940 resultados para Amorphous Cellulose


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Plants naturally synthesize a variety of polymers that have been used by mankind as a source of useful biomaterials. For example, cellulose, the main constituent of plant cell wall and the most abundant polymer on earth, has been used for several thousand years as a source of fibers for various fabrics. Similarly, rubber extracted from the bark of the tree Hevea brasiliensis, has been a major source of elastomers until the development of similar synthetic polymers. In the last century, the usefulness of plant polymers as biomaterials has been expanded through the chemical modification of the natural polymers. For example, a number of plastics have been made by substituting the hydroxyl groups present on the glucose moiety of cellulose with larger groups, such as nitrate or acetate, giving rise to materials such as cellulose acetate, a clear plastic used in consumer products such as toothbrush handles and combs. Similarly, starch has been used in the manufacture of plastics by either using it in blends with synthetic polymers or as the main constituent in biodegradable plastics. The advent of transformation and expres- sion of foreign genes in plants has created the possibility of expanding the usefulness of plants to include the synthesis of a range of biomolecules. In view of the capacity of certain crops to produce a large quantity of organic raw material at low cost, such as oils and starch, it is of interest to explore the possibility of using transgenic plants as efficient vectors for the synthesis of biopolymers. Such plant based biopolymers could replace, in part, the synthetic plastics and elastomers produced from petroleum, offering the advantage of renewability and sustainability. Furthermore, being natural pro- ducts, biopolymers are usually biodegradable and can thus contribute to alleviate problems associated with the management of plastic waste. In this article, the emphasis will be on the use of transgenic plants for the synthesis of two novel classes of industrially useful polymers, namely protein based polymers made from natural or artificial genes, and polyhydroxyalkanoates, a family of bacterial poly- esters having the properties of biodegradable plastics and elastomers.


