arteriolar BQ-123 microinjection in healthy and in acute BRVO minipig retinas. The results suggest a role for endothelin-1 in maintaining retinal basal arteriolar tone. Reversing the BRVO-related vasoconstriction by juxta-arteriolar BQ-123 microinjection could bring a new perspective to the management of BRVO.


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The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) approves the selection of the Reconstruction of All or Part of the Interstate (Construction Alternative) as the Preferred Alternative to provide improvements to the interstate system in the Omaha/Council Bluffs metropolitan area, extending across the Missouri River on Interstate 80 to east of the Interstate 480 interchange in Omaha, Nebraska. The study considered long-term, broad-based transportation improvements along Interstate I-29 (I-29), I-80, and I-480, including approximately 18 mainline miles of interstate and 14 interchanges (3 system, 11 service), that would add capacity and correct functional issues along the mainline and interchanges and upgrade the I-80 Missouri River Crossing. FHWA also approves the decisions to provide full access between West Broadway and I-29, design the I-80/I-29 overlap section as a dual-divided freeway, and locating the new I-80 Missouri River Bridge north of the existing bridge. Improvements to the interstate system, once implemented, would bring the segments of I-80 and I-29 (see Figure 1) up to current engineering standards and accommodate future traffic needs. This Record of Decision (ROD) concludes Tier 1 of the Council Bluffs Interstate System (CBIS) Improvements Project. Tier 1 included an examination of the area’s transportation needs, a study of alternatives to satisfy them, and broad consideration of potential environmental and social impacts. The Tier 1 evaluation consisted of a sufficient level of engineering and environmental detail to assist decision makers in selecting a preferred transportation strategy. During Tier 1 a Draft EIS (FHWA-IA- EIS-04-01D) was developed which was approved by FHWA, Iowa DOT, and Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR) in November 2004 with comments accepted through March 15, 2005. The Draft EIS summarized the alternatives that were considered to address the transportation needs around Council Bluffs; identified reconstruction of all or part of the interstate, the “Construction Alternative,” as the Preferred Alternative; identified three system-level decisions that needed to be made at the Tier 1 level; and invited comment on the issues. The Final EIS (FHWA-IA- EIS-04-01F) further documented the Construction Alternative as the Preferred Alternative and identified the recommended decisions for the three system level decisions that needed to be made in Tier 1. This ROD defines the Selected Alternative determined in the Tier 1 studies.


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BackgroundNiemann-Pick disease type C (NP-C) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder of lysosomal cholesterol transport. The objective of this retrospective cohort study was to critically analyze the onset and time course of symptoms, and the clinical diagnostic work-up in the Swiss NP-C cohort.MethodsClinical, biochemical and genetic data were assessed for 14 patients derived from 9 families diagnosed with NP-C between 1994 and 2013. We retrospectively evaluated diagnostic delays and period prevalence rates for neurological, psychiatric and visceral symptoms associated with NP-C disease. The NP-C suspicion index was calculated for the time of neurological disease onset and the time of diagnosis.ResultsThe shortest median diagnostic delay was noted for vertical supranuclear gaze palsy (2y). Ataxia, dysarthria, dysphagia, spasticity, cataplexy, seizures and cognitive decline displayed similar median diagnostic delays (4¿5y). The longest median diagnostic delay was associated with hepatosplenomegaly (15y). Highest period prevalence rates were noted for ataxia, dysarthria, vertical supranuclear gaze palsy and cognitive decline. The NP-C suspicion index revealed a median score of 81 points in nine patients at the time of neurological disease onset which is highly suspicious for NP-C disease. At the time of diagnosis, the score increased to 206 points.ConclusionA neurologic-psychiatric disease pattern represents the most characteristic clinical manifestation of NP-C and occurs early in the disease course. Visceral manifestation such as isolated hepatosplenomegaly often fails recognition and thus highlights the importance of a work-up for lysosomal storage disorders. The NP-C suspicion index emphasizes the importance of a multisystem evaluation, but seems to be weak in monosymptomatic and infantile NP-C patients.


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The high molecular weight and low concentration of brain glycogen render its noninvasive quantification challenging. Therefore, the precision increase of the quantification by localized (13) C MR at 9.4 to 14.1 T was investigated. Signal-to-noise ratio increased by 66%, slightly offset by a T(1) increase of 332 ± 15 to 521 ± 34 ms. Isotopic enrichment after long-term (13) C administration was comparable (≈ 40%) as was the nominal linewidth of glycogen C1 (≈ 50 Hz). Among the factors that contributed to the 66% observed increase in signal-to-noise ratio, the T(1) relaxation time impacted the effective signal-to-noise ratio by only 10% at a repetition time = 1 s. The signal-to-noise ratio increase together with the larger spectral dispersion at 14.1 T resulted in a better defined baseline, which allowed for more accurate fitting. Quantified glycogen concentrations were 5.8 ± 0.9 mM at 9.4 T and 6.0 ± 0.4 mM at 14.1 T; the decreased standard deviation demonstrates the compounded effect of increased magnetization and improved baseline on the precision of glycogen quantification.


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Background Patients with cirrhosis in ChildPugh class C or those in class B who have persistent bleeding at endoscopy are at high risk for treatment failure and a poor prognosis, even if they have undergone rescue treatment with a transjugular intrahepatic porto - systemic shunt (TIPS). This study evaluated the earlier use of TIPS in such patients. Methods We randomly assigned, within 24 hours after admission, a total of 63 patients with cirrhosis and acute variceal bleeding who had been treated with vasoactive drugs plus endoscopic therapy to treatment with a polytetrafluoroethylene-covered stent within 72 hours after randomization (early-TIPS group, 32 patients) or continuation of vasoactive-drug therapy, followed after 3 to 5 days by treatment with propranolol or nadolol and long-term endoscopic band ligation (EBL), with insertion of a TIPS if needed as rescue therapy (pharmacotherapyEBL group, 31 patients). Results During a median follow-up of 16 months, rebleeding or failure to control bleeding occurred in 14 patients in the pharmacotherapyEBL group as compared with 1 patient in the early-TIPS group (P=0.001). The 1-year actuarial probability of remaining free of this composite end point was 50% in the pharmacotherapyEBL group versus 97% in the early-TIPS group (P<0.001). Sixteen patients died (12 in the pharmacotherapyEBL group and 4 in the early-TIPS group, P=0.01). The 1-year actuarial survival was 61% in the pharmacotherapyEBL group versus 86% in the early-TIPS group (P<0.001). Seven patients in the pharmacotherapyEBL group received TIPS as rescue therapy, but four died. The number of days in the intensive care unit and the percentage of time in the hospital during follow-up were significantly higher in the pharmacotherapyEBL group than in the early-TIPS group. No significant diferences were observed between the two treatment groups with respect to serious adverse events. Conclusions In these patients with cirrhosis who were hospitalized for acute variceal bleeding and at high risk for treatment failure, the early use of TIPS was associated with signif icant reductions in treatment failure and in mortality. (Current Controlled Trials number, ISRCTN58150114.)