978 resultados para 999 Constitutional Referendum
This thesis discusses the dynamism of bilateral relations between Finland and Russia and their interconnection with wider EU-Russia relations in the sight of the recent conflict in Ukraine. In particular, incorporation of Crimea in the territory of Russia in March 2014 is believed to have triggered a series of disputes between the European Union and Russia and thus, have impacted the course of the bilateral Finnish-Russian relations. The study leans on a premise that there are some historical traditions and regularities in the Finnish foreign policy course towards Russia which make the bilateral Finnish-Russian relations special. These traditions are distinguished and described in the book “Russia Forever? Towards Pragmatism in Finnish/Russian relations” (2008) edited by H. Rytövuori-Apunen. Assuming that the featured traditions take place in modern relations between Finland and Russia, the aim of the thesis is to find out how these traditions reappear during the year shaped by the events in Ukraine. In order to do that, author follows the timeline of happenings around the Ukraine crisis starting with Crimea’s referendum on independence, and exams the way these events were commented on and evaluated by the key government officials and political institutions of Finland and Russia. The main focus is given to the Finnish official discourse on Russia during the study period. The data collection, consisting of mostly primary sources (ministerial press releases and comments, statements, speeches and blog posts of individual policy makers) is processed using the thematic analysis supported by the content analysis. The study reveals that the consequences of the Ukraine crisis have brought, among others, complications to the economic cooperation between Finland and Russia, and have stimulated the increased attention of the Finnish decision makers to the country’s security questions. As a result, the character and importance of some historical regularities of the Finnish foreign policies on Russia, like the Continental Dilemma, have taken new shape.
1910/01/09 (Numéro 999).
1886/12/07 (Numéro 999).
Contient : 1 « Prescriptum legationis ab ordinibus regni Poloniae ad serenis[simos] reges Carolum Galliarum, et Henricum, Poloniae electum... Warssovia, die XXIIa mensis may, anno Domini M.D.LXXIII° ». En latin ; 2 « ADAM CONARSKI DE COBELINO, episcopus Posnaniensis, ad electum regem Poloniae... Die 22 mensis augusti 1573. Lutetiae ». En latin. Copie ; 3 « Ad Carolum IX, Galliarum regem, A. C. DE COBELINO, episcopus Posnaniensis... Die 22 mensis augusti 1573. Luteciae ». En latin. Copie ; 4 « Litterae ab ordinibus Poloniae ad christianissimi regis legatos Ploscum missae, quibus petitur ab his declaratio articulorum promissorum... Datum Warchaviae die 10 maii, anno Domini 1573 ». En latin. Copie ; 5 « Recessus a comitiis... Datum Warschoviae, in comitiis generalibus universi regni, die XX maii, anno Domini 1573 ». En latin ; 6 « Consignatio omnium et singulorum bonorum mensae sacrae regiae majestatis in regno, tam ad vitam donatorum quam obligatorum, necnon liberorum ad et thesauro (sic) respondentium ». En latin ; 7 « Reformatio fisci publici et offitii ejus ». En latin ; 8 « Origo executionis in recuperandis bonis a mensa regia et fisco publico alienatis ». En latin ; 9 « Memoire des evechés et estas vacans en Pollogne ». En latin ; 10 « Summae antiquae in bonis regiis in regno Poloniae ante Alexandri statutum inscriptae, demonstratae in revisione Warsowinsi, 1563 et 1564 ». En latin ; 11 Note « de damnis et jacturis que facta sunt tempore interregni... in magno ducatu Lithuaniae ». En latin ; 12 « Rellation de Dansic et du moien de auguementer le revenu du roy en icelluy ». En latin ; 13 « Forme de la gabelle de Lituanie, faitte en octobre 1571 ». En latin ; 14 Lettre relative à l'augmentation des revenus en Pologne, signée : « VARSAVICIO ». En italien ; 15 « Memoria datta dal Sr CRISTOFALO VARSOWISKI sopra un inventione di augumentar il dominio di S. Mtà ». En italien. Copie ; 16 « SIGISMUNDI, primi