992 resultados para ARGININE-VASOPRESSIN


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BACKGROUND: Rapamycines, sirolimus (SRL) and everolimus (ERL), are proliferation signal inhibitors (PSIs). PSI therapy often leads to edema. We hypothesized that increased oxidative stress in response to PSIs may modulate the expression of vascular endothelial (VE)-cadherin on endothelial cells (ECs) and, subsequently, vascular permeability, which in turn may be involved in the development of edema. METHODS: Experiments were performed on human umbilical vein ECs (HUVECs). Oxidative stress was measured by dichlorofluorescein-diacetate. Expression of VE-cadherin was evaluated by immunofluorescent staining and western blot analysis. Endothelial "permeability" was assessed using a transwell model. RESULTS: SRL and ERL, at concentrations of 1, 10 and 100 nmol/liter, enhanced oxidative stress (SRL: 24 +/- 12%, 29 +/- 9%, 41 +/- 13% [p < 0.05, in all three cases]; ERL: 13 +/- 10%, 27 +/- 2%, 40 +/- 12% [p < 0.05, in the latter two cases], respectively) on HUVECs, which was inhibited by the anti-oxidant, N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) and, to a lesser extent, by the specific inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase, N-Omega-nitro-L-arginine methylester. By the use of NAC, VE-cadherin expression remained comparable with control, according to both immunocytochemistry and western blot analysis. Permeability was significantly increased by SRL and ERL at 100 nmol/liter (29.5 +/- 6.4% and 33.8 +/- 4.2%, respectively); however, co-treatment with NAC abrogated the increased permeability. CONCLUSIONS: EC homeostasis, as indicated by VE-cadherin expression, may be damaged by SRL and ERL, but resolved by the anti-oxidant NAC.


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The L-arginine/agmatine antiporter AdiC is a key component of the arginine-dependent extreme acid resistance system of Escherichia coli. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that AdiC belongs to the amino acid/polyamine/organocation (APC) transporter superfamily having sequence identities of 15-17% to eukaryotic and human APC transporters. For functional and structural characterization, we cloned, overexpressed, and purified wild-type AdiC and the point mutant AdiC-W293L, which is unable to bind and consequently transport L-arginine. Purified detergent-solubilized AdiC particles were dimeric. Reconstitution experiments yielded two-dimensional crystals of AdiC-W293L diffracting beyond 6 angstroms resolution from which we determined the projection structure at 6.5 angstroms resolution. The projection map showed 10-12 density peaks per monomer and suggested mainly tilted helices with the exception of one distinct perpendicular membrane spanning alpha-helix. Comparison of AdiC-W293L with the projection map of the oxalate/formate antiporter from Oxalobacter formigenes, a member from the major facilitator superfamily, indicated different structures. Thus, two-dimensional crystals of AdiC-W293L yielded the first detailed view of a transport protein from the APC superfamily at sub-nanometer resolution.


