994 resultados para 324-U1346A


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Esta tesis analiza la visión homogenizante y excluyente que caracterizó a la invasión española emprendida al territorio que luego se denominó “América”, y que fue concebida como un proyecto empresarial cuyo propósito era buscar una ruta más corta para llegar a las indias. Este trabajo examina las estrategias de colonización geográfica, espiritual y lingüística utilizadas por el sistema colonial y republicano en su propósito de legitimar la invasión, explotar sus recursos, su fuerza de trabajo y someter a los pueblos del Abya-Yala1 y, entre ellos, al pueblo kichwa.2 El presente análisis se lo realiza a través del estudio de los registros históricos generados en las épocas de la Colonia y la República, y contenidos en documentos tales como las cédulas reales, las bulas papales, los concilios, las crónicas y demás instrumentos escritos en esos períodos. En estos registros se puede advertir la ideología hegemónica y de exclusión determinada por la importancia de la enseñanza de la lengua castellana o “civilizada”, al ser la lengua de los “vencedores”, y también por la utilización de la lengua kichwa para facilitar la conversión de esa comunidad indígena. Este estudio también aborda el rol que cumplieron los religiosos católicos que enarbolaron la “defensa” de los derechos indígenas, matizada por la visión colonizadora de “salvadores de almas”. A pesar de su ánimo “redentor”, su rol no deja de ser significativo por la defensa que algunos de ellos hacen de las comunidades, a cambio de su aceptación a ser evangelizadas, conforme se desprende de los registros que dan cuenta de los aportes que realizaron en su época y a los cuales nos referiremos más adelante. Esta visión colonizadora y hegemónica contrasta con las acciones de resistencia que impulsaron las comunidades indígenas con sus elementos culturales y con la movilización que generaron desde el primer contacto con los españoles, hasta nuestros días. Como resultado de estas acciones emprendidas, las comunidades han logrado mantener su vigencia y lograr reivindicaciones jurídicas y políticas de carácter nacional e internacional, tales como las últimas constituciones ecuatorianas (1998 y 2008), la suscripción del Convenio 169 de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo, OIT, y la declaración de los Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos Indígenas por parte de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas, ONU.


