979 resultados para Antigenic typing


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Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq/Brazil)


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This study reports an uncommon epizootic outbreak of Bacillus cereus that caused the sudden death of 12 psittacines belonging to the species Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus (1 individual), Diopsittaca nobilis (1 individual), Ara severe (1 individual) and Ara ararauna (9 individuals) in a Brazilian zoo. Post-mortem examination of the animals reveled extensive areas of lung hemorrhage, hepatic congestion, hemorrhagic enteritis and cardiac congestion. Histopathological examination of the organs showed the presence of multiple foci of vegetative cells of Gram-positive bacilli associated with discrete and moderate mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltrate. Seventeen B. cereus strains isolated from blood and sterile organs of nine A. ararauna were analyzed in order to investigate the genetic diversity (assessed by Rep-PCR) and toxigenic profiles (presence of hblA, hblC and hblD; nheA, nheB and nheC as well as cytK, ces and entFM genes) of such strains. Amplification of genomic DNA by Rep-PCR of B. cereus strains generated two closely related profiles (Rep-PCR types A and B) with three bands of difference. All strains were classified as belonging to the toxigenic profile I which contained HBL and NHE gene complexes, entFM and cytK genes. Altogether, microbiological and histopathological findings and the evidence provided by the success of the antibiotic prophylaxis, corroborate that B. cereus was the causative agent of the infection that killed the birds. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The regulation of variant gene expression in Plasmodium falciparum is still only partially understood. Regulation of var genes, the most studied gene family involved in antigenic variation, is orchestrated by a dynamic pattern of inherited chromatin states. Although recent evidence pointed to epigenetic regulation of transcribed and repressed rif loci, little is known about specific on/off associated histone modifications of individual rif genes. To investigate the chromatin marks for transcribed and repressed rif loci, we cultivated parasites and evaluated the transcriptional status of chosen rif targets by qRT-PCR and performed ChIP assays using H3K9ac and H3K9me3 antibodies. We then monitored changes in the epigenetic patterns in parasites after several reinvasions and also evaluated the "poised'' mark in trophozoites and schizonts of the same erythrocytic cycle by ChIP using H3K4me2 specific antibodies. Our results show that H3K9 is acetylated in transcribed rif loci and trimethylated or even unmodified in repressed rif loci. These transcriptional and epigenetic states are inherited after several reinvasions. The poised modification H3K4me2 showed a tendency to be more present in loci in trophozoites that upon progression to schizonts strongly transcribe the respective locus. However, this effect was not consistently observed for all monitored loci. While our data show important similarities to var transcription-associated chromatin modifications, the observed swiftly occurring modifications at rif loci and the absence of H3K9 modification point to a different dynamic of recruitment of chromatin modifying enzymes.


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Leishmania (Viannia) shawi was characterized only recently, and few studies concerning the immunogenic and protective properties of its antigens have been performed. The present study aimed to evaluate the protective potential of the five antigenic fractions isolated from L. (V.) shawi promastigotes in experimental cutaneous leishmaniasis. Soluble antigen from L. (V.) shawi promastigotes was submitted to reverse phase HPLC to purify F1, F2, F3, F4 and F5 antigens. BALB/c mice were immunized once a week for two consecutive weeks by subcutaneous routes in the rump, using 25 mu g protein. After 1 week, groups were challenged in the footpad with L. (V.) shawi promastigotes. After 8 weeks, those same mice were sacrificed and parasite burden as well as the cellular and humoral immune responses were evaluated. F1 and F5-immunized mice restrained lesion progression and parasite load in the skin. However, only the F1 group was able to control the parasitism in lymph nodes, which was associated with low IL-4 and high IFN-gamma production; IgG2a isotype was increased in this group. Immunizations with F2, F3 and F4 antigens did not protect mice. The capability of antigens to restrain IL-4 levels and increase IFN-gamma was associated with protection, such as in immunization using F1 antigen.


