979 resultados para ANGLE GRAIN-BOUNDARIES


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Terminal impact angle control is crucial for enhancement of warhead effectiveness. In the literature, this problem has been addressed in the context of targets with lower speeds than the interceptor. However, in the current defence scenario, targets of much higher speed than the interceptor is a reality. This paper presents a generic proportional navigation (PN) based guidance law, that uses the standard PN and novel Retro-PN guidance laws based on the initial engagement geometry and terminal engagement requirements, for three dimensional engagement scenario against higher speed nonmaneuvering targets to control terminal impact angle. Results are obtained on the set of achievable impact angles and conditions on the navigation constant to achieve them. Simulation results are given to support the theoretical findings.


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A new `generalized model predictive static programming (G-MPSP)' technique is presented in this paper in the continuous time framework for rapidly solving a class of finite-horizon nonlinear optimal control problems with hard terminal constraints. A key feature of the technique is backward propagation of a small-dimensional weight matrix dynamics, using which the control history gets updated. This feature, as well as the fact that it leads to a static optimization problem, are the reasons for its high computational efficiency. It has been shown that under Euler integration, it is equivalent to the existing model predictive static programming technique, which operates on a discrete-time approximation of the problem. Performance of the proposed technique is demonstrated by solving a challenging three-dimensional impact angle constrained missile guidance problem. The problem demands that the missile must meet constraints on both azimuth and elevation angles in addition to achieving near zero miss distance, while minimizing the lateral acceleration demand throughout its flight path. Both stationary and maneuvering ground targets are considered in the simulation studies. Effectiveness of the proposed guidance has been verified by considering first order autopilot lag as well as various target maneuvers.


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The influence of strain on the mechanical properties and deformation kinetic parameters of nanotwinned (at) copper is investigated by a series of nanoindentation experiments, which were performed by employing sharp indenters with five varying centerline-to-face angles (psi). Comparison experiments were also conducted on (1 1 0) single crystalline Cu. Experimental results indicate that, unlike coarsegrained materials, nt-Cu is prone to plastic flow softening with large material pile-up around the indentation impression at high levels of strains. Localized detwinning becomes more significant with decreasing psi, concomitant with reduced strain-rate sensitivity (m) and enhanced activation volume (V*). The m of nt-Cu is found to depend sensitively on psi with a variation of more than a factor of 3, whereas V* exhibits a much less sensitive trend. This paper discusses the validation of the experimental techniques and the implications of various deformation kinetic parameters on the underlying deformation mechanisms of nt-Ca. 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hanuman langur is one of the widely distributed and extensively studied non-human diurnal primates in India. Until recently it was believed to be a single species - Semnopithecus entellus. Recent molecular and morphological studies suggest that the Hanuman langurs consists of at least three species S. entellus, S. hypoleucos and S. priam. Furthermore, morphological studies suggested that both S. hypoleucos and S. priam have at least three subspecies in each. We explored the use of ecological niche modeling (ENM) to confirm the validity of these seven taxa and an additional taxon S. johnii belonging to the same genus. MaxEnt modeling tool was used with 19 bioclimatic, 12 vegetation and 6 hydrological environmental layers. We reduced total environmental variables to 14 layers after testing for collinearity and an independent test for model prediction was done using ENMTools. A total of 196 non-overlapping data points from primary and secondary sources were used as inputs for ENM. Results showed eight distinct ecological boundaries, corroborating the eight taxa mentioned above thereby confirming validity of these eight taxa. The study, for the first time provided ecological variables that determined the ecological requirements and distribution of members of the Hanuman langur species complex in the Indian peninsula.


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Heat and mass transfer studies in a calandria based reactor is quite complex both due to geometry and due to the complex mixing flow. It is challenging to devise optimum operating conditions with efficient but safe working range for such a complex configuration. Numerical study known to be very effective is taken up for investigation. In the present study a 3D RANS code with turbulence model has been used to compute the flow fields and to get the heat transfer characteristics to understand certain design parameters of engineering importance. The angle of injection and of the coolant liquid has a large effect on the heat transfer within the reactor.


