923 resultados para 28S rDNA


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The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has a limited life-span, which is measured by the number of divisions that individual cells complete. Among the many changes that occur as yeasts age are alterations in chromatin-dependent transcriptional silencing. We have genetically manipulated histone deacetylases to modify chromatin, and we have examined the effect on yeast longevity. Deletion of the histone deacetylase gene RPD3 extended life-span. Its effects on chromatin functional state were evidenced by enhanced silencing at the three known heterochromatic regions of the genome, the silent mating type (HM), subtelomeric, and rDNA loci, which occurred even in the absence of SIR3. Similarly, the effect of the rpd3Δ on life-span did not depend on an intact Sir silencing complex. In fact, deletion of SIR3 itself had little effect on life-span, although it markedly accelerated the increase in cell generation time that is observed during yeast aging. Deletion of HDA1, another histone deacetylase gene, did not result in life-span extension, unless it was combined with deletion of SIR3. The hda1Δ sir3Δ resulted in an increase in silencing, but only at the rDNA locus. Deletion of RPD3 suppressed the loss of silencing in rDNA in a sir2 mutant; however, the silencing did not reach the level found in the rpd3Δ single mutant, and RPD3 deletion did not overcome the life-span shortening seen in the sir2 mutant. Deletion of both RPD3 and HDA1 caused a decrease in life-span, which resulted from a substantial increase in initial mortality of the population. The expression of both of these genes declines with age, providing one possible explanation for the increase in mortality during the life-span. Our results are consistent with the loss of rDNA silencing leading to aging in yeast. The functions of RPD3 and HDA1 do not overlap entirely. RPD3 exerts its effect on chromatin at additional sites in the genome, raising the possibility that events at loci other than rDNA play a role in the aging process.


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Vertebrate cells contain a large number of small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) species, the vast majority of which bind fibrillarin. Most of the fibrillarin-associated snoRNAs can form 10- to 21-nt duplexes with rRNA and are thought to guide 2′-O-methylation of selected nucleotides in rRNA. These include mammalian UHG (U22 host gene)-encoded U25–U31 snoRNAs. We have characterized two novel human snoRNA species, U62 and U63, which similarly exhibit 15- (with one interruption) and 12-nt complementarities and are therefore predicted to direct 2′-O-methylation of A590 in 18S and A4531 in 28S rRNA, respectively. To establish the function of antisense snoRNAs in vertebrates, we exploited the Xenopus oocyte system. Cloning of the Xenopus U25–U31 snoRNA genes indicated that they are encoded within multiple homologs of mammalian UHG. Depletion of U25 from the Xenopus oocyte abolished 2′-O-methylation of G1448 in 18S rRNA; methylation could be restored by injecting either the Xenopus or human U25 transcript into U25-depleted oocytes. Comparison of Xenopus and human U25 sequences revealed that only boxes C, D, and D′, as well as the 18S rRNA complement, were invariant, suggesting that they may be the only elements required for U25 snoRNA stability and function.


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Termination of murine rDNA transcription by RNA polymerase I (Pol I) requires pausing of Pol I by terminator-bound TTF-I (transcription termination factor for Pol I), followed by dissociation of the ternary complex by PTRF (Pol I and transcript release factor). To examine the functional correlation between transcription termination and initiation, we have compared transcription on terminator-containing and terminator-less rDNA templates. We demonstrate that terminated RNA molecules are more efficiently synthesized than run-off transcripts, indicating that termination facilitates reinitiation. Transcriptional enhancement is observed in multiple- but not single-round transcription assays measuring either promoter-dependent or promoter-independent Pol I transcription. Increased synthesis of terminated transcripts is observed in crude extracts but not in a PTRF-free reconstituted transcription system, indicating that PTRF-mediated release of pre-rRNA is responsible for transcriptional enhancement. Consistent with PTRF serving an important role in modulating the efficiency of rRNA synthesis, PTRF exhibits pronounced charge heterogeneity, is phosphorylated at multiple sites and fractionates into transcriptionally active and inactive forms. The results suggest that regulation of PTRF activity may be an as yet unrecognized means to control the efficiency of ribosomal RNA synthesis.