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Background: Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) is one of the major etiologic agents of respiratory tract infections among children worldwide. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here through a comprehensive analysis of the two major HRSV groups A and B (n = 1983) which comprise of several genotypes, we present a complex pattern of population dynamics of HRSV over a time period of 50 years (1956-2006). Circulation pattern of HRSV revealed a series of expansions and fluctuations of co-circulating lineages with a predominance of HRSVA. Positively selected amino acid substitutions of the G glycoprotein occurred upon population growth of GB3 with a 60-nucleotide insertion (GB3 Insert), while other genotypes acquired substitutions upon both population growth and decrease, thus possibly reflecting a role for immune selected epitopes in linkage to the traced substitution sites that may have important relevance for vaccine design. Analysis evidenced the co-circulation and predominance of distinct HRSV genotypes in Brazil and suggested a year-round presence of the virus. In Brazil, GA2 and GA5 were the main culprits of HRSV outbreaks until recently, when the GB3 Insert became highly prevalent. Using Bayesian methods, we determined the dispersal patterns of genotypes through several inferred migratory routes. Conclusions/Significance: Genotypes spread across continents and between neighboring areas. Crucially, genotypes also remained at any given region for extended periods, independent of seasonal outbreaks possibly maintained by re-infecting the general population.


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Laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma is one of the most common malignant neoplasms of the head and neck. In Brazil, laryngeal tumors represent 2% of all cancers and are associated with approximately 3,000 deaths annually. Human papillomavirus (HPV) has been reported to play an important role in the etiology of laryngeal cancer. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the expression of p53, p27, and Mdm2 in laryngeal carcinomas. Sixty-three larynx biopsies were selected for the study, including 9 in situ laryngeal carcinomas, 27 laryngeal carcinomas without metastasis and 27 laryngeal carcinomas with metastasis. Twenty-seven cervical lymph nodes from patients with metastatic lesions were also evaluated. The expression levels of p53, p27, and Mdm2 were assessed by immunohistochemistry using a computer-assisted system. HPV detection and typing were performed using PCR, and the HPV types that were evaluated included HPV 6, 11, 16, 18, 31 and 33. Out of 63 patients, 53 (84.1%) were positive for beta-globin (internal control), and 10 (15.9%) were beta-globin negative and therefore excluded from the evaluation. Thus, 7 (13.2%) out of 53 patients were HPV positive, and 46 (86.8%) out of 53 patients were HPV negative. Statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) in Mdm2 expression levels were observed in the in situ laryngeal carcinoma samples compared with the laryngeal carcinoma samples with metastasis. No statistically significant differences (p > 0.05) in either p53 or p27 expression levels were detected. These findings suggest that Mdm2 may be associated with the invasiveness and aggressiveness of laryngeal carcinomas.


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This epidemiological study was conducted using antigenic and genetic characterisation of rabies virus isolates obtained from different animal species in the southeast of Brazil from 1993 to 2007. An alteration in the epidemiological profile was observed. One hundred two samples were tested using a panel of eight monoclonal antibodies, and 94 were genetically characterised by sequencing the nucleoprotein gene. From 1993 to 1997, antigenic variant 2 (AgV-2), related to a rabies virus maintained in dog populations, was responsible for rabies cases in dogs, cats, cattle and horses. Antigenic variant 3 (AgV-3), associated with Desmodus rotundus, was detected in a few cattle samples from rural areas. From 1998 to 2007, rabies virus was detected in bats and urban pets, and four distinct variants were identified. A nucleotide similarity analysis resulted in two primary groups comprising the dog and bat antigenic variants and showing the distinct endemic cycles maintained in the different animal species in this region.


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We describe an outbreak investigation of Pantoea agglomerans bacteraemia associated with anticoagulant citrate-dextrose 46% (ACD) solution prepared in-house. A healthy man presented with septic shock during plasmapheresis for granulocyte donation. The solution used for priming and blood samples were sent for culture. Identification of the isolate to species level was performed by gyrB sequencing. Typing was performed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). In total, eight cases were identified during a three-week period. P. agglomerans was also cultured from six ACD solution bags. Isolates from patients and ACD bags were identical by PFGE. All isolates were susceptible to ampicillin, cephazolin, gentamicin, ciprofloxacin, cefepime and imipenem. (C) 2011 The Healthcare Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: T. cruzi strains have been divided into six discrete typing units (DTUs) according to their genetic background. These groups are designated T. cruzi I to VI. In this context, amastigotes from G strain (T. cruzi I) are highly infective in vitro and show no parasitemia in vivo. Here we aimed to understand why amastigotes from G strain are highly infective in vitro and do not contribute for a patent in vivo infection. Methodology/Principal Findings: Our in vitro studies demonstrated the first evidence that IFN-gamma would be associated to the low virulence of G strain in vivo. After intraperitoneal amastigotes inoculation in wild-type and knockout mice for TNF-alpha, Nod2, Myd88, iNOS, IL-12p40, IL-18, CD4, CD8 and IFN-gamma we found that the latter is crucial for controlling infection by G strain amastigotes. Conclusions/Significance: Our results showed that amastigotes from G strain are highly infective in vitro but did not contribute for a patent infection in vivo due to its susceptibility to IFN-gamma production by host immune cells. These data are useful to understand the mechanisms underlying the contrasting behavior of different T. cruzi groups for in vitro and in vivo infection.


