985 resultados para Anderson, Alexander, 1775-1879,
We provide a detailed account of the spatial structure of the Brazilian sardine (Sardinella brasiliensis) spawning and nursery habitats, using ichthyoplankton data from nine surveys (1976-1993) covering the Southeastern Brazilian Bight (SBB). The spatial variability of sardine eggs and larvae was partitioned into predefined spatial-scale classes (broad scale, 200-500 km; medium scale, 50-100 km; and local scale, <50 km). The relationship between density distributions at both developmental stages and environmental descriptors (temperature and salinity) was also explored within these spatial scales. Spatial distributions of sardine eggs were mostly structured on medium and local scales, while larvae were characterized by broad-and medium-scale distributions. Broad-and medium-scale surface temperatures were positively correlated with sardine densities, for both developmental stages. Correlations with salinity were predominantly negative and concentrated on a medium scale. Broad-scale structuring might be explained by mesoscale processes, such as pulsing upwelling events and Brazil Current meandering at the northern portion of the SBB, while medium-scale relationships may be associated with local estuarine outflows. The results indicate that processes favouring vertical stability might regulate the spatial extensions of suitable spawning and nursery habitats for the Brazilian sardine.
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, ¿cuáles son sus causas de abandono universitario?
[EN] Since paralarval rearing is still the main bottleneck for the development of octopus culture, the aim of the present study was to obtain some information on the feeding strategy and nutritional requirements during paralarval stage. For that purpose just hatched out octopus paralarvae were fed with live preys in three different combinations, trying to match their natural food: Enriched Artemia metanauplii, Grapsus grapsus zoeas supplemented with enriched Artemia, and Plagusia depressa zoeas supplemented with enriched Artemia. Paralarval treatments were carried out during 28 days in triplicates; fibre glass 120 l tanks in flow through system were used. Growth, in terms of dry body weight, mantle length and width, was determined each seven days. A histological study of the paralarval development was carried out. Biochemical composition of preys and paralarvae were determined. Growth was significantly better in paralarvae fed with zoeas and Artemia than in those fed only with Artemia, from day 8 after hatching. Besides a clear effect on the digestive gland histology morphology was observed.
[ES] La familia Grapsidae comprende el conjunto de cangrejos ecológicamente más diverso, dado que existen especies marinas, de agua salobre, dulceacuícolas, anfibias e incluso terrestres (Ruppert y Barnes, 1996). El presente trabajo se ha centrado en el estudio poblacional y reproductivo de dos especies de dicha familia: Grapsus grapsus y Plagusia depressa. Para ello se evaluaron las épocas de puesta, la proporción entre sexos y la fecundidad. Por último, se estudió el desarrollo embrionario para ambas especies. El objetivo de este trabajo fue la obtención de la información necesaria para realizar el cultivo en cautividad de las mismas. Bien para la utilización de las zoeas como presas vivas de otros cultivos, o bien para su producción, ya que estas dos especies de grápsidos poseen un gran potencial económico, dada su importancia marisquera, especialmente en el caso de Plagusia depressa, donde sus poblaciones naturales sufren graves retrocesos.
[ES] En el presente trabajo se describen los distintos estadíos del nemertino parásito, Carcinonemertes sp., hallado entre los huevos del braquiuro Plagusia depressa (Fabricius, 1775). Este organismo suele encontrarse en la puesta de distintas especies de cangrejos braquiuros, ejerciendo una depredación sobre la misma. Se comprobó que la presencia del parásito entre los huevos del cangrejo estaba relacionada con la época del año, ya que entre junio-septiembre no se detectó su presencia, mientras que a partir del mes de noviembre, todas las hembras ovadas de P. depressa estudiadas sufrían la acción parásita de Carcinonemertes sp. sobre sus huevos. El ciclo vital de Carcinonemertes sp. comienza en un estado de huevo, los cuales aparecen agrupados en forma de cordones entre los huevos del cangrejo; de estos huevos eclosionan larvas planctónicas ciliadas, que evolucionan a gusanos juveniles, los cuales se desarrollan en el interior de tubos mucosos secretados por ellos mismos, hasta alcanzar el estado adulto. Tras una reproducción de tipo sexual las hembras ponen los huevos cerrándose el ciclo.
