959 resultados para Audiovisual Aids
HIV/AIDS is a treatable although incurable disease that presents immense challenges to those infected including physical, social and psychological effects. As of 2009, an estimated 2.4 million people were living with HIV or AIDS in India, 0.3% of the country's population. In India, it is difficult to not only treat but also to track because it is associated with socio-economic factors such as illiteracy, social biases, poor sanitation, malnutrition and social class. Nevertheless, it is important to know the prevalence of HIV/AIDS for several reasons. At the individual level, the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS is markedly lower than their counterparts without the disease and is associated with challenges. At the community level, it is important to identify high risk groups, monitor prevention efforts, and allocate appropriate resources to target programs for the reduction of transmission of HIV. ^
Background: HIV/AIDS has remained one of Nigeria's biggest health and social issues for decades. People aged between 10 and 24 are the most affected. Research into why this population subset is affected is very pertinent. We therefore conducted a systematic review of the Knowledge and Attitudes of young people in Nigeria about HIV/AIDS to understand where the gaps between knowledge and attitudes can be bridged. ^ Methods: We conducted searches in Medline, PubMed, African Index Medicus, Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health. WHO and UNAIDS documents were also searched. Other journals were hand searched. Searches were for studies between 1986 (when HIV/AIDS was first reported in Nigeria) till date. In addition, data abstraction and quality assessment were done. ^ Results: 279 titles and abstracts were found and 33 articles in full text were appraised critically and 17 articles were selected based on our criteria. This revealed a dearth of well conducted studies in the literature despite the enormity of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Constructs for Knowledge and attitudes were itemized on two tables for each article based on the Health Belief Model. Even though many of the studies showed high level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS, it did not impact attitudes about the disease. Also fear and anxiety prevented participants from acquiring knowledge. These recurring themes arguably were not limited to any region or area, background or group. ^ Conclusion: There is a need for future research to be culturally sensitive with a focus on attitudes and correction of misconceptions about HIV/AIDS among our youth.^
Grandparents, particularly, grandmothers in the African American community have historically provided needed care for their grandchildren (Crewe, 2003). Before there was a child welfare system that addressed the needs of African American children, there were grandmothers who served as the safety net for their biological, informally adopted grandchildren, and other minor relatives. They cared for grandchildren and others whose birth parents were unable or unwilling to care for them. For families of color, HIV/AIDS is an emerging issue that is contributing to the growing numbers of grandparent-headed households. And once again, many African American grandmothers have accepted the challenge of holding their families together. This article addresses the HIV/AIDS public health challenge in the African American community with specific focus on its impact on older grandparents responsible for raising children of infected biological parents. It advocates for a model that continues to strengthen the Children’s Bureau investment in kinship care through integrating the needs of children and their aging caregivers.
This dissertation focuses on factors of multimedia job aids that modify workload, protocol adherence and clinical errors in community health workers. Literature shows that community health workers performance is not acceptable even with support of paper job aids. There are cognitive theories that try to explain reasons why the performance of community health workers is poor regardless of the access to paper based-job aid. Based on cognitive science and multimedia design theories an intervention was designed to compare alternative representations for the information contained on paper job aids and the capability of this new designed job aids to enhance community health workers performance. The dissertation is divided in 5 main parts: 1. identification and description of the problem, 2. a methodological approach to create and evaluate an intervention, 3. Presentation of results of the intervention evaluation, 4. Discussion of findings and 5. Conclusions
Adherence to HIV/AIDS therapies has been an important health problem since the early 1980s when AZT was first prescribed as a therapy for HIV/AIDS. It became particularly important between 1995 and 1997 with the advent of protease inhibitors (Chesney, Ickovics, Hecht, Sikipa, & Rabkin J., 1999) and became even more significant as persons with HIV/AIDS began to develop resistance to medications. Low-literacy populations have poorer health (Brez & Taylor, 1997) and higher AIDS rates (Simon, Hu, Diaz, & Kerndt, 1995), than their higher literacy counterparts due to delayed treatment (Baker, Parker, Williams, Clark, & Nurss, 1997), shame of literacy skills (Parikh, 1996), and poor access to care (Williams, et al., 1995). Poorer health and higher AIDS rates can also be attributed to poor patient-provider relationships (Crespo-Fierro, 1997; Eldred, Wu, Chaisson, & Moore, 1998) to a poorer understanding of medical protocols (Murphy, 1997), and inadequate patient education (Ungvarski, 1997; Davis, Michielutte, Askov, Williams, & Weiss, 1998, Doak, Doak, & Root, 1996). ^ The ALP intervention was developed for HIV positive low-literacy populations of African American women in Houston, Texas. The intervention was based on a needs assessment, using the PRECEDE model, an innovative process referred to as Intervention Mapping, and validated using formative evaluation methods with 54 individuals. The needs assessment resulted in a list of behavioral, environmental, predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing determinants of adherence. The Intervention Mapping framework was used to refine these determinants and develop a list of objectives describing what must be learned or changed to for the target population to adhere to HIV/AIDS therapies. Methods and strategies, were developed using theoretical constructs from the Health Belief Model (Rosenstock, 1974) and Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura, 1986). These theories, empirical evidence, and information from the target population indicated that perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, outcome expectations, and self-efficacy were important and changeable determinants of adherence to HIV/AIDS therapies for this population. ^ These components were brought together in the form of a theory-based color cartoon book and 10-minute cassette tape. The book was developed for people with 2.9 years of U.S. education as measured with the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level method and the script was recorded onto a cassette tape to make it suitable for populations with even lower-literacy skills. A formative evaluation was conducted to ensure that the content and structure were accurate, clear, realistic, readable, appropriate, and likely to be used as intended. ^
El año 2009 significó para Argentina un momento de discusiones que provocaron interpelaciones al sistema democrático. Después 26 años de recuperada la democracia, el Estado modificó la dictatorial legislación que regula los servicios de comunicación audiovisuales. Esto implica una ampliación de la democratización del sistema de medios, tanto en las voces presentes, como en los autorizados para su uso y explotación. Esta nueva legislación permite que más y diversos sujetos puedan hacer uso de su derecho a comunicar y obliga a los oligopolios de la comunicación a ceder parte de sus licencias, de ahí las presiones económicas para frenar la nueva norma.