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Deformation instabilities, such as shear cracking and grain boundary cavitation, which are observed in the secondary tensile region of Ti-6Al-4V alloy during compressive deformation in the (+)-phase field, do not form in Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B alloy when processed under the same conditions. This has been attributed to the microstructural modifications, e.g. the absence of grain boundary and adjacent grain boundary retained layers and a lower proportion of 90(o)-misoriented -colonies that occur with boron addition.


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Impact angle constrained guidance laws are important in many applications such as guidance of torpedoes, anti-ballistic missiles and reentry vehicles. In this paper, we design a guidance law which is capable of achieving a wide range of impact angles. Biased proportional navigation guidance uses a bias term in addition to the basic PN command to satisfy additional constraints. Angle constrained BPNG (ACBPNG) uses small angle approximations to derive the bias term for impact angle requirement. We design a modified ACBPNG (MACBPNG) where the required bias term is derived in a closed form considering non-linear equations of motion. Simulations are carried out for a wide range of impact angle requirements. We also analyze capturability from different initial positions and also the launch angles possible at each initial position. The performance of the proposed law is compared with an existing law.


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A guidance law derived by modifying state dependent Riccati equation technique, to enable the imposition of a predetermined terminal intercept angle to a maneuvering target, is presented in this paper. The interceptor is assumed to have no knowledge about the type of maneuver the target is executing. The problem is cast in a non-cooperative game theoretic form. The guidance law obtained is dependent on the LOS angular rotational rate and on the impact angle error. Theoretical conditions which guarantee existence of solutions under this method have been derived. It is shown that imposing the impact angle constraint calls for an increase in the gains of the guidance law considerably, subsequently requiring a higher maneuverability advantage of the interceptor. The performance of the proposed guidance law is studied using a non-linear two dimensional simulation of the relative kinematics, assuming first order dynamics for the interceptor and target.


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In this paper, sliding mode control theory based guidance laws to intercept non-maneuvering targets at a desired impact angle are presented. The desired impact angle, defined in terms of a desired line-of-sight (LOS) angle, is achieved by selecting the missile's lateral acceleration (latax) to enforce sliding mode on a sliding surface based on this LOS angle. As will be shown, this guidance law does not ensure interception for all states of the missile and the target during the engagement. Hence, to satisfy the requirement of interception at the desired impact angle, a second sliding surface is designed and a switching logic, based on the conditions necessary for interception, is presented that allows the latax to switch between enforcing sliding mode on one of these surfaces so that the target can be intercepted at the desired impact angle. The guidance laws are designed using non-linear engagement dynamics.


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In this paper guidance laws to intercept stationary and constant velocity targets at a desired impact angle, based on sliding mode control theory, are proposed. The desired impact angle, which is defined in terms of a desired line-of-sight (LOS) angle, is achieved in finite time by selecting the missile's lateral acceleration (latax) to enforce non-singular terminal sliding mode on a switching surface designed using this desired LOS angle and based on non-linear engagement dynamics. Numerical simulation results are presented to validate the proposed guidance laws for different initial engagement geometries and impact angles.


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In this paper the cubic spline guidance law is presented for intercepting a stationary target at a desired impact angle. The guidance law is obtained from cubic spline curve based trajectory using an inverse method. The cubic spline t rajectory curve expresses the altitude as a cubic polynomial of the downrange. The guidance law is modified to achieve interception in the cases where impact angle is greater that or equal to 90◦. The guidance law is implemented in a feedback mode to maintain the desired impact angle and to reduce miss distance in the presence of lateral acceleration saturation and atmospheric distur- bances. The simulation results show that the guidance law fulfills all the requirements.


