997 resultados para Acartia spp., c1, biomass as carbon


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The copepod Ingestion on ciliates, phytoplankton and the copepod production dataset is based on samples taken during April 2008 in Dardanelles Straits, Marmara Sea and Bosporus Straits at the third priority stations. These experiments were set up according to DoW of Sesame project. Copepods for the experiments were obtained with slow non-quantitative tows from the upper 50 m layer of the water column using 200 µm mesh size nets fitted with a large non-filtering cod end. For the grazing experiments we used the following copepod species: Centropages typicus and Acartia clausi according to the relevant reference (Bamstedt et al. 2000). Copepod clearance rates on ciliates were calculated according to Frost equations (Frost 1972). Ingestion rates were calculated by multiplying clearance rates by the initial standing stocks (Bamstedt et al. 2000). Egg production rates of the dominant calanoid copepods were determined by incubation of fertilised females (eggs/female/day) collected in the 0-20m layer. Copepod egg production was measured for the copepods Centropages typicus and Acartia clausi. On board experiments for the estimation of copepod egg production were taken place. For the estimation of copepod production (mg/m**2/day), lengths (copepods and eggs) were converted to body carbon (Hopcroft et al., 1998) and production was estimated from biomass and weight-specific egg production rates, by assuming that those rates are representative for juvenile specific growth rates (Berggreen et al., 1988).


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Two cruises were carried out during the Austral spring-summer (November 1995 - January 1996: FRUELA 95, and January - February 1996: FRUELA 96), sampling in Bellingshausen Sea, western Bransfield Strait and Gerlache Strait. We investigated whether there were any spatial (among locations) or temporal (between cruises) differences in abundance and biomass of microbial heterotrophic and autotrophic assemblages. Changes in the concentration of chlorophyll a, prokaryotes, heterotrophic and phototrophic nanoflagellates abundance and biomass were followed in the above mentioned locations close to the Antarctic Peninsula. Parallel to these measurements we selected seven stations to determine grazing rates on prokaryotes by protists at a depth coincident with the depth of maximum chlorophyll a concentration. Measuring the disappearance of fluorescent minicells over 48 h assessed grazing by the protist community. From prokaryotes grazing rates, we estimated how much prokaryotic carbon was channeled to higher trophic levels (protists), and whether this prokaryotic carbon could maintain protists biomass and growth rates. In general higher values were reported for Gerlache Strait than for the other two areas. Differences between cruises were more evident for the oligotrophic areas in Bellingshausen Sea and Bransfield Strait than in Gerlache Strait (eutrophic area). Higher values for phototrophic (at least for chlorophyll a concentration) and abundance of all heterotrophic microbial populations were recorded in Bellingshausen Sea and Bransfield Strait during late spring - early summer (FRUELA 95) than in mid-summer (FRUELA 96). However, similar results for these variables were observed in Gerlache Strait as in spring-early summer as well as in mid-summer. Also, we found differences in grazing rates on prokaryotes among stations located in the three areas and between cruises. Thus, during late spring-early summer (FRUELA 95), the prokaryotic biomass consumed from the standing stock was higher in Bellingshausen Sea (26%/day) and Gerlache Strait (18-26%/day) than in Bransfield Strait (0.68-14%/day). During mid-summer (FRUELA 96) a different pattern was observed. The station located in Bellingshausen Sea showed higher values of prokaryotic biomass consumed (11%/day) than the one located in Gerlache Strait (2.3%/day). Assuming HNF as the main prokaryotic consumers, we estimated that the prokaryotic carbon consumed by heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) barely covers their carbon requirements for growth. These results suggest that in Antarctic waters, HNF should feed in other carbon sources than prokaryotes.


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Bacterial cell number in the water column of the Kara Sea and estuary areas of the Ob and Yenisey Rivers was determined in water samples collected at 32 stations at depths from the surface to 200 m. The samples were analyzed by direct microscopy. In most parts of the sea microorganism concentrations ranged generally from 103 to 104 cells per ml and their biomasses from milligrams to tens of mg/m**3. Bacterioplankton concentration of river waters was much higher than in the open sea, especially in Ob waters. The highest bacteria concentrations, hundreds of thousands cells per ml with biomass exceeding 200 mg/m**3, were found in the southern part of the Ob section. Minimal concentrations were observed in the northeastern part and near the southeastern part of the Ob section and the southeastern coast of Novaya Zemlya. Dark CO2 fixation rates determined at some stations indicated low bacteria biomass production.