999 resultados para 132-810C


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Describe las capturas y muestreos biológicos de 132 lances de comprobación ejecutados durante el crucero BIC SNP-1 9702-03 y BIC HUmboldt 9704. Las capturas estuvieron conformadas por anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) 51,7%; sardina (Sardinops sagax) 0,4%; jurel (Trachurus picturatus) 9,7% y caballa (Scomber japonicus) 2,8%. Otras especies fueron la múnida (Pleuroncodes monodon) 10,1%; camotillo (Normanichthys crockeri) 3,1%; bagre con faja (Galeichthys peruvianus) 1,4%. La samasa (Anchoa nasus) 17,7% fue capturada en un volumen importante en sólo 4 lances ubicados en área muy costeras al norte de Punta Falsa. La anchoveta se distribuyó a lo largo de toda la costa, desde la frontera sur hasta Talara, ocupado hasta las 70 mn entre Huacho y San Juan mientras que al norte de Huacho se ubicó dentro de las 15 mn. La sardina se distribuyó en la región norte-centro, entre las 10 y 90 mn. Los tamaños de anchoveta fueron predominantemente adultos, la moda más representativa fue 15,5 cm. Se localizaron reclutas de 10,5 cm en la región sur, pero no en gran volumen. La sardina capturada fue principalmente adulta aunque en la región norte se encontraron reclutas de 3 años de edad. El jurel capturado fue mayormente juvenil. La anchoveta ha desovado normalmente durante el verano. La sardina en cambio parece haber prolongado su desove hasta abril


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I present an optimisation model that links paternal investment, male display and female choice. Although deviced for sticklebacks, it readily applies to other fish with male guarding behaviour. It relies on a few basic assumptions on the ways hatching success depends on paternal investment and clutch size, and male survival on paternal investment and signaling. Paternal investment is here a state-dependent decision, and signal a condition-dependent handicap by which males inform females of how much they are willing to invest. Series of predictions are derived on female and male breeding strategies, including optimal levels of signaling and paternal investment as functions of clutch size, own condition, and residual reproductive value, as well as alternative strategies such as egg kleptoparasitism. Some predictions already have empirical support, for which the present model provides new interpretations. Other might readily be tested, e.g. by simple clutch-size manipulations.


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El calentamiento de la harina, es ocasionado por la oxidación de su contenido graso, ello determina una pérdida en su calidad y por ende en su valor nutritivo. Esta grasa es altamente insaturada, es decir absorbe con avidez el oxígeno del aire. La rapidez con que absorbe el oxígeno nos da una medida de lo relativa que es la harina, propiedad ésta que va paralelamente con el alza de temperatura. Una "harina curada" es aquella que su contenido graso ha sufrido un proceso de oxidación tal, que su índice de Iodo tenga valores inferiores a 90 y que por consiguiente no presenta tendencia al calentamiento. Los resultados obtenidos, en los ensayos relacionados con el almacenamiento de la harina de anchoveta, demuestran el efecto benéfico de una película protectora de polietileno en el material de envase, evitando el calentamiento espontáneo.


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Entre 1978 y 1987 se realizaron muestreos de la macrofauna bentónica en 10 localidades del litoral y 14 estaciones del sublitoral, en el área de Pisco, Perú. Se diferenciaron ocho biotopos, en los que se hallaron un total de 330 taxones (excluyendo Nematoda), de los cuales 305 fueron determinados por los menos hasta el nivel genérico. El total de taxa está agrupado en 145 familias, 43 órdenes y 15 phyla, e incluye 112 Mollusca, 104 Annelida, 75 Crustacea y 39 taxa pertenecientes a otros grupos taxonómicos. Exclusivamente en fondos y orillas rocasas se encontraron 158 taxa. Considerando solamente los moluscos, poliquetos y crustáceos, con el presente estudio se incrementa de 103 a 289 el número de taxa registradas para el área investigada.


