891 resultados para American Red Cross


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Background: Nutrition screening is usually administered by nurses. However, most studies on nutrition screening tools have not used nurses to validate the tools. The 3-Minute Nutrition Screening (3-MinNS) assesses weight loss, dietary intake and muscle wastage, with the composite score of each used to determine risk of malnutrition. The aim of the study was to determine the validity and reliability of 3-MinNS administered by nurses, who are the intended assessors. Methods: In this cross sectional study, three ward-based nurses screened 121 patients aged 21 years and over using 3-MinNS in three wards within 24 hours of admission. A dietitian then assessed the patients’ nutritional status using Subjective Global Assessment within 48 hours of admission, whilst blinded to the results of the screening. To assess the reliability of 3-MinNS, 37 patients screened by the first nurse were re-screened by a second nurse within 24 hours, who was blinded to the results of the first nurse. The sensitivity, specificity and best cutoff score for 3-MinNS were determined using the Receiver Operator Characteristics Curve. Results: The best cutoff score to identify all patients at risk of malnutrition using 3-MinNS was three, with sensitivity of 89% and specificity of 88%. This cutoff point also identified all (100%) severely malnourished patients. There was strong correlation between 3-MinNS and SGA (r=0.78, p<0.001). The agreement between two nurses conducting the 3-MinNS tool was 78.3%. Conclusion: 3-Minute Nutrition Screening is a valid and reliable tool for nurses to identify patients at risk of malnutrition.


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Background No study relating the changes obtained in the architecture of erector spinae (ES) muscle were registered with ultrasound and different intensities of muscle contraction recorded by surface EMG (electromyography) on the ES muscle was found. The aim of this study was analyse the relationship in the response of the ES muscle during isometric moderate and light lumbar isometric extension considering architecture and functional muscle variables. Methods Cross-sectional study. 46 subjects (52% men) with a group mean age of 30.4 (±7.78). The participants developed isometric lumbar extension while performing moderate and low isometric trunk and hip extension in a sitting position with hips flexed 90 degrees and the lumbar spine in neutral position. During these measurements, electromyography recordings and ultrasound images were taken bilaterally. Bilaterally pennation angle, muscle thickness, torque and muscle activation were measured. This study was developed at the human movement analysis laboratory of the Health Science Faculty of the University of Malaga (Spain). Results Strong and moderate correlations were found at moderate and low intensities contraction between the variable of the same intensity, with correlation values ranging from 0.726 (Torque Moderate – EMG Left Moderate) to 0.923 (Angle Left Light – Angle Right Light) (p < 0.001). This correlation is observed between the variables that describe the same intensity of contraction, showing a poor correlation between variables of different intensities. Conclusion There is a strong relationship between architecture and function variables of ES muscle when describe an isometric lumbar extension at light or moderate intensity. Keywords: Ultrasonography; Surface electromyography; Thickness; Pennation angle; Erector spinae


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Maternal perceptions and practices regarding child feeding have been extensively studied in the context of childhood overweight and obesity. To date, there is scant evidence on the role of fathers in child feeding. This cross-sectional study aimed to identify whether characteristics of fathers and their concerns about their children’s risk of overweight were associated with child feeding perceptions and practices. Questionnaires were used to collect data from 436 Australian fathers (mean age = 37 years, SD = 6) of a child (53% boys) aged between 2-5 years (M = 3.5 years, SD = 0.9). These data included a range of demographic variables and selected subscales from the Child Feeding Questionnaire on concern about child weight, perceived responsibility for child feeding and controlling practices (pressure to eat and restriction). Multivariable linear regression was used to examine associations between demographic variables and fathers’ feeding perceptions and practices. Results indicated that fathers’ who were more concerned about their child becoming overweight reported higher perceived responsibility for child feeding and were more controlling of what and how much their child eats. Greater time commitment to paid work, possessing a health care card (indicative of socioeconomic disadvantage) and younger child age were associated with fathers’ perceiving less responsibility for feeding. Factors such as paternal BMI and education level, as well as child gender were not associated with feeding perceptions or practices. This study contributes to the extant literature on fathers’ role in child feeding, revealing several implications for research and interventions in the child feeding field.


