1000 resultados para 183-1135
O eucalipto apresenta ótimo crescimento em solo com baixa fertilidade, mas pouco se sabe sobre a participação das ectomicorrizas e de ácidos orgânicos na aquisição e no acúmulo de nutrientes pela planta em campo. A produção de ácido oxálico e sua relação com as concentrações de P, Ca, Mg e K foram avaliadas em ectomicorrizas e raízes laterais finas de híbrido de Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla, de 2,5 anos de idade, na região de Viçosa, MG. A área de estudo apresenta topografia típica em meia laranja, de vertente côncavo-convexa. Foram também avaliadas as concentrações desse composto no solo rizosférico, não rizosférico e ectomicorrizosférico. As maiores percentagens de colonização micorrízica foram observadas na área de encosta, onde havia limitada disponibilidade de nutrientes e alta saturação de Al. As concentrações de ácido oxálico + oxalato corresponderam, em mg kg-1: folhas, 324,6; ectomicorrizas, 208,3; raízes laterais finas não colonizadas, 183,1. Já no solo, as concentrações foram maiores no solo ectomicorrizosférico, com 183,7 mg kg-1, seguido pelo solo rizosférico, com 134,3 mg kg-1, e pelo solo não rizosférico, com 76,0 mg kg-1. As maiores concentrações de ácido oxálico e P (p < 0,05) nas ectomicorrizas da área do topo, 117,3 mg kg-1 e 6,3 g kg-1, respectivamente, sugerem que as populações de fungos ectomicorrízicos nesta área têm papel importante na solubilização e disponibilização de nutrientes para o hospedeiro. Não foram observadas correlações positivas significativas entre a produção de ácido oxálico e as concentrações de Ca nas raízes laterais finas e nas ectomicorrizas de eucalipto.
Q fever is a worldwide zoonotic infectious disease due to Coxiella burnetii. The clinical presentation may be acute (pneumonia and/or hepatitis) or chronic (most commonly endocarditis). Diagnosis mainly relies on serology and PCR. We therefore developed a quantitative real-time PCR. We first tested blindly its performance on various clinical samples and then, when thoroughly validated, we applied it during a 7-year period for the diagnosis of both acute and persistent C. burnetii infection. Analytical sensitivity (< 10 copies/PCR) was excellent. When tested blindly on 183 samples, the specificity of the PCR was 100% (142/142) and the sensitivity was 71% (29/41). The sensitivity was 88% (7/8) on valvular samples, 69% (20/29) on blood samples and 50% (2/4) on urine samples. This new quantitative PCR was then successfully applied for the diagnosis of acute Q fever and endovascular infection due to C. burnetii, allowing the diagnosis of Q fever in six patients over a 7-year period. During a local small cluster of cases, the PCR was also applied to blood from 1355 blood donors; all were negative confirming the high specificity of this test. In conclusion, we developed a highly specific method with excellent sensitivity, which may be used on sera for the diagnosis of acute Q fever and on various samples such as sera, valvular samples, aortic specimens, bone and liver, for the diagnosis of persistent C. burnetii infection.
