995 resultados para Affinity ligands


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The effect of nickel from soluble NiCl2 on Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, as well as on rate of nitro blue tetrazolium reduction, was studied in vitro since lipid peroxidation has been implicated in cell damage by nickel insoluble compounds, whose toxicity and carcinogenicity are well established. The physical and chemical nature of nickel compounds is one of the key determinations of its toxicity. Soluble nickel freely enter cells, but is just as readily excreted reducing the opportunity for production of lipid damage. Nickel from NiCl2 strongly activated SOD activity. In vitro addition of nickel chloride to a crude lung preparation altered the KM for SOD without changing the Vmax. Nickel chloride produced increased enzyme affinity to the substrate, because decreased (O2-) concentration that yields half-maximal velocity. The combination of nickel and SOD may contribute to stabilization of the particular conformation of SOD responsible for maximal catalytically activity.


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2,2,7-trimethylguanosine (TMG) binding proteins from human cells were purified through TMG-affinity columns. TMG synthesis was improved and the TMG obtained was shown to be similar to the TMG in the 5' cap of the UsnRNAs. The eluates obtained with TMG-affinity chromatographies were very different from those isolated with m7G-affinity columns, thus suggesting that specific TMG- binding proteins were obtained. The fraction may be enriched with factors associated with import and/or hypermethylation of UsnRNPs.


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The freshwater planktonic alga Kirchneriella aperta was grown in batch cultures to stationary growth phase. Copper and lead complexation properties of the exudate from stationary and exponential growth phases were determined by titrations monitored by ion-selective electrodes. Molecular weight fractionation dialysis) and analysis of the titration data (Scatchard Plot) revealed that K. aperta releases metal-complexing ligands. Copper is associated with low and high molecular weight compounds, whereas lead forms complexes with only high molecular weight compounds. Gas-liquid chromatography showed that mannose and rhamnose make up 74% of the total high molecular weight organic material, with uronic acids present at 19%.


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We determined the effects of losartan and CGP42112A (selective ligands of the AT1 and AT2 angiotensin receptors, respectively) and salarasin (a relatively nonselective angiotensin receptor antagonist) on urinary volume and urinary sodium and potassium excretion induced by administration of angiotensin II (ANG II) into the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of conscious rats. Both the AT1 and AT2 ligands and salarasin administered in the presence of ANG II elicited a concentration-dependent inhibition of urine excretion, but losartan inhibited only 75% of this response. The IC50 for salarasin, CGP42112A, and losartan was 0.01, 0.05, and 6 nM, respectively. Previous treatment with saralasin, CGP42112A and losartan competitively antagonized the natriuretic responses to PVN administration of ANG II, and the IC50 values were 0.09, 0.48, and 10 nM, respectively. The maximum response to losartan was 65% of that obtained with saralasin. Pretreatment with saralasin, losartan, and CGP42112A injected into the PVN caused shifts to the right of the concentration-response curves, but the losartan concentrations were disproportionately greater compared with salarasin or CGP42112A. The IC50 values were 0.06, 0.5, and 7.0 for salarasin, CGP42112A, and losartan, respectively. These results suggest that both AT1 and AT2 receptor subtypes in the PVN are involved in ANG II-related urine, sodium, and potassium excretion, and that the inhibitory responses to AT2 blockade are predominant. Copyright (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Several freshwater phytoplanktonic species (eukaryotic and prokaryotic) were grown in batch cultures up to stationary phase and quantified by chlorophyll a analysis. The complexation properties (conditional stability constant and total ligand concentration) of their exudates were investigated by complexometric titrations of the culture media using either copper or lead ion-selective electrodes. For most algae, Scatchard plot analysis of the titration data revealed two classes of copper-complexing ligands, one weaker and the other stronger. Strong copper-complexing agents were produced by Cyanophyta mainly in stationary growth phase. During exponential phase, ligand concentrations and the affinity for copper were similar for both Chlorophyta and Cyanophyta. Complexation parameters for Chlorophyta exudates were similar for both growth phases: exponential and stationary. In contrast, ligand concentrations were similar for Cyanophyta, but the conditional stability constants (the strength of association between ligand and metal) were different. Weak lead-complexing ligands were produced exclusively by two Chlorophyta.


