962 resultados para Alkyd spray paints
A tecnologia de aplicação dos produtos fitossanitários na agricultura pode ser aprimorada mediante a redução dos desperdícios. Com o objetivo de contribuir com tal avanço tecnológico, avaliou-se a eficácia de um herbicida com ação de contato, aplicado em pós-emergência com pulverizadores sem e com assistência de ar junto à barra, em diferentes volumes de calda. O experimento foi instalado no município de Ponta Grossa - PR, com a dessecação de aveia-preta (Avena strigosa Schreb) implantada em sistema de plantio direto sob a palha. Empregou-se a mistura herbicida formulada (SC) de dicloreto de paraquate (400 g ha-1) + diuron (200 g ha-1). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados (DBC), em esquema fatorial 2 (pulverizador sem e com assistência de ar) x 5 (volumes de calda: 0; 100; 200; 300 e 400 L ha-1), com quatro repetições. A avaliação do efeito da dessecação se deu por meio da escala proposta pela Asociación Latinoamericana de Malezas (ALAM). A interação entre os fatores foi significativa, obtendo-se suficiência na dessecação a partir de 200 e 100 L ha-1, sem e com assistência de ar na barra, respectivamente.
Environmental sustainability has become one of the topics of greatest interest in industry, mainly due to effluent generation. Phenols are found in many industries effluents, these industries might be refineries, coal processing, pharmaceutical, plastics, paints and paper and pulp industries. Because phenolic compounds are toxic to humans and aquatic organisms, Federal Resolution CONAMA No. 430 of 13.05.2011 limits the maximum content of phenols, in 0.5 mg.L-1, for release in freshwater bodies. In the effluents treatment, the liquid-liquid extraction process is the most economical for the phenol recovery, because consumes little energy, but in most cases implements an organic solvent, and the use of it can cause some environmental problems due to the high toxicity of this compound. Because of this, exists a need for new methodologies, which aims to replace these solvents for biodegradable ones. Some literature studies demonstrate the feasibility of phenolic compounds removing from aqueous effluents, by biodegradable solvents. In this extraction kind called "Cloud Point Extraction" is used a nonionic surfactant as extracting agent of phenolic compounds. In order to optimize the phenol extraction process, this paper studies the mathematical modeling and optimization of extraction parameters and investigates the effect of the independent variables in the process. A 32 full factorial design has been done with operating temperature and surfactant concentration as independent variables and, parameters extraction: Volumetric fraction of coacervate phase, surfactant and residual concentration of phenol in dilute phase after separation phase and phenol extraction efficiency, as dependent variables. To achieve the objectives presented before, the work was carried out in five steps: (i) selection of some literature data, (ii) use of Box-Behnken model to find out mathematical models that describes the process of phenol extraction, (iii) Data analysis were performed using STATISTICA 7.0 and the analysis of variance was used to assess the model significance and prediction (iv) models optimization using the response surface method (v) Mathematical models validation using additional measures, from samples different from the ones used to construct the model. The results showed that the mathematical models found are able to calculate the effect of the surfactant concentration and the operating temperature in each extraction parameter studied, respecting the boundaries used. The models optimization allowed the achievement of consistent and applicable results in a simple and quick way leading to high efficiency in process operation.
In this research, the drying process of acerola waste was investigated by using a spouted bed drier. The process was conducted using high density polyethylene inert particles with the objective of producing an ascorbic acid-rich final product. The fruit waste was ground and used to prepare different water-maltodextrin suspensions. Initially, fluidynamical experiments were conducted in order to evaluate the feeding effect on the spouted bed drier fluidynamics behavior. The experimental planning 23 + 3 was used to investigate the effect of the following variables: solids concentration, drying air temperature, intermittence time, production efficiency, solids retention and product losses by elutriation of fine particles on drier walls. The effect of selected independent variables on the drier stability was also evaluated based on a parameter defined as the ratio between the feed suspension volume and the total inert particles volume. Finally, the powder quality was verified in experiments with fixed feed flow and varying air drying temperature, drying air velocity and intermittence time. It was observed that the suspension interferes in the spouted bed drier fluidynamics behavior, and higher air flow is necessary to stabilize the drier. The suspension also promotes the expansion of the spouted bed diameter, decreases the solid circulation and favors the air distribution at the flush area. All variables interfere in the spouted bed performance, and the solids concentration has a major effect on the material retention and losses. The intermittence time also has great effect on the stability and material retention. When it comes to production efficiency, the main effect observed was the drying air temperature. First order models were well adjusted to retention and losses data. The acerola powder presented ascorbic acid levels around 600 to 700 mg/100g. Similar moisture and ascorbic acid levels were obtained for powders obtained by spouted bed and spray drier. However, the powder production efficiency of the spray drier was lower when compared to spouted bed drier. When it comes to energetic analysis, the spray drier process was superior. The results obtained for spouted bed drier are promising and highly dependent on the operational parameters chosen, but in general, it is inferred that this drying process is adequate for paste and suspension drying
The Brazilian poplar moth is the most important pest of poplar plantations in Brazil. This research evaluated the effect of Beauveria bassiana Bals. (Vuill.) on the mortality and development of Condylorrhiza vestigialis Guen. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). The aim was to develop alternative methods for management of this pest. The pathogens were sprayed on poplar leaves and .consequently, the pathogens reached the caterpillars. Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki Berliner was sprayed as the standard treatment. The spray for the control was distilled water. Both pathogens B. bassiana and B. thuringiensis affected insect development with increase mortality at each stage of the insect cycle, reaching a satisfactory control level. Microbial control of Brazilian poplar moth with B. bassiana is promising. Tests with other strains and species of pathogens, mainly under field conditions, were also encouraging. This is the first report about the action of B. bassiana against C. vestigialis.