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BACKGROUND: Postoperative adynamic bowel atony interferes with recovery following abdominal surgery. Prokinetic pharmacologic drugs are widely used to accelerate postoperative recovery. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the benefits and harms of systemic acting prokinetic drugs to treat postoperative adynamic ileus in patients undergoing abdominal surgery. SEARCH STRATEGY: Trials were identified by computerised searches of the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Colorectal Cancer Group specialised register. The reference lists of included trials and review articles were tracked and authors contacted. SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised controlled parallel-group trials (RCT) comparing the effect of systemically acting prokinetic drugs against placebo or no intervention. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Four reviewers independently extracted the data and assessed trial quality. Trial authors were contacted for additional information if needed. MAIN RESULTS: Thirty-nine RCTs met the inclusion criteria contributing a total of 4615 participants. Most trials enrolled a small number of patients and showed moderate to poor (reporting of) methodological quality, in particular regarding allocation concealment and intention-to-treat analysis. Fifteen systemic acting prokinetic drugs were investigated and ten comparisons could be summarized. Six RCTs support the effect of Alvimopan, a novel peripheral mu receptor antagonist. However, the trials do not meet reporting guidelines and the drug is still in an investigational stage. Erythromycin showed homogenous and consistent absence of effect across all included trials and outcomes. The evidence is insufficient to recommend the use of cholecystokinin-like drugs, cisapride, dopamine-antagonists, propranolol or vasopressin. Effects are either inconsistent across outcomes, or trials are too small and often of poor methodological quality. Cisapride has been withdrawn from the market due to adverse cardiac events in many countries. Intravenous lidocaine and neostigmine might show a potential effect, but more evidence on clinically relevant outcomes is needed. Heterogeneity among included trials was seen in 10 comparisons. No major adverse drug effects were evident. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Alvimopan may prove to be beneficial but proper judgement needs adherence to reporting standards. Further trials are needed on intravenous lidocaine and neostigmine. The remaining drugs can not be recommended due to lack of evidence or absence of effect.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of human recombinant erythropoietin (EPO) on the microcirculation and oxygenation of critically ischemic tissue and to elucidate the role of endothelial NO synthase in EPO-mediated tissue protection. Island flaps were dissected from the back skin of anesthetized male Syrian golden hamsters including a critically ischemic, hypoxic area that was perfused via a collateralized vasculature. Before ischemia, animals received an injection of epoetin beta at a dose of 5,000 U/kg body weight with (n = 7) or without (n = 7) blocking NO synthase by 30 mg/kg body weight L-NAME (Nomega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride). Saline-treated animals served as control (n = 7). Ischemic tissue damage was characterized by severe hypoperfusion and inflammation, hypoxia, and accumulation of apoptotic cell nuclei after 5 h of collateralization. Erythropoietin pretreatment increased arteriolar and venular blood flow by 33% and 37%, respectively (P < 0.05), and attenuated leukocytic inflammation by approximately 75% (P < 0.05). Furthermore, partial tissue oxygen tension in the ischemic tissue increased from 8.2 to 15.8 mmHg (P < 0.05), which was paralleled by a 21% increased density of patent capillaries (P < 0.05) and a 50% reduced apoptotic cell count (P < 0.05). The improved microcirculation and oxygenation were associated with a 2.2-fold (P < 0.05) increase of endothelial NO synthase protein expression. Of interest, L-NAME completely abolished all the beneficial effects of EPO pretreatment. Our study demonstrates that, in critically ischemic and hypoxic collateralized tissue, EPO pretreatment improves tissue perfusion and oxygenation in vivo. This effect may be attributed to NO-dependent vasodilative effects and anti-inflammatory actions on the altered vascular endothelium.


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Ascites and hyponatremia are frequent complications of advanced liver cirrhosis. Over 50 % of cirrhotic patients develop ascites and about one third gets hyponatremic. The development of ascites is due to an increased sodium retention in the kidneys, leading to expansion of extracellular volume and accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum. Hyponatremia is related to an impairment in the renal capacity to eliminate solute-free water that causes water retention that is disproportionate to the sodium retention, thus causing a reduction in serum sodium concentration. The exact pathogenesis of sodium retention is not clear, yet. The main pathogenic factor responsible for hyponatremia is a nonosmotic hypersecretion of vasopressin from the neurohypophysis. There is evidence suggesting that hyponatremia predisposes to hepatic encephalopathy. Impairment in glomerular filtration rate in hepatorenal syndrome is due to renal vasoconstriction. Treatment of ascites consists of potassium sparing diuretics, loop diuretics, and/or paracentesis. The current standard of care of hyponatremia based on fluid restriction is unsatisfactory. Currently, a new family of drugs, known as vaptans, which act by specifically antagonizing the effects of vasopressin on the V2 receptors located in the kidney, is evaluated for their role in the management of hyponatremia. Because data on long-term administration are still incomplete, they cannot be used routinely, yet. Liver transplantation is the treatment of choice for hepatorenal syndrome. As bridge to transplantation long-term administration of intravenous albumin and vasoconstrictors can be used.


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Renal dysfunction represents a frequent comorbidity in patients with in chronic heart failure and is not only a strong predictor of mortality, but also causally linked to the development and progression of CHF. Mechanisms involved in the cross-talk between the kidney and the heart include the up-regulated sympathetic nerve system, activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, vasopressin release and decreased activity of arterial baroreceptors and natriuretic peptides resulting in abnormal salt and water retention. The main therapeutic goals for patients with the so-called cardiorenal syndrome is the normalization of volume status while avoiding overdiuresis and renal dysfunction as well as the implementation of an evidence-based pharmacologic treatment to improve patient outcome. If these two goals are not achieved with conventional therapy, renal replacement therapy should be discussed in an interdisciplinary approach. All current renal replacement techniques have proved to be useful in controlling hypervolemia and ameliorating functional cardiac parameters and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Nevertheless, the influence of renal replacement therapy on long-term survival of affected patients has not been addressed in large controlled studies.


