905 resultados para Argentine military dictatorship 1976-1983


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CLADP is an engineering software program developed at Cambridge University for the interactive computer aided design of feedback control systems. CLADP contains a wide range of tools for the analysis of complex systems, and the assessment of their performance when feedback control is applied, thus enabling control systems to be designed to meet difficult performance objectives. The range of tools within CLADP include the latest techniques in the field whose central theme is the extension of classical frequency domain concepts (well known and well proven for single loop systems) to multivariable or multiloop systems, and by making extensive use of graphical presentation information is provided in a readily understood form.


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The Annual report covers Research work of the Organization carried out during the period 1975. Its explains the following research work: Haplochromis Studies, Electrophoresis,The Ecology of Haplochromis in the northern waters of Lake Victoria Limnology, Aquatic Pollution and Biochemical Studies The Biology of Synodontis in Lake Victoria Riverine Fisheries, Inshore Fishery of the Kenyan-Waters of Lake Victoria Biostatistics, the Inshore Fisheries of the Western part of Lake Victoria, The Offshore Fisheries of Kenyan Waters of Lake Victoria Lake Mobutu Sese Seko: Stock Assessment and Ecological Studies Fishery Economics, The Biology of Bagrus docmac in Lake Victoria Fishery Resource Surveys of Lake Wamala and Kijanebalola


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The fishing industry on Lake Victoria continued to provide a wide spectrum of activities to a variety of people principally the fishermen and the fish mongers, boat builders,fishnets and associated equipment manufacturer transporters on land and water and finally the consumers of the end product the fish. Though there were such varied activities in the industry the year under review, as in previous other recent years, was difficult one being, characterized by continued shortages of fishing gear and accessories, spare parts for the outboard engines, timber for boat building, nails, paints and generally high prices of those items when ever found. Thus this total sum the activities of the fishing industry on Lake victoria was rather slack as compared to those of precious year.


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Results of the first frame survey of the fishing centres on the Mozambican coast of Lake Niassa, held in June 1983, are presented. A total of 41 fishing centres were detected in the area and visited. Through direct enquiries in each centre, an estimated number of 3,380 fishermen and 1,230 fishing boats (of which 25 motorized) was established. The results also provided information on the types and quantities of fishing gear used. A first estimation of the approximate total annual catch in the area gave a figure in the order of 9,100 tons., of which approximately equals 90% is landed during the rainy season. The survey is a part of a research programme on the fishing resources of Lake Niassa and of a project for the collection and organization of fisheries statistics from the artisanal fisheries of the Mozambican side of Lake Niassa.


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<正> 早在1878年就有关于有毒蓝藻使动物中毒的报道。廿世纪以来,产毒藻类引起人、畜中毒的事件在世界许多国家和地区均有发生。如1916年,在美国佛罗里达西海岸,许多人曾因甲藻中毒而出现呼吸系统的病状;由于供水系统中的藻类毒素引起人们消化道疾病的事例为数不少,Lippy和Erb 1976年报道的一起肠道疾病的暴发流行即是与水库中的一种丝状蓝藻——裂须藻的大量生长有关,毒性藻华造成鱼类和其它动物中毒和死亡,在经济上带来损失的事例不胜枚举。仅美国Storm湖因水华鱼腥藻毒性藻华使大量禽类及松鼠、狗、猫等动物中


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