998 resultados para 240.0310
A seletividade de oito agrotóxicos recomendados na Produção Integrada da Maçã (PIM) foi avaliada sobre Trichogramma pretiosum Riley em laboratório, utilizando-se da metodologia padronizada pela International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control of Noxious Animals and Plants (IOBC). Os produtos (% da formulação comercial na calda) Captan 500 PM (0,240) e Delan (0,125) foram inócuos; Promalin (9,000) foi levemente nocivo; Assist (4,000) e Dormex (1,200) foram moderadamente nocivos; Vertimec 18 CE (0,100), Malathion 1000 CE (0,100) e Supracid 400 CE (0,100) foram nocivos a adultos de T. pretiosum no teste de toxicidade em laboratório. Os agrotóxicos classificados como moderadamente nocivos e nocivos requerem testes subseqüentes de persistência biológica do produto em casa de vegetação e de campo.
Consistent inter-individual variation in behaviour over time and across contexts has been reported for a wide variety of animals, a phenomenon commonly referred to as personality. As behavioural patterns develop inside families, rearing conditions could have lasting effects on the expression of adult personality. In species with parental care, conflicts among family members impose selection on parental and offspring behaviour through co-adaptation. Here, we argue that the interplay between the evolution of personality traits (i.e. boldness, exploration, activity, aggressiveness and sociability) expressed outside the family context and the specialized behaviours expressed inside families (i.e. offspring begging behaviour and parental response to offspring solicitations) can have important evolutionary consequences. Personality differences among parents may relate to the typically observed variation in the way they respond to offspring demand, and dependent offspring may already express personality differences which may relate to the way they communicate with their parents and siblings. However, there has been little research on how personality relates to parental and offspring behaviours. Future research should thus focus on how and why personality may be related to the specialized parent and offspring behaviour that evolved as adaptations to family life.
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo determinar o efeito de genótipos de maracujazeiro quanto à atratividade e à não-preferência para alimentação de lagartas de Dione juno juno, em diferentes idades, através de testes com e sem chance de escolha. Os experimentos foram conduzidos no Departamento de Fitossanidade da FCAV/UNESP de Jaboticabal-SP, sob condições ambientais controladas (T=26=±=1°C=U.=R.= 60 ± 10% e fotofase = 14 horas), utilizando-se dos genótipos Passiflora edulis, P. gibertii, P. alata, Sul Brasil, IAC-275, Flora FB 300, P. serrato-digitata, P. edulis f. flavicarpa, Maguary FB-100 e P. foetida. Para o teste com chance de escolha, foram utilizadas placas de Petri, onde foram distribuídos, de forma eqüidistante, um disco foliar (3,2 cm) de cada genótipo estudado e liberando-se em seguida, no centro da placa, 5 lagartas recém-eclodidas ou uma lagarta com 10 dias de idade por material. No teste sem chance de escolha, foi colocado apenas um disco de cada genótipo por placa de Petri (9 cm de diâmetro), mantendo-se o mesmo padrão de infestação utilizado no teste com chance. As avaliações foram realizadas em duas etapas, sendo que, na primeira, avaliou-se a atratividade, contando o número de lagartas em cada material a 1; 3; 5; 10; 15; 30; 60; 120; 240 minutos e 24 horas após a liberação das mesmas. Na segunda etapa, observou-se o consumo foliar 24 horas após o início do teste. O genótipo menos atrativo às lagartas recém-eclodidas e de 10 dias de idade foi P. alata em testes com e sem chance de escolha. O genótipo P. alata foi o menos consumido em teste com chance de escolha, sendo que, no teste sem chance, P. alata e P. foetida destacaram-se como os menos consumidos para as duas fases larvais.
Con datos procedentes de poblaciones de campo (37.920 partos porducidos en granjas de selección y 95.240 partos producidos en granjas de producción) se ha analizado la influencia de la edad al primer parto, de la duración de la lactación, de la duración del intervalo destete-cubrición fértil y del tipo de cubrición fértil sobre el número de lechones nacidos vivos por parto (NV). Además, utilizando datos simulados se ha evaluado el interés de considerar estos factores de manejo en el modelo de evaluación genética para NV. Los factores de manejo analizados influyen de forma significativa (P < 0,05) sobre NV, en magnitud y sentido similar en las poblaciones de selección y de producción. Mediante simulación se comprueba que omitir la influencia de los factores de manejo anteriores en el modelo de evaluación genética no interfiere en la respuesta a la selección, aunque puede conducir a la obtención de predictores sesgados del valor genético.