O eucalipto é a principal espécie florestal plantada no Brasil. Todavia, são escassas informações acerca do C estocado no solo e na biomassa desses plantios. Este trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar o estoque de C no solo (ECS) em plantações de eucalipto e determinar quais características edafoclimáticas determinam esse estoque. O estudo foi conduzido em eucalipto cultivado na região centro-leste do Estado de Minas Gerais, abrangendo cinco regiões: Cocais (CO), Rio Doce (RD), Sabinópolis (SA), Santa Bárbara (SB) e Virginópolis (VI). Foi calculado o estoque de C no solo até 100 cm de profundidade em plantações de eucalipto em áreas com predomínio de seis classes de solo: Cambissolo Háplico (CX), Latossolo Amarelo (LA), Latossolo Vermelho (LV), Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo (LVA), Neossolo Flúvico (RU) e Plintossolo Pétrico (FF). Os estoques de C no solo variaram entre regiões e classes de solo. O maior ECS ocorreu no LV, com 183,07 t ha-1 de C, seguido pelas classes de CX, LVA, LA, FF e RU, com 135,65, 130,95, 121,58, 112,01 e 95,08 t ha-1 de C, respectivamente. Em relação ao estoque médio de C no solo por região, considerando todas as classes de solo, o maior ECS foi de 141,22 t ha-1; determinado na região de VI, na profundidade até 100 cm de profundidade, seguida pelas regiões SA, CO, SB e RD, com 135,54, 127,26, 112,89 e 80,79 t ha-1 de C, respectivamente. Ao se considerar o estoque de C total no sistema solo-planta, aos 84 meses de idade, a região de SA foi a que apresentou maior estoque, com 251,61 t ha-1; e a região de RD, o menor estoque, com 186,84 t ha-1 de C. O ECS pode ser estimado por equações compostas por características edofoclimáticas, sendo a variação em ECS explicada por características como teor de argila e de Al3+; pela altitude e pelo déficit hídrico da região.
Stimulation of prostaglandin (PG) release in rat astroglial cultures by various substances, including phorbol esters, melittin, or extracellular ATP, has been reported recently. It is shown here that glucocorticoids (GCs) reduced both basal and stimulated PGD2 release. Hydrocortisone, however, did not inhibit ATP-, calcium ionophore A23187-, or tetradecanoyl phorbol acetate (TPA)-stimulated arachidonic acid release, and only TPA stimulations were affected by dexamethasone. GC-mediated inhibition of PGD2 release thus appeared to exclude regulation at the phospholipase A2 (PLA2) level. Therefore, the effects of GCs on the synthesis of lipocortin I (LC I), a potent, physiological inhibitor of PLA2, were studied in more detail. Dexamethasone was not able to enhance de novo synthesis of LC I in freshly seeded cultures and failed to increase LC I synthesis in 2-3-week-old cultures. It is surprising that LC I was the major LC synthesized in those cultures, and marked amounts accumulated with culture time, reaching plateau levels at approximately day 10. In contrast, LC I was barely detectable in vivo. This tonic inhibition of PLA2 is the most likely explanation for unsuccessful attempts to evoke PG release in astrocyte cultures by various physiological stimuli. GC receptor antagonists (progesterone and RU 38486) given throughout culture time reduced LC I accumulation and simultaneously increased PGD2 release. Nonetheless, a substantial production of LC I persisted in the presence of antagonists. Therefore, LC I induction did not seem to involve GC receptor activation. This was confirmed in serum- and GC-free brain cell aggregate cultures. Here also a marked accumulation of LC I was observed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
In the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study, we aimed to assess the proportion of long-term survivors attending follow-up care, to characterise attendees and to describe the health professionals involved. We sent a questionnaire to 1252 patients, of whom 985 (79%) responded, aged in average 27 years (range 20-49). Overall, 183 (19%) reported regular, 405 (41%) irregular and 394 (40%) no follow-up. For 344, severity of late effects had been classified in a previous medical examination. Only 17% and 32% of survivors with moderate and severe late effects respectively had made regular visits a decade later. Female gender, after a shorter time since diagnosis, had radiotherapy, and having suffered a relapse predicted follow-up. In the past year, 8% had seen a general practitioner only, 10% a paediatric or adult oncologist and 16% other health specialists for a cancer related problem. These findings underline the necessity to implement tailored national follow-up programmes.
