937 resultados para Anglo-Norman dialect


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Tourism driven development and coastal gentrification have resulted in a notable decline in traditional coastaldependent businesses on the South Carolina (SC) coast. We examined the sustainability of these businesses by assessing tourists’ demand for local, traditional, and marine related products and services. The research integrated focus groups and an intercept-based mail survey. This paper reports selected survey results and discusses how the findings will be incorporated into small-business training materials. (PDF contains 4 pages)


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[EU] Gure diputazioetako artxiboetan gordetzen diren eskuizkribu anitzetarik bat ematen dut lan honetan argitara: Nafarroako Artxibo Nagusiko Bonaparte Ondarean B-118 signatura daraman "Doctrina Uscaraz", erronkarieraz idatzitako dotrina osatugabea. Testu honen edizioa paratzeaz gain, iruzkina ere eransten dut, hala testuko puntu ilunak hobeki ulertarazteko nola kontu askotan hain bitxi gertatzen zaigun erronkariera ezagutzeko aurrerapauso txiki bat egiteko asmoz.


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The authors of the article explore and discuss the effects of implementing the EC Water Framework Directive (WFD) in the Republic of Ireland. They also summarise some of the findings from a survey of 31 lakes sampled regularly between March 1996 and December 1997. The lakes were sampled regularly for a range of physico-chemical and biotic variables that probably would be important for monitoring programmes implemented under the WFD. The authors discuss problems of monitoring lake types with varying seasonal patterns.


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Research laboratories in the Burrishoole catchment have been the focus of salmonid research since 1955. One aspect of the research has been to monitor the number of salmon and sea trout migrating to sea as smolts and returning to the catchment as adults. In the early 1990s it became clear that the smolt output from the catchment had declined over the previous two decades. At about the same time the presence of fine particles of peat silt in the hatchery became increasingly apparent and led to a higher incidence of mortality of young fry. These observations and management difficulties led to a study of silt transport in the surface waters of the catchment, which is described in this article. The authors describe geology, soils, climate and hydrology of Burrishoole before examining the sediment deposition in Lough Feeagh.


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An experimental investigation was made of forced convection film boiling of subcooled water around a sphere at atmospheric pressure. The water was sufficiently cool that the vapor condensed before leaving the film with the result that no vapor bubbles left the film. The experimental runs were made using inductively heated spheres at temperatures above 740°C. and using inlet water temperatures between 15°C. and 27°C. The spheres used had diameters of 1/2 inch, 9/16 inch, and 3/8 inch and were supported by the liquid flow. Reynolds numbers between 60 and 700 were used.

Analysis of the collected non-condensables indicated that oxygen and nitrogen dissolved in the water accumulated within the vapor film and that hetrogeneous chemical reactions occurred at the sphere surface. An iron-steam reaction resulted in more than 20% by volume hydrogen in the film at wall temperatures above 900°C. At temperatures near 1100°C. more than 80% by volume of the film was composed of hydrogen. It was found that gold plating of the sphere could eliminate this reaction.

Material and energy balances were used to derive equations which may be used to predict the overall average heat transfer coefficients for subcooled film boiling around a sphere. These equations include the effect of dissolved gases in the water. Equations also were derived which may be used to predict the composition of the film for cases in which an equilibrium exists between the dissolved gases and the gases in the film.

The derived equations were compared to the experimental results. It was found that a correlation existed between the Nusselt number for heat transfer from the vapor-liquid interface into the liquid and the Reynolds number, liquid Prandtl number product. In addition, it was found that the percentage of dissolved oxygen removed during the film boiling could be predicted to within 10%.


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A.G. Vulih has shown how an essentially unique intrinsic multiplication can be defined in certain types of Riesz spaces (vector lattices) L. In general, the multiplication is not universally defined in L, but L can always be imbedded in a large space L# in which multiplication is universally defined.

If ф is a normal integral in L, then ф can be extended to a normal integral on a large space L1(ф) in L#, and L1(ф) may be regarded as an abstract integral space. A very general form of the Radon-Nikodym theorem can be proved in L1(ф), and this can be used to give a relatively simple proof of a theorem of Segal giving a necessary and sufficient condition that the Radon-Nikodym theorem hold in a measure space.

