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为查明养殖鲤(Cyprinus carpio)突然大批发病死亡的原因,对鲤病样品进行了细胞攻毒、空斑测定、电镜观察,以及鱼体感染等实验。先以患病鲤的组织匀浆液,经过滤后,分别接种到草鱼鳍条细胞(GCF)、鲤上皮瘤细胞(EPC)等14种培养细胞中。利用倒置显微镜观察显示,在1~2 d内,该病鱼组织匀浆液可使其中9种细胞出现典型的细胞病变。收集出现病变的细胞液(即病毒悬液),进一步进行病毒滴度检测、空斑测定和鱼体感染实验。结果显示,在GCF细胞上的病毒滴度为107.3TCID50/mL;在FHM,TSB和GC
以18种细胞系为材料,研究微囊藻毒素LR(20μg/mL和50μg/mL)所诱导的细胞毒性。形态观察表明,在经过30h以上的微囊藻毒素处理后,PC-3,J82,786-0,5637,VERO-E6等5种细胞出现了明显的细胞形态改变,毒素浓度越高,形态改变越厉害。微囊藻毒素LR的细胞毒性用LDH泄漏来表示。结果显示,5种毒素处理细胞的LDH泄漏呈剂量依赖性增加,其中5637和PC-3的LDH泄漏在同样的处理后较为厉害;同对照比较,SOD活力在20μg/mL MCLR处理下呈增加趋势,但在50μg/mL浓度下
中国科学院知识创新工程项目资助 ( 2 2 0 3 16); 国家自然科学基金项目资助 ( 3 0 0 70 15 4)
The airflow between the fast-moving substrate and stationary print heads in a web print press may cause print quality issues in high-speed, roll-to-roll printing applications. We have studied the interactions between ink drops and the airflow in the gap between the printhead and substrate, by using an experimental flow channel and high-speed imaging. The results show: 1) the gap airflow is well approximated by a standard Couette flow profile; 2) the effect of gap airflow on the flight paths of main drops and satellites is negligible; and 3) the interaction between the gap airflow and the wakes from the printed ink drops should be investigated as the primary source of aerodynamically- related print quality issues. ©2012 Society for Imaging Science and Technology.
1 997— 1 999年对鄱阳湖区渔业资源与环境进行了动态监测 ,统计渔获物 2 778kg,生物学测定 1 62 7尾 ,采集到鱼类 1 2 2种 ,隶属于 1 2目 2 1科 77属 ,其中鲤科鱼类种类最多 ,计 65种 ,占 5 3.3%。湖区渔获物个体偏小 ,以 1— 2龄鱼为主 ,鲤、鲫基本上是当年鱼。鄱阳湖现有鲤、鲫产卵场 33处 ,主要分布在湖区东、南、西部 ,年均有效产卵面积 61 6.66km2 ,年均产卵量5 6.85亿。鄱阳湖区湖口、蛤蟆石、星子、康山水域湖水的pH、COD、Cr+
以F4代转hGH基因红鲤体细胞 (肾脏和尾鳍 )及培养 18代的F4代转hGH基因红鲤尾鳍细胞为核供体 ,泥鳅或黄河鲤成熟卵为受体 ,进行了核移植 ,以探讨外源F4代转基因鱼体外源基因的分布与存在形式、稳定性和克隆转基因鱼的可能性。F4代红鲤肾脏细胞核与泥鳅卵配合的核移植胚胎有 12 4 %发育到囊胚 ,0 33%发育到神经胚 ;F4代尾鳍细胞核移入泥鳅卵后的重组胚发育到囊胚、神经胚、肌节期和肌肉效应期的胚胎分别为 2 4 5 %、0 3%、0 2 %和 0 1% ;对照卵无发育。F4代红鲤尾鳍培养细胞与
自 1996年 3月至 1998年 12月 ,作者采用放射免疫分析法每月 1次测定雄性白豚 (Lipotesvexillifer)“淇淇”血清睾酮浓度。春季每天 1次 ,其它季节每三天 1次 ,每次 1h ,用目标动物取样法观察“淇淇”的行为。结果发现 ,性自慰 (腹面贴池壁、伸出阴茎 )行为的发生频率和血清睾酮激素水平都有周期性变化 ,春季为高峰期 ,秋季有 1个小峰 ,性自慰行为与血清睾酮激素浓度两者的周期较为一致。从性自慰行为和血清睾酮激素水平季节变化 ,推测出“淇淇”性腺活动的周期性变化 ,活动
将大珠母贝精子经不同脉冲循环数、脉冲数和不同脉冲幅度处理后,与卵子受精,然后观察受精和发育情况并进行统计分析,根据受精率确定最佳参数组合为:脉冲循环数 6、脉冲数 28和脉冲幅度 6kV。此前用电击参数为脉冲循环数6、脉冲数27和脉冲幅度 10kV进行了大珠母贝转基因实验,获得转基因阳性贝。
A recent study has shown that nonanoic acid (NA) is one of the strongest allelochemicals to a cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa, but the physiological responses of M. aeruginosa to NA stress remain unknown. In this study, physiological characters such as the growth rate, photosynthetic processes, phosphorus and nitrogen uptake kinetics, and the contents of intracellular microcystin of M. aeruginosa PCC7806 were studied under the NA stress. The results showed that the growth rates of M. aeruginosa PCC 7806 were significantly inhibited in all NA stress treatments during first 3 days after exposure, and the growth rate was recovered after 5-day exposure. After 2-day exposure, the contents of both phycocyanin and allophycocyanin per cell decreased at NA concentration of 4 mg L-1, and oxygen evolution was inhibited even at the concentration of 0.5 mg L-1, but carotenoid content per cell was slightly boosted in NA stress. Physiological recovery of M. aeruginosa PCC7806 was observed after 7-day exposure to NA. It was shown that NA stress had no effect on uptake of nitrogen, but could stimulate the uptake of phosphorus. The contents of intracellular microcystin have not been affected in all NA treatments in contrast with the control. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Environ Toxicol 24: 610-617, 2009.
A recurrent artificial neural network was used for 0-and 7-days-ahead forecasting of daily spring phytoplankton bloom dynamics in Xiangxi Bay of Three-Gorges Reservoir with meteorological, hydrological, and limnological parameters as input variables. Daily data from the depth of 0.5 m was used to train the model, and data from the depth of 2.0 m was used to validate the calibrated model. The trained model achieved reasonable accuracy in predicting the daily dynamics of chlorophyll a both in 0-and 7-days-ahead forecasting. In 0-day-ahead forecasting, the R-2 values of observed and predicted data were 0.85 for training and 0.89 for validating. In 7-days-ahead forecasting, the R-2 values of training and validating were 0.68 and 0.66, respectively. Sensitivity analysis indicated that most ecological relationships between chlorophyll a and input environmental variables in 0-and 7-days-ahead models were reasonable. In the 0-day model, Secchi depth, water temperature, and dissolved silicate were the most important factors influencing the daily dynamics of chlorophyll a. And in 7-days-ahead predicting model, chlorophyll a was sensitive to most environmental variables except water level, DO, and NH3N.