997 resultados para 11-108
SAPO-11 molecular sieves were synthesized from nonaqueous media. The effects of Si and Al sources as well as solvents on the catalytic performance of SAPO-11 were investigated by the hydroisomerization reaction of n-dodecane. The samples were characterized by XRD, XRF, N-2-adsorption, SEM, NH3-TPD, IR-NH3 and Si-29 CP MAS NMR. The SAPO-11 samples synthesized with tetraethoxysilane as the Si source showed higher Si incorporation contents than the SAPO molecular sieves prepared with polymeric Si sources (fumed silica and Si colloidal gel). The reaction results showed that Pt/SAPO-11 catalysts synthesized from ethylene glycol and glycerol media with the monomeric Si and Al sources (tetraethoxysilane, aluminum isopropoxide) exhibited higher catalytic activities than those catalysts with the polymeric Si or Al (pseudo-boehmite) sources, due to the larger external surface area and higher acidity of the former ones. Especially, the catalyst synthesized in an ethylene glycol medium possessed the highest catalytic activity. Over this catalyst, 88% conversion of n-dodecane was achieved at a low temperature of 250 degrees C.
Mature human interleukin-11 (HuIL-11) is a cytokine consisting of 178 amino acid residues that results from scission of the N-terminal signal peptide, consisting of 21 amino acid residaues, from the corresponding nascent polypeptide. A DNA fragment encoding a truncated HuIL-11 (trHuIL-11), with an additional 5 amino acid residues removed from the N-terminus, was cloned into vector pGEX-2T between the BamHI site and the EcoRI site. Upon transformation with Escherichia coli BL21, the construct over-produced a glutathione S-transferase (GST)-fused protein in a soluble form after IPTG induction. The fusion protein was initially fractionated with butyl-Sepharose 4 fast flow column and by affinity chromatography using a GSH-Sepharose 4B column. On-site enzymatic release with thrombin gave the target protein at 96% purity as judged by SDS-PAGE and HPLC. Expression of the interleukin as a GST-fused protein thus greatly improved downstream processing. Subsequent biological activity assay suggested that trHuIL-11 had similar activity profile to the naturally produced sample and may be a promising candidate for further development as biopharmaceutical.
Neste trabalho sao apresentados os resultados de um estudo para avaliar o estabelecimento de estirpes de Bradyrhizobium japonicum / B. elkanii, na resposta da soja a reinoculacao em solos de Cerrado. O experimento, que teve duracao de seis anos, foi iniciado em 1994 num Latossolo Vermelho de primeiro cultivo, isento de populacoes de rizobio capazes de nodular a soja. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso com tres repeticoes e a cultivar de soja utilizada foi a Doko RC. A ocupacao dos nodulos foi avaliada por tecnicas de imuno-aglutinacao. No primeiro ano do experimento (safra 1993/1994), as estirpes CPAC 7, CPAC 15, 29W e SEMIA 587 (sorogrupos CB1809, SEMIA 566, 29W e SEMIA 587, respectivamente) foram introduzidas no solo por meio da inoculacao das sementes da soja Doko RC. Tambem foi incluido um tratamento sem inoculacao, com as parcelas cultivadas com arroz. No ano seguinte (safra 1994/1995), as parcelas foram subdivididas em tres subparcelas, e a soja foi cultivada sob tres tratamentos: a) CPAC 7, b) CPAC 15 e c) sem inoculacao. No terceiro ano (safra 1995/1996), todo o experimento recebeu a soja inoculada com a estirpe CPAC 7. No quarto e no quinto anos de conducao do experimento (safras 1997/1998 e 1998/1999), a soja foi cultivada sem inoculacao. No ano agricola 1996/1997 a area foi deixada em repouso. Para os tratamentos com inoculacao foram utilizados inoculantes turfosos (8,0 x 108 celulas/g) na proporcao de 1 kg de inoculante por 50 kg de sementes. As estirpes introduzidas no solo no primeiro ano influenciaram a ocorrencia da estirpe CPAC 7 nos nodulos obtidos no terceiro ano de conducao do experimento. Nos tratamentos onde a CPAC 7 foi introduzida no primeiro ano, sua ocorrencia nos nodulos foi, em media, de 70%, enquanto nos outros tratamentos variou entre 25% e 44%. No quarto e quinto anos, quando a soja foi cultivada sem inoculacao, estirpes do sorogrupo SEMIA 566 predominaram na nodulacao (mais de 44% dos nodulos). No quinto ano do experimento, mesmo nos tratamentos onde essa estirpe jamais foi inoculada, a ocorrencia do sorogrupo SEMIA 566 foi de 74% dos nodulos, evidenciando sua elevada capacidade competitiva. Futuras estrategias para reinoculacao da soja em solos de Cerrado com as estirpes CPAC 7 e CPAC 15 deverao levar as observacoes desse estudo em consideracao.
Este Comunicado Técnico tem por finalidade, portanto, apresentar uma descrição dessas pragas, bem como dos danos causados à cultura do morangueiro no Distrito Federal e fornecer informações sobre as medidas que devem ser implementadas, para minimizar as perdas na produção.
Burnley, M., Doust, J.H., Ball, D. and Jones, A.M. (2002) Effects of prior heavy exercise on VO2 kinetics during heavy exercise are related to changes in muscle activity. Journal of Applied Physiology 93, 167-174. RAE2008
McInnes, C., 'A different kind of war? 11 September and the United States' Afghan war'. Review of International Studies, 29 (2), 165-184. RAE2008
Jak efektywnie doskonalić się w komunikacji ustnej na poziomie zaawansowanym? Publikacja niniejsza podejmuje tę kwestię w sposób całościowy i nowatorski, sytuując ją w perspektywie autonomizacji. Jest to plon 2-letniego projektu badawczego zrealizowanego na Wydziale Neofilologii UAM przez zespół pod kierunkiem prof. W. Wilczyńskiej, złożony z psychologa i 10 filologów aż 5 specjalności językowych. Część I obejmuje zagadnienia ogólne: specyfikę komunikacji ustnej, kształtowanie postaw proautonomicznych i osobistej kompetencji komunikacyjnej, relację współpracy dydaktycznej, zastosowaną metodologię badań, implikacje dydaktyczne. Część II zawiera 9 szczegółowych sprawozdań z badań dotyczących m.in. kształtowania samooceny, wrażliwości językowej, umiejętności argumentacyjnych i postawy podmiotowej. Całość uzupełnia słowniczek terminów dotyczących autonomizacji oraz bibliografia. W sumie praca ta stanowi dobre wprowadzenie do badań glottodydaktycznych, a także autorską i pogłębioną refleksję nad wybraną problematyką.
62 hojas : ilustraciones.
Handwritten letter from Daniel D. Whedon to nephew, Daniel Avery Whedon. Dated November 30, 1881.
Handwritten letter from Timothy Merritt to sister (?) Ruth Merritt regarding her loss of religious conviction. Dated Nov. 10, 1818.
Handwritten letter from Timothy Merritt to Rev. Epaphras Kibby regarding lodging and preaching schedule. Sent in care of Mr. Lambert. Dated Jan. 11, 1801, Bath, ME.
Three page handwritten letter to nephew, Daniel Avery Whedon, from Daniel D. Whedon. Dated 11/14/1881.