En base al modelo teórico metodológico de la intencionalidad editorial, que sostiene que el periodismo es objetivo (en tanto remite a fuentes), y parcial (toma de posición), analizamos la cobertura realizada por los diarios Los Andes y UNO sobre la Ley de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual. La hipótesis fue que los diarios locales construyeron, a través de piezas periodísticas, un sentido común que respondió a sus intereses corporativos en detrimento del derecho humano a la comunicación. El análisis consistió en un observatorio de medios que combinó metodología cuantitativa y cualitativa, desde el 27 de agosto al 11 de octubre de 2009.
En el presente estudio se buscó indagar a los referentes del sector audiovisual que generan producciones de contenido social y/o político, por medio de entrevistas semi-estructuradas sobre la concepción de su propia práctica, la concepción teórica, el significado político de su producción y la articulación con movimientos sociales.
La investigación se enmarca en la perspectiva de estudios sobre la producción de cine y video comunitario, que surgen en el contexto de la democratización político-cultural que vivió América Latina en los años ochenta. Esta producción se ha articulado, desde entonces, con importantes cambios tecnológicos en las formas socio-productivas y con nuevas políticas de comunicación La difusión de las TIC y el abaratamiento de los costos de los equipos desde los años 80? posibilitaron el acceso de mayores sectores de la población al manejo, cada vez más amplio, de herramientas audiovisuales. Esos avances cobran un nuevo impulso en la actualidad con políticas como la Ley de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual y otras de similares características en países de la región, inspiradas en concepciones más participativas. El objeto de estudio de esta investigación es la producción de cine y video comunitario que desarrollan organizaciones socioculturales en la zona noroeste del Conurbano Bonaerense. Con ese propósito, se realizaron entrevistas a diversas entidades que fomentan la inclusión de jóvenes a través de la participación en producciones audiovisuales de carácter educativo y cultural. En esas entrevistas nos interesó indagar no sólo las características de los proyectos, las modalidades de difusión y las capacidades en términos de sus recursos humanos y tecnológicos, sino también ahondar en las características que poseen las propias organizaciones, su historia y el tipo de vínculo que establecen con la comunidad de referencia y con el Estado
O artigo tem como objeto de análise a adaptaçao da obra brasileira A Muralha, de Dinah Silveira de Queiroz. Encomendada à autora em homenagem ao IV Centenário da fundaçao da cidade de Sao Paulo (Brasil), a obra relata a violência vivida pelos primeiros habitantes da vila de Sao Paulo de Piratininga, no fim do século XVII. Romance histórico clássico, a obra é transposta para o meio audiovisual em comemoraçao aos 500 anos do Brasil, em 2000, com autoria de Maria Adelaide Amaral e direçao geral de Denise Saraceni e Carlos Araújo. Devido à extensao da minissérie - 49 capítulos -, foi escolhido para análise apenas o primeiro episódio, colocado em comparaçao ao início do primeiro capítulo do livro. Como embasamento teórico, o trabalho apóia-se nos fundamentos da literatura comparada e na teoria da adaptaçao desenvolvida por Robert Stam, da qual se optou pelos aspectos ligados às modificaçoes e permutas da história, personagens e contexto.
Mucho se ha hablado ya de la mediatización de las sociedades y de la importancia de la televisión en dicho proceso. Su especificidad técnica -la transmisión en vivo y en directo- posibilitó un nuevo y potente tratamiento de la realidad, a partir del cual adquirió relevancia el discurso de la información. En Argentina, los programas informativos El Reporter Esso y Telenoche, surgidos en 1963 y 1966 respectivamente, suelen considerarse productos innovadores en el campo periodístico. Sin embargo, sus propuestas tanto temáticas como estéticas guardan similitudes significativas con las producciones del noticiario cinematográfico que desde fines de la década del treinta se proyectaba en las salas de cine de todo el país. Este trabajo investiga las mixturas entre el noticiario cinematográfico y el televisivo, pensándolos como producciones situadas dentro de un campo de prácticas audiovisuales, dentro del cual se suponen en tanto horizonte de sentido. Tomando como casos dos emisiones de Telenoche (de julio de 1966) y una de El Reporter Esso (marzo de 1963), se efectúa un análisis de contenido y de las condiciones de producción, a partir de la visualización de los materiales y de la realización de entrevistas a dos participantes de los programas