999 resultados para Archael_amoA, standard deviation


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This work uses a monitoring system based on a PC platform, where the acoustic emission and electric power signals generated during the grinding process are used to investigate superficial burning occurrence in a surface grinding operation using two types of steel, three grinding conditions and an Al203 vitrified grinding wheel. Acoustic emission signals on the workpiece and grinding power were measured during a surface plunge operation until the grinding burn happened. From the results the standard deviation of the acoustic emission signal and the maximum electric power were calculated for each grinding pass. The proposed DPO parameter is the product between the power level and acoustic emission standard deviation. The results show that both signals can be used for burning detection, and the parameter DPO is the best indicator for the burning studied in this work. This can be explained by the high dispersion of the acoustic emission RMS level associated to the high power consumption when the grinding wheel lose its sharpness.


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A flow-injection system with a Chelite-S® cationic resin packed minicolumn is proposed for the determination of trace levels of mercury in agroindustrial samples by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry. Improved sensitivity and selectivity are attained since mercuric ions are on-line concentrated whereas other potential interferents are discarded. With on-line reductive elution procedure, concentrated hydrochloric acid could be replaced by 10% w/v SnCl2, in 6 M HCl as eluent. The reversed-intermittent stream either carries the atomic mercury, to the flow cell in the forward direction or removes the residue from reactor/gas liquid separator to a discarding flask in the opposite direction. Concentration and volume of reagent, acidity, flow rates, commutation times and potential interfering species were investigated. For 120 s preconcentration time, the proposed system handles about 25 samples h-1 (50.0 500 ng l-1), consuming about 10 ml sample and 5 mg SnCl2 per determination. The detection limit is 0.8 ng l-1 and the relative standard deviation (RSD) (n = 12) of a 76.7 ng l-1 sample is about 5%. Results are in agreement with certified value of standard materials at 95% confidence level and good recoveries (97-128%) of spiked samples were found. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.


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The crystal structure of the Aurivillius compound Bi2BaTa2O9 prepared via the chemical route was determined by direct methods using EXPO97, and refined using the Rietveld method with conventional X-ray diffraction data. The structure was found to be tetragonal (space group I4/mmm, number 139) and Z = 2, isomorphic of the Bi2BaNb2O9 reported by Blake and co-workers in the literature (1997). Two refinements were performed using the two asymmetry functions of DBWS-9807 (release 20/May/99). The unit cell for each case are: a = 3.932 22(6) Å, c = 25.5053(6) Å (RA) and a = 3.93250(7) Å, c = 25.5069(6) Å (RCF). The differences for atom positions, interatomic distances and angles are in the range of one standard deviation. Final agreements factors are: Rwp = 7.97%, S = 1.84, RBragg = 4.28%(RA), Rwp = 7.98%, S = 1.84, RBragg = 4.30% (RCF). The occupancies of Ba and Bi in site 2b were refined but constrained to have their summation equal to 1.00. The same constraints were applied to the Ba and Bi of the 4e site. The results show that on site 2b there are 70% of Ba and 30% of Bi and on the site 4e there are 82% of Bi and 18% of Ba. The charge equilibrium is maintained for one standard deviation of the site occupancies. © 2000 International Centre for Diffraction Data.


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In the present study changes in nuclear area and chromatin distribution in the Malpighian tubules of a blood-feeding insect, the vector of Chagas' disease were analysed. Male and female adult insects were dissected, after a starving period of up to 28 days. The Malpighian tubules were fixed and stained by orcein lacto-acetic. The nuclei were analyzed by photomicrography, karyometry and a statistical analysis was performed. It was observed that with the increase of the starvation period there were alterations in the nuclear phenotype, that is, changes in the nuclear area and chromatin extenuation. In males, starting from the second week of starvation, chromatin extenuation was accentuated, and the beginning of nuclear coalition occurred more frequently in the third and fourth starvation weeks. In females, the accentuated chromatin extenuation was observed after the third starvation week, and irregularities in nuclear borders were more frequent. The descriptive statistical analysis of the male and temale nuclear areas revealed that the nuclear areas continued to increase during starvation reaching highest values in the third week. Another outstanding aspect is that in the third starvation week karyometry presented larger heterogeneity with higher standard deviation values for both genders. Therefore, nuclear alterations related to the distribution and extenuation chromatin and increase in nuclear area were observed. These aspects suggest the presence of nuclear metabolic mechanisms that lead to synthesis of specific proteins necessary for the protection and maintenance of the cell during physiologic stress.