regis Poloniae, donatio Lamborpk in Pomerania et Bithowo, anno Domini 1526 ». En latin. Copie ; 17 Copie d'un traité conclu entre Sigismond, roi de Pologne, et l'ordre teutonique, « De proprietate terrarum Prussiae ». En latin ; 18 « Senatus utriusque status regni Poloniae, Cracoviae congregatus, pacem ettranquillitatem se culturum et ab omnibus servaturum severe pollicetur, juxta mutuam olim in nova civitate Corcz obligationem. Anno Domini 1438 ». En latin. Copie ; 19 « Senatus regni Poloniae limites submontanos et silesiacos munit, militesque subornat... Anno Domini 1572 ». En latin. Copie ; 20 « Senatus paci et tranquillitati publicae in Lowicz consulit... Actum Loviciae, 23 die julii, anno Domini 1572 ». En latin. Copie ; 21 « Legatio a senatu regni Poloniae ad senatum magni ducatus Lithuaniae, consilia quaedam domesticae tranquillitatis conservandae, ordinationem item electioni convenientem continens ». En latin. Copie ; 22 « Constitutiones quaedam in oppido Knybyn factae, et indictio comitiorum electionis ad 13 octobris sub Lublino, quae postea propter graves causas dilata ». En latin. Copie ; 23 « Literae fidei domino palatino Sendomiriensi, cum domino castellano Gnesnensi, ad referendum responsum a consiliariis ducis Lithuaniae ad consiliarios regni, cum responso... Datum a Mscibow, 6 die decembris, anno Domini 1572 ». En latin. Copie ; 24 « Responsum magni ducis Lithuaniae ad legationem omnium ordinum senatus regni Poloniae, per magnificos dominos Petrum Sborowski et magnum ducem Joannem Tomicki primum ». En latin. Copie ; 25 « Literae fidei domino castellano Trocensi, magnifico domino Castellano Vitepscensi, ad referendam legationem a senatu Lithuaniae ad senatum regni ». En latin. Copie ; 26 « Altera epistola... Datum Vilnae, 5 die januarii, anno 1573 ». En latin. Copie ; 27 « Legatio a Statibus Lithuaniae ad Status regni... Datum Vilnae, januarii 3 die, anno 1573 ». En latin. Copie ; 28 « Responsum senatus Polonici ad legationem Lithuanicam, per magnificos dominos Trocensem et Vitepscium ». En latin. Copie ; 29 « Literae a senatu regni ad omnes Lituanicos ordines... Datum Varsoviae, 29 januarii ». En latin. Copie ; 30 « Provisio arcis Tikoeinensis per quosdam senatores... Actum in Tikoczyn, 13 die decembris, anno Domini 1572 ». En latin. Copie ; 31 « Literae a palatino Moldaviae ad ordines regni, expostulationem quandam de Bogdano, Moldaviae palatino, transfuga, continentes ». En latin. Copie ; 32 « Literae a senatu regni ad palatinum Moldaviae... Datum e Varsoviensi conventu, 28 januarii, anno 1573 ». En latin. Copie ; 33 « Literae a duce A SLUCKO ad ordines regni, quibus locum sibi cum suffragio in senatu dari optat ». En latin. Copie ; 34 « Literae a senatu regni ad ducem de Sluczko ». En latin. Copie ; 35 « Literae a palatino Trocensi ad senatum regni, quibus suam in convocatione Warsoviensi absentiam excusat et sententiam de loco et tempore comitiorum electionis explicat... Datum in civitate Trocensi, die 1 januarii ». En latin. Copie ; 36 « Literae a senatu regni ad palatinum Trocensem... Datum Varsoviae, 28 die januarii, anno Domini 1573 ». En latin. Copie ; 37 « Literae a WLADISLAO DE SBARASKI,... administratore palatinatus Kiioviensis, ad senatum regni, quibus petit ut sibi prospiciatur ». En latin. Copie ; 38 « Literae a senatu Lituanico ad senatum Poloniae ». En latin. Copie ; 39 « Legatio a senatu magni ducatus Lituaniae ad senatum Poloniae, per Andream Macieiowicium et Mathiam Ostrovium, legatos magni ducatus Lithuaniae... Actum in civitate Belscensi, 1 die aprilis, anno 1572 ». En latin. Copie ; 40 « Literae ordinum regni Poloniae ad senatores magni ducatus Lithuaniae... Datum Warsoviae, 1 die aprilis, 73 anno ». En latin. Copie ; 41 « Epistola a duce DE LUCKO ad senatum regni ». En latin. Copie ; 42 « Litterae serenissimae regis Sueviae ad ordines et status regni Poloniae missae... Datum Lincopii, 1 septembris anno 1572 ». En latin. Copie ; 43 « Litterae palatini Moldaviae ad ordines regni Poloniae ». En latin. Copie ; 44 « Idem iisdem ». En latin. Copie ; 45 « Responsum ad litteras palatini Moldaviae totius senatus ». En latin. Copie ; 46 « Comitiorum decretum... Datum in conventu Varssavicio, 19 maii ». En latin. Copie ; 47 « Decretum electionis... 