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Cellular retinaldehyde-binding protein (CRALBP) is essential for mammalian vision by routing 11-cis-retinoids for the conversion of photobleached opsin molecules into photosensitive visual pigments. The arginine-to-tryptophan missense mutation in position 234 (R234W) in the human gene RLBP1 encoding CRALBP compromises visual pigment regeneration and is associated with Bothnia dystrophy. Here we report the crystal structures of both wild-type human CRALBP and of its mutant R234W as binary complexes complemented with the endogenous ligand 11-cis-retinal, at 3.0 and 1.7 A resolution, respectively. Our structural model of wild-type CRALBP locates R234 to a positively charged cleft at a distance of 15 A from the hydrophobic core sequestering 11-cis-retinal. The R234W structural model reveals burial of W234 and loss of dianion-binding interactions within the cleft with physiological implications for membrane docking. The burial of W234 is accompanied by a cascade of side-chain flips that effect the intrusion of the side-chain of I238 into the ligand-binding cavity. As consequence of the intrusion, R234W displays 5-fold increased resistance to light-induced photoisomerization relative to wild-type CRALBP, indicating tighter binding to 11-cis-retinal. Overall, our results reveal an unanticipated domino-like structural transition causing Bothnia-type retinal dystrophy by the impaired release of 11-cis-retinal from R234W.


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Unlike all other organisms, parasitic protozoa of the family Trypanosomatidae maintain a large cellular pool of proline that, together with the alanine pool, serve as alternative carbon sources as well as reservoirs of organic osmolytes. These reflect adaptation to their insect vectors whose haemolymphs are exceptionally rich in the two amino acids. In the present study we identify and characterize a new neutral amino acid transporter, LdAAP24, that translocates proline and alanine across the Leishmania donovani plasma membrane. This transporter fulfils multiple functions: it is the sole supplier for the intracellular pool of proline and contributes to the alanine pool; it is essential for cell volume regulation after osmotic stress; and it regulates the transport and homoeostasis of glutamate and arginine, none of which are its substrates. Notably, we provide evidence that proline and alanine exhibit different roles in the parasitic response to hypotonic shock; alanine affects swelling, whereas proline influences the rate of volume recovery. On the basis of our data we suggest that LdAAP24 plays a key role in parasite adaptation to its varying environments in host and vector, a phenomenon essential for successful parasitism.


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Gingipains are cysteine proteases that represent major virulence factors of the periodontopathogenic bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis. Gingipains are reported to degrade extracellular matrix (ECM) of periodontal tissues, leading to tissue destruction and apoptosis. The exact mechanism is not known, however. Fibronectin and tenascin-C are pericellular ECM glycoproteins present in periodontal tissues. Whereas fibronectin mediates fibroblast adhesion, tenascin-C binds to fibronectin and inhibits its cell-spreading activity. Using purified proteins in vitro, we asked whether fibronectin and tenascin-C are cleaved by gingipains at clinically relevant concentrations, and how fragmentation by the bacterial proteases affects their biological activity in cell adhesion. Fibronectin was cleaved into distinct fragments by all three gingipains; however, only arginine-specific HRgpA and RgpB but not lysine-specific Kgp destroyed its cell-spreading activity. This result was confirmed with recombinant cell-binding domain of fibronectin. Of the two major tenascin-C splice variants, the large but not the small was a substrate for gingipains, indicating that cleavage occurred primarily in the alternatively spliced domain. Surprisingly, cleavage of large tenascin-C variant by all three gingipains generated fragments with increased anti-adhesive activity towards intact fibronectin. Fibronectin and tenascin-C fragments were detected in gingival crevicular fluid of a subset of periodontitis patients. We conclude that cleavage by gingipains directly affects the biological activity of both fibronectin and tenascin-C in a manner that might lead to increased cell detachment and loss during periodontal disease.