BACKGROUND: LEOPARD syndrome (LS) belongs to the family of neuro-cardio-facio-cutaneous syndromes, which include Neurofibromatosis-1 (NF1), Noonan syndrome, Costello Syndrome, cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome, Noonan-like syndrome with loose anagen hair and Legius syndrome. These conditions are caused by mutations in genes encoding proteins involved in the RAS-MAPK cellular pathway. Clinical heterogeneity and phenotype overlaps across those different syndromes is already recognized. CASE PRESENTATION: We hereby report a heterozygous de novo mutation in the PTPN11 gene (c.1403C > T) manifesting with a clinical picture of LS during childhood, and later development of neuropathic pain with hypertrophic plexi, which are typically observed in NF1 but have not been reported in LS. CONCLUSION: LS caused by PTPN11 mutations may be associated with hypertrophic roots and plexi. Consequently, clinicians should be aware of the possible development of neuropathic pain and consider specific diagnostic work-up and management.
O crescimento, a nutrição mineral e o nível crítico foliar de P em mudas de umbuzeiro crescidas em vasos contendo amostras de um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, em função da adubação fosfatada, foram avaliados neste trabalho. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e seis doses de P (0; 30; 60; 120; 240 e 480 mg dm-3). A adubação fosfatada foi realizada numa única aplicação, antes do transplantio das mudas. Observa-se que a dose de 281 mg dm-3 de P proporcionou a máxima produção de matéria seca das mudas de umbuzeiro, e, mesmo quando bem nutrido em P, o umbuzeiro apresentou maior produção de matéria seca do sistema radicular do que na parte aérea. A faixa crítica de P nas folhas das mudas do umbuzeiro é de 1,52 a 1,91 g kg-1.
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of cancer-related death in developed countries. Early detection of CRC leads to decreased CRC mortality. A blood-based CRC screening test is highly desirable due to limited invasiveness and high acceptance rate among patients compared to currently used fecal occult blood testing and colonoscopy. Here we describe the discovery and validation of a 29-gene panel in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) for the detection of CRC and adenomatous polyps (AP). Blood samples were prospectively collected from a multicenter, case-control clinical study. First, we profiled 93 samples with 667 candidate and 3 reference genes by high throughput real-time PCR (OpenArray system). After analysis, 160 genes were retained and tested again on 51 additional samples. Low expressed and unstable genes were discarded resulting in a final dataset of 144 samples profiled with 140 genes. To define which genes, alone or in combinations had the highest potential to discriminate AP and/or CRC from controls, data were analyzed by a combination of univariate and multivariate methods. A list of 29 potentially discriminant genes was compiled and evaluated for its predictive accuracy by penalized logistic regression and bootstrap. This method discriminated AP >1cm and CRC from controls with a sensitivity of 59% and 75%, respectively, with 91% specificity. The behavior of the 29-gene panel was validated with a LightCycler 480 real-time PCR platform, commonly adopted by clinical laboratories. In this work we identified a 29-gene panel expressed in PBMC that can be used for developing a novel minimally-invasive test for accurate detection of AP and CRC using a standard real-time PCR platform.