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ABSTRACT : The development of the retina is a very complex process, occurring through the progressive restriction of cell fates, from pluripotent cell populations to complex tissues and organs. In all vertebrate species analyzed so far, retinal differentiation starts with the generation of retinal ganglion cells (RGC)s. One of the documented key essential events in the specification of RGCs is the expression of ATHS, an atonal homolog encoding a bHLH transcription factor. Despite the putative role of master regulator of RGC differentiation, the mechanism of integrating its functions into a coherent program underlying the production of this subclass of retinal neurons has not yet been elucidated. By using chromatin immunoprecipitation combined with microarray (ChIP-on-chip) we have screened for ATH5 direct targets in the developing chick retina at two consecutive periods: E3.5 (stage HH22) and E6 (stage HH30), covering the stages of progenitor proliferation, neuroepithelium patterning, RGC specification, cell cycle exit and early neuronal differentiation. In parallel, complementary analysis with Affymetrix expression microarrays was conducted. We compared RGCs versus retina to see if the targets correspond to genes preferentially expressed in RGCs. We also precociously overexpressed ATH5 in the retina of individual embryo, and contralateral retina vas used as a control. Our integrated approach allowed us to establish a compendium of ATH5-targets and enabled us to position ATH5 in the transcription network underlying neurogenesis in the retina. Malattia Leventinese (ML) is an autosomal, dominant retinal dystrophy characterized by extracellular, amorphous deposits known as drusen, between the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and Bruch's membrane. On the genetic level, it has been associated with a single missense mutation (R345W) in a widely expressed gene with unknown function called EFEMP1. We determined expression patterns of the EFEMP1 gene in normal and ML human retinas. Our data shown that the upregulation of EFEMP1 is not specific to ML eye, except for the region of the ciliary body. We also analyzed the cell compartmentalization of different versions of the protein (both wild type and mutant). Our studies indicate that both abnormal expression of the EFEMP1 gene and mutation and accumulation of EFEMP 1 protein (inside or outside the cells) might contribute to the ML pathology. Résumé : 1er partie : L'ontogenèse de la rétine est un processus complexe au cours duquel des cellules progénitrices sont engagée, par vagues successives, dans des lignées où elles vont d'abord être déterminées puis vont se différencier pour finalement construire un tissu rétinien composé de cinq classes de neurones (les photorécepteurs, les cellules horizontales, bipolaires, amacrines et ganglionnaires) et d'une seule de cellules gliales (les cellules de Muller). Chez tous les vertébrés, la neurogenèse rétinienne est d'abord marquée par la production des cellules ganglionnaires (RGCs). La production de cette classe de neurone est liée à l'expression du gène ATH5 qui est un homologue du gène atonal chez la Drosophile et qui code pour un facteur de transcription de la famille des protéines basic Helix-Loop-Helix (bHLH). Malgré le rôle central que joue ATH5 dans la production des RGCs, le mécanisme qui intègre la fonction de cette protéine dans le programme de détermination neuronale et ceci en relation avec le développement de la rétine n'est pas encore élucidé. Grâce à une technologie qui permet de combiner la sélection de fragments de chromatine liant ATH5 et la recherche de séquences grâce à des puces d'ADN non-codants (ChIP-on-chip), nous avons recherché des cibles potentielles de la protéine ATH5 dans la rétine en développement. Nous avons conduit cette recherche à deux stades de développement de manière à englober la phase de prolifération cellulaire, la détermination des RGCs, la sortie du cycle cellulaire ainsi que les premières étapes de la différentiation de ces neurones. Des expériences complémentaires nous ont permis de définir les patrons d'expression des gènes sélectionnés ainsi que l'activité promotrice des éléments de régulation identifiés lors de notre criblage. Ces approches expérimentales diverses et complémentaires nous ont permis de répertorier des gènes cibles de la protéine ATH5 et d'établir ainsi des liens fonctionnels entre des voies métaboliques dont nous ne soupçonnions pas jusqu'alors qu'elles puissent être associées à la production d'une classe de neurones centraux. 2ème partie : Malattia Leventinese (ML) est une maladie génétique qui engendre une dystrophie de la rétine. Elle se caractérise par l'accumulation de dépôt amorphe entre l'épithélium pigmentaire et la membrane de Bruch et connu sous le nom de drusen. Cette maladie est liée à une simple mutation non-sens (R345W) dans un gène dénommé EFEMP1 qui est exprimé dans de nombreux tissus mais dont la fonction reste mal définie. Une étude détaillée de l'expression de ce gène dans des rétines humaines a révélé une expression à un niveau élevé du gène EFEMP1 dans divers tissus de l'oeil ML mais également dans des yeux contrôles. Alors que l'accumulation d'ARN messager EFEMP1 dans les cellules de l'épithélium pigmentaire n'est pas spécifique à ML, l'expression de ce gène dans le corps cilié n'a été observée que dans l'oeil ML. Nous avons également comparé la sécrétion de la protéine sauvage avec celle porteuse de la mutation. En résumé, notre étude révèle que le niveau élevé d'expression du gène EFEMP1 ainsi que l'accumulation de la protéine dans certains compartiments cellulaires pourraient contribuer au développement de pathologies rétiniennes liées à ML.


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In many European countries, image quality for digital x-ray systems used in screening mammography is currently specified using a threshold-detail detectability method. This is a two-part study that proposes an alternative method based on calculated detectability for a model observer: the first part of the work presents a characterization of the systems. Eleven digital mammography systems were included in the study; four computed radiography (CR) systems, and a group of seven digital radiography (DR) detectors, composed of three amorphous selenium-based detectors, three caesium iodide scintillator systems and a silicon wafer-based photon counting system. The technical parameters assessed included the system response curve, detector uniformity error, pre-sampling modulation transfer function (MTF), normalized noise power spectrum (NNPS) and detective quantum efficiency (DQE). Approximate quantum noise limited exposure range was examined using a separation of noise sources based upon standard deviation. Noise separation showed that electronic noise was the dominant noise at low detector air kerma for three systems; the remaining systems showed quantum noise limited behaviour between 12.5 and 380 µGy. Greater variation in detector MTF was found for the DR group compared to the CR systems; MTF at 5 mm(-1) varied from 0.08 to 0.23 for the CR detectors against a range of 0.16-0.64 for the DR units. The needle CR detector had a higher MTF, lower NNPS and higher DQE at 5 mm(-1) than the powder CR phosphors. DQE at 5 mm(-1) ranged from 0.02 to 0.20 for the CR systems, while DQE at 5 mm(-1) for the DR group ranged from 0.04 to 0.41, indicating higher DQE for the DR detectors and needle CR system than for the powder CR phosphor systems. The technical evaluation section of the study showed that the digital mammography systems were well set up and exhibiting typical performance for the detector technology employed in the respective systems.