ABSTRACT The study of soil chemical and physical properties variability is important for suitable management practices. The aim of this study was to evaluate the spatial variability of soil properties in the Malhada do Meio settlement to subsidize soil use planning. The settlement is located in Chapadinha, MA, Brazil, and has an area of 630.86 ha. The vegetation is seasonal submontane deciduous forest and steppe savanna. The geology is formed of sandstones and siltstones of theItapecuru Formation and by colluvial and alluvial deposits. The relief consists of hills with rounded and flat tops with an average altitude of 67 m, and frequently covered over by ferruginous duricrusts. A total of 183 georeferenced soil samples were collected at the depth of 0.00-0.20 m inPlintossolos, Neossolo andGleissolo. The following chemical variables were analyzed: pH(CaCl2), H+Al, Al, SB, V, CEC, P, K, OM, Ca, Mg, SiO2, Al2O3, and Fe2O3; along with particle size variables: clay, silt, and sand. Descriptive statistical and geostatistical analyses were carried out. The coefficient of variation (CV) was high for most of the variables, with the exception of pH with a low CV, and of sand with a medium CV. The models fitted to the experimental semivariograms of these variables were the exponential and the spherical. The range values were from 999 m to 3,690 m. For the variables pH(CaCl2), SB, and clay, there are three specific areas for land use planning. The central part of the area (zone III), where thePlintossolos Pétricos and Neossolos Flúvicos occur, is the most suitable for crops due to higher macronutrient content, organic matter and pH. Zones I and II are indicated for environmental preservation.
Approaching or looming sounds (L-sounds) have been shown to selectively increase visual cortex excitability [Romei, V., Murray, M. M., Cappe, C., & Thut, G. Preperceptual and stimulus-selective enhancement of low-level human visual cortex excitability by sounds. Current Biology, 19, 1799-1805, 2009]. These cross-modal effects start at an early, preperceptual stage of sound processing and persist with increasing sound duration. Here, we identified individual factors contributing to cross-modal effects on visual cortex excitability and studied the persistence of effects after sound offset. To this end, we probed the impact of different L-sound velocities on phosphene perception postsound as a function of individual auditory versus visual preference/dominance using single-pulse TMS over the occipital pole. We found that the boosting of phosphene perception by L-sounds continued for several tens of milliseconds after the end of the L-sound and was temporally sensitive to different L-sound profiles (velocities). In addition, we found that this depended on an individual's preferred sensory modality (auditory vs. visual) as determined through a divided attention task (attentional preference), but not on their simple threshold detection level per sensory modality. Whereas individuals with "visual preference" showed enhanced phosphene perception irrespective of L-sound velocity, those with "auditory preference" showed differential peaks in phosphene perception whose delays after sound-offset followed the different L-sound velocity profiles. These novel findings suggest that looming signals modulate visual cortex excitability beyond sound duration possibly to support prompt identification and reaction to potentially dangerous approaching objects. The observed interindividual differences favor the idea that unlike early effects this late L-sound impact on visual cortex excitability is influenced by cross-modal attentional mechanisms rather than low-level sensory processes.
Numerous sources of evidence point to the fact that heterogeneity within the Earth's deep crystalline crust is complex and hence may be best described through stochastic rather than deterministic approaches. As seismic reflection imaging arguably offers the best means of sampling deep crustal rocks in situ, much interest has been expressed in using such data to characterize the stochastic nature of crustal heterogeneity. Previous work on this problem has shown that the spatial statistics of seismic reflection data are indeed related to those of the underlying heterogeneous seismic velocity distribution. As of yet, however, the nature of this relationship has remained elusive due to the fact that most of the work was either strictly empirical or based on incorrect methodological approaches. Here, we introduce a conceptual model, based on the assumption of weak scattering, that allows us to quantitatively link the second-order statistics of a 2-D seismic velocity distribution with those of the corresponding processed and depth-migrated seismic reflection image. We then perform a sensitivity study in order to investigate what information regarding the stochastic model parameters describing crustal velocity heterogeneity might potentially be recovered from the statistics of a seismic reflection image using this model. Finally, we present a Monte Carlo inversion strategy to estimate these parameters and we show examples of its application at two different source frequencies and using two different sets of prior information. Our results indicate that the inverse problem is inherently non-unique and that many different combinations of the vertical and lateral correlation lengths describing the velocity heterogeneity can yield seismic images with the same 2-D autocorrelation structure. The ratio of all of these possible combinations of vertical and lateral correlation lengths, however, remains roughly constant which indicates that, without additional prior information, the aspect ratio is the only parameter describing the stochastic seismic velocity structure that can be reliably recovered.