Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) is considered a housekeeping protein that is present in virtually all organisms, where it performs metabolic functions essential for survival. GAPDH plays an essential role in the process of energy production, and is also involved in numerous biological processes. GAPDH belongs to a subset of proteins called moonlighting proteins, in which different functions are associated with a single polypeptide chain. The multifunctionality of GAPDH has been described in pathogenic and probiotic microorganisms, in mammals and in plants. In this review, we summarize the moonlighting role of GAPDH in bacteria.
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) is considered a housekeeping protein that is present in virtually all organisms, where it performs metabolic functions essential for survival. GAPDH plays an essential role in the process of energy production, and is also involved in numerous biological processes. GAPDH belongs to a subset of proteins called moonlighting proteins, in which different functions are associated with a single polypeptide chain. The multifunctionality of GAPDH has been described in pathogenic and probiotic microorganisms, in mammals and in plants. In this review, we summarize the moonlighting role of GAPDH in bacteria.
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) is considered a housekeeping protein that is present in virtually all organisms, where it performs metabolic functions essential for survival. GAPDH plays an essential role in the process of energy production, and is also involved in numerous biological processes. GAPDH belongs to a subset of proteins called moonlighting proteins, in which different functions are associated with a single polypeptide chain. The multifunctionality of GAPDH has been described in pathogenic and probiotic microorganisms, in mammals and in plants. In this review, we summarize the moonlighting role of GAPDH in bacteria.
Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are carbon and energy storage materials that are accumulated as intracellular granules in a variety of microorganisms during unbalanced growth. PHAs have drawn attention due to their properties similar to conventional plastics and complete biodegradability. They can be used for food and cosmetics packaging, and in medicine and agriculture. However, their applicability is reduced because of their high production cost compared to conventional plastics. An overview on production strategies of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) aiming at reducing the production costs is presented.
The application of biocatalysis is a promising field related to new technologies for organic synthesis. The development of immobilization techniques is very important due to the multiple or repetitive use of a single batch of enzymes and the ability to stop the reaction rapidly, at any stage, by removing the enzymes. In most cases, after immobilization, enzymes and microorganisms maintain or even increase their activity and stability. This work presents an overview of the common methods for lipase immobilization in polymers and applications of these systems to obtain compounds of synthetic interest.
Natural aroma compounds are of major interest to the food and fragrance industry. Vanillin (3-methoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde) was isolated from the vanilla beans in 1816 and its world consumption has reached today about 12000 tons per year. But only approximately 50 tons per year are extracted from vanilla pods (Vanilla planifolia). The remainder is provided by synthetic vanillin. This review is about alternative processes to produce natural vanillin de novo or by biotransformation using biotechnological methods involving enzymes, microorganisms and plant cells.
Plants constitute an excellent ecosystem for microorganisms. The environmental conditions offered differ considerably between the highly variable aerial plant part and the more stable root system. Microbes interact with plant tissues and cells with different degrees of dependence. The most interesting from the microbial ecology point of view, however, are specific interactions developed by plant-beneficial (either non-symbiotic or symbiotic) and pathogenic microorganisms. Plants, like humans and other animals, also become sick, but they have evolved a sophisticated defense response against microbes, based on a combination of constitutive and inducible responses which can be localized or spread throughout plant organs and tissues. The response is mediated by several messenger molecules that activate pathogen-responsive genes coding for enzymes or antimicrobial compounds, and produces less sophisticated and specific compounds than immunoglobulins in animals. However, the response specifically detects intracellularly a type of protein of the pathogen based on a gene-for-gene interaction recognition system, triggering a biochemical attack and programmed cell death. Several implications for the management of plant diseases are derived from knowledge of the basis of the specificity of plant-bacteria interactions. New biotechnological products are currently being developed based on stimulation of the plant defense response, and on the use of plant-beneficial bacteria for biological control of plant diseases (biopesticides) and for plant growth promotion (biofertilizers)
Amber from a Lower Cretaceous outcrop at San Just, located in the Eastern Iberian Peninsula (Escucha Formation, Maestrat Basin), was investigated to evaluate its physico-chemical properties. Thermogravimetric (TG) and Differential Thermogravimetric (DTG) analyses, infra-red spectroscopy, elemental and C-isotope analyses were performed. Physico-chemical differences between the internal light nuclei and the peripheral darker portions of San Just amber can be attributed to processes of diagenetic alteration that preferentially took place in the external amber border colonized by microorganisms (fungi or bacteria) when the resin was still liquid or slightly polymerized. δ13Camber values of different pieces of the same sample, from the nucleus to the external part, are remarkably homogeneous, as are δ13Camber values of the darker peripheral portions and lighter inner parts of the same samples. Hence, neither invasive microorganisms, nor diagenetic alteration, changed the bulk isotopic composition of the amber. δ13C values of different amber samples range from -21.1 to -24 , as expected for C3 plant-derived material. C-isotope analysis, coupled to palaeobotanical, TG and DTG data and infra-red spectra, suggests that San Just amber was exuded by only one conifer species, belonging to either the Cheirolepidiaceae or Aracauriaceae, coniferous families probably living under stable palaeoenvironmental and palaeoecological conditions.