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Specialised plant cell types often locally modify their cell walls as part of a developmental program, as do cells that are challenged by particular environmental conditions. Modifications can include deposition of secondary cellulose, callose, cutin, suberin or lignin. Although the biosyntheses of cell wall components are more and more understood, little is known about the mechanisms that control localised deposition of wall materials. During metaxylem vessel differentiation, site-specific cell wall deposition is locally prevented by the microtubule depolymerising protein MIDD1, which disassembles the cytoskeleton and precludes the cellulose synthase complex from depositing cellulose. As a result, metaxylem vessel secondary cell wall appears pitted. How MIDD1 is tethered at the plasma membrane and how other cell wall polymers are locally deposited remain elusive. Casparian strips in the root endodermis represent a further example of local cell wall deposition. The recent discovery of the Casparian Strip membrane domain Proteins (CASPs), which are located at the plasma membrane and are important for the site-specific deposition of lignin during Casparian strip development, establishes the root endodermis as an attractive model system to study the mechanisms of localised cell wall modifications. How secondary modifications are modulated and monitored during development or in response to environmental changes is another question that still misses a complete picture.


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Dense granular bodies (DGB) are particular structural constituents observed in cell nuclei of different tissues-liver, pancreas, brown adipose tissue, adrenal cortex-of hibernating dormice. They appear as strongly electron-dense clusters of closely packed granules, with thin fibrils spreading out at their periphery. DGB always occur in the nucleoplasm, sometimes making contact with other nuclear structural constituents typical of the hibernating state, such as coiled bodies, amorphous bodies and nucleoplasmic fibrils. DGB are present only during deep hibernation and rapidly disappear upon arousal from hibernation. Cytochemical and immunocytochemical analyses showed that DGB contain ribonucleoproteins and several nucleoplasmic RNA processing factors, suggesting that DGB can represent accumulation sites of splicing factors which are provided to splicing sites when normal metabolic activity is rapidly restored during arousal.


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A procedure for the simultaneous analysis of cell-wall polysaccharides, amides and aliphatic polyesters by transmission Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy (FTIR) has been established for Arabidopsis petals. The combination of FTIR imaging with spectra derivatization revealed that petals, in contrast to other organs, have a characteristic chemical zoning with high amount of aliphatic compounds and esters in the lamina and of polysaccharides in the stalk of the petal. The hinge region of petals was particular rich in amides as well as in vibrations potentially associated with hemicellulose. In addition, a number of other distribution patterns have been identified. Analyses of mutants in cutin deposition confirmed that vibrations of aliphatic compounds and esters present in the lamina were largely associated with the cuticular polyester. Calculation of spectrotypes, including the standard deviation of intensities, allowed detailed comparison of the spectral features of various mutants. The spectrotypes not only revealed differences in the amount of polyesters in cutin mutants, but also changes in other compound classes. For example, in addition to the expected strong deficiencies in polyester content, the long-chain acyl CoA synthase 2 mutant showed increased intensities of vibrations in a wavelength range that is typical for polysaccharides. Identical spectral features were observed in quasimodo2, a cell-wall mutant of Arabidopsis with a defect in pectin formation that exhibits increased cellulose synthase activity. FTIR thus proved to be a convenient method for the identification and characterization of mutants affected in the deposition of cutin in petals.