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A study was designed to investigate the molecular epidemiology of extended-spectrum -lactamase (ESBL)-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated in a centralized region over a 10 year period (200009). Molecular characterization was done using isoelectric focusing, PCR and sequencing for bla(CTX-M), bla(TEM) and bla(SHV) genes and plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance determinants. Genetic relatedness was determined with PFGE using XbaI and multilocus sequencing typing. A total of 89 patients with incident infections were identified; the majority presented with hospital-onset urinary tract infections. The absolute number of ESBL-producing isolates remained very low until 2003, increased slightly in 2004, remained stable until 2008 and then in 2009 there was an abrupt increase in the numbers of ESBL producers identified. The majority of K. pneumoniae produced CTX-M-14 and -15, and have replaced SHV-12-producing isolates since 2005. We identified four different major sequence types (STs) among 32 of isolates (i.e. ST17, ST20, and the new ST573 and ST575) and provided insight into their clinical and molecular characteristics. The ST isolates were more likely to produce community-onset infections, were associated with bla(CTX-M) and emerged during the latter part of the study period. ST17 produced CTX-M-15 and SHV-12, and was more likely to be positive for qnrB; ST20 produced CTX-M-14 and was positive for qnrS. The multiresistant ST575 that produced CTX-M-15 appeared in 2009. Our study highlights the importance of molecular epidemiology in providing insight into the emergence, characteristics and distribution of STs among ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae.


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The global emergence of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VREfm) has been characterized by a clonal spread of strains belonging to clonal complex 17 (CC17). Genetic features and clonal relationships of 53 VREfm isolated from patients in 2 hospitals in Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil, during 2005-2010 were determined as a contribution to the Brazilian evolutionary history of these nosocomial pathogens. All isolates were daptomycin susceptible, vancomycin-resistant, and had the vanA gene. The predominant virulence genes were acm and esp. Only 5 VREfm isolated in 2005-2006 had intact Tn1546, while 81% showed Tn1546 with deleted left extremity and insertion of IS1251 between the vanS and vanH genes. Multilocus sequence typing analysis permitted the identification of 9 different sequence types (STs), with 5 being new ones (656, 657, 658, 659, and 660). Predominant STs were ST412 and ST478, all belonging to CC17, except ST658. This is the first report of the ST78 in Brazil. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Background Despite the extensive polymorphism at the merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-1) locus of Plasmodium falciparum, that encodes a major repetitive malaria vaccine candidate antigen, identical and nearly identical alleles frequently occur in sympatric parasites. Here we used microsatellite haplotyping to estimate the genetic distance between isolates carrying identical and nearly identical MSP-1 alleles. Methods We analyzed 28 isolates from hypoendemic areas in north-western Brazil, collected between 1985 and 1998, and 23 isolates obtained in mesoendemic southern Vietnam in 1996. MSP-1 alleles were characterized by combining PCR typing with allele-specific primers and partial DNA sequencing. The following single-copy microsatellite markers were typed : Polyα, TA42 (only for Brazilian samples), TA81, TA1, TA87, TA109 (only for Brazilian samples), 2490, ARAII, PfG377, PfPK2, and TA60. Results The low pair-wise average genetic distance between microsatellite haplotypes of isolates sharing identical MSP-1 alleles indicates that epidemic propagation of discrete parasite clones originated most identical MSP-1 alleles in parasite populations from Brazil and Vietnam. At least one epidemic clone propagating in Brazil remained relatively unchanged over more than one decade. Moreover, we found no evidence that rearrangements of MSP-1 repeats, putatively created by mitotic recombination events, generated new alleles within clonal lineages of parasites in either country. Conclusion Identical MSP-1 alleles originated from co-ancestry in both populations, whereas nearly identical MSP-1 alleles have probably appeared independently in unrelated parasite lineages.