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Due to environmental concerns, health hazards to man and the evolution of resistance in insect pests, there have been constant efforts to discover newer insecticides both from natural sources and by chemical synthesis. Natural sources for novel molecules hold promise in view of their eco-friendly nature, selectivity and mammalian safety. We have isolated one natural bioactive molecule from the leaves of Lantana camara named Coumaran, based on various physical-chemical and spectroscopic techniques (IR, H-1 NMR, C-13 NMR and MS). Coumaran is highly toxic and very low concentration is needed for control of stored product insects. This molecule has potent grain protectant potential and caused significant reduction in F1 progeny of all the three species in the treated grain and the progeny was completely suppressed at 30 mu g/l. The differences in germination between the control and treated grains were not significant. The lack of any adverse effect of Coumaran on the seed germination is highly desirable for a grain protectant, becoming a potential source of biofumigant for economical and environmentally friendly pest control strategies against stored grain pests during storage of grains or pulses. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hanuman langur is one of the widely distributed and extensively studied non-human diurnal primates in India. Until recently it was believed to be a single species - Semnopithecus entellus. Recent molecular and morphological studies suggest that the Hanuman langurs consists of at least three species S. entellus, S. hypoleucos and S. priam. Furthermore, morphological studies suggested that both S. hypoleucos and S. priam have at least three subspecies in each. We explored the use of ecological niche modeling (ENM) to confirm the validity of these seven taxa and an additional taxon S. johnii belonging to the same genus. MaxEnt modeling tool was used with 19 bioclimatic, 12 vegetation and 6 hydrological environmental layers. We reduced total environmental variables to 14 layers after testing for collinearity and an independent test for model prediction was done using ENMTools. A total of 196 non-overlapping data points from primary and secondary sources were used as inputs for ENM. Results showed eight distinct ecological boundaries, corroborating the eight taxa mentioned above thereby confirming validity of these eight taxa. The study, for the first time provided ecological variables that determined the ecological requirements and distribution of members of the Hanuman langur species complex in the Indian peninsula.


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We study the basin of attraction of static extremal black holes, in the concrete setting of the STU model. By finding a connection to a decoupled Toda-like system and solving it exactly, we find a simple way to characterize the attraction basin via competing behaviors of certain parameters. The boundaries of attraction arise in the various limits where these parameters degenerate to zero. We find that these boundaries are generalizations of the recently introduced (extremal) subtracted geometry: the warp factors still exhibit asymptotic integer power law behaviors, but the powers can be different from one. As we cross over one of these boundaries ('generalized subttractors'), the solutions turn unstable and start blowing up at finite radius and lose their asymptotic region. Our results are fully analytic, but we also solve a simpler theory where the attraction basin is lower dimensional and easy to visualize, and present a simple picture that illustrates many of the basic ideas.


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In the present work, a cooling channel is employed to produce semi-solid A356 alloy slurry. To understand the transport process involved, a 3D non-isothermal, multiphase volume averaging model has been developed for simulation of the semi-solid slurry generation process in the cooling channel. For simulation purpose, the three phases considered are the parent melt, the nearly spherical grains and air as separated but highly coupled interpenetrating continua. The conservation equations of mass, momentum, energy and species have been solved for each phase and the thermal and mechanical interactions (drag force) among the phases have been considered using appropriate model. The superheated liquid alloy is poured at the top of the cooling slope/channel, where specified velocity inlet boundary condition is used in the model, and allowed to flow along gravity through the channel. The melt loses its superheat and becomes semisolid up to the end of cooling channel due to the evolving -Al grains with decreasing temperature. The air phase forms a definable air/liquid melt interface, i.e. free surface, due its low density. The results obtained from the present model includes volume fractions of three different phases considered, grain evolution, grain growth rate, size and distribution of solid grains. The effect of key process variables such as pouring temperature, slope angle of the cooling channel and cooling channel wall temperature on temperature distribution, velocity distribution, grain formation and volume fraction of different phases are also studied. The results obtained from the simulations are validated by microstructure study using SEM and quantitative image analysis of the semi-solid slurry microstructure obtained from the experimental set-up.