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Background The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is rising internationally. Patients with diabetes have a higher risk of cardiovascular events accounting for substantial premature morbidity and mortality, and health care expenditure. Given healthcare workforce limitations, there is a need to improve interventions that promote positive self-management behaviours that enable patients to manage their chronic conditions effectively, across different cultural contexts. Previous studies have evaluated the feasibility of including telephone and Short Message Service (SMS) follow up in chronic disease self-management programs, but only for single diseases or in one specific population. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility and short-term efficacy of incorporating telephone and text messaging to support the care of patients with diabetes and cardiac disease, in Australia and in Taiwan. Methods/design A randomised controlled trial design will be used to evaluate a self-management program for people with diabetes and cardiac disease that incorporates the use of simple remote-access communication technologies. A sample size of 180 participants from Australia and Taiwan will be recruited and randomised in a one-to-one ratio to receive either the intervention in addition to usual care (intervention) or usual care alone (control). The intervention will consist of in-hospital education as well as follow up utilising personal telephone calls and SMS reminders. Primary short term outcomes of interest include self-care behaviours and self-efficacy assessed at baseline and four weeks. Discussion If the results of this investigation substantiate the feasibility and efficacy of the telephone and SMS intervention for promoting self management among patients with diabetes and cardiac disease in Australia and Taiwan, it will support the external validity of the intervention. It is anticipated that empirical data from this investigation will provide valuable information to inform future international collaborations, while providing a platform for further enhancements of the program, which has potential to benefit patients internationally.


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Purpose/Objective: The basis for poor outcomes in some patients post transfusion remains largely unknown. Despite leukodepletion, there is still evidence of immunomodulatory effects of transfusion that require further study. In addition, there is evidence that the age of blood components transfused significantly affects patient outcomes. Myeloid dendritic cell (DC) and monocyte immune function were studied utilising an in vitro whole blood model of transfusion. Materials and methods: Freshly collected (‘recipient’) whole blood was cultured with ABO compatible leukodepleted PRBC at 25% blood replacement-volume (6hrs). PRBC were assayed at [Day (D) 2, 14, 28and 42 (date-of expiry)]. In parallel, LPS or Zymosan (Zy) were added to mimic infection. Recipients were maintained for the duration of the time course (2 recipients, 4 PRBC units, n = 8).Recipient DC and monocyte intracellular cytokines and chemokines (IL-6, IL-10, IL-12,TNF-a, IL-1a, IL-8, IP-10, MIP-1a, MIP-1b, MCP-1) were measured using flow cytometry. Changes in immune response were calculated by comparison to a parallel no transfusion control (Wilcoxin matched pairs). Influence of storage age was calculated using ANOVA. Results: Significant suppression of DC and monocyte inflammatory responses were evident. DC and monocyte production of IL-1a was reduced following exposure to PRBC regardless of storage age (P < 0.05 at all time points). Storage independent PRBC mediated suppression of DC and monocyte IL-1a was also evident in cultures costimulated with Zy. In cultures co-stimulated with either LPS or Zy, significant suppression of DC and monocyte TNF-a and IL-6 was also evident. PRBC storage attenuated monocyte TNF-a production when co-cultured with LPS (P < 0.01 ANOVA). DC and monocyte production of MIP-1a was significantly reduced following exposure to PRBC (DC: P < 0.05 at D2, 28, 42; Monocyte P < 0.05 all time points). In cultures co-stimulated with LPS and zymosan, a similar suppression of MIP-1a production was also evident, and production of both DC and monocyte MIP-1b and IP-10 were also significantly reduced. Conclusions: The complexity of the transfusion context was reflected in the whole blood approach utilised. Significant suppression of these key DC and monocyte immune responses may contribute to patient outcomes, such as increased risk of infection and longer hospital stay, following blood transfusion.


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BACKGROUND Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) remain prevalent among cancer patients despite pharmacological advances in CINV therapy. Patients can initiate nonpharmacologic strategies, which potentially play an important role as adjuncts to pharmacological agents in alleviating CINV. Some studies have explored nausea and vomiting self-management (NVSM) behaviors among patients in Western settings; however, little is known about the NVSM behaviors of patients in China. OBJECTIVES This study examines NVSM behaviors of Chinese cancer patients. METHODS A cross-sectional survey was conducted in a specialist cancer hospital in southeast China. RESULTS A sample of 255 cancer patients was recruited. A mean of 8.56 (±3.15) NVSM behaviors was reported. Most NVSM behaviors were rated as moderately effective and were implemented with moderate self-efficacy. Higher distress levels, better functional status, previous similar symptom experiences, receiving chemotherapy as an inpatient, and greater support from multiple levels were related to greater engagement in NVSM; higher self-efficacy levels pertaining to NVSM behaviors were associated with reports of more relief from specific NVSM behaviors. CONCLUSIONS A range of NVSM strategies was initiated by Chinese cancer patients and provided some relief. A range of individual, health status, and environmental factors influenced engagement with and relief from NVSM behaviors. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE To enhance Chinese patients' NVSM, patients should be supported to engage in behaviors including taking antiemetics, modifying their diet, using psychological strategies, and creating a pleasant environment. The findings highlight the importance of enhancing patients' self-efficacy in NVSM, alleviating symptom distress, and improving social support to achieve better outcomes.