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A Knudsen flow reactor has been used to quantify functional groups on the surface of seven different types of combustion particle samples: 3 amorphous carbons (FS 101, Printex 60, FW 2), 2 flame soots (hexane soot generated from a rich and a lean diffusion flame), and 2 Diesel particles (SRM 2975, Diesel soot recovered from a Diesel particulate filter). The technique is based on a heterogeneous titration reaction between a probe gas and a specific functional group on the particle surface. Six probe gases have been selected for the quantification of important functional groups: N(CH3)3 for the titration of acidic sites, NH2OH for carbonyl functions of aldehydes and ketones, CF3COOH and HCl for basic sites of different strength, O3 and NO2 for oxidizable groups. The limit of detection was generally well below 1% of a formal monolayer of adsorbed probe gas. Results obtained with N(CH3)3 were higher for the FW 2 amorphous carbon (post-oxidized sample, according to the manufacturer) and the Diesel particles (between 5.2·10 13 and 5.8·10 13 molecule/cm2), indicating a higher state of oxidation than for the other samples (between 1.3·10 12 and 3.7·10 12 molecule/cm2). The ratio of uptakes of CF3COOH and HCl inferred the presence of basic oxides on the particle surface, owing to the larger stability of the acetate compared to the chloride counter ion in the resulting pyrylium salt. The reactivity of the FS 101 amorphous carbon (3.7·10 15 molecule/cm2) and the hexane flame soot (between 1.9·10 15 and 2.7·10 15 molecule/cm2) towards O3 was very high, indicating the presence of a huge amount of oxidizable or reduced groups on the surface of these samples. Besides the quantification of surface functional groups, the kinetics of reactions between particles and probe gases has also been studied. The uptake coefficient γ0 was roughly correlated with the amount of probe gas taken up by the samples. Indeed, the presence of a high density of functional groups led to fast uptake of the probe gas. These different findings indicate that the particle surface appeared multi-functional, with the simultaneous presence of antagonistic functional groups which do not undergo internal chemical reactions, such as acid-base neutralization. Results also point to important differences in the surface reactivity of the samples, depending on the combustion conditions. The relative distribution of the surface functional groups may be a useful indicator for the state of oxidation and the reactivity of the particle surface.


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Mutations in LACERATA (LCR), FIDDLEHEAD (FDH), and BODYGUARD (BDG) cause a complex developmental syndrome that is consistent with an important role for these Arabidopsis genes in cuticle biogenesis. The genesis of their pleiotropic phenotypes is, however, poorly understood. We provide evidence that neither distorted depositions of cutin, nor deficiencies in the chemical composition of cuticular lipids, account for these features, instead suggesting that the mutants alleviate the functional disorder of the cuticle by reinforcing their defenses. To better understand how plants adapt to these mutations, we performed a genome-wide gene expression analysis. We found that apparent compensatory transcriptional responses in these mutants involve the induction of wax, cutin, cell wall, and defense genes. To gain greater insight into the mechanism by which cuticular mutations trigger this response in the plants, we performed an overlap meta-analysis, which is termed MASTA (MicroArray overlap Search Tool and Analysis), of differentially expressed genes. This suggested that different cell integrity pathways are recruited in cesA cellulose synthase and cuticular mutants. Using MASTA for an in silico suppressor/enhancer screen, we identified SERRATE (SE), which encodes a protein of RNA-processing multi-protein complexes, as a likely enhancer. In confirmation of this notion, the se lcr and se bdg double mutants eradicate severe leaf deformations as well as the organ fusions that are typical of lcr and bdg and other cuticular mutants. Also, lcr does not confer resistance to Botrytis cinerea in a se mutant background. We propose that there is a role for SERRATE-mediated RNA signaling in the cuticle integrity pathway.


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PURPOSE: To analyze components of the deposits in the corneal flap interface of granular corneal dystrophy type II (GCD II) patients after laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). METHODS: Four corneal GCD II specimens displaying disease exacerbation after LASIK were analyzed. Three of these specimens included the recipient corneal button after penetrating keratoplasty or deep lamellar keratoplasty for advanced GCD II after LASIK. The fourth specimen, a similar case of GCD II after LASIK, included the amputated corneal flap. Specimens were processed for histopathologic and immunohistochemical analyses. RESULTS: Corneal stromal deposits in the LASIK flaps of all specimens were stained with 3 anti-transforming growth factor-beta-induced protein (TGFBIp) antibodies. The deposits displayed bright red color staining with Masson trichrome; however, negative staining was seen with Congo red, suggesting that hyaline is the main component localizing to the TGFBIp deposits rather than amyloid. CONCLUSIONS: Amorphous granular material deposited along the interface of the LASIK flap in GCD II corneas is composed mainly of hyaline deposits.