O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade pós-colheita de três cultivares de uvas de mesa sem semente submetidas ao processamento mínimo e armazenadas sob refrigeração e à temperatura ambiente. Para tanto, foram utilizadas uvas das cultivares BRS Clara, BRS Linda e BRS Morena, produzidas na Embrapa Uva e Vinho/Estação Experimental de Viticultura Tropical, em Jales-SP. Os cachos, depois de higienizados e imersos em água clorada a 200 mg de cloro.L-1 por 5 minutos, foram mantidos em câmara fria, a 12ºC, por 12 h. As bagas foram degranadas e lavadas em solução de álcool a 70%, por 5 segundos. Depois de escorrido o excesso da solução alcoólica, as bagas foram acondicionadas em bandejas de tereftalato de polietileno (PET) transparente com tampa e com capacidade para 500 mL. Cada unidade, contendo 200 g de bagas, foi armazenada a 12±1,8ºC e 24±0,8ºC, por 12 dias. Avaliaram-se, a cada três dias, a perda de massa fresca, a aparência, a coloração e os teores de sólidos solúveis (SS) e de acidez titulável (AT). A temperatura de 12ºC manteve a turgidez, a coloração, as qualidades organoléptica (relação SS/AT) e comercial das bagas das três cultivares testadas, por nove dias, enquanto no armazenamento à temperatura ambiente (24ºC), ocorre perda da qualidade comercial das bagas aos três dias para as cvs. BRS Clara e BRS Linda, e aos seis dias para a cv. BRS Morena.
Although pharmaceutical metabolites are found in the aquatic environment, their toxicity on living organisms is poorly studied in general. Endoxifen and 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen (4OHTam) are two metabolites of the widely used anticancer drug tamoxifen for the prevention and treatment of breast cancers. Both metabolites have a high pharmacological potency in vertebrates, attributing prodrug characteristics to tamoxifen. Tamoxifen and its metabolites are body-excreted by patients, and the parent compound is found in sewage treatment plan effluents and natural waters. The toxicity of these potent metabolites on non-target aquatic species is unknown, which forces environmental risk assessors to predict their toxicity on aquatic species using knowledge on the parent compounds. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the sensitivity of two generations of the freshwater microcrustacean Daphnia pulex towards 4OHTam and endoxifen. Two chronic tests of 4OHTam and endoxifen were run in parallel and several endpoints were assessed. The results show that the metabolites 4OHTam and endoxifen induced reproductive and survival effects. For both metabolites, the sensitivity of D. pulex increased in the second generation. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (r) decreased with increasing 4OHTam and endoxifen concentrations. The No-Observed Effect Concentrations (NOECs) calculated for the reproduction of the second generation exposed to 4OHTam and endoxifen were <1.8 and 4.3μg/L, respectively, whereas the NOECs that were calculated for the intrinsic rate of natural increase were <1.8 and 0.4μg/L, respectively. Our study raises questions about prodrug and active metabolites in environmental toxicology assessments of pharmaceuticals. Our findings also emphasize the importance of performing long-term experiments and considering multi-endpoints instead of the standard reproduction outcome.
Este artículo presenta los primeros datos del desarrollo de la versión española para adolescentes, entre 12 y 17 años, del NEO PI-R (JS NEO). Noventa y dos de los 240 ítems fueron modificados con el fin de adaptar el vocabulario de los mismos a este grupo de edad. Las propiedades psicométricas del JS NEO han sido investigadas en una muestra de 2.505 adolescentes. Los resultados muestran cómo la estructura factorial encontrada con el NEO PI-R para adultos se replica en la versión junior. Las fiabilidades de consistencia interna y estabilidad temporal de las escalas fueron adecuadas en la mayor parte de los casos. Además, la correlación entre las escalas de las versiones para adultos (NEO PI-R) y adolescentes (JS NEO) muestran que la versión para adolescentes presenta una validez de constructo adecuada.
OBJECTIVES: The goal of this study was to assess the clinical usefulness of the emotional symptoms (Emo) and externalizing problems (Ext) scales compared with the Total score on the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents (HoNOSCA). METHODS: The HoNOSCA was rated at admission and discharge for 260 adolescent inpatients. The primary outcomes assessed were (a) the sensitivity of the 3 HoNOSCA scores to clinical improvement; and (b) the between diagnoses discriminative value of these scores. RESULTS: Analyses of variances [2 (time: admission vs. discharge) ×5 (diagnostic groups)] revealed a main effect of time for the 3 scores, a main effect of the diagnostic group for the Total and Ext scores, and an interaction effect between time and diagnosis for the Emo score. A moderate correlation was observed between the change in Ext and Emo scores between admission and discharge. DISCUSSION: These 2 new scales of the HoNOSCA demonstrated good clinical utility and the ability to assess different aspects of clinical improvements. A significant discriminative value of both scores was observed. SIGNIFICANT OUTCOMES: The clinical utility of the 2 new scales on the HoNOSCA was established. These 2 new scales provided a sensitive measure of clinical outcome for assessing improvement between admission and discharge on a psychiatric inpatient unit for adolescents, regardless of diagnostic group, and captured additional information about clinical improvements. Adolescents with psychosis and conduct disorders presented with higher externalizing symptoms than those with other disorders, as rated on the HoNOSCA, at admission and discharge. The Emo score differentiated between clinical improvement in patients with psychosis versus eating disorders. LIMITATIONS: The sample in this study represented a homogeneous population of adolescent inpatients, so that further research is needed before these findings can be generalized to outpatients. In addition, the small number of patients in some diagnostic groups did not allow for their inclusion in some of the statistical analyses.