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Background. As a society, our interaction with the environment is having a negative impact on human health. For example, an increase in car use for short trips, over walking or cycling, has contributed to an increase in obesity, diabetes and poor heart health and also contributes to pollution, which is associated with asthma and other respiratory diseases. In order to change the nature of that interaction, to be more positive and healthy, it is recommended that individuals adopt a range of environmentally friendly behaviours (such as walking for transport and reducing the use of plastics). Effective interventions aimed at increasing such behaviours will need to be evidence based and there is a need for the rapid communication of information from the point of research, into policy and practice. Further, a number of health disciplines, including psychology and public health, share a common mission to promote health and well-being. Therefore, the objective of this project is to take a cross-discipline and collaborative approach to reveal psychological mechanisms driving environmentally friendly behaviour. This objective is further divided into three broad aims, the first of which is to take a cross-discipline and collaborative approach to research. The second aim is to explore and identify the salient beliefs which most strongly predict environmentally friendly behaviour. The third aim is to build an augmented model to explain environmentally friendly behaviour. The thesis builds on the understanding that an interdisciplinary collaborative approach will facilitate the rapid transfer of knowledge to inform behaviour change interventions. Methods. The application of this approach involved two surveys which explored the psycho-social predictors of environmentally friendly behaviour. Following a qualitative pilot study, and in collaboration with an expert panel comprising academics, industry professionals and government representatives, a self-administered, Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) based, mail survey was distributed to a random sample of 3000 residents of Brisbane and Moreton Bay Region (Queensland, Australia). This survey explored specific beliefs including attitudes, norms, perceived control, intention and behaviour, as well as environmental altruism and green identity, in relation to walking for transport and switching off lights when not in use. Following analysis of the mail survey data and based on feedback from participants and key stakeholders, an internet survey was employed (N=451) to explore two additional behaviours, switching off appliances at the wall when not in use, and shopping with reusable bags. This work is presented as a series of interrelated publications which address each of the research aims. Presentation of Findings. Chapter five of this thesis consists of a published paper which addresses the first aim of the research and outlines the collaborative and multidisciplinary approach employed in the mail survey. The paper argued that forging alliances with those who are in a position to immediately utilise the findings of research has the potential to improve the quality and timely communication of research. Illustrating this timely communication, Chapter six comprises a report presented to Moreton Bay Regional Council (MBRC). This report addresses aim's one and two. The report contains a summary of participation in a range of environmentally friendly behaviours and identifies the beliefs which most strongly predicted walking for transport and switching off lights (from the mail survey). These salient beliefs were then recommended as targets for interventions and included: participants believing that they might save money; that their neighbours also switch off lights; that it would be inconvenient to walk for transport and that their closest friend also walks for transport. Chapter seven also addresses the second aim and presents a published conference paper in which the salient beliefs predicting the four specified behaviours (from both surveys) are identified and potential applications for intervention are discussed. Again, a range of TPB based beliefs, including descriptive normative beliefs, were predictive of environmentally friendly behaviour. This paper was also provided to MBRC, along with recommendations for applying the findings. For example, as descriptive normative beliefs were consistently correlated with environmentally friendly behaviour, local councils could engage in marketing and interventions (workshops, letter box drops, internet promotions) which encourage parents and friends to model, rather than simply encourage, environmentally friendly behaviour. The final two papers, presented in Chapters eight and nine, addresses the third aim of the project. These papers each present two behaviours together to inform a TPB based theoretical model with which to predict environmentally friendly behaviour. A generalised model is presented, which is found to predict the four specific behaviours under investigation. The role of demographics was explored across each of the behaviour specific models. It was found that some behaviour's differ by age, gender, income or education. In particular, adjusted models predicted more of the variance in walking for transport amongst younger participants and females. Adjusted models predicted more variance in switching off lights amongst those with a bachelor degree or higher and predicted more variance in switching off appliances amongst those on a higher income. Adjusted models predicted more variance in shopping with reusable bags for males, people 40 years or older, those on a higher income and those with a bachelor degree or higher. However, model structure and general predictability was relatively consistent overall. The models provide a general theoretical framework from which to better understand the motives and predictors of environmentally friendly behaviour. Conclusion. This research has provided an example of the benefits of a collaborative interdisciplinary approach. It has identified a number of salient beliefs which can be targeted for social marketing campaigns and educational initiatives; and these findings, along with recommendations, have been passed on to a local council to be used as part of their ongoing community engagement programs. Finally, the research has informed a practical model, as well as behaviour specific models, for predicting sustainable living behaviours. Such models can highlight important core constructs from which targeted interventions can be designed. Therefore, this research represents an important step in undertaking collaborative approaches to improving population health through human-environment interactions.