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The stems and roots of most dicot plants increase in diameter by radial growth, due to the activity of secondary meristems. Two types of meristems function in secondary plant body formation: the vascular cambium, which gives rise to secondary xylem and phloem, and the cork cambium, which produces a bark layer that replaces the epidermis and protects the plant stem from mechanical damage and pathogens. Cambial development, the initiation and activity of the vascular cambium, leads to an accumulation of wood, the secondary xylem tissue. The thick, cellulose-rich cell walls of wood provide a source of cellulose and have the potential to be used as a raw material for sustainable and renewable energy production. In this review, we will discuss what is known about the mechanisms regulating the cambium and secondary tissue development.


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Calcium carbonate nanofibres are found in numerous terrestrial environments, often associated with needle fibre calcite. This study attempts to mimic the natural system and generate comparable crystalline structures. A comparison of natural and synthesized nanofibre structures, using HRTEM as well as electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI), has demonstrated that this type of nanocrystal can result from precipitation on organic templates, most likely cellulose nanofibres. This study emphasizes the fundamental role of organic templates in the precipitation of calcium carbonate in vadose environments, even at the nanoscale.


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The new techniques proposed for agriculture in the Amazon region include rotational fallow systems enriched with leguminous trees and the replacement of biomass burning by mulching. Decomposition and nutrient release from mulch were studied using fine-mesh litterbags with five different leguminous species and the natural fallow vegetation as control. Samples from each treatment were analyzed for total C, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, lignin, cellulose content and soluble polyphenol at different sampling times over the course of one year. The decomposition rate constant varied with species and time. Weight loss from the decomposed litter bag material after 96 days was 30.1 % for Acacia angustissima, 32.7 % for Sclerolobium paniculatum, 33.9 % for Iinga edulis and the Fallow vegetation, 45.2 % for Acacia mangium and 63.6 % for Clitoria racemosa. Immobilization of N and P was observed in all studied treatments. Nitrogen mineralization was negatively correlated with phenol, C-to-N ratio, lignin + phenol/N ratio, and phenol/phosphorus ratios and with N content in the litterbag material. After 362 days of field incubation, an average (of all treatments), 3.3 % K, 32.2 % Ca and 22.4 % Mg remained in the mulch. Results confirm that low quality and high amount of organic C as mulch application are limiting for the quantity of energy available for microorganisms and increase the nutrient immobilization for biomass decomposition, which results in competition for nutrients with the crop plants.


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Co-Ti-Sn-Ge substituted M-type bariumhexaferrite powders with mean grain sizes between about 10 nm and about 1 ¿m and a narrow size distribution were prepared reproducibly by means of a modified glass crystallization method. At annealing temperatures between 560 and 580°C of the amorphous flakes nanocrystalline particles grow. They behave superparamagnetically at room temperature and change into stable magnetic single domains at lower temperatures. The magnetic volume of the powders is considerably less than the geometric one. However, the effective anisotropy fields are larger by a Factor of two to three.


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The fine morphology, size, and perichromatin granule frequency were analysed in brown adipocyte nuclei from hibernating, arousing, and euthermic dormice, Muscardinus avellanarius. Unusual nuclear structural constituents such as nuclear amorphous bodies, coiled body-like constituents and bundles of nucleoplasmic filaments were described as typical of hibernating nuclei. Morphometrical findings showed significant difference in total nuclear and nucleolar size in the three physiological conditions investigated as well as decreasing frequency of perichromatin granules in nuclei of hibernating to arousing to euthermic animals. A possible involvement of these granules in the intranuclear transport or storage of pre-mRNA is discussed in the context of other experimental evidence.


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The use of green manure may contribute to reduce soil erosion and increase the soil organic matter content and N availability in coffee plantations in the Zona da Mata, State of Minas Gerais, in Southeastern Brazil. The potential of four legumes (A. pintoi, C. mucunoides, S. aterrimum and S. guianensis) to produce above-ground biomass, accumulate nutrients and mineralize N was studied in two coffee plantations of subsistence farmers under different climate conditions. The biomass production of C. mucunoides was influenced by the shade of the coffee plantation. C. mucunoides tended to mineralize more N than the other legumes due to the low polyphenol content and polyphenol/N ratio. In the first year, the crop establishment of A. pintoi in the area took longer than of the other legumes, resulting in lower biomass production and N2 fixation. In the long term, cellulose was the main factor controlling N mineralization. The biochemical characteristics, nutrient accumulation and biomass production of the legumes were greatly influenced by the altitude and position of the area relative to the sun.