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A rapid and efficient method is described for the determination of thiabendazole and imazalil residues in lemons (peel and pulp). The procedure is based on the extraction with an hexane:ethyl acetate mixture (1:1, v/v) and gas chromatographic analysis using thermionic specific detection (TSD). The possibility of matrix effect was also studied. Mean recoveries from 8 replicates of fortified samples ranged from 79% to 109%, with relative standard deviation values between 2.4% to 12.8%. The detection and quantification limits of the method were 0.2 mg kg-1 and 0.5 mg kg-1, respectively.


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Objective. The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the interaction between two sources of fluoride (restorative systems and dentifrices) in inhibiting artificial root caries development. Methods. One hundred and eighty tooth segments were embedded in polyester resin, and sanded flat. Cylindrical cavities 1.0 mm-deep and 1.5 mm-diameter were prepared in root dentin and randomly restored by fluoride-containing restorative systems: Ketac-fil/Espe (Ke), Fuji II LC/GC Corp (Fj), F2000/3M (F2), Surefil/Dentsply (Su) or a control: Filtek Z250/3M (Z2). Ten experimental groups were made to test the association among the five restorative systems and two dentifrices: with F - (Sensodyne Baking Soda) or without F- (Sensodyne Original) (n = 18). After surface polishing, a 1 mm-wide margin around the restorations was demarcated and initial dentin surface Knoop microhardness values (KHNi) were obtained. The specimens were submitted to a pH-cycling model, and to applications of slurries of dentifrice. Afterwards the final dentin surface Knoop microhardness values (KHNf) were measured. Results. The differences between KHNi and KHNf, and the covariate KHNi were considered by the ANCOVA and Tukey's test (α = 0.05). The interaction between restorative system and dentifrice was statistically significant (p = 0.0026). All restorative systems provided some protection against artificial caries challenge when associated with the fluoride-containing dentifrice treatment. The means (standard deviation) of reductions in Knoop hardness values for systems associated with the fluoride-containing dentifrice were: Ke: 40.0(1.02)a, Fj: 41.9(1.02)b, F2: 43.3(1.04)c, Su: 43.5(1.00)c, Z2: 44.0(1.02)c; and with the non-fluoride-containing dentifrice were: Ke: 42.9(1.02)a, Fj: 44.7(1.01)b, F2: 45.2(1.09)bc, Su: 46.0(0.99)c, Z2: 46.6(0.99)c (statistical differences were expressed by different letters). Conclusion. The cariostatic effect shown by the fluoride-containing dentifrice could enhance that shown by Ketac-fil and Fuji II LC, and could mask that shown by F2000. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fruits have been considered an important feeding resource used not only by frugivorous birds, but also by omnivore and some insectivore species. In the present paper we are reporting the behavior of birds consuming fruits of Davilla rugosa (Dilleniaceae). Handling behavior and visits frequency were analyzed in order to infer about the potential ornithochoric seed dispersal. Focal observations were carried out from October to December 1999 in a cerrado fragment located in São Paulo State, Southeastern Brazil (21°58′S, 47°52′W). In 60 h of field work we recorded 241 visits of 13 passerine bird species consuming the fruits. The mean number of visits per hour and the standard deviation were 4.01 ± 4.88. All of the species were considered potential seed dispersers, since no pulp mashers or seed predators were observed. No temporal difference in visit frequency was found when all of the species were analyzed together or when they were individually considered. Generalist species were responsible for 68.5% of the visits, followed by frugivorous (22.82%) and insectivorous (8.71%). The main potential seed dispersers were Elaenia spp. (Tyrannidae), Tangara cayana (Emberizidae), Empidonomus varius (Tyrannidae), Turdus leucomelas (Muscicapidae) and Vireo chivi (Vireonidae). The high visit frequency observed suggests that D. rugosa fruits may be an important feeding resource for birds in the cerrado ecosystem, in the manner that this plant can be considered in management plans which intent to maintain or rescue bird communities.