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This paper extends research on the corporate governance practices of transitional economies by examining whether the ability of the audit committee to constrain earnings management in Chinese firms is associated with the listing environment and the presence of government officials on the audit committee. Despite considerable regulatory reforms by the Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission, there remain incentives for Chinese firms to manage earnings. However, government initiatives to encourage domestic firms to cross-list on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange are accompanied by improved governance. We find that the expertise and independence of the audit committee for cross-listed (CL) Chinese firms are associated with lower abnormal accruals, our measure of earnings management. Both domestic only listed firms and CL Chinese firms appoint government officials as independent members on the audit committee. However, due to the political connection between government officials and the controlling shareholder (the State), these appointments can severely mitigate audit committee independence. Subsequently, we find a significant and positive association between audit committee independence and experience and earnings management when there are government officials on the audit committee.


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In this study, the reaction of semiconductor microrods of phase I copper 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (CuTCNQ) with KAuBr4 in acetonitrile is reported. It was found that the reaction is redox in nature and proceeds via a galvanic replacement mechanism in which the surface of CuTCNQ is replaced with metallic gold nanoparticles. Given the slight solubility of CuTCNQ in acetonitrile, two competing reactions, namely CuTCNQ dissolution and the redox reaction with KAuBr4, were found to operate in parallel. An increase in the surface coverage of CuTCNQ microrods with gold nanoparticles occurred with an increased KAuBr4 concentration in acetonitrile, which also inhibited CuTCNQ dissolution. The reaction progress with time was monitored using UV−visible, FT-IR, and Raman spectroscopy as well as XRD and EDX analysis, and SEM imaging. The CuTCNQ/Au nanocomposites were investigated for their photocatalytic properties, wherein the destruction of Congo red, an organic dye, by simulated solar light was found dependent on the surface coverage of gold nanoparticles on the CuTCNQ microrods. This method of decorating CuTCNQ may open the possibility of modifying this and other metal-TCNQ charge transfer complexes with a host of other metals which may have significant applications.


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The spontaneous reaction between microrods of an organic semiconductor molecule, copper 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (CuTCNQ) with [AuBr4]− ions in an aqueous environment is reported. The reaction is found to be redox in nature which proceeds via a complex galvanic replacement mechanism, wherein the surface of the CuTCNQ microrods is replaced with metallic gold nanoparticles. Unlike previous reactions reported in acetonitrile, the galvanic replacement reaction in aqueous solution proceeds via an entirely different reaction mechanism, wherein a cyclical reaction mechanism involving continuous regeneration of CuTCNQ consumed during the galvanic replacement reaction occurs in parallel with the galvanic replacement reaction. This results in the driving force of the galvanic replacement reaction in aqueous medium being largely dependent on the availability of [AuBr4]− ions during the reaction. Therefore, this study highlights the importance of the choice of an appropriate solvent during galvanic replacement reactions, which can significantly impact upon the reaction mechanism. The reaction progress with respect to different gold salt concentration was monitored using Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), Raman, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), as well as XRD and EDX analysis, and SEM imaging. The CuTCNQ/Au nanocomposites were also investigated for their potential photocatalytic properties, wherein the destruction of the organic dye, Congo red, in a simulated solar light environment was found to be largely dependent on the degree of gold nanoparticle surface coverage. The approach reported here opens up new possibilities of decorating metal–organic charge transfer complexes with a host of metals, leading to potentially novel applications in catalysis and sensing.