In another application, the multiplication is used to give a representation of certain Riesz spaces as rings of operators on a Hilbert space.


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The first bilateral study of methods of biological sampling and biological methods of water quality assessment took place during June 1977 on selected sampling sites in the catchment of the River Trent (UK). The study was arranged in accordance with the protocol established by the joint working group responsible for the Anglo-Soviet Environmental Agreement. The main purpose of the bilateral study in Nottingham was for some of the methods of sampling and biological assessment used by UK biologists to be demonstrated to their Soviet counterparts and for the Soviet biologists to have the opportunity to test these methods at first hand in order to judge the potential of any of these methods for use within the Soviet Union. This paper is concerned with the nine river stations in the Trent catchment.


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In accordance with the plan for joint Anglo-Soviet scientific and technical collaboration on environmental problems, the comparative evaluation of systems of hydrobiological analysis of the surface water quality started in 1977 at the Regional Laboratory of the Severn-Trent Water Authority in Nottingham were continued in the spring of 1978. The investigations were carried out under the auspices of the Institute of Hydrobiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. Hydrobiological and hydrochemical samples were collected by Soviet and British specialists from the Kiev reservoir and the rivers Dnieper, Sozh, Desna and Snov. The possible approved methods to be adopted were evaluated from the samples using the phytoperiphyton, phytoplankton, zooplankton and zoobenthos against a background of hydrochemical characteristics.


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Esse trabalho tem por objetivo investigar os processos de normalização e de gestão sociomédica da morte na sociedade contemporânea, a partir da análise de uma modalidade de assistência em medicina proveniente do mundo anglo-saxão denominada cuidados paliativos, cujo processo de institucionalização no Brasil está em pleno curso. Parte-se, inicialmente, da análise das transformações nas apreensões sociais da morte que ocorreram no curso do século XX, com destaque ao período de 1960-1970 que, em seu conjunto, criou as condições de possibilidade para a emergência histórica dos cuidados paliativos como um modelo de gestão do fim vida. Em seguida, a partir da noção de normalização das condutas de Michel Foucault, realiza-se uma análise crítica da concepção de boa morte como um dos principais dispositivos que visam à regulação dessa nova prática médica. Busca-se problematizar a constituição desse novo saber e nova disciplina através do questionamento do controle médico de importantes setores da vida biológica, como atualmente o processo do morrer, ancorado em grande medida nos processos de normalização presentes na sociedade contemporânea, que no campo da saúde assume uma forma medicalizante e, mais recentemente, biomedicalizante. A pesquisa é balizada pelos referenciais teóricos da Saúde Coletiva, com ênfase na articulação crítica de uma leitura sobre a medicina ocidental, sua racionalidade e seus dispositivos, cujo monopólio incide sobre os corpos individuais e as populações através dos processos de normalização, como teorizada por Michel Foucault e Giorgio Agamben. Além da pesquisa teórica que visa o entendimento da posição assumida pela vida e pela morte no contexto biopolítico e no dispositivo da medicina, efetuou-se uma pesquisa de campo na Clínica da Dor e Cuidados Paliativos do Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho HUCFFUFRJ. A partir da observação etnográfica busca-se investigar a implementação de um serviço de cuidados paliativos no sistema público brasileiro e avaliar como se materializa no cotidiano da assistência a gestão normativa da morte. O estudo evidenciou que ao lado de uma gestão mais normativa, expressa na concepção da boa morte, coabitam modalidades de cuidado nessas práticas de saúde, cuja ênfase recai sobre os aspectos éticos de reconhecimento do outro como um legítimo outro e na consideração de sua capacidade de autodeterminação e de ascese. Foi possível observar no trabalho clínico cotidiano um esforço dos profissionais para construir uma relação de cuidado aberta para a singularização, o que aponta para os paradoxos do cuidado. A partir desses dados foram esboçadas algumas concepções de cuidado que têm como referência modos de subjetivação singulares, pautadas nas relações alteritárias, as quais permitem a criação de um espaço potencial para o viver e o morrer.


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510 p.