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Abstract Background The development of protective immunity against malaria is slow and to be maintained, it requires exposure to multiple antigenic variants of malaria parasites and age-associated maturation of the immune system. Evidence that the protective immunity is associated with different classes and subclasses of antibodies reveals the importance of considering the quality of the response. In this study, we have evaluated the humoral immune response against Plasmodium falciparum blood stages of individuals naturally exposed to malaria who live in endemic areas of Brazil in order to assess the prevalence of different specific isotypes and their association with different malaria clinical expressions. Methods Different isotypes against P. falciparum blood stages, IgG, IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4, IgM, IgE and IgA, were determined by ELISA. The results were based on the analysis of different clinical expressions of malaria (complicated, uncomplicated and asymptomatic) and factors related to prior malaria exposure such as age and the number of previous clinical malaria attacks. The occurrence of the H131 polymorphism of the FcγIIA receptor was also investigated in part of the studied population. Results The highest levels of IgG, IgG1, IgG2 and IgG3 antibodies were observed in individuals with asymptomatic and uncomplicated malaria, while highest levels of IgG4, IgE and IgM antibodies were predominant among individuals with complicated malaria. Individuals reporting more than five previous clinical malaria attacks presented a predominance of IgG1, IgG2 and IgG3 antibodies, while IgM, IgA and IgE antibodies predominated among individuals reporting five or less previous clinical malaria attacks. Among individuals with uncomplicated and asymptomatic malaria, there was a predominance of high-avidity IgG, IgG1, IgG2 antibodies and low-avidity IgG3 antibodies. The H131 polymorphism was found in 44.4% of the individuals, and the highest IgG2 levels were observed among asymptomatic individuals with this allele, suggesting the protective role of IgG2 in this population. Conclusion Together, the results suggest a differential regulation in the anti-P. falciparum antibody pattern in different clinical expressions of malaria and showed that even in unstable transmission areas, protective immunity against malaria can be observed, when the appropriated antibodies are produced.


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Abstract Background Immunological alterations are implicated in the increased prevalence of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HG-SIL) and persistent human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. This study evaluated the expression of CD4, CD8, CD25 (IL-2Rα) and CD28 antigens from SIL biopsies, stratified by HIV status and HPV-type. Biopsies specimens from 82 (35 HIV+) women with a normal cervix, low-grade (LG-SIL) or high-grade lesions (HG-SIL) were studied. CD molecule expression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry and HPV detection/typing performed using PCR techniques. Results CD4 stromal staining was increased in patients with HPV18. Women with HPV16 infection showed decreased: a) CD8 and CD25 stromal staining, b) CD25 staining in LG-SIL epithelium and in HG-SIL stroma. In HIV- women samples, CD28 epithelial staining and CD8 stromal staining surrounding metaplastic epithelium were less intense and even absent, as compared to HIV+ women. Both epithelial and stromal CD8 staining was more intense in the HG-SIL/HIV+ group than in the HG-SIL/HIV- group. Positive correlations were observed between CD4/CD25, CD4/CD28 and CD25/CD28 in the stroma and CD25/CD28 in the epithelium. Conclusion HIV status and HPV-type may influence the lymphomononuclear cell profile present in the spectrum of cervical lesions. The knowledge of the infiltrating cell profile in cervical tumours may help the development of specific anti-tumoural strategies.


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Haemophilus parasuis infection, known as Glässer’s disease, is characterized by fibrinous polyserositis, arthritis and meningitis in piglets. Although traditional diagnosis is based on herd history, clinical signs, bacterial isolation and serotyping, the molecular-based methods are alternatives for species-specific tests and epidemiologic study. The aim of this study was to characterize H. parasuis strains isolated from different states of Brazil by serotyping, PCR and ERIC-PCR. Serotyping revealed serovar 4 as the most prevalent (24 %), followed by serovars 14 (14 %), 5 (12 %), 13 (8 %) and 2 (2 %), whereas 40 % of the strains were considered as non-typeable. From 50 strains tested 43 (86%) were positive to Group 1 vtaA gene that have been related to virulent strains of H.parasuis. ERIC-PCR was able to type isolates tested among 23 different patterns, including non-typeable strains. ERIC-PCR patterns were very heterogeneous and presented high similarity between strains of the same animal or farm origin. The results indicated ERIC-PCR as a valuable tool for typing H. parasuis isolates collected in Brazil.