991 resultados para 1995_01210410 TM-38 4301706


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e-Manufacturing™, das ist die schnelle, flexible und kostengünstige Fertigung von Produkten, Formen/Werkzeugen oder Modellen direkt aus elektronischen Daten. e-Manufacturing™ schließt Rapid Prototyping, Rapid Tooling oder Rapid Manufacturing ein, geht aber zugleich weit über den Gedanken der schnellen Verfügbarkeit hinaus. Zwar wird auch in Zukunft die schnelle Produktentwicklung eine immer wichtigere Rolle spielen, bei der e-Manufacturing™ für ein verkürztes Time to Market sorgt, Entwicklungskosten verringert und zur Risikominimierung beiträgt. Darüber hinaus entstehen aber auch neue Geschäftsmodelle, da Kleinserienproduktion, steigende Variantenvielfalt und eine individualisierte Produktion (Mass Customization) plötzlich möglich und wirtschaftlich sind und sich neue Logistikkonzepte wie (Spare) parts on demand entwickeln. Die neue Konstruktionsfreiheit des Laser-Sinterns ermöglicht neue Produktkonzepte. Minimale Einschränkungen durch das Fertigungsverfahren erlauben funktionelle Integration und die Fertigung des „Unmöglichen“, da kreisförmige und lineare Werkzeugbewegungen das Produktdesign nicht mehr beeinflussen bzw. limitieren. Auch die Fertigungskonzepte unterliegen einem Wandel und werden deutlich flexibler. Werkzeuglose Produktion, losgrößenangepasste Fertigung und dezentrale Fertigung on demand sind die Schlagworte der Zukunft. Der vorliegende Beitrag zeigt Beispiele für den erfolgreichen kommerziellen Einsatz von Laser-Sintern in allen Phasen des Produktlebenszyklus. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der direkten Herstellung von Funktionsteilen in der Serienfertigung. Die entscheidenden Faktoren für eine erfolgreiche Einführung und Anwendung von e-Manufacturing™ werden diskutiert. Der Beitrag zeigt auf, wie die neuesten technologischen Innovationen im Laser-Sintern, speziell zur Produktivitätssteigerung, das Spektrum der Anwendungsfelder erweitern, in denen dieses Fertigungsverfahren kostengünstige Lösungen bietet.


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BACKGROUND Often ignored, hands are one of the most telltale signs of aging. This prospective study was initiated to evaluate the effect of subcutaneous hyaluronic acid (HA) injections in aging hands, with special attention to complications and long-term outcomes. METHODS Between January 2010 and December 2010, a total of 38 patients with skin phototypes II-IV and between 58 and 76 years old were treated with HA injection for aging hands. The quantity of injection never exceeded 1.0-1.5 ml HA per hand. A clinical follow-up was performed at 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months after injection. Complications were reviewed for the whole series. At the first follow-up, 2 weeks after the procedure, ultrasound was carried out to determine if additional filling material was required. At each follow-up, patients were asked to fill out a satisfaction questionnaire. RESULTS Nine patients developed slight ecchymosis that disappeared after 1 week. No other complications were seen in the series. Pain during the injection and discomfort after the procedure were minimal. At the 2-week follow-up, after ultrasound control, nine patients received a complementary injection. At each follow-up, overall patient satisfaction was high and was validated by clearance of rhytids, veins, bony prominences, and dermal and subcutaneous atrophy. CONCLUSION Skin revitalization with injectable HA can improve the clinical appearance of the back of the hands. However, this therapy requires knowledge of the possible complications and their remediation as well as knowledge and respect of injected doses. Moreover, despite excellent results at each follow-up, the results of our series are not as good after 6 months, and a longer follow-up would be needed to determine if this procedure provides long-lasting benefit. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE III This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors www.springer.com/00266 .


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Background: Synchronization programs have become standard in the dairy industry. In Switzerland, these programs are used but newly. The objective of this study was A) to estimate the pregnancy rate after a Select-Synch protocol in- cluding a low dosage of progesterone in CIDR (1.38 g). As a second step B) this pregnancy rate should be compared to cows from another Swiss study that used a Select-Synch protocol with the 1.9 g insert (Rudolph et al., 2011). Methods: A) 196 cows were included in the study. Cows received a CIDR 1.38 g and 2.5 ml of buserelin i.m. on d 0. On d 7, the CIDR insert was removed and 5 ml of dinoprost was administered i.m. On d 0 a milk sample for progesterone analysis was taken. Pregnancy was determined at or more than 35 days after artificial insemination. B) The 1.38 g group and the 1.9 g group were compared as to cow and farm factors, number of preceding AI’s, gynecological and uterine pretreat- ment and treatment itself. A forward selection procedure was used (test result considered significant if p-value  0.05). Results: A) The pregnancy rate, using the Select-Synch protocol with the CIDR 1.38 g was 44.4%. B) The CIDR 1.9 g Select-Synch group revealed a pregnancy rate of 50.4% (Rudolph et al., 2011). Significant differences between the groups were not found. Conclusion: The 1.38 g CIDR-Select-Synch protocol may be recommended for multiparous dairy cows. The pregnancy rate compared to the 1.9 g CIDR-Select-Synch protocol was 8% lower, but this difference was not significant.