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Mouse models are important tools to decipher the molecular mechanisms of mammary carcinogenesis and to mimic the respective human disease. Despite sharing common phenotypic and genetic features, the proper translation of murine models to human breast cancer remains a challenging task. In a previous study we showed that in the SV40 transgenic WAP-T mice an active Met-pathway and epithelial-mesenchymal characteristics distinguish low- and high-grade mammary carcinoma. To assign these murine tumors to corresponding human tumors we here incorporated the analysis of expression of transcription factor (TF) coding genes and show that thereby a more accurate interspecies translation can be achieved. We describe a novel cross-species translation procedure and demonstrate that expression of unsupervised selected TFs, such as ELF5, HOXA5 and TFCP2L1, can clearly distinguish between the human molecular breast cancer subtypes-or as, for example, expression of TFAP2B between yet unclassified subgroups. By integrating different levels of information like histology, gene set enrichment, expression of differentiation markers and TFs we conclude that tumors in WAP-T mice exhibit similarities to both, human basal-like and non-basal-like subtypes. We furthermore suggest that the low- and high-grade WAP-T tumor phenotypes might arise from distinct cells of tumor origin. Our results underscore the importance of TFs as common cross-species denominators in the regulatory networks underlying mammary carcinogenesis.


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Purpose: Retinoblastoma is a malignant tumor that usually develops in early childhood. During retinoblastoma spreading, RB1 gene inactivation is followed by additional genomic modifications which progressively lead to resistance of tumor cells to death. Drugs that act at downstream levels of death signaling pathways should therefore be interesting in killing retinoblastoma cells. ABT-737, a BH3 mimetic molecule effective at the mitochondrial level, has been shown to induce apoptosis in different human tumoral cell lines as well as in primary patient-derived cells, and in a mouse xenograph model. Methods: In this report, we analyzed the pro-death effect of ABT-737 on two human retinoblastoma cell lines, Y79 and WERI-Rb, as well as on the mouse photoreceptor cell line 661W. Results: We observed that ABT-737 was very effective as a single agent in inducing human WERI-Rb cells apoptosis without affecting the mouse 661W photoreceptor cells. However human Y79 cells were resistant to ABT-737, as a probable consequence of the absence of Bax. The high sensitivity of WERI-Rb to ABT-737 can be increased by downregulating Mcl-1 using the proteasome inhibitor MG-132. Preliminary analysis in primary mouse retinoblastoma tumoral cell lines predicts high sensitivity to ABT-737. Conclusion: Our data suggest that ABT-737 or related compounds could be a highly effective drug in the treatment of some retinoblastomas.


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Échelle(s) : [ca 1:132 000], Myriamètres [10,000 M = 7,6 cm]


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Desarrolla información sobre las características funcionales y operacionales de las embarcaciones y equipos que intervienen en las actividades extractivas con chinchorro mecanizado, cuya investigación se centró en la costa sur del Perú, abarcando las playas de Tacna, Mollendo, Camaná y Lomas. Presenta información de levantamiento de planos técnicos, características de armado y diseño de las redes empleadas por los pescadoras de la zona, identifica las zonas de pesca (caladeros) y cuantifica el rendimiento de pesca absoluto y relativo en las operaciones de pesca.


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Karyological results give evidence that the South African Crocidura flavescens (Geoffroy, 1827) is not conspecific with the West and East African giant shrews of the taxa spurrelli, manni, kivu and olivieri


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Forensic Entomology research has been concentrated in only a few localities of the "Cerrado" vegetation, the Brazilian Savannah. The present study had, as its objective, an examination of the diversity of arthropod fauna associated with the carcasses of Sus scrofa (Linnaeus) in this biome. The study was conducted during the dry and humid periods in two Cerrado vegetation profiles of the State of Minas Gerais. The decaying process was slower and greater quantities of arthropods were collected during the dry period. Insects represented 99% of 161,116 arthropods collected. The majority of these were Diptera (80.2%) and Coleoptera (8.8%). The entomofauna belong to 85 families and at least 212 species. Diptera were represented by 31 families and at least 132 species. Sarcophagidae (Diptera) and Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera) were the richest groups. Oxysarcodexia (Sarcophagidae) presented the largest number of attracted species, however none of these species bred in the carcasses. The Coleoptera collected belong to at least 50 species of 21 families. Among these species, Dermestes maculatus and Necrobia rufipes were observed breeding in the carcasses. This study showed species with potential importance for estimating the postmortem interval (PMI), indicative of seasonal and environmental type located.