869 resultados para Amniotic membrane
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) was used to achieve temporary artificial support in cardiac and pulmonary function in 22 patients from 1987 to September 1990. Standard indications were postcardiotomy cardiogenic shock (n = 4), neonatal (n = 1) and adult respiratory distress syndrome (n = 4). ECMO was also used for extended indications, such as graft failure following heart (n = 11) or lung transplantation (n = 2). In six of these cases ECMO was instituted as a bridge device to subsequent retransplantation of either the heart (n = 4) or one lung (n = 2). One out of nine patients supported by ECMO for standard indications, and two out of 13 patients supported for extended indications are long-term survivors. This series illustrates the results with ECMO in emergency situations, in patients under immunosuppressive protocols, or in patients with advanced lung failure requiring almost complete artificial gas exchange. In such complex situations, ECMO does provide stabilization until additional therapeutic measures are in effect. ECMO cannot be recommended for postoperative cardiogenic shock but short-term ECMO support is an accepted method in most cases with graft failure or pulmonary failure or other origin.
The occurrence of severe graft failure after lung transplantation which appears refractory to conventional treatment represents a difficult situation with regard to the therapeutic strategies available. Of 17 patients undergoing single lung transplantation at our center, 2 developed early graft failure. In both, temporary artificial cardiopulmonary support by means of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation became necessary as a bridge to retransplantation. Both patients were successfully retransplanted after 8 h and 232 h, respectively, of extra-corporeal support. Postoperatively, there was a variety of complications. The first patient completely recovered from temporary severe cerebral dysfunction diagnosed as "locked-in syndrome". She was discharged from hospital on the 93rd postoperative day and remains alive and well 10 months after her operation. The other patient recovered well early after retransplantation. Later, however, airway problems developed, requiring the implantation of endotracheal stents. Cachexia and several episodes of viral pneumonia contributed to the progressive deterioration of her clinical status. She finally died after being hospitalized for 5 months after the original operation. These two cases illustrate the feasibility of using extracorporeal membrane oxygenation as a bridge to pulmonary transplantation.
BACKGROUND: Neutrophils polarize and migrate in response to chemokines. Different types of membrane microdomains (rafts) have been postulated to be present in rear and front of polarized leukocytes and disruption of rafts by cholesterol sequestration prevents leukocyte polarization. Reggie/flotillin-1 and -2 are two highly homologous proteins that are ubiquitously enriched in detergent resistant membranes and are thought to shape membrane microdomains by forming homo- and hetero-oligomers. It was the goal of this study to investigate dynamic membrane microdomain reorganization during neutrophil activation. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We show now, using immunofluorescence staining and co-immunoprecipitation, that endogenous flotillin-1 and -2 colocalize and associate in resting spherical and polarized primary neutrophils. Flotillins redistribute very early after chemoattractant stimulation, and form distinct caps in more than 90% of the neutrophils. At later time points flotillins accumulate in the uropod of polarized cells. Chemotactic peptide-induced redistribution and capping of flotillins requires integrity and dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton, but does not involve Rho-kinase dependent signaling related to formation of the uropod. Both flotillin isoforms are involved in the formation of this membrane domain, as uropod location of exogenously expressed flotillins is dramatically enhanced by co-overexpression of tagged flotillin-1 and -2 in differentiated HL-60 cells as compared to cells expressing only one tagged isoform. Flotillin-1 and -2 associate with P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSGL-1) in resting and in stimulated neutrophils as shown by colocalization and co-immunoprecipitation. Neutrophils isolated from PSGL-1-deficient mice exhibit flotillin caps to the same extent as cells isolated from wild type animals, implying that PSGL-1 is not required for the formation of the flotillin caps. Finally we show that stimulus-dependent redistribution of other uropod-located proteins, CD43 and ezrin/radixin/moesin, occurs much slower than that of flotillins and PSGL-1. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results suggest that flotillin-rich actin-dependent membrane microdomains are importantly involved in neutrophil uropod formation and/or stabilization and organize uropod localization of PSGL-1.