Despite the relatively organized cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) productive chain and the number of cashew derivatives found in the market, it is estimated that over 90% of the cashew peduncle is wasted. A possible strategy for a better commercial exploitation of this agroindustrial commodity would be the production of spray dried cashew pulp. Thus, this paper approaches the yellow cashew pulp spray drying process and the final product evaluation. Based on that, the shelf life of the spray dried cashew pulp packed in different packaging was evaluated. Drying was conducted in two drying temperatures (140 °C to 150 °C) and two concentrations of Arabic gum (AG, 15% and 25%), which summed four experimental groups. The drying performance was evaluated as well as the physicochemical characteristics (moisture, water activity, total soluble solids, pH, density, solubility, particle diameter, hygroscopicity, degree of caking, color, scanning electronic microscopy and X-ray diffraction), composition (protein, ash, fat and sugars) and bioactive and functional value (total phenolic compounds, carotenoids, ascorbic acid and antioxidant activity) of the final products. Results showed spray drying efficiency higher than 65% for all experiments, mainly for the C4 group (150 °C and 25% AG) which reached efficiency of 93.4%. It was also observed high solubility (94.7% to 97.9%) and the groups with lower hygroscopicity (5.8% and 6.5%) were those with the highest proportion of drying coadjuvant. The particle diameters ranged between 14.7 μm and 30.2 μm and increased with the proportion of AG. When comparing the product before and after spray drying, the drying impact was evident. However, despite the observed losses, dried yellow cashew showed high phenolic concentration (from 235.9 to 380.4 mg GAE eq / 100 g DM), carotenoids between 0.22 and 0.49 mg/100 g DM and remarkable ascorbic acid levels (852.4 to 1346.2 mg/100 g DM), in addition to antioxidant activity ranging from 12.9 to 16.4 μmol TE/ g DM. The shelf life study revealed decreased phenolic content over time associated to a slight water activity increase. Overall, our results unveil the technological and bioactive potential of dried yellow cashew as a functional ingredient to be used in food formulations or as a ready-to-use product. The technological approach presented here can serve as an efficient strategy for a rational use of the cashew apple, avoiding its current underutilization
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of leaf spray of molybdenum (Mo) and nitrogen (N) rates in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), cultivar Carioca Precoce, evaluating the yield components, yield and leaves nitrate levels. The research was carried out in Botucatu, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The sowing of the beans (06/03/2003) was made with the supply of 230 kg ha(-1) of NPK (4-30-10) granulated fertilizer at planting. The experiment was a complete randomized block, with four replications and a 5 x 2 factorial arrangement, involving five N rates (25; 50; 75 and 125 kg ha(-1)), applied 20 days after emergency (DAE), with or without 80 g ha(-1) of Mo, applied on leaves at 25 DAE. The Mo absence by leaf spray promoted the nitrate accumulation in the leaves in treatments with higher rates of N. The weight of 100 grains increased with the Mo by leaf spray, reducing the need for N to get the best results. The molybdenum fertilization increased bean yield regardless of N rate applied to the beans.