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We measured the concentrations and isotopic compositions of He, Ne, and Ar in bulk samples and metal separates of 14 ordinary chondrite falls with long exposure ages and high metamorphic grades. In addition, we measured concentrations of the cosmogenic radionuclides 10Be, 26Al, and 36Cl in metal separates and in the nonmagnetic fractions of the selected meteorites. Using cosmogenic 36Cl and 36Ar measured in the metal separates, we determined 36Cl-36Ar cosmic-ray exposure (CRE) ages, which are shielding-independent and therefore particularly reliable. Using the cosmogenic noble gases and radionuclides, we are able to decipher the CRE history for the studied objects. Based on the correlation 3He/21Ne versus 22Ne/21Ne, we demonstrate that, among the meteorites studied, only one suffered significant diffusive losses (about 35%). The data confirm that the linear correlation 3He/21Ne versus 22Ne/21Ne breaks down at high shielding. Using 36Cl-36Ar exposure ages and measured noble gas concentrations, we determine 21Ne and 38Ar production rates as a function of 22Ne/21Ne. The new data agree with recent model calculations for the relationship between 21Ne and 38Ar production rates and the 22Ne/21Ne ratio, which does not always provide unique shielding information. Based on the model calculations, we determine a new correlation line for 21Ne and 38Ar production rates as a function of the shielding indicator 22Ne/21Ne for H, L, and LL chondrites with preatmospheric radii less than about 65 cm. We also calculated the 10Be/21Ne and 26Al/21Ne production rate ratios for the investigated samples, which show good agreement with recent model calculations.


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Thema des Bandes ist die in der internationalen Praxis der Editionswissenschaft beobachtbare Vielfalt von wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Traditionen, texttheoretischen Zugängen und editionspragmatischen Verfahren, die häufig aus der jeweils unterschiedlichen Entwicklung einzelner Nationalphilologien und ihrer tragenden Institutionen resultiert. Diese Heterogenität bereichert die länder- und sprachübergreifende editionswissenschaftliche Kommunikation, erschwert sie aber auch. Hinzu tritt die Tatsache, dass die Editionswissenschaft zunehmend in einem interdisziplinären Austausch steht, an dem in jüngerer Zeit auch die Informations- und Naturwissenschaften teilhaben. In einer von beschleunigter Kommunikation und Globalisierung geprägten Wissensgesellschaft berühren und vermischen sich diese verschiedenen Ansätze, dies nicht zuletzt im Kontext medialer Veränderungen. Zugleich erweisen sich nationale und fachspezifische Konventionen auch unter diesen gewandelten Bedingungen als erstaunlich zählebig – sie bestimmen wissenschaftliche Formen der Interaktion und Kooperation mitunter mehr, als dies den beteiligten Partnern bewusst ist. Diese komplexe Situation bildet den Rahmen für die im Band versammelten Beiträge, die sich mit dem ‚Dazwischen‘ (inter), d.h. mit Synergien und Brüchen nationaler und disziplinärer Zugänge in der Editionswissenschaft auseinandersetzen. Sie dokumentieren die Praxis des gegenwärtigen editorischen Alltags und zeigen, wie unterschiedliche textliche und methodische Voraussetzungen das editorische Endprodukt prägen.


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A protected S-acetylthio porphyrin was synthesized and attached to the Au38(2-phenylethanethiolate)24 cluster in a ligand exchange reaction. Chiral high performance liquid chromatography of the functionalized cluster yielded enantiomeric pairs of clusters probably differing in the binding site of the porphyrin. As proven by circular dichroism, the chirality was maintained. Exciton coupling between the cluster and the chromophore is observed. Zinc can be incorporated into the porphyrin attached to the cluster, as evidenced by absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy, however, the reaction is slow. Quenching of the chromophore fluorescence is observed, which can be explained by energy transfer from the porphyrin to the cluster. Transient absorption spectra of Au38(2-phenylethanethiolate)24 and the functionalized cluster probe the bleach of the gold cluster due to ground state absorption and the characteristic excited state absorption signals. Zinc incorporation does not have a pronounced effect on the photophysical behaviour. Decay times are typical for the molecular behaviour of small monolayer protected gold clusters.


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Vorbesitzer: Abraham Merzbacher


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Vorbesitzer: Johann Maximilian zum Jungen