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During macronuclear development in the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila, extensive DNA deletions occur, eliminating thousands of internal eliminated sequences (IESs). Using an rDNA-based transformation assay we have analyzed the role during DNA deletion of DNA flanking mse2.9, an IES within the second intron of a gene encoding an as yet incompletely characterized protein. We establish that a cis-acting sequence for mse2.9 deletion acts at a distance to specify deletion boundaries. A complex sequence element necessary for efficient and accurate mse2.9 deletion is located in the region 47–81 bp from the right side of mse2.9. The ability of a variety of IES flanking sequences to rescue a processing deficient mse2.9 construct indicates that some cis-acting signal is shared among different IESs. In addition, the short intronic sequence that flanks mse2.9 is able to direct efficient and accurate processing. Despite no obvious sequence similarity between mse2.9 and other IESs, we suggest that a common mechanism is used to delete different families of IESs in Tetrahymena.


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Phyllosphere microbial communities were evaluated on leaves of field-grown plant species by culture-dependent and -independent methods. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) with 16S rDNA primers generally indicated that microbial community structures were similar on different individuals of the same plant species, but unique on different plant species. Phyllosphere bacteria were identified from Citrus sinesis (cv. Valencia) by using DGGE analysis followed by cloning and sequencing of the dominant rDNA bands. Of the 17 unique sequences obtained, database queries showed only four strains that had been described previously as phyllosphere bacteria. Five of the 17 sequences had 16S similarities lower than 90% to database entries, suggesting that they represent previously undescribed species. In addition, three fungal species were also identified. Very different 16S rDNA DGGE banding profiles were obtained when replicate cv. Valencia leaf samples were cultured in BIOLOG EcoPlates for 4.5 days. All of these rDNA sequences had 97–100% similarity to those of known phyllosphere bacteria, but only two of them matched those identified by the culture independent DGGE analysis. Like other studied ecosystems, microbial phyllosphere communities therefore are more complex than previously thought, based on conventional culture-based methods.


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A very old unanswered question in classical cytology is whether chromosomes are arranged randomly in sperm or whether they occupy specific positions. Even with modern methods of chromosome painting, it is difficult to resolve this question for the very condensed and almost spherical sperm head of most mammals. We have taken advantage of the unusual fibrillar sperm head of monotreme mammals (echidna and platypus) to examine the position of chromosome landmarks in a two-dimensional array. We used fluorescence and radioactive in situ hybridization to telomeric, rDNA, and unique sequences to show that chromosomes are arranged tandemly and in a defined order in the sperm nucleus.


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The accelerated protein accumulation characteristic of cardiomyocyte hypertrophy results from increased cellular protein synthetic capacity (elevated ribosome content). The rate limiting step in ribosome accumulation is transcription of the rRNA genes. During neonatal cardiomyocyte hypertrophy induced by norepinephrine or spontaneous contraction, changes in the expression of a ribosomal DNA transcription factor, UBF, correlated with increased rates of ribosome biogenesis. We hypothesized that elevated expression of UBF was part of the mechanism by which these hypertrophic stimuli effected increases in the rate of transcription from the rDNA promoter. In this study, we have examined directly the effect of overexpressing UBF on rDNA transcription in neonatal cardiomyocytes in culture. In control experiments, a novel reporter construct for rDNA transcription (pSMECAT) showed similar increases in activity in response to hypertrophic stimuli (10(-4) M phenylephrine, 10(-7) M endothelin, and spontaneous contraction) as did the endogenous rRNA genes. When contraction-arrested cardiomyocytes were cotransfected with pSMECAT and increasing amounts of a UBF1 expression vector; a dose-dependent (3-5 fold) increase in rDNA transcription was observed. Western blot analysis confirmed that the overexpressed, FLAG-tagged UBF accumulated in the cardiomyocyte nuclei. The observation that overexpression of UBF1 is sufficient to increase rDNA transcription in neonatal cardiomyocytes provides evidence in support of the hypothesis that the regulation of UBF is a key component of the increased ribosome biogenesis and protein accumulation associated with cardiomyocyte hypertrophy.


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Woody Sonchus and five related genera (Babcockia, Taeckholmia, Sventenia, Lactucosonchus, and Prenanthes) of the Macaronesian islands have been regarded as an outstanding example of adaptive radiation in angiosperms. Internal transcribed spacer region of the nuclear rDNA (ITS) sequences were used to demonstrate that, despite the extensive morphological and ecological diversity of the plants, the entire alliance in insular Macaronesia has a common origin. The sequence data place Lactucosonchus as sister group to the remainder of the alliance and also indicate that four related genera are in turn sister groups to subg. Dendrosonchus and Taeckholmia. This implies that the woody members of Sonchus were derived from an ancestor similar to allied genera now present on the Canary Islands. It is also evident that the alliance probably occurred in the Canary Islands during the late Miocene or early Pliocene. A rapid radiation of major lineages in the alliance is consistent with an unresolved polytomy near the base and low ITS sequence divergence. Increase of woodiness is concordant with other insular endemics and refutes the relictural nature of woody Sonchus in the Macaronesian islands.