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Proteins containing the classical nuclear localization sequences (NLSs) are imported into the nucleus by the importin-α/β heterodimer. Importin-α contains the NLS binding site, whereas importin-β mediates the translocation through the nuclear pore. We characterized the interactions involving importin-α during nuclear import using a combination of biophysical techniques (biosensor, crystallography, sedimentation equilibrium, electrophoresis, and circular dichroism). Importin-α is shown to exist in a monomeric autoinhibited state (association with NLSs undetectable by biosensor). Association with importin-β (stoichiometry, 1:1; K D = 1.1 × 10 -8 M) increases the affinity for NLSs; the importin-α/β complex binds representative monopartite NLS (simian virus 40 large T-antigen) and bipartite NLS (nucleoplasmin) with affinities (K D = 3.5 × 10 -8 M and 4.8 × 10 -8 M, respectively) comparable with those of a truncated importin-α lacking the autoinhibitory domain (T-antigen NLS, K D = 1.7 × 10 -8 M; nucleoplasmin NLS, K D = 1.4 × 10 -8 M). The autoinhibitory domain (as a separate peptide) binds the truncated importin-α, and the crystal structure of the complex resembles the structure of full-length importin-α. Our results support the model of regulation of nuclear import mediated by the intrasteric autoregulatory sequence of importin-α and provide a quantitative description of the binding and regulatory steps during nuclear import.


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Despite vast efforts and expenditures in the past few decades, malaria continues to kill millions of persons every year, and new approaches for disease control are urgently needed. To complete its life cycle in the mosquito, Plasmodium, the causative agent of malaria, has to traverse the epithelia of the midgut and salivary glands. Although strong circumstantial evidence indicates that parasite interactions with the two organs are specific, hardly any information is available about the interacting molecules. By use of a phage display library, we identified a 12-aa peptide-salivary gland and midgut peptide 1 (SM1)-that binds to the distal lobes of the salivary gland and to the luminal side of the midgut epithelium, but not to the midgut surface facing the hemolymph or to ovaries. The coincidence of the tissues with which parasites and the SM1 peptide interact suggested that the parasite and peptide recognize the same surface ligand. In support of this hypothesis, the SM1 peptide strongly inhibited Plasmodium invasion of salivary gland and midgut epithelia. These experiments suggest a new strategy for the genetic manipulation of mosquito vectorial capacity.


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Mononuclear palladium(II) complexes containing both pyrazole-type ligands and thiocyanate, of general formula [Pd(SCN) 2(L) 2] {L = pyrazole (HPz) and l-phenyl-3-methylpyrazole (phmPz)} have been prepared and characterized by elemental analysis, i.r. and n.m.r. spectroscopy and by single crystal X-ray diffraction methods. The Pd atom in these structures lies on the crystallographic inversion center; in a square-planar coordination geometry made by two sulfur and two nitrogen atoms of the ligands, both in trans positions.


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The one-dimensional coordination polymer of palladium(II) with pyrazolato (Pz -) and azide (N 3 -) as bridging ligands, of formula [Pd 3(μ-N 3)(μ-Pz) 5] n, has been prepared. From IR and Raman studies it was evidenced the exobidentate nature of pyrazole ligands as well the μ-1,1-bridging coordination of azido groups. NMR experiments showed two sets of broadened signals with different intensities indicating the presence of pyrazolato groups in distinct chemical environments. The proposed structure of [Pd 3(μ-N 3)(μ-Pz) 5] n consists of a zigzag ribbon in which each (Pz) 2Pd(Pz) 2 entity is bound to two stacked planar units [Pd(μ-Pz)(μ-N 3)Pd core] with very weak Pd-Pd interaction, based on UV-Vis spectroscopy.