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A new cold-formed and resistance-welded section known as the hollow flange beam (HFB) has been developed recently in Australia. In contrast to the common lateral-torsional buckling mode of I-beams, this unique section comprising two stiff triangular flanges and a slender web is susceptible to a lateral-distortional buckling mode of failure involving lateral deflection, twist, and cross-section change due to web distortion. This lateral-distortional buckling behavior has been shown to cause significant reduction of the available flexural capacity of HFBs. An investigation using finite-element analyses and large-scale experiments was carried out into the use of transverse web plate stiffeners to improve the lateral buckling capacity of HFBs. This paper presents the details of the finite-element model and analytical results. The experimental procedure and results are outlined in a companion paper.


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Lean body mass (LBM) and muscle mass remains difficult to quantify in large epidemiological studies due to non-availability of inexpensive methods. We therefore developed anthropometric prediction equations to estimate the LBM and appendicular lean soft tissue (ALST) using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) as a reference method. Healthy volunteers (n= 2220; 36% females; age 18-79 y) representing a wide range of body mass index (14-44 kg/m2) participated in this study. Their LBM including ALST was assessed by DXA along with anthropometric measurements. The sample was divided into prediction (60%) and validation (40%) sets. In the prediction set, a number of prediction models were constructed using DXA measured LBM and ALST estimates as dependent variables and a combination of anthropometric indices as independent variables. These equations were cross-validated in the validation set. Simple equations using age, height and weight explained > 90% variation in the LBM and ALST in both men and women. Additional variables (hip and limb circumferences and sum of SFTs) increased the explained variation by 5-8% in the fully adjusted models predicting LBM and ALST. More complex equations using all the above anthropometric variables could predict the DXA measured LBM and ALST accurately as indicated by low standard error of the estimate (LBM: 1.47 kg and 1.63 kg for men and women, respectively) as well as good agreement by Bland Altman analyses. These equations could be a valuable tool in large epidemiological studies assessing these body compartments in Indians and other population groups with similar body composition.


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This study investigated the effect of any health professional contact and the types of contact new mothers received in the first 10 days post-discharge on breastfeeding rates at 3 months. This cross-sectional retrospective self-report survey was distributed to women who birthed in Queensland, Australia between 1st February and 31st May 2010 at 4–5 months postpartum. Data were collected on pregnancy, birth, postpartum care and infant feeding. Logistic regression was used to assess the relationship between health professional contact and breastfeeding at 3 months. Data were analysed by birthing facility sector because of significant differences between sectors in health professional contact. The study cohort consisted of 6,852 women. Women in the public sector were more likely to be visited at home than women birthing in the private sector. Any health professional contact (AOR 1.65 99 % CI 0.98–2.76 public sector, AOR 0.78 99 % CI 0.59–1.03 private sector) and home visits (AOR 1.50 99 % CI 0.89–2.54 public sector, AOR 0.80 99 % CI 0.46–1.39 private sector) were not associated with breastfeeding at 3 months in either sector. A telephone call (AOR 2.07 99 % CI 1.06–4.03) or visit to a general practitioner (GP) (AOR 1.83 99 % CI 1.04–3.21) increased the odds of breastfeeding in public sector women. Health professional contact or home visiting in the first 10 days post-discharge did not have a significant impact on breastfeeding rates at 3 months. Post-discharge telephone contact for all women and opportunities for self-initiated clinic visits for women assessed to be at higher risk of ceasing breastfeeding may be the most effective care.


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Purpose Women who experience cancer treatment-induced menopause are at risk of long-term chronic morbidity. This risk can be prevented or offset with adherence to health promotion and risk reduction guidelines. The purpose of this study was to explore health behaviours in younger female survivors of cancer and the variables (quality of life and psychological distress) believed to moderate health behaviours. Design Cross-sectional survey of a convenience sample of women (n = 85) in southeast Queensland. Methods Health behaviour and health status were elicited with items from the Australian Health Survey and the Behavioural Risk Factor Surveillance System. The WHO Quality of Life (Brief) measured participants’ self-reported quality of life and their satisfaction with their health. The Brief Symptom Inventory-18 measured psychological distress. Findings Higher self-reported health status was associated with regular exercise and better quality of life. However, a substantial proportion of participants did not engage in the physical activity, dietary or cervical screening practices recommended by Australian guidelines. Conclusions The participants require education regarding the benefits of diet, exercise, weight loss and decreased alcohol intake, as well as information on future health risks and possible comorbidities. These education sessions could be addressed by a nurse-led health promotion model of care at the time of discharge or in the community.