Grapholita molesta e Bonagota cranaodes são duas importantes pragas de pomares de macieira controlada por inseticidas. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar duas formulações de Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Btk) para o controle desses tortricídeos. Parcelas de macieira 'Fuji' foram pulverizadas com Dipel PM e Dipel SC, nas concentrações de 100 ml por100 L de calda. A eficiência do Btk foi comparada com os inseticidas tebufenozide (Mimic 240 SC - 90 ml por 100 L) e clorpyrifos (Lorsban 480 BR - 150 ml por 100 L). Duas vezes por semana, eram avaliadas as capturas de pragas em armadilha do tipo Delta. As avaliações de danos nos frutos foram realizadas antes e na colheita, sendo classificados os frutos em função do agrupamento em cachopa e a sua localização na planta. Os tratamentos com Btk tiveram mais danos do que os químicos. Houve uma tendência de maiores danos na parte interna, próximo ao tronco das macieiras e o agrupamento dos frutos não influenciou na presença de danos. Ambas as formulações de Dipel foram eficientes quando comparados com Mimic e Lorsban.
BACKGROUND. So far few studies have focused on the last steps of drug-use trajectories. Heroin has been described as a final stage, but the non-medical use of prescription opioids (NMUPOs) is often associated with heroin use. There is, however, no consensus yet about which one precedes the other. AIMS. The objective of this study was to test which of these two substances was likely to be induced by the other using a prospective design. MATERIAL AND METHODS. We used data from the Swiss Longitudinal Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF) to assess exposure to heroin and NMUPO at two times points (N = 5,041). Cross-lagged panel models provided evidence regarding prospective pathways between heroin and NMUPOs. Power analyses provided evidence about significance and clinical relevance. RESULTS. Results showed that heroin use predicted later NMUPO use (? = 1.217, p < 0.001) and that the reverse pathway was non-significant (? = 0.240, p = .233). Heroin use seems to be an important determinant, causing a 150% risk increase for NMUPO use at follow-up, whereas NMUPO use at baseline increases the risk of heroin use at follow-up by a mere non-significant 20%. CONCLUSIONS. Thus, heroin users were more likely to move to NMUPOs than non-heroin users, whereas NMUPO users were not likely to move to heroin use. The pathway of substance use seemed to include first heroin use, then NMUPO use.
A seletividade de dezesseis agrotóxicos utilizados na produção integrada e convencional de pêssego foi avaliada sobre a fase adulta de Chrysoperla externa através de bioensaios de exposição residual conduzidos em laboratório (temperatura de 25±1ºC, umidade relativa 70±10% e fotofase 14 horas), utilizando-se de metodologia prescrita pela "International Organization for Biological Control" (IOBC). Os agrotóxicos (% de ingrediente ativo na calda) azoxystrobina (0,016), captana (0,192), dodina (0,126), folpete (0,200), mancozebe (0,256), mancozebe + oxicloreto de cobre (0,140 + 0,096), tebuconazole (0,320), abamectina (0,002), óleo mineral 1 (2,420), óleo mineral 2 (1,920), dicloreto de paraquate (0,300) e glifosato (1,440) foram inócuos; deltametrina (0,002) foi levemente nocivo e dimetoato (0,160), fosmete (0,160) e malationa (0,240) foram nocivos a adultos de C. externa.