Drying of fruit pulps in spouted beds of inert particles has been indicated as a viable technique to produce fruit powders. Most of the processes employed to produce dried fruit pulps and juices, such as Foam Mat, encapsulation by co-crystallization and spray drying utilize adjuvant and additives (such as thickeners, coating materials, emulsifiers, acidulants, flavors and dyes), which is not always desirable. The fruit pulp composition exerts an important effect on the fruit powder production using a spouted bed. In the study by Medeiros (2001) it was concluded that lipids, starch and pectin contents play an important role on the process performance, enhancing the powder production; however, the drying of fruit pulps containing high content of reducing sugars (glucose and fructose) is practically unviable. This work has the objective of expanding the studies on drying of fruit pulps in spouted bed with aid of adjuvant (lipids, starch and pectin) aiming to enhance the dryer performance without jeopardizing the sensorial quality of the product. The optimum composition obtained by Medeiros (2001) was the basis for preparing the mixtures of pulps. The mixture formulations included pulps of mango (Mangifera indica), umbu (Spondias tuberosa) and red mombin (Spondia purpurea) with addition of cornstarch, pectin and lipids. Different products were used as lipids source: olive and Brazil nut oils, coconut milk, heavy milk, powder of palm fat and palm olein. First of all, experiments were conducted to define the best formulation of the fruit pulps mixture. This definition was based on the drying performance obtained for each mixture and on the sensorial characteristics of the dry powder. The mixture formulations were submitted to drying at fixed operating conditions of drying and atomizing air flow rate, load of inert particles, temperature and flow rate of the mixture. The best results were obtained with the compositions having powder of palm fat and palm olein in terms of the drying performance and sensorial analysis. Physical and physicochemical characteristics were determined for the dry powders obtained from the mixtures formulations. Solubility and reconstitution time as well as the properties of the product after reconstitution were also evaluated. According to these analyses, the powder from the mixtures formulations presented similar characteristics and compatible quality to those produced in other types of dryers. Considering that the palm olein is produced in Brazil and that it has been used in the food industry substituting the palm fat powder, further studies on drying performance were conducted with the composition that included the palm olein. A complete factorial design of experiments 23, with three repetitions at the central point was conducted to evaluate the effects of the air temperature, feeding flow rate and intermittence time on the responses related to the process performance (powder collection efficiency, material retained in the bed and angle of repose of the inert particles after the process) and to the product quality (mean moisture content, loss of vitamin C and solubility). Powder production was uniform for the majority of the experiments and the higher efficiency with lower retention in the bed (59.2% and 1.8g, respectively) were obtained for the air temperature of 80°C, mixture feed rate of 5ml/min in intervals of 10 min. The statistical analysis of the results showed that the process variables had individual or combined significant influences on the powder collection efficiency, material retention in the bed, powder moisture content and loss of vitamin C. At the experimental ranges of this work, the angle of repose and solubility were not influenced by the operating variables. From the results of the experimental design, statistical models were obtained for the powder moisture content and loss of vitamin C
Nowadays, Brazil has both the greatest goat herd and the greatest goat milk production of South America. The state of Rio Grande do Norte, located in northeast of Brazil, has an average year production of three thousand cubic meters of goat milk in natura. Part of this milk production is homemade and it comes from small farms, which unite in rural cooperatives created to encourage the production and implementation of industrial processes for preservation and processing of milk. Results presented by literature and obtained from preliminary essays in this thesis show that non conventional dryer of spouted bed with inert particles is able to produce powder milk from in natura milk (cattle or goat), with the same quality of spray dryer, however, operating at low cost. The method of drying in spouted bed consists of injecting milk emulsion on the bed of inert particles gushed by hot air. This emulsion covers the particles with a thin film, which dries and is reduced to powder during the circulation of inerts inside the bed. The powder is dragged by exhaustion air and separated in the cyclone. The friction among particles resulted from the particles circulation, encourages high taxes of shear in the thin film of emulsion, breaking the cohesive forces and making this process possible. Studying the drying process and the powder goat milk production in one unit of spouted bed with inert particles, seeing the development of a low cost technological route for powder milk production is the aim of this thesis. The powder milk produced by this route must attend the local demand of food industries which need an intermediate product to be used as a food ingredient (ice-cream, milk candy). In order to reach this aim, this thesis approaches the aspects related to physical, thermodynamics and physic-chemicals characteristics of goat milk, whose complete data are still inexistent in the literature. The properties of materials are of great importance to the project of any process which involves the operations of transportation of movement, heat and mass quantity, such as the dryers which operate in fluid dynamically active regime, like the spouted bed. It was obtained new data related to the goat milk properties in function of concentration of solids and temperature. It is also important to mention the study developed about the kinetic of solids retention in the bed of inert particles during the drying of goat milk. It was found more adequate processes conditions to the proposed technological route to be implemented in small and micro-industries, with simplifications in the system of milk injection as well as in the form of operation of the dryer. Important data were obtained for a posterior stage of this research which involves the v modeling, simulation, control and optimization of the process. The results obtained in this thesis, in relation to process performance as well as to the quality of produced powder milk validate the proposal of using the spouted bed dryer in the production of powder goat milk