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Many bacteria live only within animal cells and infect hosts through cytoplasmic inheritance. These endosymbiotic lineages show distinctive population structure, with small population size and effectively no recombination. As a result, endosymbionts are expected to accumulate mildly deleterious mutations. If these constitute a substantial proportion of new mutations, endosymbionts will show (i) faster sequence evolution and (ii) a possible shift in base composition reflecting mutational bias. Analyses of 16S rDNA of five independently derived endosymbiont clades show, in every case, faster evolution in endosymbionts than in free-living relatives. For aphid endosymbionts (genus Buchnera), coding genes exhibit accelerated evolution and unusually low ratios of synonymous to nonsynonymous substitutions compared to ratios for the same genes for enterics. This concentration of the rate increase in nonsynonymous substitutions is expected under the hypothesis of increased fixation of deleterious mutations. Polypeptides for all Buchnera genes analyzed have accumulated amino acids with codon families rich in A+T, supporting the hypothesis that substitutions are deleterious in terms of polypeptide function. These observations are best explained as the result of Muller's ratchet within small asexual populations, combined with mutational bias. In light of this explanation, two observations reported earlier for Buchnera, the apparent loss of a repair gene and the overproduction of a chaperonin, may reflect compensatory evolution. An alternative hypothesis, involving selection on genomic base composition, is contradicted by the observation that the speedup is concentrated at nonsynonymous sites.


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A base-pair resolution method for determining nucleosome position in vitro has been developed to com- plement existing, less accurate methods. Cysteaminyl EDTA was tethered to a recombinant histone octamer via a mutant histone H4 with serine 47 replaced by cysteine. When assembled into nucleosome core particles, the DNA could be cut site specifically by hydroxyl radical-catalyzed chain scission by using the Fenton reaction. Strand cleavage occurs mainly at a single nucleotide close to the dyad axis of the core particle, and assignment of this location via the symmetry of the nucleosome allows base-pair resolution mapping of the histone octamer position on the DNA. The positions of the histone octamer and H3H4 tetramer were mapped on a 146-bp Lytechinus variegatus 5S rRNA sequence and a twofold-symmetric derivative. The weakness of translational determinants of nucleosome positioning relative to the overall affinity of the histone proteins for this DNA is clearly demonstrated. The predominant location of both histone octamer and H3H4 tetramer assembled on the 5S rDNA is off center. Shifting the nucleosome core particle position along DNA within a conserved rotational phase could be induced under physiologically relevant conditions. Since nucleosome shifting has important consequences for chromatin structure and gene regulation, an approach to the thermodynamic characterization of this movement is proposed. This mapping method is potentially adaptable for determining nucleosome position in chromatin in vivo.


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Stress-induced mutations may play an important role in the evolution of plants. Plants do not sequester a germ line, and thus any stress-induced mutations could be passed on to future generations. We report a study of the effects of heat shock on genomic components of Brassica nigra Brassicaceae. Plants were submitted to heat stress, and the copy number of two nuclear-encoded single-copy genes, rRNA-encoding DNA (rDNA) and a chloroplast DNA gene, was determined and compared to a nonstressed control group. We determined whether genomic changes were inherited by examining copy number in the selfed progeny of control and heat-treated individuals. No effects of heat shock on copy number of the single-copy nuclear genes or on chloroplast DNA are found. However, heat shock did cause a statistically significant reduction in rDNA copies inherited by the F1 generation. In addition, we propose a DNA damage-reppair hypothesis to explain the reduction in rDNA caused by heat shock.


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DNA was extracted from the remains of 35 ground sloths from various parts of North and South America. Two specimens of Mylodon darwinii, a species that went extinct at the end of the last glaciation, yielded amplifiable DNA. However, of the total DNA extracted, only approximately 1/1000 originated from the sloth, whereas a substantial part of the remainder was of bacterial and fungal origin. In spite of this, > 1100 bp of sloth mitochondrial rDNA sequences could be reconstructed from short amplification products. Phylogenetic analyses using homologous sequences from all extant edentate groups suggest that Mylodon darwinii was more closely related to the two-toed than the three-toed sloths and, thus, that an arboreal life-style has evolved at least twice among sloths. The divergence of Mylodon and the two-toed sloth furthermore allows a date for the radiation of armadillos, anteaters, and sloths to be estimated. This result shows that the edentates differ from other mammalian orders in that they contain lineages that diverged before the end of the Cretaceous Period.