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The particle size distributions of surface soils from two cultivated silty fields (Moorfield and Railway South) in Herefordshire, UK, were assessed by sampling on 20-m grids across the fields. Moorfield (8 ha) had a uniform landscape sloping mainly in a North-South direction while Railway South (12 ha) had complex undulating landscape characteristics. Samples from 3 surficial layers were also taken at 3 landscape positions at Moorfield to investigate recent (within-season) soil particle redistribution. Size fractions were determined using chemical dispersion, wet sieving (to separate the sand fractions) and laser gramilometry (for the finer fractions). The distribution of various fractions and the relationships between elevation and the various fractions suggest preferential detachment and movement of coarse to very coarse silt fractions (16-63 mu m), which were found mostly at downslope or depositional areas. Upper slope samples had higher clay to fine silt (< 16 mu m) contents than bottom slope samples. The upslope-downslope patterns of size fractions, particularly on uniformly sloping areas, of the 2 fields were similar and their deposited sediments were dominated by coarse silt fractions. Samples from 3 landscape positions at Moorfield became coarser from the less eroded summit, through the eroding side-slope to the bottom-slope depositional area. Within each of these landscape positions the top 0-2.5 cm layers were more enriched in coarse silt fractions than the bottom layers. The spatial patterns of soil particle size distributions in the 2 fields may be a result of sediment detachment and deposition caused by water erosion and tillage operations. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Particle size distribution (psd) is one of the most important features of the soil because it affects many of its other properties, and it determines how soil should be managed. To understand the properties of chalk soil, psd analyses should be based on the original material (including carbonates), and not just the acid-resistant fraction. Laser-based methods rather than traditional sedimentation methods are being used increasingly to determine particle size to reduce the cost of analysis. We give an overview of both approaches and the problems associated with them for analyzing the psd of chalk soil. In particular, we show that it is not appropriate to use the widely adopted 8 pm boundary between the clay and silt size fractions for samples determined by laser to estimate proportions of these size fractions that are equivalent to those based on sedimentation. We present data from field and national-scale surveys of soil derived from chalk in England. Results from both types of survey showed that laser methods tend to over-estimate the clay-size fraction compared to sedimentation for the 8 mu m clay/silt boundary, and we suggest reasons for this. For soil derived from chalk, either the sedimentation methods need to be modified or it would be more appropriate to use a 4 pm threshold as an interim solution for laser methods. Correlations between the proportions of sand- and clay-sized fractions, and other properties such as organic matter and volumetric water content, were the opposite of what one would expect for soil dominated by silicate minerals. For water content, this appeared to be due to the predominance of porous, chalk fragments in the sand-sized fraction rather than quartz grains, and the abundance of fine (<2 mu m) calcite crystals rather than phyllosilicates in the clay-sized fraction. This was confirmed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses. "Of all the rocks with which 1 am acquainted, there is none whose formation seems to tax the ingenuity of theorists so severely, as the chalk, in whatever respect we may think fit to consider it". Thomas Allan, FRS Edinburgh 1823, Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. (C) 2009 Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recent contributions by geographers on the relationships between states and citizens have documented the rise of rolled-out neoliberalism. Development agendas are, it is argued, increasingly dominated by the principles of market-driven reforms, social inequality, and a drive towards enhancing the economic competitiveness of the supply side of the economy. However, at the same time, a parallel set of discourses has emerged in the development literature which argues that it is principles of sustainable development that have, in practice, become dominant. The emphasis is, instead, on democratic empowerment, environmental conservation, and social justice. This paper examines the relationships between these ostensibly very different interpretations of contemporary development with an assessment of one of the Labour government's most ambitious planning agendas-the publication in February 2003 of the document Sustainable Communities: Building for the Future. The proposals are promoted as a "step change" in the planning system with a new emphasis on tackling shortages of housing in the South East and reviving the economy of the Thames Gateway area. The paper assesses the different ways in which such programmes can be interpreted and argues that contemporary development practices in countries such as Britain are constituted by a hybridity of approaches and rationalities and cannot be reduced to simple characterisations of rolled-out neoliberalism or sustainable development.


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Nutrient cycles link agricultural systems to their societies and surroundings; inputs of nitrogen and phosphorus in particular are essential for high crop yields, but downstream and downwind losses of these same nutrients diminish environmental quality and human well-being. Agricultural nutrient balances differ substantially with economic development, from inputs that are inadequate to maintain soil fertility in parts of many developing countries, particularly those of sub-Saharan Africa, to excessive and environmentally damaging surpluses in many developed and rapidly growing economies. National and/or regional policies contribute to patterns of nutrient use and their environmental consequences in all of these situations. Solutions to the nutrient challenges that face global agriculture can be informed by analyses of trajectories of change within, as well as across, agricultural systems.


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Active queue management (AQM) policies are those policies of router queue management that allow for the detection of network congestion, the notification of such occurrences to the hosts on the network borders, and the adoption of a suitable control policy. This paper proposes the adoption of a fuzzy proportional integral (FPI) controller as an active queue manager for Internet routers. The analytical design of the proposed FPI controller is carried out in analogy with a proportional integral (PI) controller, which recently has been proposed for AQM. A genetic algorithm is proposed for tuning of the FPI controller parameters with respect to optimal disturbance rejection. In the paper the FPI controller design metodology is described and the results of the comparison with random early detection (RED), tail drop, and PI controller are presented.


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A task combining both digit and Corsi memory tests was administered to a group of 75 children. The task is shown to share variance with standardized reading and maths attainments, even after partialling out performance on component tasks separately assessed. The emergent task property may reflect coordination skills, although several different refinements can be made to this general conclusion.


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