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A flow-injection system with a glassy carbon disk electrode modified with Prussian Blue film is proposed for the determination of persulfate in commercial samples of hair bleaching boosters by amperometry. The detection was obtained by chronoamperometric technique and the sample is injected into the electrochemical cell in a wall jet configuration. Potassium chloride at concentration of 0.1 mol L-1 acted as sample carrier at a flow rate of 4.0 mL min-1 and supporting-electrolyte. For 0.025 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) applied voltage, the proposed system handles ca. 160 samples per hour (1.0 10-4 - 1.0 10-3 mol L-1 of persulfate), consuming about 200 μL sample and 11 mg KCl per determination. Typical linear correlations between electrocatalytic current and persulfate concentration was ca. 0.9998. The detection limit is 9.0 10-5 mol L-1 and the calculated amperometric sensibility 3.6 103 μA L mol -1. Relative standard deviation (n =12) of a 1.0 10-4 mol L-1 sample is about 2.2%. The method was applied to persulfate determination in commercial hair-bleaching samples and results are in agreement with those obtained by titrimetry at 95% confidence level and good recoveries (95 - 112%) of spiked samples were found. © 2003 by MDPI.


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Heterogeneity of variances for milk yield (MY) was determined for Brazilian and Colombian herds. The herds were grouped as high or low variability within each country, using as criterion the phenotypic standard deviation (PSD) of MY in the contemporary groups of cows, from the first to the sixth calving. Brazilian and Colombian herds with PSD greater than 1,168 kg or 1,012 kg, respectively, were classified as high variability while the herd groups with values lower than those were classified as low variability. The genetic parameters for MY within each herd group were estimated using bivariate analysis in an animal model and the restricted maximum likelihood method with a derivative free algorithm, using 72,280 first lactations of cows, daughters of 1,880 sires. Heterogeneous variances were found, and Brazilian herds with high PSD had the greatest additive and residual genetic variances and heritability coefficients for MY. MY genetic correlation coefficients between herds of high and low variability within each country were 0.96 and 0.93 while between countries they varied from 0.72 to 0.81, suggesting that there was a reclassification of animals in the two countries and also heterogeneity of variances. This phenomenon leads to the questioning of the strategy of imported semen usage and the need to do genetic evaluations to identify sires with greater genetic potential for (sub) tropical environmental conditions.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of 2 different doses of exogenous surfactant on pulmonary mechanics and on the regularity of pulmonary parenchyma inflation in newborn rabbits. METHOD: Newborn rabbits were submitted to tracheostomy and randomized into 4 study groups: the Control group did not receive any material inside the trachea; the MEC group was instilled with meconium, without surfactant treatment; the S100 and S200 groups were instilled with meconium and were treated with 100 and 200 mg/kg of exogenous surfactant (produced by Instituto Butantan) respectively. Animals from the 4 groups were mechanically ventilated during a 25-minute period. Dynamic compliance, ventilatory pressure, tidal volume, and maximum lung volume (P-V curve) were evaluated. Histological analysis was conducted using the mean linear intercept (Lm), and the lung tissue distortion index (SDI) was derived from the standard deviation of the means of the Lm. One-way analysis of variance was used with a = 0.05. RESULTS: After 25 minutes of ventilation, dynamic compliance (mL/cm H2O.kg) was 0.87 +/- 0.07 (Control); 0.49 +/- 0.04 (MEC*); 0.67 +/- 0.06 (S100); and 0.67 +/- 0.08 (S200), and ventilatory pressure (cm H2O) was 9.0 +/- 0.9 (Control); 16.5 +/- 1.7 (MEC*); 12.4 +/- 1.1 (S100); and 12.1 +/- 1.5 (S200). Both treated groups had lower Lm values and more homogeneity in the lung parenchyma compared to the MEC group: SDI = 7.5 +/- 1.9 (Control); 11.3 +/- 2.5 (MEC*), 5.8 +/- 1.9 (S100); and 6.7 +/- 1.7 (S200) (*P < 0.05 versus all the other groups). CONCLUSIONS: Animals treated with surfactant showed significant improvement in pulmonary mechanics and more regularity of the lung parenchyma in comparison to untreated animals. There was no difference in results after treatment with either of the doses used.