PURPOSE: The aim was (1) to evaluate the soft-tissue reaction of a synthetic polyethylene glycol (PEG) hydrogel used as a barrier membrane for guided bone regeneration (GBR) compared with a collagen membrane and (2) to test whether or not the application of this in situ formed membrane will result in a similar amount of bone regeneration as the use of a collagen membrane. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Tooth extraction and preparation of osseous defects were performed in the mandibles of 11 beagle dogs. After 3 months, 44 cylindrical implants were placed within healed dehiscence-type bone defects resulting in approximately 6 mm exposed implant surface. The following four treatment modalities were randomly allocated: PEG+autogenous bone chips, PEG+hydroxyapatite (HA)/tricalcium phosphate (TCP) granules, bioresorbable collagen membrane+autogenous bone chips and autogenous bone chips without a membrane. After 2 and 6 months, six and five dogs were sacrificed, respectively. A semi-quantitative evaluation of the local tolerance and a histomorphometric analysis were performed. For statistical analysis, repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) and subsequent pairwise Student's t-test were applied (P<0.05). RESULTS: No local adverse effects in association with the PEG compared with the collagen membrane was observed clinically and histologically at any time-point. Healing was uneventful and all implants were histologically integrated. Four out of 22 PEG membrane sites revealed a soft-tissue dehiscence after 1-2 weeks that subsequently healed uneventful. Histomorphometric measurement of the vertical bone gain showed after 2 months values between 31% and 45% and after 6 months between 31% and 38%. Bone-to-implant contact (BIC) within the former defect area was similarly high in all groups ranging from 71% to 82% after 2 months and 49% to 91% after 6 months. However, with regard to all evaluated parameters, the PEG and the collagen membranes did not show any statistically significant difference compared with sites treated with autogenous bone without a membrane. CONCLUSION: The in situ forming synthetic membrane made of PEG was safely used in the present study, revealing no biologically significant abnormal soft-tissue reaction and demonstrated similar amounts of newly formed bone for defects treated with the PEG membrane compared with defects treated with a standard collagen membrane.
The annexins are a family of Ca(2+)- and phospholipid-binding proteins, which interact with membranes upon increase of [Ca(2+)](i) or during cytoplasmic acidification. The transient nature of the membrane binding of annexins complicates the study of their influence on intracellular processes. To address the function of annexins at the plasma membrane (PM), we fused fluorescent protein-tagged annexins A6, A1, and A2 with H- and K-Ras membrane anchors. Stable PM localization of membrane-anchored annexin A6 significantly decreased the store-operated Ca(2+) entry (SOCE), but did not influence the rates of Ca(2+) extrusion. This attenuation was specific for annexin A6 because PM-anchored annexins A1 and A2 did not alter SOCE. Membrane association of annexin A6 was necessary for a measurable decrease of SOCE, because cytoplasmic annexin A6 had no effect on Ca(2+) entry as long as [Ca(2+)](i) was below the threshold of annexin A6-membrane translocation. However, when [Ca(2+)](i) reached the levels necessary for the Ca(2+)-dependent PM association of ectopically expressed wild-type annexin A6, SOCE was also inhibited. Conversely, knockdown of the endogenous annexin A6 in HEK293 cells resulted in an elevated Ca(2+) entry. Constitutive PM localization of annexin A6 caused a rearrangement and accumulation of F-actin at the PM, indicating a stabilized cortical cytoskeleton. Consistent with these findings, disruption of the actin cytoskeleton using latrunculin A abolished the inhibitory effect of PM-anchored annexin A6 on SOCE. In agreement with the inhibitory effect of annexin A6 on SOCE, constitutive PM localization of annexin A6 inhibited cell proliferation. Taken together, our results implicate annexin A6 in the actin-dependent regulation of Ca(2+) entry, with consequences for the rates of cell proliferation.
All mitochondria have integral outer membrane proteins with beta-barrel structures including the conserved metabolite transporter VDAC (voltage dependent anion channel) and the conserved protein import channel Tom40. Bioinformatic searches of the Trypanosoma brucei genome for either VDAC or Tom40 identified a single open reading frame, with sequence analysis suggesting that VDACs and Tom40s are ancestrally related and should be grouped into the same protein family: the mitochondrial porins. The single T. brucei mitochondrial porin is essential only under growth conditions that depend on oxidative phosphorylation. Mitochondria isolated from homozygous knockout cells did not produce adenosine-triphosphate (ATP) in response to added substrates, but ATP production was restored by physical disruption of the outer membrane. These results demonstrate that the mitochondrial porin identified in T. brucei is the main metabolite channel in the outer membrane and therefore the functional orthologue of VDAC. No distinct Tom40 was identified in T. brucei. In addition to mitochondrial proteins, T. brucei imports all mitochondrial tRNAs from the cytosol. Isolated mitochondria from the VDAC knockout cells import tRNA as efficiently as wild-type. Thus, unlike the scenario in plants, VDAC is not required for mitochondrial tRNA import in T. brucei.
With the rapid increase in approaches to pro- or anti-angiogenic therapy, new and effective methodologies for administration of cell-bound growth factors will be required. We sought to develop the natural hydrogel matrix fibrin as platform for extensive interactions and continuous signaling by the vascular morphogen ephrin-B2 that normally resides in the plasma membrane and requires multivalent presentation for ligation and activation of Eph receptors on apposing endothelial cell surfaces. Using fibrin and protein engineering technology to induce multivalent ligand presentation, a recombinant mutant ephrin-B2 receptor binding domain was covalently coupled to fibrin networks at variably high densities. The ability of fibrin-bound ephrin-B2 to act as ligand for endothelial cells was preserved, as demonstrated by a concomitant, dose-dependent increase of endothelial cell binding to engineered ephrin-B2-fibrin substrates in vitro. The therapeutic relevance of ephrin-B2-fibrin implant matrices was demonstrated by a local angiogenic response in the chick embryo chorioallontoic membrane evoked by the local and prolonged presentation of matrix-bound ephrin-B2 to tissue adjacing the implant. This new knowledge on biomimetic fibrin vehicles for precise local delivery of membrane-bound growth factor signals may help to elucidate specific biological growth factor function, and serve as starting point for development of new treatment strategies.