20 die maii. Warsoviae ». En latin. Copie ; 48 « Responsum ducis Moscovitarum ad legationem ordinum senatus regni Poloniae atque Lithuaniae, qua legatione conditiones quibus ipsum vel filium ejus eligerent in regem, optat per Michaelem Haraburdum ». En latin. Copie ; 49 « Bona alienata in magno ducatu Lithuaniae proxime ante mortem serenissimi olim regis defuncti ». En latin ; 50 « Rationes relevandi fisci publici et augendorum redituum ejus ». En latin ; 51 « Prelati, barones, primates, milites, nobilitas terrarum ac magistratus consulatus civitatum Prussie subiciunt se Kazimiro, regi Poloniae magnoque duci Lithuaniae... 1454 ». En latin. Copie ; 52 « Investitule du roy SIGISMOND AUGUSTE, donnée à Federic, duc de Prusse, le XIXe juillet 1569 ». En latin. Copie ; 53 « Pacta inter Ferdinandum, Bohemiae, et Sigismundum, Poloniae reges, et regna ipsorum, per Christophorum Schedlowieczki, Pragae confecta ad exemplum eorum quae erant inter Casimirum et Georgium reges ». En latin. Copie ; 54 « Informatio quaedam pro majestate regia ». En latin ; 55 Mémoire de JACQUES LASKOWSKI. En polonais ; 56 « Memoire du capitaneat de Crisborg en Pruse... Anno Domini 1569 ». En latin ; 57 Table de pièces relatives à l'élection du roi de Pologne ; 58 « Plena potentia ab ordinibus regni... Datum Varsoviae, die 22a mensis maye 1573 ». En latin. Copie ; 59 « Litterae ducis Prussiae ad ordines regni Poloniae... Datum Rogiomonti, 9a januarii 1573 ». En latin ; 60 Copie d'une lettre du duc D'ANJOU, roi de Pologne, au sénat polonais ; 61 Copie de la même lettre, en latin ; 62 « Ordinatio ex legibus Zupparum, anno 1568 ». En latin ; 63 « Ratio constitutionis Zupparum ad aestimationem facta ». En latin ; 64 « Relacion de las cosas de Danzigue... 1574, 10 marzo ». En espagnol
Banco del conocimiento
The media tends to represent female athletes as women first and athletes second (Koivula, 1 999). The present study investigated whether this same trend was present for female sportscasters, using a self-presentational framework. Self-presentation is the process by which people try to control how others see them (Leary, 1995). One factor that may influence the type of image they try to project is their roles held in society, including gender roles. The gender roles for a man include dominance, assertiveness, and masculinity, while the gender roles for a woman include nurturer, femininity, and attractiveness (Deaux & Major, 1 987). By contrast, sports broadcasters are expected to be knowledgeable, assertive, and competent. Research suggests that female sports broadcasters are seen as less competent and less persuasive than male sports broadcasters (Mitrook & Dorr, 2001; Ordman & Zillmann, 1994, Toro, 2005). One reason for this difference may be that the gender roles for a man are much more similar to those of a sportscaster, compared to those of a woman. Thus, there may be a conflict between the two roles for women. The present study investigated whether the gender and perceived attractiveness of sportscasters influenced the audience's perceptions of the level of competence that a sportscaster demonstrates. Two hundred and four male (n =75) and female (n =129) undergraduate students were recruited from a southern Ontario university to participate in the study. The average age of the male participants was 21 .23 years {SD =1 .60), and the average age for female participants was 20.67 years {SD = 1 .31). The age range for all participants was from 19 to 30 years {M = 20.87 years, SD = 1 .45). Af^er providing informed consent, participants randomly received one of four possible questionnaire packages. The participants answered the demographic questionnaire, and then proceeded to view the picture and read the script of a sports newscast. Next, based on the picture and script, the participants answered the competence questionnaire, assessing the general, sport specific, and overall competence of the sportscaster. Once participants had