Cyclodextrins (CDs) are annular oligosaccharides containing 6-12 glucose unities joined together by alpha-1,4 bonds. They have a conical-truncated shape with a lipophilic cavity in which different molecules can be included resulting in a stable inclusion complex. The cyclodextrins have been widely applied in pharmaceutical technology with the objective of increasing the solubility, stability and bioavailability of drugs in different pharmaceutical dosage forms, such as tablets. In order to obtain beta-CD tablets, liquid dispersions of drug/beta-CD are usually submitted to different drying processes, like spray-drying, freeze-drying or slow evaporation, being this dry material added to a number of excipients. However, such drying processes can generate particulate materials showing problems of flow and compressibility, needing their conversion into granulates by means of wetting with granulation liquid followed by additional drying. In this work, the main objective was to evaluate the preparation of tablets without the need of this additional drying step. For this purpose an aqueous dispersion containing acetaminophen/beta-CD complex and cornstarch was dried using a spouted bed and the obtained granules were compressed in tablets. Acetaminophen was used as model drug due to its low water solubility and the inexpensive and widely available cornstarch was chosen as excipient. Acetaminophen powder was added into a beta-cyclodextrin solution prepared in distilled water at 70 degrees C. Stirring was kept until this dispersion cooled to room temperature. Then cornstarch was added and the resulting dispersion was dried in spouted bed equipment. This material was compressed into tablets using an Erweka Korsh EKO tablet machine. This innovative approach allowed the tablets preparation process to be carried out with fewer steps and represents a technological reliable strategy to produce beta-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes tablets. (C) 2010 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Deposition of wear-resistant hard chromium plating leads to a decrease in the fatigue strength of the base material. Despite the effective protection against wear and corrosion, fatigue life and environmental requirements result in pressure to identify alternatives or to improve conventional chromium electroplating mechanical characteristics. An interesting, environmentally safer and cleaner alternative for the replacement of hard chronic plating is tungsten carbide thermal spray coating, applied by high velocity oxyfuel (HVOF) process.To improve the fatigue strength of aeronautical steel chromium electroplated, shot peening is a successfully used method. Multiple lacer systems of coatings are considered to have larger resistance to crack propagation in comparison with simple layer.The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of nickel underplate on the fatigue strength of hard chromium plated AISI 4340 steel in two mechanical conditions: HRc 39 and HRc 52.Rotating bending fatigue tests results indicate that the clectroless nickel plating underlayer is responsible for the increase in fatigue strength of AISI 4340 steel chromium electroplated. This behavior may be attributed to the largest toughness/ductility and compressive residual stresses which, probably, arrested or delayed the inicrocrack propagation from the hard chromium external layer. The compressive residual stress field (CRSF) induced by the electroplating process was determined by X-ray diffraction method. The evolution of fatigue strength compressive residual stress field CRSF and crack sources are discussed and analyzed by SEM. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Internal residual stresses significantly influence the fatigue strength of coated materials. It is well known that chromium plating is the most used electrodeposited coating for important industrial applications. However, pressure to identify alternatives or to improve the chromium electroplating process have increased in recent years, related to the reduction in fatigue strength of the base material and to environmental requirements. The high efficiency and fluoride free hard chromium electroplating there called accelerated) is an improvement to the conventional process. One environmentally safer and cleaner alternative to hard chromium plating is tungsten carbide thermal spray coating applied by the High Velocity Oxy-Fuel (HVOF) process. To increase the fatigue strength of chromium plated materials, coating thickness and microcracks density are important parameters to be controlled. Techniques as compressive residual stresses induced by shot peening and multilayers, are also used. The aim of this study was to analyse the effects on AISI 4340 steel, in the rotating bending fatigue behaviour, of the: tungsten carbide thermal spray coating applied by HP/HVOF process; chemical nickel underplate, and shot peening process applied before coating deposition, in comparison to hard chromium electroplatings. Rotating bending fatigue test results indicate better performance for the conventional hard chromium plating in relation to the accelerated hard chromium electroplating. Tungsten carbide thermal spray coating and accelerated hard chromium plate over nickel resulted in higher fatigue strength when compared to samples conventional or accelerated hard chromium plated. Shot peening showed to be an excellent alternative to increase fatigue strength of AISI 4340 steel hard chromium electroplated. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)