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We have developed a system to transcribe the yeast 5S rRNA gene in the absence of the transcription factor TFIIIA. A long transcript was synthesized both in vitro and in vivo from a hybrid gene in which the tRNA-like promoter sequence of the RPR1 gene was fused to the yeast 5S RNA gene. No internal initiation directed by the endogenous 5S rDNA promoter or any processing of the hybrid transcript was observed in vitro. Yeast cells devoid of transcription factor TFIIIA, which, therefore, could not synthesize any 5S rRNA from the endogenous chromosomal copies of 5S rDNA, could survive if they carried the hybrid RPR1-5S construct on a multicopy plasmid. In this case, the only source of 5S rRNA was the precursor RPR1-5S transcript that gave rise to two RNA species slightly larger than wild-type 5S rRNA. This establishes that the only essential function of TFIIIA is to promote the synthesis of 5S rRNA. However, cells devoid of TFIIIA and surviving with these two RNAs grew more slowly at 30 degrees C compared with wild-type cells and were thermosensitive at 37 degrees C.


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MAP30 (Momordica anti-HIV protein of 30 kDa) and GAP31 (Gelonium anti-HIV protein of 31 kDa) are anti-HIV plant proteins that we have identified, purified, and cloned from the medicinal plants Momordica charantia and Gelonium multiflorum. These antiviral agents are capable of inhibiting infection of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) in T lymphocytes and monocytes as well as replication of the virus in already-infected cells. They are not toxic to normal uninfected cells because they are unable to enter healthy cells. MAP30 and GAP31 also possess an N-glycosidase activity on 28S ribosomal RNA and a topological activity on plasmid and viral DNAs including HIV-1 long terminal repeats (LTRs). LTRs are essential sites for integration of viral DNA into the host genome by viral integrase. We therefore investigated the effect of MAP30 and GAP31 on HIV-1 integrase. We report that both of these antiviral agents exhibit dose-dependent inhibition of HIV-1 integrase. Inhibition was observed in all of the three specific reactions catalyzed by the integrase, namely, 3' processing (specific cleavage of the dinucleotide GT from the viral substrate), strand transfer (integration), and "disintegration" (the reversal of strand transfer). Inhibition was studied by using oligonucleotide substrates with sequences corresponding to the U3 and U5 regions of HIV LTR. In the presence of 20 ng of viral substrate, 50 ng of target substrate, and 4 microM integrase, total inhibition was achieved at equimolar concentrations of the integrase and the antiviral proteins, with EC50 values of about 1 microM. Integration of viral DNA into the host chromosome is a vital step in the replicative cycle of retroviruses, including the AIDS virus. The inhibition of HIV-1 integrase by MAP30 and GAP31 suggests that impediment of viral DNA integration may play a key role in the anti-HIV activity of these plant proteins.


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Pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP), a 29-kDa protein isolated from Phytolacca americana inhibits translation by catalytically removing a specific adenine residue from the 28S rRNA of eukaryotic ribosomes. PAP has potent antiviral activity against many plant and animal viruses, including human immunodeficiency virus. We describe here development of a positive selection system to isolate PAP mutants with reduced toxicity. In vitro translation in the presence or absence of microsomal membranes shows that PAP is synthesized as a precursor and undergoes at least two different proteolytic processing steps to generate mature PAP. The PAP cDNA was placed under control of the galactose-inducible GAL1 promoter and transformed into Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Induction of PAP expression was lethal to yeast. The PAP expression plasmid was mutagenized and plasmids encoding mutant PAP genes were identified by their failure to kill S. cerevisiae. A number of mutant alleles were sequenced. In one mutant, a point mutation at Glu-177 inactivated enzymatic function in vitro, suggesting that this glutamic acid residue is located at or near the catalytic site. Mutants with either point mutations near the N terminus or a nonsense mutation at residue 237 produced protein that was enzymatically active in vitro, suggesting that the toxicity of PAP is not due solely to enzymatic activity. Toxicity of PAP appears to be a multistep process that involves possibly different domains of the protein.