BACKGROUND: The outer membrane protein M35 is a conserved porin of type 1 strains of the respiratory pathogen Moraxella catarrhalis. It was previously shown that M35 is involved in the uptake of essential nutrients required for bacterial growth and for nasal colonization in mice. The aim of this study was (i) to characterize the potential roles of M35 in the host-pathogen interactions considering the known multifunctionality of porins and (ii) to characterize the degree of conservation in the phylogenetic older subpopulation (type 2) of M. catarrhalis. RESULTS: Isogenic m35 mutants of the type 1 strains O35E, 300 and 415 were tested for their antimicrobial susceptibility against 15 different agents. Differences in the MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration) between wild-type and mutant strains were found for eight antibiotics. For ampicillin and amoxicillin, we observed a statistically significant 2.5 to 2.9-fold MIC increase (p < 0.03) in the m35 mutants. Immunoblot analysis demonstrated that human saliva contains anti-M35 IgA. Wild-type strains and their respective m35 mutants were indistinguishable with respect to the phenotypes of autoagglutination, serum resistance, iron acquisition from human lactoferrin, adherence to and invasion of respiratory tract epithelial cells, and proinflammatory stimulation of human monocytes. DNA sequencing of m35 from the phylogenetic subpopulation type 2 strain 287 revealed 94.2% and 92.8% identity on the DNA and amino acid levels, respectively, in comparison with type 1 strains. CONCLUSION: The increase in MIC for ampicillin and amoxicillin, respectively, in the M35-deficient mutants indicates that this porin affects the outer membrane permeability for aminopenicillins in a clinically relevant manner. The presence of IgA antibodies in healthy human donors indicates that M35 is expressed in vivo and recognized as a mucosal antigen by the human host. However, immunoblot analysis of human saliva suggests the possibility of antigenic variation of immunoreactive epitopes, which warrants further analysis before M35 can be considered a potential vaccine candidate.
Eight premature infants ventilated for hyaline membrane disease and enrolled in the OSIRIS surfactant trial were studied. Lung mechanics, gas exchange [PaCO2, arterial/alveolar PO2 ratio (a/A ratio)], and ventilator settings were determined 20 minutes before and 20 minutes after the end of Exosurf instillation, and subsequently at 12-24 hour intervals. Respiratory system compliance (Crs) and resistance (Rrs) were measured by means of the single breath occlusion method. After surfactant instillation there were no significant immediate changes in PaCO2 (36 vs. 37 mmHg), a/A ratio (0.23 vs. 0.20), Crs (0.32 vs. 0.31 mL/cm H2O/kg), and Rrs (0.11 vs. 0.16 cmH2O/mL/s) (pooled data of 18 measurement pairs). During the clinical course, mean a/A ratio improved significantly each time from 0.17 (time 0) to 0.29 (time 12-13 hours), to 0.39 (time 24-36 hours) and to 0.60 (time 48-61 hours), although mean airway pressure was reduced substantially. Mean Crs increased significantly from 0.28 mL/cmH2O/kg (time 0) to 0.38 (time 12-13 hours), to 0.37 (time 24-38 hours), and to 0.52 (time 48-61 hours), whereas mean Rrs increased from 0.10 cm H2O/mL/s (time 0) to 0.11 (time 12-13 hours), to 0.13 (time 24-36 hours) and to (time 48-61 hours) with no overall significance. A highly significant correlation was found between Crs and a/A ratio (r = 0.698, P less than 0.001). We conclude that Exosurf does not induce immediate changes in oxygenation as does the instillation of (modified) natural surfactant preparations. However, after 12 and 24 hours of treatment oxygenation and Crs improve significantly.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a highly specialized structural and functional component of the central nervous system that separates the circulating blood from the brain and spinal cord parenchyma. Brain endothelial cells (BECs) that primarily constitute the BBB are tightly interconnected by multiprotein complexes, the adherens junctions and the tight junctions, thereby creating a highly restrictive cellular barrier. Lipid-enriched membrane microdomain compartmentalization is an inherent property of BECs and allows for the apicobasal polarity of brain endothelium, temporal and spatial coordination of cell signaling events, and actin remodeling. In this manuscript, we review the role of membrane microdomains, in particular lipid rafts, in the BBB under physiological conditions and during leukocyte transmigration/diapedesis. Furthermore, we propose a classification of endothelial membrane microdomains based on their function, or at least on the function ascribed to the molecules included in such heterogeneous rafts: (1) rafts associated with interendothelial junctions and adhesion of BECs to basal lamina (scaffolding rafts); (2) rafts involved in immune cell adhesion and migration across brain endothelium (adhesion rafts); (3) rafts associated with transendothelial transport of nutrients and ions (transporter rafts).