finished, they returned the package to the researcher and were thanked for their time. Data was analyzed using an ANOVA to determine if general sport competence differs with respect to gender and attractiveness of the sportscaster. Overall, the ANOVA was non-significant (p > .05), indicating no differences on the dependent variable based on gender (F (3, 194) = .631, p = .426), attractiveness (F (3, 194) = .070, p = .791), or the interaction of the two {F (3, 194) = .043,/? = .836). Although none of the study hypotheses were supported, the study provided some insight to the perceived competence of female sportscasters. It is possible that female sportscasters are now seen as competent in the area of sports. Sample characteristics could also have influenced these results; the participants in the current study were primarily physical education and kinesiology students, who had experience participating in physical activity with both men and women. Future research should investigate this issue further by using a video sportscast. It is possible that delivery characteristics such as voice quality or eye contact may also impact perceptions of sportscasters.
Black flies are opportunistic sugar-feeders. They take sugar meals from Homopteran honeydew secretions or plant nectars, depending on availability. Homopteran honeydew secretions contain both simple and complex carbohydrates while plant nectars contain primarily simple carbohydrates. In order to determine whether honeydew secretions offer more energy than plant nectars to their insect visitors a study of wild-caught black flies was undertaken in Algonquin Provincial Park, Canada during the spring of 1 998 and 1 999. It was hypothesized that female black flies maintained on honeydew sugars will survive longer, produce more eggs and have a greater parasite vectoring potential than those maintained on artificial nectar or distilled water. Results demonstrated that: (1) host-seeking female Prosimulimfuscum/mixtum and Simulium venustum maintained on artificial honeydew did not survive longer than those maintained on artificial nectar when fed ad libitum; (2) fiiUy engorged S. venustum and Simulium rugglesi maintained on artificial honeydew did not produce more eggs than those maintained on artificial nectar when fed ad libitum; and (3) S. rugglesi did not have a greater vectoring potential of Leucocytozoon simondi when maintained on artificial honeydew as opposed to artificial nectar when fed ad libitum. However, all flies maintained on the two sugars (artificial honeydew and artificial nectar) survived longer, produce more eggs and had greater vectoring potential than those maintained on distilled water alone.
The addition of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms represented a fundamental shift in Canadian governance. Many saw the tabling of such a document as a further, even fmal, step towards the Americanization of the Canadian polity. While the Charter's presence has significantly altered the relationship between citizens, government and the courts, it has done so by maintaining the traditional values and experiences that has been the hallmarks of Canadian constitutionalism. This is in contrast to the fears harboured by critics suggesting that the Charter was a further Americanization of the Canadian Polity, notwithstanding the very different natures of the American Bill of Rights and the Canadian Charter. Analyzing American Supreme Court precedent use by the Canadian Supreme Court has demonstrated that such an Americanization has not, in fact, occurred. In the present analysis of American precedent use in section 1 limitation of rights cases, the citation of these precedents are at best episodic, at least on the quantitative level. Qualitatively, the Canadian Supreme Court generally uses American jurisprudence to further support broad definitions of 'great rights' . As for the more intricate details of rights limitations and the process involved in detennining how Charter rights are limited, one would be hard pressed to find even cursory references to American case law.