The large use of plastics has generated a waste deposit problem. Today plastic wastes represent 20% in volume of the total waste in the municipal landfills. To solve the disposal problem of plastics methods have been employed such as incineration, recycling, landfill disposal, biodegradation and the use of biodegradable polymers. Incineration of plastic wastes provokes pollution due to the production of poisonous gases. Recycling is important to reduce final costs of plastic materials, but is not enough in face of the amount of discarded plastic. In landfills plastic wastes remain undegraded for a long time, causing space and pollution problems. Biodegradation is a feasible method to treat some plastics, but intensive research is necessary to find conditions for the action of microorganisms. All of these methods are important and the practical application of each one depends on the type and amount of the plastic wastes and the environmental conditions. Therefore, a great deal of research has focused on developing biodegradable plastics and its application because it is an important way for minimizing the effect of the large volume of plastic waste discarded in the world.
Carotenoids are widely distributed in nature, providing yellow, orange or red color in a great number of vegetables, microorganisms and in some animals. Carotenoids act as biological antioxidants and seem to play an important role in human health by protecting cells and tissues from the damaging effects of free radicals and singlet oxygen. Several authors describe the oxidative cleavage of carotenoids in flavor compounds as occuring through chemical or photochemical degradations or through biotechnological processes. Biotransformation of carotenoids seems to be a reasonable alternative to produce flavor compounds since these compounds are considered 'natural' ingredients. In this work we describe the properties of some carotenoids, as well as biotechnological approaches to obtain its oxyfunctionalized derivatives.
Photodynamic Therapy uses photosensitive dyes and visible light that, combined in the presence of oxygen, produce cytotoxic species that cause tumor death. Microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, yeasts and viruses (including HIV) can also be inactivated by visible light after treatment with an appropriate photosensitizer as an alternative low cost treatment for localized infections, viral lesions such as acnes, and fungical skin lesions for example. Besides, Photodynamic Inactivation can be used for sterilization of blood and its subproducts for clinical use, in the treatment of drinking water as well as in antimicrobial detoxification of foods.
The Croatian chemist Vladimir Prelog shared in 1975 the Nobel Prize in chemistry with J. W. Cornforth for his research into the stereochemistry of organic molecules and reactions. His studies gave new horizons to the comprehension of steric effects on the reactivity of medium-sized rings, to conformational analysis and to the stereospecificity associated to asymmetric syntheses. Prelog made important contributions to enzyme chemistry and to the structure elucidation of alkaloids and of antibiotics from microorganisms, but probably his most famous work is the CIP system for assigning the stereochemistry of chiral centers.
Water treatment uses chlorine for disinfection causing formation of trihalomethanes. In this work, an electrolytic water pre-treatment was studied and applied to the water from a fountainhead. The action against microorganisms was evaluated using cast-iron and aluminum electrodes. Assays were made in laboratory using the electrolytic treatment. After 5 min of electrolysis the heterotrophic bacteria count was below 500 cfu/mL and complete elimination of total and fecal coliforms was observed. Using electrolytic treatment as a pretreatment of conventional tap water treatment is proposed.
In this paper historical aspects of analytical pyrolysis, the equipment used, the fundamentals and the mechanisms of pyrolysis of different polymeric materials are discussed. The latest work on analytical pyrolysis applied to various types of synthetic and natural samples is reviewed. Current applications of this technique that are discussed include identification of microorganisms, analysis of trace compounds by forensic laboratories, investigation of food and agricultural products, study of the chemical composition of wood, authentication and conservation of artworks, and the study of environmental and geochemical samples.
Essential oil was extracted from leaves of Hyptis pectinata using hydrodistillation, and its composition determined using GC-FID and GC-MS. Chemical analysis showed that there was a predominance of sesquiterpenes, of which β-caryophyllene (18.34%), caryophyllene oxide (18.00%) and calamusenone (24.68%) were measured for the first time in the genus Hyptis. Twenty-one compounds were identified, and calamusenone was isolated using preparative thin layer chromatography with a silica gel plate (60 PF254). The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal microbicidal concentration (MMC) were determined for various pathogenic microorganisms. H. pectinata oil was most effective against Gram (+) bacteria and yeasts.