961 resultados para Índices de gravidade do trauma
The artistic gymnastics is a modality that associates arts with biomechanical gestures, and it has been prominent among children and adolescents. Its practice can lead to sports injuries; therefore, it is important to know the factors inherent to trauma for the formulation of preventive models. Thus, the objective of this study was to characterize sports injuries and to verify factors associated with injury in people practicing artistic gymnastics with different levels of competitiveness. Forty-six gymnasts were interviewed with mean age of 10.1±2.0 years for female participants, who were classified in two competitive levels, i.e, initiation and training. We used the morbidity questionnaire adapted to sports characteristics to collect personal, training, and injury data. It was observed that injury risk was 0.3 injuries per athlete and 1.4 injuries per injured athlete, in which the gymnasts of the training category showed a higher frequency of the injury (83.3%; n=10) compared with the ones in the initiation category (10.5%; n=4). For both levels of competitiveness, training moment and light severity were the most reported variables. In the mechanism, contactless was more prevalent in the training category (90%; n=9) and the direct contact was more common at initiation category (75%; n=3). Anthropometric and training variables were considered as factors associated with injury to the gymnasts. It is concluded that gymnasts of the training category have higher injury frequency. Anthropometric and training variables were factors associated with injury. Characteristics of the injuries depend on the competitiveness level of the gymnasts.
Pós-graduação em Anestesiologia - FMB
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA
Background: Little information on the factors influencing intraoperative cardiac arrest and its outcomes in trauma patients is available. This survey evaluated the associated factors and outcomes of intraoperative cardiac arrest in trauma patients in a Brazilian teaching hospital between 1996 and 2009.Methods: Cardiac arrest during anesthesia in trauma patients was identified from an anesthesia database. The data collected included patient demographics, ASA physical status classification, anesthesia provider information, type of surgery, surgical areas and outcome. All intraoperative cardiac arrests and deaths in trauma patients were reviewed and grouped by associated factors and also analyzed as totally anesthesia-related, partially anesthesia-related, totally surgery-related or totally trauma patient condition-related.Findings: Fifty-one cardiac arrests and 42 deaths occurred during anesthesia in trauma patients. They were associated with male patients (P<0.001) and young adults (18-35 years) (P = 0.04) with ASA physical status IV or V (P<0.001) undergoing gastroenterological or multiclinical surgeries (P<0.001). Motor vehicle crashes and violence were the main causes of trauma (P<0.001). Uncontrolled hemorrhage or head injury were the most significant associated factors of intraoperative cardiac arrest and mortality (P<0.001). All cardiac arrests and deaths reported were totally related to trauma patient condition.Conclusions: Intraoperative cardiac arrest and mortality incidence was highest in male trauma patients at a younger age with poor clinical condition, mainly related to uncontrolled hemorrhage and head injury, resulted from motor vehicle accidents and violence.
Hydronephrosis is a condition that results from complete or partial obstruction of the urinary flow. This paper reports the case of a two-year-old, mixed-breed dog diagnosed with hydronephrosis of the left kidney six months after being kicked in the thoraco-abdominal region. The diagnosis was based on radiographic and ultrasonographic examinations. Percutaneous antegrade pyelography was also performed and allowed the visualization of opacification of the left kidney, which confirmed the diagnosis. Because the exams indicated that the patient had normal renal function, nephrectomy was performed. The patient remained in good health during the postoperative period and in subsequent evaluations. (C) 2013 PVJ. All rights reserved
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
During the aging process, increase the postural asymmetries that can affect the control mechanism of balance leading to falls. To evaluate the static posture of elderly; measure the balance and correlate the results of the posture with balance. The study involved 28 elderly patients, 13 males and 15 females (71.8 ± 5.7 years). The volunteers were photographed, the images transferred to a computer for evaluation of static posture and calculating the projection of the center of gravity in the frontal and sagittal planes using the Postural Assessment Software. The balance was assessed by the Berg Balance Scale (BBS). Correlations were performed by Spearman test (p ≤ 0.05). Data were presented as mean ± standart deviation (SD). BBS scores = 50.5 ± 3.3; the sagittal plane (anterior asymmetry) = 45.5 ± 11.1%; frontal plane (right or left asymmetry) = 9.8 ± 7.9. We found a correlation between BBS and asymmetry of the sagittal plane (r = -0.46, p = 0.01) and between BBS and asymmetry of the frontal plane (r = -0.41, p = 0.03). The data suggest that the higher the previous projection (asymmetry of the sagittal plane) and lateral projection (asymmetry of the frontal plane), scores of the BBs will be lower, indicating an increase of unbalance in elderly.
This study aims to present, analyze and compare the results of applying three normalization procedures on the index of citations per document: normalized by the overall mean, median and the mean of the 10% most productive in the area, in the universe of Brazilian science in the 27 areas of knowledge presented by Scopus. From the data obtained on SCImago Journal & Country Rankings for the 27 areas, we calculated Ma, Md and Ma10% of the number of citations per document for the set of countries. Next, for each area, we calculated the normalized index of Brazil by the overall mean ( ), median ( ) and the mean of the 10% most productive countries ( ). It was concluded that normalization procedures present results with fewer biases and are more representative of the actual performance of the area in relation to its peers when comparing different areas of knowledge. This is the major contribution of normalized indicators pointed out by this research.