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Use of serological tests in the diagnosis of infectious diseases in wild animals has several limitations, primarily the difficulty of obtaining species-specific reagents. Wild canids, such as maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus), are highly predisposed to infection by Toxoplasma gondii and, to a lesser extent, to Neospora caninum. The aim of the present study was to evaluate homologous, heterologous, and affinity conjugates in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) and indirect fluorescent antibody tests (IFATs) for detecting immunoglobulin (Ig) G antibodies against T. gondii and N. caninum in maned wolves. Serum samples were obtained from 59 captive animals in Brazil and tested by ELISA for T. gondii serology and IFAT for N. caninum serology using 3 different enzymatic and fluorescent conjugates: homologous (guinea pig anti-maned wolf IgG-peroxidase and -fluorescein isothiocyanate [FITC]), heterologous (rabbit anti-dog IgG-peroxidase and -FITC), and affinity (protein A-peroxidase and -FITC). Seropositivity to T. gondii was comparable among the homologous (69.5%), heterologous (74.6%), and affinity (71.2%) enzymatic conjugates. A significant positive correlation was found between the antibody levels determined by the 3 enzymatic conjugates. The highest mean antibody levels (ELISA index = 4.5) were observed with the protein A-peroxidase conjugate. The same seropositivity to N. caninum (8.5%) was found with the homologous and heterologous fluorescent conjugates, but protein A-FITC was not able to detect or confirm any positive samples with homologous or heterologous conjugates. Our results demonstrate that homologous, heterologous, and affinity conjugates might be used in ELISA for serological assays of T. gondii in wild canids, whereas for N. caninum infection, only the homologous or heterologous fluorescent conjugates have been shown to be useful. © American Society of Parasitologists 2005.


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Uncoupling proteins (UCPs) are specialized mitochondrial transporter proteins that uncouple respiration from ATP synthesis. In this study, cDNA encoding maize uncoupling protein (ZmPUMP) was expressed in Escherichia coli and recombinant ZmPUMP reconstituted in liposomes. ZmPUMP activity was associated with a linoleic acid (LA)-mediated H+ efflux with Km of 56.36 ± 0.27 μM and Vmax of 66.9 μmol H+ min-1 (mg prot)-1. LA-mediated H+ fluxes were sensitive to ATP inhibition with Ki of 2.61 ± 0.36 mM (at pH 7.2), a value similar to those for dicot UCPs. ZmPUMP was also used to investigate the importance of a histidine pair present in the second matrix loop of mammalian UCP1 and absent in plant UCPs. ZmPUMP with introduced His pair (Lys155His and Ala157His) displayed a 1.55-fold increase in LA-affinity while its activity remained unchanged. Our data indicate conserved properties of plant UCPs and suggest an enhancing but not essential role of the histidine pair in proton transport mechanism. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Molecular hybridization is a new concept in drug design and development based on the combination of pharmacophoric moieties of different bioactive substances to produce a new hyrid compound with improved affinity and efficacy, when compared to the parent drugs. Additionally, this strategy can results in compounds presenting modified selectivity profile, different and/or dual modes of action and reduced undesired side effects. So, in this described several example of different strategies for drug design, discovery and pharmacomodulation focused on new innovative hybrid compounds presenting analgesic, anti-inflammatory, platelet anti-aggregating, anti-infections, anticancer, cardio- and neuroactive properties.


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This work reports on the synthesis of a copper(II) coordination compound with 4,4-oxibis(benzoate) (obb) and trans-1,2- bis(4-pyridyl)ethene (bpe) ligands. The complex was characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, which showed a 3D polymeric structure. Each copper center is surrounded by four oxygen atoms at the basal plane and one nitrogen atom and one copper atom at the axial positions, revealing a distorted octahedral geometry. Four carboxylic groups bridge two copper atoms, forming a cage-like structure, with the distance between the metallic centers being 2.656(1)Å. 2008 © The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry.


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The dinuclear azido-palladium(II) complex [Pd2(N3)4(PPh3)2(μ-ted)], where PPh3 = triphenylphosphine and ted = triethylenediamine, was synthesized and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The title compound was crystallized in a triclinic system, space group P1 with a = 11.5875(2)Å, b = 13.0817(3)Å, c = 15.2618(3)Å, α = 93.306(2)°, β =110.040(1)°, γ = 98.486(1)°, V = 2134.95(8)Å3, Z = 2. Each Pd(II) center displays a distorted squareplanar coordination environment formed by two N atoms from two trans terminally coordinated azido groups, one P atom from the phosphine and one N atom from the bridging ted ligand. 2008 © The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry.


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Three new mixed-chelate copper complexes with 3-aminoquinoxaline-2-carbonitrile N 1,N 4-dioxide derivatives and alanine as ligands were synthesized in solid state. The spectroscopic characterization (FTIR, EPR, UV-Vis) showed that copper coordinated through the amine and the N-oxide groups of the quinoxaline derivatives and the amine and carboxylate moieties from alanine forming a dimeric species. The tree complexes showed in vitro activity against M. tuberculosis H 37Rv (ATCC 27294) similar to that of ethambutol while they are inactive against E. coli and S. aureus.