Abstract . Rights jiirisprudence in Canada dates back as far as Confederation in 1867. Between this date and 1982, the organizing principle of Confederation - federalism - has kept this jurisprudence solely within the supremacy of Parliament, subject to its confines and division of powers. After 1982, however, a new constitutional organizing principle was introduced, when Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau introduced the patriation initiative, touted as the "people's package". Individual rights and freedoms were now guaranteed by the Constitution. Citizens of Canada now had a direct link to the Constitution via the Charter and there were now two significantly different organizing principles within the constitutional order widch created an unstable coexistence. This instability has led to a clash between judicially enforced Charter rights and federalism. The Charter has since had both a nationalizing and centralizing effect on Canadian federalism. This thesis explores the relationship between rights and federalism in Canada fix)m Confederation to present day by comparing the jurisprudence of pre and post Charter Canada. An analysis of Supreme Court's (and its predecessor's, the JCPC) decisions shows the profound effect the Charter has had on Canadian federalism. The result has been an undermining of federalism in Canada, with Parliamentary Supremacy replaced by Constitutional supremacy, and ultimately. Judicial Supremacy. Moreover, rights discourse has largely replaced federalism discourse. Canadians have become very attached to their Charter, and are unwilling to allow any changes to the constitution that may affect their rights as political elites discovered the hard way after the collapse of the Meech and Charlottetown Accords. If federalism is to remain a relevant and viable organizing principle in the Constitution, then governments, especially at the provincial level, must find new and iimovative ways to assert their importance within the federation.
For persons with disabilities, the activities that able-bodied people take for granted can be major, often insurmountable challenges. Attempting to enter a restaurant for lunch with friends can result in lengthy and adversarial litigation if the facility is not accessible to a person with a disability or other mobility impairment. This litigation would be initiated after the individual was effectively refused service; a refusal based on hislher personal physical characteristics. If a shopping mall is not equipped with "access amenities", then the disabled person may be excluded from shopping there and thus exercising consumer freedom. If workplaces are not equipped to accommodate the access needs of persons with disabilities, then those people are effectively barred from gainful employment there. If a municipal goveniment building is inaccessible to disabled persons, then they may be excluded from participating in council meetings. These are all activities that the majority of the population enjoys as a matter of course, in that they represent the functions of a free citizen in a free society. If a person is excluded from such activities because of some personal characteristic, then that person is subjected to differential or discr~minatory treatment. The guarantees provided in Canadian feden! and provincial rights legislation, are such that people are not to be discriminated againsL Where buildings and facilities othen\iise open to the public are not accessible for persens with disabilities, then those people are being discriminated against. To challenge these discriminatory practices, individuals initiate complaints through the administrative justice system. To address the extent to which this is a problem, many sources were consulted. Constitutional lawyers, tribunal members, advocates for the disabled and land use planners were interviewed. Case law and legislation were reviewed. Literature on citizenship theory, dispute resolution and dispute avoidance was compiled and assessed. And, the field of land use planning was analyzed (drawing on the WTiter's educational and experiential background) as a possible alternative method for effecting systemic access for persons with disabilities. The conclusion of this study is that there does exist a proactive method for assuring access, a method that can apply the systemic remedy needed to deal with this problem. The current method, which is an adversarial and piecemeal complaint process, has proven ineffective in remedying this discrimination problem~ Failure to provide an appropriate remedy means that persons with disabilities will not enjoy the degree of citizen status enjoyed by the able-bodied. This is the current circumstance, and since equity is the aim of rights legislation, and since such legislative and administrative frameworks have failed in that purpose, then an alternative method is necessary. An alternative model is the one in which land use planning is based. It has conflict avoidance and conflict minimization as underpinnings. And, most importantly, land use planning is already a proyen method of combatting discrimination.