Acute spinal cord trauma is a common injury that occurs frequently in small animals. In order to acertain a prognosis of the lesion generated in the spinal cord, it is necessary to perform a complete neurological and physical examination, aided by complementary images. Magnetic resonance imaging may be advantageous over other types of images, because it can determine with greater definition the structural damage to the nervous tissue. The objective of this report was to demonstrate the contribution of magnetic resonance imaging in a case of acute spinal cord trauma in a dog.
Introdução: A variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) descreve o comportamento dos intervalos RR que está relacionado às ações do sistema nervoso autônomo (SNA) sobre o nódulo sinusal. Essa pode ser influenciada por diversos fatores dentre eles a obesidade, doença de etiologia multifatorial definida como um acúmulo excessivo de gordura corporal. Objetivo: Avaliar em jovens obesos com idade entre 18 e 23 anos o comportamento autonômico cardíaco, durante o repouso, por meio da análise linear e não linear dos índices da VFC bem como associá-lo a eventos de desconforto músculoesquelético influenciados ou não pela prática regular de exercício físico nessa população. Metodologia: Para a realização deste estudo foram analisados dados de 68 voluntários jovens, de ambos os sexos, distribuídos de forma não randomizada em dois grupos: o G1 constituído por 32 obesos, 20,21 ± 1,66 anos e o G2 por 36 não obesos, 20,8 ± 1,47 anos sendo considerado como critério de classificação dos voluntários o índice de massa corpórea (IMC). O protocolo experimental consistiu da captação da frequência cardíaca batimento a batimento, por meio de uma cinta de captação fixada no tórax do voluntário juntamente com um receptor de frequência cardíaca fixado no punho. Para esta captação o voluntário foi orientado a permanecer em repouso na posição de decúbito dorsal sobre um colchonete, durante 30 minutos, com a respiração espontânea. Além disso, foram aplicados dois questionários, ou seja: versão curta do International Physical Activity Questionaire (IPAQ) - Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física, a fim de classificar o nível de atividade física e o Questionário Nórdico, para detectar eventuais sintomas osteomusculares decorrentes das atividades de vida diária e/ou atividades física. Os índices da VFC analisados foram: análise linear... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Com base numa experiência pessoal com a dança e leituras sobre butoh, o trabalho traça um paralelo entre o corpo na dança butoh e o corpo na educação, pensando como o corpo do educando é cerceado a ponto de não conseguir criar possibilidades de liberdade e resultando por isso numa indisciplina como grito de socorro. O primeiro meio de comunicação é o corpo, é nossa mídia mínima e é o primeiro a ser domesticado na escola e na sociedade. O trabalho busca caminhos pelo labirinto procurando como esse corpo poderia encontrar manifestações expressivas no meio da pressão e prisão em que é inserido na sociedade e, consequentemente, na escola, mostrando como exemplo os caminhos que o butoh criou como forma de resistência. Com apoio de Christine Greiner e Maura Baiocchi, procura decifrar como os dançarinos de butoh se manifestam contra esse meio opressor que impôs ao Japão uma cultura ocidental indo contra, rotulando e desrespeitando as nuances da cultura japonesa. Exercitando um butoh com as palavras, Clarice Lispector serve de inspiração à pesquisa, dando pinceladas que mostram quão profundo pode ser um movimento artístico quando se tem o corpo intenso e inteiro na criação, como ela tem. No trabalho, a autora revela o sonho de uma educação onde o corpo vivesse toda a experiência intensamente, recebendo suas marcas como um presente e não como uma cicatriz que dói. Com a ajuda do butoh, sonha uma escola que deixaria marcas a servirem como pistas para a criança encontrar seu próprio corpo
Introduction: The triangular index and the Poincaré plot (or Lorenz plot) are the best known indexes obtained from geometric methods. The triangular index (TINN, RRtri) represent the global variability of the subject and SD1, which reflects the parasympathetic component, SD2, index of global variability and its relationship (SD1/SD2) are obtained from the Poincaré plot. Despite the literature showing changes in the cardiovascular system during and after the resistance exercise (RE), aspects related to autonomic modulation of heart against these conditions have not been explored yet, so it is important to evaluate this behavior. Objectives: Analyze the acute effects of RE on the cardiac autonomic modulation during recovery (REC) through analysis of geometric indices of heart rate variability (HRV), applied with different intensities and muscle groups in healthy and active young. Methods: Were evaluated 24 young, 22.25 ± 2.4 years and 24.47 ± 3.08 kg/m2, underwent an experimental protocol of five stages, in the first stage was conducted a test of one maximum repetition (1RM) in upper limbs (UL) and lower limb (LL), and the following steps were initiated interventions to 40 (E) and 80% (F) of 1RM. Considered for HRV analysis the periods: baseline and immediately after exercise, both in supine... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)