Phylogeography is a recent field of biological research that links phylogenetics to biogeography through deciphering the imprint that evolutionary history has left on the genetic structure of extant populations. During the cold phases of the successive ice ages, which drastically shaped species’ distributions since the Pliocene, populations of numerous species were isolated in refugia where many of them evolved into different genetic lineages. My dissertation deals with the phylogeography of the Woodland Ringlet (Erebia medusa [Denis and Schiffermüller] 1775) in Central and Eastern Europe. This Palaearctic butterfly species is currently distributed from central France and south eastern Belgium over large parts of Central Europe and southern Siberia to the Pacific. It is absent from those parts of Europe with mediterranean, oceanic and boreal climates. It was supposed to be a Siberian faunal element with a rather homogeneous population structure in Central Europe due to its postglacial expansion out of a single eastern refugium. An already existing evolutionary scenario for the Woodland Ringlet in Central and Eastern Europe is based on nuclear data (allozymes). To know if this is corroborated by organelle evolutionary history, I sequenced two mitochondrial markers (part of the cytochrome oxydase subunit one and the control region) for populations sampled over the same area. Phylogeography largely relies on the construction of networks of uniparentally inherited haplotypes that are compared to geographic haplotype distribution thanks to recent developed methods such as nested clade phylogeographic analysis (NCPA). Several ring-shaped ambiguities (loops) emerged from both haplotype networks in E. medusa. They can be attributed to recombination and homoplasy. Such loops usually avert the straightforward extraction of the phylogeographic signal contained in a gene tree. I developed several new approaches to extract phylogeographic information in the presence of loops, considering either homoplasy or recombination. This allowed me to deduce a consistent evolutionary history for the species from the mitochondrial data and also adds plausibility for the occurrence of recombination in E. medusa mitochondria. Despite the fact that the control region is assumed to have a lack of resolving power in other species, I found a considerable genetic variation of this marker in E. medusa which makes it a useful tool for phylogeographic studies. In combination with the allozyme data, the mitochondrial genome supports the following phylogeographic scenario for E. medusa in Europe: (i) a first vicariance, due to the onset of the Würm glaciation, led to the formation of several major lineages, and is mirrored in the NCPA by restricted gene flow, (ii) later on further vicariances led to the formation of two sub-lineages in the Western lineage and two sub-lineages in the Eastern lineage during the Last Glacial Maximum or Older Dryas; additionally the NCPA supports a restriction of gene flow with isolation by distance, (iii) finally, vicariance resulted in two secondary sub-lineages in the area of Germany and, maybe, to two other secondary sub-lineages in the Czech Republic. The last postglacial warming was accompanied by strong range expansions in most of the genetic lineages. The scenario expected for a presumably Siberian faunal element such as E. medusa is a continuous loss of genetic diversity during postglacial westward expansion. Hence, the pattern found in this thesis contradicts a typical Siberian origin of E. medusa. In contrast, it corroboratess the importance of multiple extra-Mediterranean refugia for European fauna as it was recently assumed for other continental species.
In questo lavoro viene presentato l'utilizzo di simulatori quantistici nello studio di sistemi a molte componenti. Dall'idea iniziale di Feynman della intersimulazione tra sistemi quantistici in questi anni si è sempre più sviluppata la tecnica sperimentale necessaria a creare sistemi di atomi in reticoli ottici ben controllati, nei quali riprodurre il comportamento di sistemi di natura diversa, ottenendo risultati promettenti nell'indagine di situazioni non trattabili analiticamente o numericamente. Tra questi, la conduzione di elettroni in materiali disordinati è ancora un problema aperto. In questa tesi nello specifico sono trattati i modelli di Anderson e di André-Aubry, i quali prevedono una transizione da stati estesi a localizzati in presenza di disordine nel materiale. I due modelli sono stati investigati numericamente su reticoli monodimensionali e i risultati confrontati con una realizzazione sperimentale realizzata con atomi freddi.
A 51-year-old Chinese man presented with gaze-evoked nystagmus, impaired smooth pursuit and vestibular ocular reflex cancellation, and saccadic dysmetria, along with a family history suggestive of late-onset autosomal dominant parkinsonism. MRI revealed abnormalities of the medulla and cervical spinal cord typical of adult-onset Alexander disease, and genetic testing showed homozygosity for the p.D295N polymorphic allele in the gene encoding the glial fibrillary acidic protein. A review of the literature shows that ocular signs are frequent in adult-onset Alexander disease, most commonly gaze-evoked nystagmus, pendular nystagmus, and/or oculopalatal myoclonus, and less commonly ptosis, miosis, and saccadic dysmetria. These signs are consistent with the propensity of adult-onset Alexander disease to cause medullary abnormalities on neuroimaging.
Am 10. September 2010 fand in Bern die erste Schweizerische Tagung für Zivilverfahrensrecht des Instituts für Internationales Privatrecht und Verfahrensrecht der Universität Bern statt. Die Tagung mit dem Titel "Internationaler Zivilprozess 2011" befasste sich mit dem Zusammenspiel der am 1.1.2011 in Kraft tretenden neuen oder revidierten Erlasse (ZPO, revLugÜ, und revSchKG) im Rahmen des internationalen Zivilprozesses. Der Tagungsband enthält auf den Tagungsvorträgen basierende Beiträge namhafter Autoren zu aktuellen und praxisrelevanten Themen des neuen internationalen Zivilprozesses, namentlich zum neuen Arrestrecht, zur Behandlung von Zustellungsmängeln unter dem revLugÜ, zum Zahlungsbefehl im Lichte der revLugÜ-Zuständigkeiten, zur vollstreckbaren öffentliche Urkunde sowie zur Rechtshängigkeit und zur Streitgenossenschaft im internationalen Verhältnis. Der Tagungsband "Internationaler Zivilprozess 2011" eröffnet eine neue Schriftenreihe zum Internationalen Privatrecht und Verfahrensrecht.