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We have previously shown that benzamidine-type compounds can inhibit the activity of arginine-specific cysteine proteinases (gingipains HRgpA and RgpB); well-known virulence factors of Porphyromonas gingivalis. They also hinder in vitro growth of this important periodontopathogenic bacterium. Apparently growth arrest is not associated with their ability to inhibit these proteases, because pentamidine, which is a 20-fold less efficient inhibitor of gingipain than 2,6-bis-(4-amidinobenzyl)-cyclohexanone (ACH), blocked P. gingivalis growth far more effectively. To identify targets for benzamidine-derived compounds other than Arg-gingipains, and to explain their bacteriostatic effects, P. gingivalis ATCC 33277 and P. gingivalis M5-1-2 (clinical isolate) cell extracts were subjected to affinity chromatography using a benzamidine-Sepharose column to identify proteins interacting with benzamidine. In addition to HRgpA and RgpB the analysis revealed heat-shock protein GroEL as another ligand for benzamidine. To better understand the effect of benzamidine-derived compounds on P. gingivalis, bacteria were exposed to benzamidine, pentamidine, ACH and heat, and the expression of gingipains and GroEL was determined. Exposure to heat and benzamidine-derived compounds caused significant increases in GroEL, at both the mRNA and protein levels. Interestingly, despite the fact that gingipains were shown to be the main virulence factors in a fertilized egg model of infection, mortality rates were strongly reduced, not only by ACH, but also by pentamidine, a relatively weak gingipain inhibitor. This effect may depend not only on gingipain inhibition but also on interaction of benzamidine derivatives with GroEL. Therefore these compounds may find use in supportive periodontitis treatment.


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Urea transporters (UTs) belonging to the solute carrier 14 (SLC14) family comprise two genes with a total of eight isoforms in mammals, UT-A1 to -A6 encoded by SLC14A2 and UT-B1 to -B2 encoded by SLC14A1. Recent efforts have been directed toward understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in the regulation of UTs using transgenic mouse models and heterologous expression systems, leading to important new insights. Urea uptake by UT-A1 and UT-A3 in the kidney inner medullary collecting duct and by UT-B1 in the descending vasa recta for the countercurrent exchange system are chiefly responsible for medullary urea accumulation in the urinary concentration process. Vasopressin, an antidiuretic hormone, regulates UT-A isoforms via the phosphorylation and trafficking of the glycosylated transporters to the plasma membrane that occurs to maintain equilibrium with the exocytosis and ubiquitin-proteasome degradation pathways. UT-B isoforms are also important in several cellular functions, including urea nitrogen salvaging in the colon, nitric oxide pathway modulation in the hippocampus, and the normal cardiac conduction system. In addition, genomic linkage studies have revealed potential additional roles for SLC14A1 and SLC14A2 in hypertension and bladder carcinogenesis. The precise role of UT-A2 and presence of the urea recycling pathway in normal kidney are issues to be further explored. This review provides an update of these advances and their implications for our current understanding of the SLC14 UTs.


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Amino acids are necessary for all living cells and organisms. Specialized transporters mediate the transfer of amino acids across plasma membranes. Malfunction of these proteins can affect whole-body homoeostasis giving raise to diverse human diseases. Here, we review the main features of the SLC3 and SLC7 families of amino acid transporters. The SLC7 family is divided into two subfamilies, the cationic amino acid transporters (CATs), and the L-type amino acid transporters (LATs). The latter are the light or catalytic subunits of the heteromeric amino acid transporters (HATs), which are associated by a disulfide bridge with the heavy subunits 4F2hc or rBAT. These two subunits are glycoproteins and form the SLC3 family. Most CAT subfamily members were functionally characterized and shown to function as facilitated diffusers mediating the entry and efflux of cationic amino acids. In certain cells, CATs play an important role in the delivery of L-arginine for the synthesis of nitric oxide. HATs are mostly exchangers with a broad spectrum of substrates and are crucial in renal and intestinal re-absorption and cell redox balance. Furthermore, the role of the HAT 4F2hc/LAT1 in tumor growth and the application of LAT1 inhibitors and PET tracers for reduction of tumor progression and imaging of tumors are discussed. Finally, we describe the link between specific mutations in HATs and the primary inherited aminoacidurias, cystinuria and lysinuric protein intolerance.