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A calibration method was developed using flow injection analysis (FI) with a Gradient Calibration Method (GCM). The method allows the rapid determination of zinc In foods (approximately 30 min) after treatment with concentrated sulphuric acid and 30% hydrogen peroxide, and analysis with flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). The method provides analytical results with a relative standard deviation of about 2% and requires less time than by conventional FI calibration. The electronic selection of different segments along the gradient and monitoring of the technique covers wide concentration ranges while maintaining the inherent high precision of flow injection analysis. Concentrations, flow rates, and flow times of the reagents were optimized in order to obtain best accuracy and precision. Flow rates of 10 mL/min were selected for zinc. In addition, the system enables electronic dilution and calibration where a multipoint curve can be constructed using a single sample injection.


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Objective: To verify the behavior of the mineral bone content and density in male adolescents according to age and secondary sexual characters. Methods: 47 healthy adolescents between 10 and 19 years old were assessed according to weight, height, body mass index, puberty stage, calcium intake, bone mineral density and content in the lumbar spine and in the proximal femur. The bone mass was measured through bone densitometries. The intake of calcium was calculated through a 3-day diet. The BMI (body mass index) was calculated with the Quetelet Index and the puberty stage was defined according to Tanner's criteria. The analysis used descriptive statistics such as average and standard deviation, and variance estimates to compare the different age groups. Moreover, the Tukey test was used to determine the significant differences. Results: It was evident that the calcium intake in the different ages assessed has not reached the minimum value of 800 mg. The bone mineral density and content showed an increase after the age of 14, as well as when the teenagers reached the sexual maturation stage G4. The mineralization parameters showed a high level when the teenagers were in the G3 stage, however, without statistical significance. Conclusion: The results indicate an important level of bone mineralization during adolescence. Maturation levels superior to G3 have shown more mineralization. This study proves that the critical years for bone mass gain start after the 14-15 years old or older. Copyright © 2004 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.


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Purpose: The objective of this study was to test the following hypothesis: the silica coating on ceramic surface increases the bond strength of resin cement to a ceramic. Materials and Methods: In-Ceram Alumina blocks were made and the ceramic surface was treated: G1 - sandblasting with 110-μm aluminum oxide particles; G2 - Rocatec System: tribochemicai silica coating (Rocatec-Pre powder + Rocatec-Plus powder + Rocatec-Sil); G3 - CoJet System: silica coating (CoJet-Sand) + ESPE-Sil. The ceramic blocks were cemented to composite blocks with Panavia F resin cement (under a load of 750 g/1 min). The cemented blocks were stored in distilled water at 37°C for 7 days and sectioned along the x and y axes with a diamond disk. Samples with an adhesive area of ca 0.8 mm 2 (n = 45) were obtained. The samples were attached to an adapted device for the microtensile test, which was performed in a universal testing machine (EMIC) at a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min. Results: The obtained results were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test. Mean values of tensile strength (MPa) and standard deviation values were: (G1) 16.8 ± 3.2; (G2) 30.6 ± 4.5; (G3) 33.0 ± 5.0. G2 and 63 presented greater tensile strength than G1. There was no significant difference between G2 and G3. All the failures took place at the ceramic/resin cement interface. Conclusion: The silica coating (Rocatec or CoJet systems) of the ceramic surface increased the bond strength between the Panavia F resin cement and alumina-based ceramic.


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Flutamide is a potent antiandrogen used for the treatment of prostatic cancer. A simple, sensitive and accurate high-performance liquid Chromatographic (HPLC) method is presented for quantitative determination of flutamide in tablets, using a reversed-phase technique and UV detection at 240 nm. The isocratic elution was used to quantify the analyte. The samples were chromatographed on Luna-C18 column and the mobile phase was 0.05 M phosphate buffer pH 4.0 - acetonitrile (50:50, v/v). The method was linear between 2.9 - 11.6 mg L -1. Over the tested concentration range the intra-day relative standard deviation for replicate analysis in tablets ranged from 0.44 to 0.78%. It was also found that the excipients in the commercial tablets did not interfere with the method.


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Purpose: To detect normal values of red phenol thread test in the Brazilian population and compare it between different races, age and sex. Methods: 280 white individuals (560 eyes) and 280 non-white individuals (560 eyes) were analyzed regarding sex and age, and analyzed using the Phenol Red test. Individuals with ocular diseases, contact lens or ocular drug users were excluded from this study. Results: Of the 1,120 evaluated eyes, the mean ± standard deviation result was 19,77±7,90 mm. Conclusion: The mean result found in this study was an intermediate value compared to the previously studied populations (Japanese and American).