and the Australian Country Party since 1918. 2. The thesis examines the proposition that the role of a minor party is determined, not by its total strength expressed as a percentage of the national vote, but by how its strength is concentrated. Australia and Britain were chosen for the comparison because of the many similarities in political culture and in the extent of class voting. Each country has a party - the Country Party in Australia and the Liberal Party in Britain - which has had a distinct impact on the political scene in their respective countries. In the period from 1918 to the present day neither party, at the national level, has ever held the largest number of seats in parliament let alone a majority of seats, and it is in this sense that they are herein defined as minor parties. In the thesis the constitutional background of and differences between Australia and Britain are reviewed, followed by a brief historical picture of each of the two parties being studied. The sources of supporc of the two parties are analysed and it is here that real differences emerge. The Country Party in Australia is a deliberately sectional party with a narrow rural base, whereas the British Liberal Party is more broadly based than either the Labour or Conservative Parties in Britain. 3. Party leadership and organisation are then discussed. Both parties have had outstanding leaders, Earle Page and McEwen for the Country Party; Asquith, Lloyd George and Grimond for the Liberal Party. Both parties have had relatively fewer leaders than their major party opponents. However, whereas the Country Party has been free of serious splits the Liberal Party was shattered on the leadership struggles of Asquith and Lloyd George. Both parties have been identified with decentralisation of state power, the Country Party through its support, albeit sometimes lukewarm of the New States Movement; the Liberal Party through its espousal of a federal system for Britain with separate Welsh, Scottish and regional assemblies. Unfortunately for the British Liberal Party the beneficiaries of their policies in this area have been relatively new nationalist parties in both Wales arid Scotland. The major part of the thesis is devoted to a study of how the electoral systems in the two countries have, in practice, worked to the advantage or disadvantage of the Country Party and the British Liberal Party. The Country Party has been as consistently over-represented in the House of Representatives as the Liberal Party has been under-represented in the British House of Commons. With the even distribution of its support the introduction of the single transferable vote, in itself, would bring little benefit to the British Liberal Party in terms of seats. Multimember urban constituencies combined with some type of list system are the only way the Liberals are likely to obtain House of Commons seats in proportion to their votes. 4. Finally, the relations of the two minor parties with their respective major parties are considered. In the conclusion the future of the two parties is reviewed. In general terms it appears that the Country Party is faced with a slow decline. Although the British Liberal Party made a major breakthrough, in terms of votes, in the February 1974 election, they were unable to maintain this momentum in the October election, even though they lost very little ground. In the long term they must make an inroad into Labour held seats if they are to progress further.
The study examined the intentional use of National Sport Organizations' (NSOs) stated values. Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS) was applied to an Appreciative Inquiry (AI) approach of interviewing NSO senior leaders. One intention of this research was to foster a connection between academia and practitioners, and in so doing highlight the gap between values inaction and values-in-action. Data were collected from nine NSOs through multiple-case studies analysis of interview transcripts, websites, and constitutional statements. Results indicated that while the NSOs operated from a Management by Objectives (MBO) approach they were interested in exploring how Management by Values (MBV) might improve their organization's performance. Eleven themes from the case studies analysis contributed to the development of a framework. The 4-1 framework described how an NSO can progress through different stages by becoming more intentional in how they use their values. Another finding included deepening our understanding of how values are experienced within the NSO and then transferred across the entire sport. Participants also spoke about the tension that arises among their NSO' s values as well as the dominant values held by funding agents. This clash of values needs to be addressed before the tension escalates. Finally, participants expressed a desire to learn more about how values can be used more intentionally to further their organization's purpose. As such, strategies for intentionally leveraging values are also suggested. Further research should explore how helpful the 4-1 framework can be to NSOs leaders who are in the process of identifying or renewing their organization's values.