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Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS; n=417) were isolated from bovine milk and identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Nineteen different species were identified, and Staphylococcus xylosus, Staphylococcus chromogenes, Staphylococcus haemolyticus, and Staphylococcus sciuri were the most prevalent species. Resistance to oxacillin (47.0% of the isolates), fusidic acid (33.8%), tiamulin (31.9%), penicillin (23.3%), tetracycline (15.8%), streptomycin (9.6%), erythromycin (7.0%), sulfonamides (5%), trimethoprim (4.3%), clindamycin (3.4%), kanamycin (2.4%), and gentamicin (2.4%) was detected. Resistance to oxacillin was attributed to the mecA gene in 9.7% of the oxacillin-resistant isolates. The remaining oxacillin-resistant CNS did not contain the mecC gene or mecA1 promoter mutations. The mecA gene was detected in Staphylococcus fleurettii, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staph. haemolyticus, and Staph. xylosus. Resistance to tetracycline was attributed to the presence of tet(K) and tet(L), penicillin resistance to blaZ, streptomycin resistance to str and ant(6)-Ia, and erythromycin resistance to erm(C), erm(B), and msr. Resistance to tiamulin and fusidic acid could not be attributed to an acquired resistance gene. In total, 15.1% of the CNS isolates were multidrug resistant (i.e., resistant to 2 or more antimicrobials). The remaining CNS isolates were susceptible to antimicrobials commonly used in mastitis treatment. Methicillin-resistant CNS isolates were diverse, as determined by mecA gene sequence analysis, staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec typing, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Arginine catabolic mobile element types 1 and 3 were detected in both methicillin-resistant and methicillin-susceptible Staph. epidermidis and were associated with sequence types ST59 and ST111. Because this study revealed the presence of multidrug-resistant CNS in a heterogeneous CNS population, we recommend antibiogram analysis of CNS in persistent infections before treatment with antimicrobials.


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OBJECTIVES To determine the antibiotic resistance and fingerprint profiles of methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci (MRCoNS) from animal infections among different practices and examine the history of antibiotic treatment. METHODS Isolates were identified by mass spectrometry and tested for antimicrobial resistance by broth dilution, microarrays and sequence analysis of the topoisomerases. Diversity was assessed by PFGE, icaA PCR and staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec), arginine catabolic mobile element (ACME) and multilocus sequence typing. Clinical records were examined retrospectively. RESULTS MRCoNS were identified as Staphylococcus epidermidis (n=20), Staphylococcus haemolyticus (n=17), Staphylococcus hominis (n=3), Staphylococcus capitis (n=1), Staphylococcus cohnii (n=1) and Staphylococcus warneri (n=1). PFGE identified one clonal lineage in S. hominis isolates and several in S. haemolyticus and S. epidermidis. Fourteen sequence types were identified in S. epidermidis, with sequence type 2 (ST2) and ST5 being predominant. Ten isolates contained SCCmec IV, seven contained SCCmec V and the others were non-typeable. ACMEs were detected in 11 S. epidermidis isolates. One S. hominis and 10 S. epidermidis isolates were icaA positive. In addition to mecA-mediated β-lactam resistance, the most frequent resistance was to gentamicin/kanamycin [aac(6')-Ie-aph(2')-Ia, aph(3')-III] (n=34), macrolides/lincosamides [erm(C), erm(A), msr, lnu(A)] (n=31), tetracycline [tet(K)] (n=22), streptomycin [str, ant(6)-Ia] (n=20), trimethoprim [dfr(A), dfr(G)] (n=17), sulfamethoxazole (n = 34) and fluoroquinolones [amino acid substitutions in GyrA and GrlA] (n=30). Clinical data suggest selection through multiple antibiotic courses and emphasize the importance of accurate diagnosis and antibiograms. CONCLUSIONS MRCoNS from animal infection sites are genetically heterogeneous multidrug-resistant strains that represent a new challenge in the prevention and therapy of infections in veterinary clinics.


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The single-celled protozoan Trypanosoma brucei spp. is the causative agent of human African trypanosomiasis and nagana in cattle. Quantitative proteomics for the first time allowed for the characterization of the proteome from several different life stages of the parasite (1-3). To achieve this, stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC; (4)) was adapted to T. brucei spp. cultures. T. brucei cells grown in standard media with dialyzed fetal calf serum containing heavy isotope-labeled amino acids (arginine and lysine) show efficient incorporation of the labeled amino acids into the whole cell proteome (8-12 divisions) and no detectable amino acid conversions. The method can be applied to both of the major life stages of the parasite and in combination with RNAi or gene knock-out approaches.